Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

How Andrew Cyrikas distorts reality, stories and juggles them to his own needs.

At the outset, I point out that my readers should speak on the merits, because everyone is entitled to a good name and respect.

Substantive truth is another matter. Andrew Cyrikas is a public figure and speaks publicly, and we can respond to what he says.

A. Cyrikas titled his video about us and Michal Mazur's viewers "Judaizing."


First, one need only look at the two sections, categories on this blog - Jews and Israel - to know that we have no sympathy for the current Israel, much less the Zionist religion. This is a conjuring of reality.



Andrew, when I advertised your videos I was the "cool dude" and now I'm the be one because I have my opinion different from yours.


Before I analyze the film by A. Cyrikas from a different perspective than M. Mazur has already done before me, I will ask you Andrzej, answer yourself if you are honest, just a few questions:


  1. Assuming you don't acknowledge my work or my views on faith because I'm not in the cluster of pastors (many I value) and have my own opinions, have you ever prayed specifically for me to not err, to the point where you're reading this? I for you many times.
  2. After the video in which you want to bring in refugees to evangelize them, did you go to any refugee centers or your believers and evangelize them? After all, you have a common position with the church of Rome not only on the celebration of Sunday, but also on immigrants.
  3.  Do you evangelize haters at all? On the internet, on the street, in other places? Your lectures are for Christians. In general: are you expanding the Kingdom of God on earth?


So for your consideration.

I now reliably present for the very first the film A. Cyrikas:

As I mentioned regarding the allegations, I will post below Michael Mazur's responses, since he is the one who is mainly addressed by the person calling himself a pastor. I am named as the one who supports him :-).


The lead image itself is manipulative because it shovels those who celebrate the Sabbath without confrontation.




"The Lies of the Judaizers"

Lies must be intentional. Can't a part just be wrong? So you judge, but therefore Allah will judge you.

If celebrating the day blessed at the creation of the world is legalismem, then you can call God a legalist. Similarly, all those who keep the second commandment including you Andrew can be called legalists.

Sticking a patch on, pigeonholing is a way of defending your existing faith principles. It seems like a cry, but a cry of despair. Believe me I am of those who think you are erring because gro thinks you are doing it on purpose.


The technique of reversing the tail cat was used about 10 years ago on the Internet, when people wrote about communists and Jews in the comments. Back then, adversaries wrote like this: "sure, it's all the fault of Jews, Freemasons and cyclists".

Such a distraction from the substance.

Years later it turned out that there were Freemasons and Jews ruling Poland.




Behavior on the level of a beginning Christian. Many have called me Jewish, Adventist, Pentecostal and one sympathetic reader called us Seventh-day Baptists 🙂 .


The title "lies of the Judaizers" already has two claims: lies and Judaizers. In this way, A. Cyrikas is either manipulating his subjects or demonstrating cosmic ignorance, because Judaism is barely 2500 years old, meaning it was established 500 years before the birth of Christ, and the Sabbath was established 1300 years before the birth of Jesus.

In this way, A. Cyrikas either exposes his ignorance or deliberately manipulates. I do not know his heart, so I do not judge.

Whereas how to believe such teachers who link the Sabbath to Judaism!!!


Someone will think that almost all Protestants celebrate Sunday so they are right.

However, if we look at the various denominations that deceive, all these falling in the spirit and kundalini spirit , we see that they also teach about Jesus just like the model Beny Hinn that I have often mentioned.

We sometimes think that someone is born again because he talks about Jesus, but how does A. Cyriklas talk about his enemies?

With contempt. Judaizing.


Below are the answers of Michał Mazur refuting the arguments of Pastor Cyrikas, who as Peter Petros put it, is going from one lie to another. I would say from one error into another.

Michal's videos are few because they are short.





Here Michael demonstrates the fallibility of A. Cyrikas, because the pastor asked the question whether Sabbath-keepers remove grease from their dishes, which is not from the Bible but from the Talmud....


Michael refutes all of the pastor's arguments.


