Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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Chinese pastor released after two and a half years in prison

A Chinese pastor was released Tuesday after being detained for two and a half years for "illegal possession of state secrets."

Pastor Yang Hua of Huoshi (meaning Living Stone) Church, in the southwestern province of Guizhou, was arrested in December 2015. He was convicted a year later, in January 2017.

Pastor Hua urgently needs medical attention for several health problems. ...



Since the introduction of in february new regulations on religion , pressure on Chinese Christians and churches has increased.

According to a local source "it seems that local authorities are under pressure to enforce religious regulations to some extent, at least to take some action."

Churches that hold meetings in commercial buildings "are being targeted, and authorities are closing church venues. In addition, more landlords do not want to continue their lease agreements with churches. Therefore, these local churches are forced to return to home meetings ".


Authorities in China are continuing their campaign against Christianity, affecting mainly unregistered house churches. At least two churches in Beijing have been raided in recent days. They have also forced property owners to give up renting buildings to Christians.

On May 6, dozens of officers from the Public Security Bureau burst into a church during a service. The attackers took pictures of the Christians present. Two days later, the property owner terminated this church's lease.


The government is targeting high-profile "churches" that draw large crowds, such as Huoshi, particularly in sensitive areas where there are minority groups or if they frequently interact with groups from abroad.


China is such a testing ground for Satan's system, where the threat of evangelism is obvious.

Do you think that even though we do not have communism, the system is conducive to evangelism? Or rather, is everything under control?


The truth is, we still have a very large measure of freedom. Until the Great Tribulation.



Updated: 22 June 2018 — 10:29

1 Comment

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  1. Poor pastor 🙁 may he get better....
    Let's hope it can only get better...

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