Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The significance of Mount Hermon in the end times.

Update. 23.02.2018.

What is currently happening in the Middle East cannot go unnoticed in the context of the biblical Mount Hermon. It lies right on the Israeli-Syrian border.



Text translated 4 years ago based on the film:



(13) Having come to the region of Caesarea Philippi, Jesus asked his disciples: - Who do people say the Son of Man is? (14) They answered: - Some for John the Baptist, others for Elijah, and others for Jeremiah or some other prophet. (15) He asks them: - And who do ye say that I am? (16) Simon Peter answered: - You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God. (17) And Jesus answered him: - Happy are you, Simon son of John, because no man has revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. (18) And I say to you, You are the rock, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. (19) And to you I will give the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (20) Then He strictly commanded His disciples not to tell anyone about Him being the Messiah.

(Matt 16:13-20)

Mount Hermon has great spiritual significance. Not only is it the mountain where the fallen angels who decided to have offspring with earthly women landed, but it is also the place where Jesus announced that he was the Messiah.


Note: Caesarea Philippi-also known as Baal-gad, Banias, Baniyas, Banyas, Barias, Belinas, Caesarea Neronias, Caesarea of Philip, Caesarea Paneas, Caesarea Panias, Caesareia Sebaste, Keisarion, Kisrin, Medinat Dan, Mivzar Dan, Neronias, Pamias, Paneas, Paneion, Panias, Panium

Located 25km north of the Sea of Galilee and at the base of Mount Hermon, Caesarea Philippi is where the Jordan River gets its greatest surge of water supply.


The stream has its origin in a cave into which people were thrown to be sacrificed to the idol Pan.Pan, half man, half goat is often depicted playing the flute.


Encyclopedia Britannica states that Hermon means "Forbidden place." The 4th century translator of the Latin Vulgate, Jerome, interprets Hermon as a "curse." Hermon was the port of entry for a group of evil angels who contaminated the human race in the days of Noah.

Moses wrote: " (1) And when men began to multiply on the earth, daughters were born to them. (2) The sons of God, seeing that the daughters of men were beautiful, took them for wives, all that they pleased. (3) Then God said: My spirit cannot remain in a man forever, for man is a creature of flesh; therefore let him live only one hundred and twenty years. (4) And there were giants in the earth in those days; and also afterward, when the sons of God came near the daughters of men, they brought forth to them. So these were the mighty men, having fame in those former times. " (Genesis 6:1-4).


During Jesus' ministry, He and His disciples visited Caesarea Philippi (see photo), where the Jordan River flows from the slopes of Mount Hermon. In the picture you can see the caves and grottos where Baal worship was in full swing. Observing these shrines, Jesus posed the question, "Whom do men consider the Son of Man?" (Matt. 16:13). Jesus was standing in the territory of His great enemy, Satan and his idolatrous Nephilim. This was the place from which the Antichrist would rise.


This is the plan that Satan and his fallen angels have been carrying out since the beginning, and you better believe that the Nephilim are among us today! They can manifest as humans, demons or invisible beings working in secret. The amazing part of this plan is that it is our generation that will see it with their own eyes! Some people are excited about this, others are terrified. Nevertheless, we are on the verge of the Antichrist being revealed, that will rise from Mount Hermon-UNZ, the NWO, the Illuminati, the Nephilim, Freemasonry, the Elite, the Seed of the serpent! He will emerge from these people! He will emerge from a race of people whose blood has been pure (in the evil mindset) from the very beginning since Satan and 1/3 of the angels were cast out of heaven!


With all this in mind, it is worth mentioning that the United Nations has its most important strategic bases at the top of Mount Hermon, on the highest point, exactly where the Nephilim landed? The place where bloody rituals in honor of Baal took place? This place has been spiritually marked as filled with evil.


In 1666, Louis XIV of France, permission to build an observatory in Paris to measure longitude. This was the beginning for the Paris zero meridian. Believe it or not, but according to the "Paris Zero Meridian," Hermon (and the ancient territory of Dan) is located 33 degrees east of that meridian (longitude) and 33 degrees north of the equator (latitude)!The 33rd degree has become an important part of Freemasonry, probably because of a history that goes back to the Knights Templar, the Merovingian dynasty of France, and their Danite family connections (see the chapter on Dan in the Grail Watch).