Under A.C.'s video I read a comment suggesting that Christianity without religion, without a church, is not Christianity. There are many pros and cons on both sides. There are times when people do not have churches in their cities. Many are on the green island and other promises of Tusk. It was the Catholic state that sent them into exile.

Well, but what is Christianity? I leave aside the etymology of the word. But answer me the question in what religion were John Hus and William Tyndale without whom you could listen to the Bible but in Latin.

What denomination was the apostle Paul in? Finally, what denomination was Jesus Christ in?


In a completely separate post, I will outline how little knowledge opponents of the Sabbath have. As an example, I will give the argument of an adversary on fey under my text:


"Well, unfortunately not everyone understands the difference between the New Covenant in the blood of Christ and the Old Covenant from under Mount Horeb. And the disputes are over the letter and not the Spirit. Luke 5:53 New wine should be poured into new beets..."


I'm overlooking the typo, but how ignorant it is to equate the Decalogue with the Old Covenant. If we are to equate the Decalogue with the Old Covenant, then one can also ignore the Second Commandment, which is a bone of contention between Protestants and Catholics....





Updated: 16 May 2018 — 20:54


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  1. How a person can sometimes be blinded and unable to accept that someone thinks differently...

  2. "If we are to equate the Decalogue with the Old Covenant, it is also possible to ignore the Second Commandment, which is a bone of contention between Protestants and Catholics..."

    This is a lie. Jesus spoke of this commandment:

    18 A supervisor asked Him: "Good Teacher, what must I do to attain eternal life?" 19 Jesus answered him: "Why do you call me good? No one is good but God himself. 20 You know the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not murder, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honor your father and mother!"4 21 He replied: "From my youth I have observed all these things." 22 Hearing this, Jesus said to him: "One thing you still lack: sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come and walk with me." 23 When he heard this, he grieved deeply, for he was very rich.

    Loving money = idolatry = worshipping precious things e.g. paintings/figures etc.

    1. You are stretching what Jesus said even though you are right, but this is also how the Sabbath is defended by other statements of Jesus or situations like the ox at the well. Jesus emphasized that one cannot be cold and heartless legalistic on the Sabbath, but the Sabbath is still important. The Sabbath itself was not undermined by Czarek.

      1. I'm not stretching it; it's just the way it is. Jesus knew this man's heart very well. Secondly, he would not have come to Jesus if he did not feel anxiety in his heart. Jesus beautifully demonstrated one of the commandments here. You sound like a Catholic They also say it is a stretch and that it is not the point.

        "Someone will think that almost all Protestants celebrate Sunday so they are the ones who are right."

        I will write again that writing about how this is a celebration of Sunday is complete nonsense. It is a lie and a slander. No one in their right mind celebrates Sunday. He just dedicates that time to God using his day off. Let me ask you again, is it necessary to do the opposite and go to work on Sundays? After all, you don't celebrate Saturday, you just devote time to God on that day. I think that is clear. It is a time to worship the Lord.

        Another thing is community.

        "Under the A.C. video, I read a comment suggesting that Christianity without religion, without a church, is not Christianity."

        Community is very important. There is no perfect church in this world, so many denominations. You sound just like the Catholics who point out that we can't get along. It is not possible for churches to be identical unless you make another religion like Catholicism. Back to the point, without a community you don't have a person who can admonish you for doing something wrong. The other thing is how will you attract more people. Where will you take them? How will you convert them? If you leave them to themselves, nothing good will come of it. Every converted person has a desire to meet people, worship the Lord, and pray. You can't do anything alone. Nothing. Such an attitude is an anti-awakening attitude and unbiblical. How is there supposed to be an awakening in our country? How many times have I heard, when I was not yet in the church, that what I have invented is convenient because I do not have to go anywhere but sit on my hands. How can I draw people to me and set an example? It's impossible; no devout Catholic will follow your word if they see you sitting at home doing nothing.

