Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

I shrugged.

I had two such moments in my life. The first was when my idea of politics, that you can change reality by your own efforts and by raising people's awareness, crashed like a house of cards. I believed like a member of the Polish United Workers' Party in the party in which I had placed my hopes. I believed in the authority of the leader who did everything to avoid getting into the Sejm. .

It was a traumatic experience for me. Long story and even more than to tell experiences....


The second trauma was learning the truth about the church of Rome and all their lies. I thought "what do you mean, all priests are deceived? Impossible." The truth turned out to be brutal. As I studied both church history and the Bible, I only became more convinced that the church of Rome was not God's church and that its priests were deceiving.


The time has come for the third blow. It turns out that a significant number of the leaders of Protestantism are disciples but of the devil. Fruits like after chemtrails. Oddly enough, in the likeness of the church of Rome, people look and don't see the atlas of good fruit as what a healthy apple should look like. Because what, because the apple atlas teacher counts.


Blocked comments, even on the merits, mockery, cursing and, above all, flaunting the Word for those not confirmed in the faith. I analysed the statement of this false teacher that, as he put it cynically and venomously, 'I am not up to the heels of M. Mazur'. Mazur." I agree with this statement, and it was shown to me by God and a born again colleague from Kielce. I played Mazurka for him 🙂 and what he said apart from his knowledge : you know what, this man is confident and has a fighting spirit. I thought the same thing about Michal a few days earlier.

More than one person has told me that I am too soft on the Sabbath. I still believe it is a matter of choice and no one should be forced to celebrate it. So what has changed? Recent experiences confirm to me how many tares there are in the Protestant church. According to many, they are trained agents who can only be deciphered by people free from worldly authority. Those for whom Jesus is Lord and His Word.


Until now, I thought as in the Catholic Church: "after all, this priest is from God, he was ordained".

The scripture clearly states:


So you will recognize them by their fruits(21)

 Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heavenBut he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." Matthew 7


It is hard to comprehend, but unfortunately this is the painful truth. He who attacks the Word and Law of God does WRONG.



"And then I will say to them, I never knew you. Go away from me, you who do lawlessness."


I am not the only one of this opinion after today that we will be outspent by the Protestants. They are the ones who will believe the lies of the Jesuits in the leadership seats.


From this bad fruit I have a disgust with Protestantism, which incidentally cooperates with Rome and therefore does not protest, i.e. Protestantism is not.


Hard times are coming when the hidden agents of Rome will be tasked with bringing people into the sheepfold of the antichrist.



English translation of Matthew 7.15


"Beware of false preachers who smile a lot, dripping with practiced sincerity. Chances are they will rip you off in some way. Don't be impressed by their charisma; look for personalities, personae. "


A true leader will never take advantage of your emotions.

Judge in spirit whether what he writes is sincere.


For example, knowing the right slogan " Lord, Lord "will get you nowhere with yourself. It takes serious obedience - making what my Father wants and not a leader... This will be evident at the Last Judgment.

Thousands of people will come up to Jesus and say, "Master, we preached the message, we cast out demons, our God-sponsored projects that everyone is talking about. And do you know what Jesus will say? "All you did was use me to make yourself important and have a position. You didn't impress me one bit with what you did. You didn't listen to the Father's will; you are a man without Law. You made deals with others. You didn't take up your cross. You shined through my name. You didn't care about the purity of my Word.


The last bastion of my illusions has fallen - the man teacher.

Teachers are good at the beginning of the journey. Later on, let's hold fast to God.

Just today I received information from a reader overseas:

(names changed)


"Hello, I need to advise you, well we didn't know any Christians until now. Somewhere about two weeks ago there was this announcement and we went there on Thursday, and... This Mr. Stachu was baptized at Baptists and attends evangelistsBecause it is the only such Polish church in Paris (the city was changed). And he says that nothing can be forbidden by force, but that consequences will come. I mean alcohol and grass. Other than that it was fun, we read the word, we prayed... And recently he needed help with the apartment and I sent Rafał's husband there and they got drunk, when you know the husband has a problem with that."



This is just a glaring example. Alcohol abuse is very evident, but manipulation of the word is not. That's why you need to study the Scriptures. A reader, asked for advice. However, the issue is simple. No Christian can drink even small doses in front of an ex-alcoholic, because it makes him worse and it reinforces his drinking. The reader asks me because she has dissonance. In the same way, we see bad fruit and wonder. We need to be sure.

I see Evil fruit then I run away, and no matter how nice that person might be or what function they hold, I run away and that's it.

We still have that innocence and naivety of sheep, we are like those calves.... Sheep are supposedly not very smart animals.