Can you give credence to this? The most important number of the Illuminati/Freemasons is the number 33! "33 Masonic degrees..." What are the chances that this is all coincidence? Very little. You can see for yourself that this was all planned from the beginning. The reason these things are happening the way they are is because we are living in the times that Jesus Christ Himself spoke of:


(37) And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man. (38) For as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, (39) and they did not observe until the flood came and swallowed them all up, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. (40) Then two shall be in the field: one shall be taken, the other left. (41) Two will be milling on the quern: one will be taken, the other left. (42) Watch ye therefore, for ye know not in what day your Lord cometh. (43) And understand this: If the householder knew at what time of night the thief was to come, he would surely watch and not allow his house to be broken into.

(Matthew 24:37-43)


Jesus has warned us! How more clearly could He have communicated this? The Antichrist is here and soon his manifestation will take place! He is the 'son of the nephilim-the seed of the serpent'! He will be presented to mankind by the UN who officiates at Mt. Herom - people, open your eyes! This 'messiah' will be an attempt to impersonate Jesus Christ!

Satan fell with one thought in mind - to threaten God with his fist and plot to impersonate the Christ he never was! There is one problem with this, however - Jesus is the only one,

"(8) I am Alpha and Omega, says the Lord God, Who is, Who was, and Who is to come, the Almighty. Revelation 1:8


(12) How did you fall from the heavens, the Bright, the Son of the Dawn? How did you fall to earth, you who conquered the nations? (13) You who said in your heart, I will ascend into the heavens; above the stars of God I will set my throne. I will sit down on the Mount of Council, in the ends of the north. (14) I will ascend to the tops of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.


(Isaiah 14:12-14)


Nephilims, Azazel


In the apocryphal Book of Henoch, Mount Hermon is mentioned as the place where a class of fallen angels came to earth. On this mountain they took an oath to take wives among the daughters of men and return.....

What is more, this mountain was a place of worship for the Canaanites.


We can take the fallen angels theory at face value, but the fact that Mount Hermon lies on the Israeli-Syrian border where the UN is stationed has colossal significance. Adding spice is a prophecy I thought would be fulfilled a few years ago.

I wrote about this 5 years ago and 3 years ago:


Damascus destroyed first strong hint of apocalypse


Here is the prophecy I once expected:


Here's Damascus will cease to be a city,
will become a pile of rubble
2 Forever abandoned his cities
will be pasture for the flocks,
Which will [there] deck themselves out,
and no one will flush them out.
3 They will take the stronghold away from Ephraim,
and the kingdom to Damascus.
And with the rest, Aram will become
as with the pride of the children of Israel -
the oracle of the Lord of hosts.
4 In that day the glory of Jacob shall wane,
and his fat body grows lean.
5 And it will happen,
Like when the reaper grabs a handful of grain on the stump,
And his arm cuts down the ears;
And as when they gather the ears in the valley of Refaim,
6 so that the aftermath stays on her;
or as in shaking off the oil: they stay
Two or three berries at the very top,
four or five on the branches of a fruit tree -
The oracle of the Lord, the God of Israel.

Isaiah 17:1


What intrigued me beyond Damascus was verse four. Who knows if Israel will not be earmarked for loss, such a new Holocaust. The more canny will flee and the rest may perish:

fat his body grows lean.

This would make sense in view of the rising tide of hatred towards Jews. This is why I don't write about the Jewish issue, and believe me, the material that is on the internet about Jews during World War II is overwhelming. But I know that there are Jews and there are Jews. I know that God is waiting for the conversion of the Orthodox.



These are serious issues.






Updated: 23 February 2018 — 19:21


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  1. Interesting article. I checked and actually if you count longitude it comes out 33 degrees. Normally counting from London it is 33 degree latitude and 35 longitude. But Paris is on the 2nd degree. So after subtracting 2 we have 33. Coincidence. I don't think so. And from what I remember the number of fallen on Mt. Hermon is 300. That number is also interesting. The 300 Spartans, for example. But more eye catching is the Committee of 300.

    Following the leading names of members of the Skull and Bones, the Bilderberg Group, the British Royal Institute of International Affairs, the American Foreign Policy Council, we always come to the Committee of 300. And vice versa. This mafia-like structure of the World Government has the hallmarks of an organization superior to them, a kind of command staff, although even within it it is impossible to determine the inner core of the World Government.

    Researcher and expert on political mafias John Coleman in his book "Conspirators Hierarchy: The stroy of the COMMITTEE 300″ published in the USA in 1992, puts the "Committee of 300″ at the top of the ladder of rulers of the Globe.

    The Antichrist is another interesting topic. As is the one with the gradual demolition of Damascus. Still this photo of a child from Eastern Ghouta just hours before he died. How much longer will it take.

