Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


As I mentioned it is getting hot. As the temperature outside the window rises, it gets hot in politics. Therefore, that is what I will be focusing on in the coming days or weeks.



Some Americans are preparing for an impending war with Moscow, And Russian state television explained to the country's residents how to stock their bunkers with water and basic foods in case war breaks out.

Warning that a potential conflict between the two superpowers would be "catastrophic." Vesti 24 showed the food shelves, advising people to buy salt, oatmeal and other products that can last a long time on the shelves if they plan to hide in a bunker. Powdered milk takes five years to mature, while sugar and rice can last up to eight years, the presenter explained, showing videos of pasta cooking in a bomb shelter.

The beginning of the program had a mocking tone about war fears as images of nuclear explosions echoed in the background. The presenter said that "the real panic is not here, but overseas," implying that Americans are terrified of war with Russia.

Nevertheless, the channel's reporters also showed charts explaining how much water people need to store for drinking, washing their face and hands, and preparing food each day - and how that amount varies with the temperature of the enemy shelter. The program also recommends that people stock up on gas masks and review guides on how to survive the war. The instructions are for "people who succumb to panic and decide to spend all their savings," the report said.

source: newseek.


For the time being, we are dealing with psychological warfare, but the Syrian problem has to be resolved anyway and Russia or even more so Turkey are as afraid of the US as a rottweiler of a dachshund.

Someone will ask me: well, what do you mean, they all work for the evil one and argue among themselves? The answer is simple. It is enough to look at the Polish political scene and the right-left conflict. Every four years on average they exchange power and argue with each other outside television studios. Just like during the round table they divided the power, the world also divided the power and there is a piece of cake for everyone.

I can give another example: the apparent conflict between Germany and Russia. Enemies from the World War II are making super deals excluding Poland, supposedly won during this war.

Poland has not existed since 1939, in fact since the adoption of idolatry, when Poland officially began to worship the Queen of Heaven:


The history of the flourishing cult of Mary Queen of Poland is connected with the period of the Counter-Reformation.

On August 14, 1608, an Italian missionary living in Naples, 71-year-old Father Julius Mancinelli of the Order of JesuitsHe had an apparition of the Mother of God. Mary told him to call her the Queen of Poland: "Why don't you call me the Queen of Poland? I have loved this kingdom very much and I am going to do great things for it, because its sons are filled with peculiar love for Me. Then, on 8 May 1610, while staying in Wawel Cathedral in Cracow, Our Lady appeared to him again, saying: I am the Queen of Poland. I am the mother of this nation which is very dear to me.


Read more here:

It was from April 1, 1656 that we ceased to exist, when King Jan Kazimierz, in the cathedral in Lvov surrounded by bishopsHe made his vows in front of the picture of Our Lady of Grace and solemnly proclaimed Mary the Queen of the Polish Crown.

John Casimir was A Jesuit!

It was from this time that the partitions of Poland took place. Our last success was during the Battle of Vienna. After that there was only senseless bloodshed of Poles including all fronts of World War II and the remnants of the Home Army, the so-called "Wyklêcie" soldiers. Not to mention the Round Table scam.


Catholics, wake up. History cannot be denied. Pope Alexander VII granted John Casimir and his successors the title rex orthodoxus, which meant "King of the Righteous." Faithful to the Roman Law.





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Updated: 12 April 2018 — 10:34


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  1. There at least they warn and here no one has any idea where a shelter is, let alone inform about stockpiling.

    1. See, I forgot to write about it, and I was trying to do it in this text.
      I just wanted to add that in Poland, such news make us totally ignorant. While in the USA there is panic in at least a part of the society, in Poland maybe only preppers think about war...
      As if they destined Poles to slaughter. Of course it can be justified, that two great armies of the world make preparations and their nations, but the economy of the given country is closely connected with great economies. If something goes bang in the USA, it will go bang twice in Poland.

  2. "I have loved this kingdom greatly, and I intend great things for it, because of the peculiar love its sons have for Me."