"Behold, I am sending you out like sheep among wolves, be this way wise as serpents and innocent as doves""







Updated: 17 May 2018 — 21:21


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  1. Sometimes it's hard for me, too, to deal with the fact that there are many deceivers. One warns the other. It's been a year since my resolution to follow Jesus, every day He works in me and molds me, why I listen less and less to sermons and more and more to read His word, it feeds my soul, and I read your blog because thanks to you I saw the lie of Roman Babylon and it initiated in me a desire to learn the Bible. As far as the Sabbath and the verses from Paul's letters are concerned, I am left with the conclusion that each one of us individually in his heart would like to use the grace of the Lord which is the Sabbath or even fasting. I thank the Lord for your hard work in discovering the demonization of this world. I wish you God's blessings 🙂 .

    1. I've only been reading books for about six months now. I mark what is good and assimilate. I hardly ever watch videos.
      May the Spirit of God guide you

      1. And today the Spirit guided me to this film by Paul Washer, maybe you've already scrolled here and watched it. I think it's spot on and I encourage you to watch it because it's worth it. I just needed it because it makes me aware of my problems. Polish subtitles can be turned on.

  2. Detective, you yourself block the comments of others, I note that I do not have in mind here some spectacular comments, just the usual ones without the heebie-jeebies and venom, so to quote the classic, "why do you see the splinter in your brother's eye and not the beam in your own eye?"

    1. I could delete this comment, but I won't and I'm already explaining: from now on, if one side deletes uncomfortable comments, I do it. It's not going to happen that someone wants to be clean and I have to pour dishwater on myself

  3. A pure heart and good intentions are important. Everything that is said and written by man is subjective, only by reading the Scriptures can we have a guarantee that no one will deceive and harm us. Someone who does not read the Bible absolutely cannot trust pastors because they have no reference. I rarely watch lectures because I don't need it, I read the Holy Bible.

    I saw these two references of Mr. Cyrikas and I don't think that such speech about fellow human beings would please God, although he was attacked. This is not the truth to hurt each other.
    And concerning the Law, the Lord Jesus clearly said: Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill.
    Let each one act according to his own conscience and not the pastor's, for he himself will be accountable to God.

    1. Peter I value your contribution to learning the truth and it is not true that you don't grow up to be someone, quite the opposite.
      This was said to discredit you because you have a blog that is read and visited. Do your job and may Jesus Christ guide you.

      1. thank you 😉
        The pastor of a supposedly evangelical church says about a man "you're not up to his heels" and no one of the believers sees this. Blinded as Catholics are... Let us pray for these people and AC.

        I don't feel any complex. Michael is doing a different job. It's like comparing someone who frees demons to a street evangelist and this one to a prayer warrior...
        One body, different members.
        Of course the degree of knowing is different. But God knows our hearts.
        Well, and I'm not in any religion 🙂 I'm not.

  4. Because it's hard to shake off and realize that what you once believed in is fiction... :/

  5. Marius I'm moving

    I would like to write that I have watched a lot of films by Andrzej Cyrikas and I honestly felt touched by his words.
    I may not write much here on the blog, but I've been reading it almost every day for a few years and I identify with you in a way, even though I haven't met anyone in person,
    because of me, of course?
    Thank you Peter for your persistence, work and dedication, it is invaluable work for the Kingdom of God, for which you will receive a reward from the Lord Jesus Himself, super beautiful ?
    As for Andrew, I can say that he gave false testimonies in front of the camera, they were directed towards you Peter, Michal Mazur and people who are really seeking God. He may have lied unconsciously.
    It looked a bit like in this video ?

    As for me, I am a poor follower of the Lord Jesus. My heart is very hard eh I hate a hard heart ? Generally I am stupid, sinful and I even know that I am not worthy of the Kingdom of God ? And when the Sabbath comes, then, as someone has already written here, the stumbling blocks and the redoubled power of the evil and decency of the flesh come into play ?
    Oh and I'll write one more thing, I'm not as good as Pastor Andrew, but I don't talk rubbish, comparing us to the Catholic Church at the time of the Inquisition, he showed the spirit behind it
    Words of Andrew 41:40min " You want to discuss and communicate with them. You CANNOT, these are people who have no logical thinking, they have no logical thinking, you cannot communicate with them, do not write to them brothers in faith, because they are no brothers in faith, do not write to them christians, because they are not christians and they spit on christians!
    The Roman Catholic Church has spent centuries destroying and murdering, and they would do the same if they could! ....."

    Bravo bravo bravo Andrew
    And finally, I say to you people, save your souls! And run away from such people where the fuck you can!
    I have healed from pastors and Praise God, I will have more time to ponder and study God's word on my own☺.

    The church system of today

    1. 🙂

      "I am not worthy of the Kingdom of God "

      That's the devil telling you. Fight him in the name of Jesus, Marius. He has given you the power to tread on serpents. To anyone who believes in Jesus.
      You only have 30km to come to the convention on Saturday.

    2. Mariusz if you have only 30 km to come to the convention then it :) I encourage!

      1. Marius has already written that he will

  6. Oh, it's sad how someone who says he believes turns out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing and you know what, let's hand such people over to God's justice He will judge them in His time and let Brother Peter and Brother Michael preach the word of God with the power of God and I don't care about such people either, I forgive and trust in God and His word of God our Savior Jesus Christ .Happy Sabbath

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