  2. As you can see, even the smallest mountain can have a meaning...and the symbolism can be hidden in the name...

  3. In one of the episodes in the "Ancient Aliens" series (I think it was "Angels and Aliens") they also talked about Mount Hermon, the Book of Henoch, and they mention this 33 degree latitude and the connection to Roswell. Unfortunately, in this movie they tell people that these ancient angels described by Henoch were actually aliens in spacesuits and jumpsuits who came from other planets to bring "knowledge" to mankind...but nothing further from the truth...they really were angels, but people will probably be fooled. Me thinks there may have been contact with fallen angels at Roswell in 1948 too (and then propaganda was spread that an alien vehicle crashed). In the Book of Henoch it is said that the fallen angels promised to return to earth one day....

    1. Hello, can you state in which chapter of the Book of Henoch this is mentioned ???? Thank you in advance ☺

      1. Hi. In answer to your question - I am just going through Henoch and I thought it was more directly stated. I thought it said somewhere in that chapter about the rebellion of the angels, "and they shall return", but I could be confused and mixed up with some other text 🙂 I haven't looked at that book lately. Although, it is said that this book is meant for the "last generation", so maybe the last generation will also witness similar events?

        "Keep, my son Matuzalem, the books that [you received] from your father's hand, so that you may pass [them] on to the last generation."

        "Then I arose and prayed and pleaded and wrote down my prayer for the last generation."

        There are also a few other passages, no longer from Henoch, which indirectly suggest that angels may one day return to earth. In addition to this, Jesus said that it should be "as it was in the days of Noah" and that in the end times "stars will fall from heaven" and the stars symbolize angels. And in the Book of Daniel it talks about the "fourth kingdom" and probably about some beings that will mix with the human seed (hybrids?) is hard to say how to interpret this passage, but I also see there the announcement of some beings coming to Earth:

        The fourth kingdom: "That you saw iron mixed with silty clay [means that] they will be mixed by human seed, but they will not be characterized by cohesiveness, just as iron cannot be mixed with clay." (Daniel)

        Revelation also mentions that the angel Abaddon (Apollion) will appear along with other angels (just not sure if this is an angel of God or the leader of the fallen angels?). On the other hand, as far as Henoch is concerned, I think it's actually - not explicitly stated. I was mistaken. However, if you are interested in the issue of the possible return of the fallen angels, I recommend the book by T.Horn "Exo-Vaticana" (the LUCIFER project and plans of the Vatican concerning the arrival on earth of "saviors from outer space") - there is a lot of information about connections with the occult and fallen angels...

  4. just recently, I do not know why I read about nephilim, but I feel that we will not live to see anything spectacular

  5. yet analysis of new maroon 5 songs i loved since i was a kid no cooooz...

  6. A lot depends on what age you are. Because if you're 70, you may not actually live to see the spectacular events. Whether or not the demons impersonate so-called aliens, artificial intelligence, or some other form of existence, there will still be spectacular events according to the Book of Revelation.

  7. However, I would not focus so much on numbers and do not analyze everything too much from their angle. As we know, this whole "occult" (from the word "hidden") is not hidden at all and is no secret. It is THESE mysteries, and they are, as we also know in a way from the book of Henoch, MARRIED. The "enlightened" themselves may be blinded by them. This world may be coded in numbers, but in the beginning was the Word. And if something is indeed being withheld from us, that too is altogether futility, vaguely outlined by Christ, an unpleasant futility for which one must be ready, but not fearful, for "it must come to pass." All will be revealed and uncovered. God covers, the humble seek. Satan conceals, the unhealthily excited only want to reveal - we all have both inclinations, but one must know the proportions and first want beauty, love, truth. The truth is hidden, you discover it - the lie is revealed by the way, without any effort to decode it. What does the number 33 mean? It can mean anything. This is how old Jesus Christ was when he finished his fundamental mission on Earth. I myself have a lot of thoughts and analyses, but I am sharing one with you right now: after all, Jesus' teachings and parables are the most valuable. Generally Jesus Christ is the truth. He speaks of phenomena brilliant in their simplicity and beauty. The Gospel must necessarily be the filter, the Gospel and the way of valuing and thinking taken from it. Jesus used parables, analogies, and similes, and He often said what the Kingdom of Heaven is like. You have to feed on this and believe in Jesus to see everything more clearly and have a living peace in your heart, not necessarily holy peace or fear. Best regards and God bless

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