        41 So those who gladly received his words were baptized. And about three thousand souls joined that day.

        42 They continued in the apostles' teaching, in fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.

        1. "I will write again that writing about how this is a celebration of Sunday is complete nonsense. It is a lie and a slander. "

          You are acting like a six year old in kindergarten. Not a six-year-old, but a six-year-old whose peer said he didn't want to play with her, and she went to the lady to say that Adaś was beating her....
          Listen, there was a May 3rd holiday recently. That holiday involves either taking to the streets with a patriotic march or flying a flag, but the common denominator of ALL of them is a rest from work. Someone who is not celebrating goes to work.
          You can devote as much time to God as you want in a week, but God has sanctified Saturday, and it's not my fault

          Here is a note from the Decalogue:

          For for six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; and therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and consecrated it.

          He consecrated it before Adam and Eve and consecrated it on the tablets of Moses. The Millennium is a shadow of the Sabbath. The seventh and not the sixth millennium.

          As far as fellowship is concerned, I agree with you Czarek and I often write that people need to have fellowship. Many times I have "chased" people out to churches myself. I won't copy your emails, but I've done it on my blog as well.
          You write about being admonished. Admittedly it concerns only me, but how many times I have been beaten here on the blog only I know. And others do, yes, those without the church may not have the opportunity to be rebuked, but if someone is following God, He will rebuke them accordingly, and so it is.
          I, for example, will not go to an ecumenical church. I went to a Baptist church in Kielce, I entered and there were about 10 people singing Christmas carols, they were celebrating December 24th, there were books 90% by Billy Graham spread out in the corridor.
          I liked the Church of God in the boat, but that one was disbanded. That's by the way

        2. First, community/community does not have to be limited to those that already exist! God is creating new communities, even in homes! 19 "If two of you on earth agree about anything you ask, everything will be given to them by my Father who is in heaven. 20 For where there are TWO OR THREE gathered together in MY NAME, there am I in their midst. These are the words of the Lord Jesus Himself! Secondly, it is not uncommon for converts who as infants in the faith "fall" under the wing of a church to receive a portion of human teaching that distorts the commandments of God and the Holy Spirit that is in them is quenched! As for rebuking as the host of this blog wrote "if one follows God He will rebuke him accordingly and so it is." That is exactly how it is. I know people from churches and they themselves confirm how many people with them are lukewarm living the world! The basis is relationship with God not fellowship!

          1. Let me repeat - fellowship is important, but the foundation is a relationship with Jesus Christ! And He then admonishes far better than brothers and sisters. Just so you know...I am in fellowship myself :). As for attracting new people. You wrote - "The second thing is how you attract more people. Where will you take them? How will you convert them? If you leave them alone nothing good will come out of it." How do you attract new people?

          2. Let me repeat - fellowship is important, but the foundation is a relationship with Jesus Christ! And He then admonishes far better than brothers and sisters. Just so you know...I am in fellowship myself :). As for attracting new people. You wrote - "The second thing is how you attract more people. Where will you take them? How will you convert them? If you leave them alone nothing good will come out of it." How do you attract new people?

            1. That's why fellowship is important but you have to stick to the Bible and not the teachings of men for one thing, and two you have to maintain a relationship with Jesus.

              Life without fellowship is unbiblical so much for that.

              1. Czarku, your teacher forbade you to enter this site and M Mazur, so you are not subject to him in this matter. So how i.e.? Sabbath not as your teacher says because it fits your lifestyle, and you read the blog despite your teacher's ban?
                In my opinion you are fighting with yourself and the Bible. You are suppressing the truth that the Sabbath was consecrated at creation and later in the decalogue.

                1. Seriously, Pastor Cyrikas has forbidden you to enter the site?
                  I'm impressed.

                2. "You are suppressing the truth that the Sabbath was consecrated at creation and later in the Decalogue."

                  25 They have turned the truth of God into a lie, and have worshipped and served the creature, instead of serving the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

                  1. let's learn some logic

                    The Sabbath was consecrated at creation
                    instead of
                    the Sabbath was dedicated to creation

            2. The fruits of transformation, the witness of life.

              1. And that's good. For this I recommend to go out on the street and preach the WORD OF GOD, pray for people (among other things, deliverances, healings), be a vessel in the hands of Jesus Christ and HE will convert, deliver and heal people 🙂 PRAISE JESUS CHRIST :)!!! Let's preach in the family, school, work, on the street, on the streetcar, etc. :). Amen.