    Because the antichrist will come out of Poland, and the devil is systematically working on it. Polish Messianism is strongly inscribed in Polish literature (Mickiewicz was interested in the occult), it originates from the influence of Jewish emigrants on our land. This idea entered even the Catholic Church through, for example, the diaries of Faustina, where a spirit showing itself speaks clearly about the spark and the mission, then further devilish private revelations, e.g. during the times of Hlond concerning the enthronement of Jesus as King of Poland. Few people know that the little sister who had these visions unknowingly practiced occultism (putting up bubbles), e.g. she went to put them up and then she had visions 🙂 Strange that Jesus didn't tell her to give up this occultism from the East 🙂 Well, the Wine of Harlotry beats on its head and then one has visions. I researched these apparitions when I was trying to figure out why the antichrist would be coming from us and it all cleared up. "He who seeks shall find"

    "Cursed is the man who trusts in creation." Poland is under a curse because the predecessors and the present priests did not recommend the country to God but to the creature (renewal of the oath). Only Jesus leads to the Father, God only sanctifies, no creature. Unfortunately this must be done, you will not reverse it. The beast will come in from Abbyss whether anyone likes it or not.

    What to do... That's how it is when in the Vulgate instead of He will trample on his head they wrote she will trample on his head, and immediately launched the cult of Miriam... What makes me laugh the most are the opinions of priests, pastors who say that no matter what translation you have, read... Bright....

    The thing that bothers me most about Catholicism is the hammer. That in our church we don't say Mary of Nazareth, but the Blessed Virgin Mary, etc. Here you won't recognize Miriam of Nazareth. The priests don't even speak that way. I have a picture of a certain concept formed through the centuries. Even when I said the rosary changing the words from maryja to Maria / Miriam and added from Nazareth or just keharitomene and ended with glorified among women, without the feast of Mary, etc., I had this pressure in my soul that I am doing something abominable. That it was some kind of hubris to say and call Mary in the rosary or not to finish a Hail Mary. It was a relief to be able to recite the rosary according to the pattern and the rules. For example, I used to pray it in Latin. I know it on a tin together with the concluding antiphons. So there is clearly something wrong with this worship because God is not a tyrant and cannot punish me spiritually for mentioning in the rosary the correct name of the Mother of the Messiah and the correct translation of the words Gabriel, Elizabeth, or even using the original Semitic term for Miriam's task and missions - keharitomene. If a spirit is vindicating itself, then there is something not right... But for me, it all cleared up why there are false visions and why this and not other papas are the antichrist.

    1. And speaking of Our Lady's messages. Here it sounds like a "Protestant" version:

    2. For some time I have had similar thoughts. That unfortunately, the antichrist will come out of Poland... Once Poland was called the horn of the Catholic beast - Swedish flood. I also agree with the opinion that as long as we didn't completely sell out to the Queen of Heaven, we resisted everyone around us, even though it was sometimes hard. But the Jews chose Poland not without a reason, the founders of the Bilderberg group, the tripartite commission, etc. came from Poland.

      1. maybe so...
        To Peter's comment yet- what is occult about putting bubbles? I would like to know...

        1. In a nutshell. Putting bubbles is acupuncture. Simple bloodletting, similar to the mechanism of homeopathy - "what harms you is supposed to help you". It comes from the East. In Poland it gained popularity as homeopathy after 1989. In general it is based on the fact that you put heated baubles on your back, they lead to clots and blood from them should enter the body and stimulate the immune system to fight. However, this procedure is harmful because the body has to start fighting not only with the virus, which you want to exterminate, but also with the clots, which it treats as an infection. So you are additionally weakening/catastrophizing yourself with bubbles 🙂 .

          Such treatment was recommended by foolish doctors in Poland and all those susceptible as now to the novelties of natural medicine. This occultism has its roots in Chinese medicine, which is based on the philosophy that man has energy meridians. It is enough to stimulate certain meridians (by needle, light, electricity, bubble, etc.) to influence the healing energy in man. This is ordinary occultism. Under no circumstances allow yourself or anyone else to put up this crap.

  3. The hottest news of the week is yet to come.
    We are waiting when Pastor Chojecki with his "300 million victims is not enough" will announce urbi et orbi that he finally prayed for war.

    P.S I know, I know it's malice on my part

    1. I think that Chojecki does a very good job. I don't recognize him as a pastor, but according to my estimation many people get converted after some time thanks to his activity.
      Operation similar to

      1. Maybe but Pastor Chojecki preaches something like "once saved always saved". Just come to Christ say yes and a person is already safe forever even quotes: "as if he went mad and denied Christ, he lost his faith".
        In another of his teachings, he preached that man quote "can live like a beautiful butterfly or wade through the muck...remaining in the old life but still be saved because no one can snatch him out of the hands of Christ."

        Ok a man like that can't get out but... he can get out himself.

        By the way, they have cool lectures on creationism on their yt channel.

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