Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. taking the opportunity of the topic:
    signatures are being collected for a civic bill to abolish mandatory vaccinations and to facilitate the registration of NOPs
    you can collect at home and after your closest friends and send 😉
    need 100,000 by July.

    kindly invite you to

  2. Christopher the soldier

    A short comment, I have not vaccinated my child with any vaccines, I have not urged anyone and I do not discourage from vaccinating, but as a professional soldier I will say only this, my daughter is developing at such a pace that I am shocked, I have never seen anything like that, and certainly not with my first child,My child has had no colds, fevers or flu for a year now, she has never had anything. She is developing very well and often smiles, you know why, because the child's immune system has not been damaged by the crap that vaccines are,My first child got all the vaccines for rotavirus, pneumococcus, and ended up in Prokocim in Krakow, but I wanted the best I trusted doctors, but I did not make the same mistake twice,I had a subordinate who also told me that his little brother has autism, as long as I am a soldier I will inform those who want to know, they come and I answered them, better the Ministry of Health should not try to impose on the military to vaccinate their children, because they will get the hiccups.

    1. Thanks for this comment and to Detective for the link. Godspeed.

    2. How not to vaccinate, when the sanitary authorities impose fines?

      1. Christopher the soldier

        To the Sanepid I replied to letters, I asked written questions 50 exactly available on the Internet, if they do not give me answers but give evasive then I have the basis to lead them in court to lose, for not giving me in-depth information, sanepid responsible for four letters, of course, collect copies of everything you send, of course, all with acknowledgment of receipt, if they tell you to turn to other institutions for answers to the nagging 50 questions write, etc.. Respond to any letters in case of questions admin will give you the contact details of me.

    3. Gosh, how cool that your baby is developing so well!!! 🙂 Hang in there, even if the health department wanted to stick it to you!
      Much health to your daughter and the rest of the family!

  3. Please see what this man is urging:

    The pressure is rising!!! I am shocked at how many young people condone this in the comments. It has always puzzled me whether this man is consciously leading youth to perdition and making money off of them, or whether he is unaware that he is committing a huge sin. I think it is more likely the former....


    1. Actually, I don't know how to comment on's a wonder people are willing to do this....

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