  3. Andrew, if you are reading this (or any of your students), you yourself said in one of your lectures that a disciple of Jesus must behave as all disciples behaved in Jesus' time, that is, copy the teacher's behavior like a photocopy 🙂
    The disciples in Jesus' day when they were studying with a teacher were constantly watching him, spending days and nights with him and copying everything. Even how the teacher moved, how he ate, how he slept, what he did and didn't do. And of course, what he teaches.
    You Andrew on the other hand (even though you said so yourself) do not follow Jesus but call yourself His disciple. Jesus observed the Sabbath, otherwise He would not have died without sin. Jesus simply took off the Talmudic taint that you impose on the Sabbath by saying that one should "baptize the vessels", "remove the fat on Friday night". This is not in the Bible, so what are you actually teaching? Talmud? 🙁
    Why if we keep the 10 commandments do you call us "Judaizers"? Do you need the Talmud to "prove" that? Jesus was a Jew, but that doesn't mean that by following Jesus we are following Jews. The Sabbath already existed in the Garden of Eden, and Adam and Eve were not Jews, so we are actually copying the people God chose, not the Jews.
    Earlier you attached to circumcision, you said that if one keeps the Sabbath (otherwise if one keeps the 10 commandments and not the 9) he must circumcise himself. Another lie, because it is written:
    "Both circumcision and uncircumcision are nothing, and only keeping the commandments of God is important" (1 Corinthians 7:19)
    You read the Bible, you teach the Bible and you missed this passage 🙁 🙁
    You are calling for lawlessness by trying to catch lies and Talmud to support the thesis that there is something wrong with us. May the Holy Spirit guide you, I hope you get to this comment because my comments under videos are deleted....
    May the good Lord be willing to settle our dispute, I am open to His voice and action, if I am wrong, may God act, if you are wrong, may God act. If you agree too, then let's say Amen to that and let God work on any of us directing us to the right path! Amen! 🙂

    1. Pastor Andrew Cyrikas does not respond to comments of people who do not agree with his way of thinking, and he does not even publish such comments under his videos! The discussion is one-sided, i.e. pastor's dictatorship...
      We are to follow in the footsteps of the greatest teacher Jesus Christ, whereas following a fallible man is very risky....
      The spirit of antichrist is at work in every man who places his own interpretations above the teaching of God's Word.

  4. A.Cyrykas somehow does not humble himself to your level in your videos you have made a circus theater embarrassment this is what the devil wants

    1. Dzida, are you really that blinded?
      Have you watched those AC videos? He orders people to go under the table, says one doesn't measure up to the other, and even recently I read his poem because I was informed that Pastor Jankowski was criticizing him and it was probably against him:

      So, before you empty-headed
      you'll throw excrement into space
      think a little - although not much
      and don't be so pompous anymore."

      A pastor writes about someone blank slate?
      You have to be a religionist not to see the rudeness and lack of love

  5. I think this closes the topic:Colossians 2:16 GDAŃSK.2017 >Let no one, therefore, judge you because of your eating or drinking, as to the feast, new moon, or Sabbaths.2:20 If, then, you have died with Christ to the elements of this world, why, as if you were still alive to the world, do you submit to the precepts:
    2:21 Don't touch, don't taste, don't move;
    2:22(All these things are destroyed by use), according >to the commandmentsReligiousness according to one's own taste<, in humiliating oneself and not sparing the body, but they have no value, they serve only to satiate the body.
    3:17 And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father through him.

    1. 🙂

      "Therefore let no one judge you because of your eating or drinking, as to the feast, new moon or Sabbaths.2:20"

      According to this quote, we can drink and smoke paiperos because it is none of the other person's business what we drink and eat.

      We can also eat mice and other unclean animals. Here was something else mentioned but I lack patience...

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