Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Remember to keep Saturday day holy.

Another commandment from the decalogue. Disliked and manipulated.



"Remember, that you hallow the Sabbath day9Six days thou shalt do and perform all thy works; 10But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: thou shalt not do any work therein, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, thy servant, and thy maidservant, thy cattle, and the stranger that is within thy gates. 11For for six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; and therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and consecrated it."



Remember to keep Saturday day holy."

Vatican, Jesuits, Pope say: holy day is Sunday. Humbly the whole world celebrates Sunday....


Today, this commandment has become a bone of contention among Christians, and that is because the vast majority of Christians listen not to the Bible but to the denomination. I had a similar experience. First I started with conspiracies, a bit about God, on you know what site. Then I started watching videos of...pastors. So how did I start? From the back of the page.

Then I looked at the arguments on my blog regarding just the Sabbath. Several people on the blog had already celebrated the Sabbath and I even began to suspect them in spirit of being of Jewish descent. 🙂

However, as I read the Bible, I came to the conclusion myself personally, and not through pastors and foreign texts, that the Sabbath does apply after all.


Let's get to the facts.

God had already established the seventh day as holy at the creation of the world:


"And God finished on the seventh day His work which He had done, and rested on the seventh day From all the work He has done. (3) I God blessed the seventh day, and consecrated it, For in him he rested from all his work that God had done in creation. "



The seventh day is a holy and blessed day.


Israelites and manna:


” For six days you will gather it, but the seventh day is the Sabbath. On that day it will not be there. (27) And on the seventh day some of the people went out to gather, but they found nothing. (28) And the Lord said unto Moses, How long shall ye refuse to keep my commandments and my laws? (29) Look! The Lord has given you the Sabbath. Therefore he also gives you on the sixth day bread for two days. Stay each in his place; let no one leave his place on the seventh day. (30) So the people rested on the seventh day."


Which came first? The decalogue or the Sabbath? Was the command to not gather manna before the decalogue or after? Was the Sabbath only for the Israelites? If so, so were the rest of the commandments.


"But if some have been cut off, and in their place you who were a wild olive have been grafted in, and together [with other branches] with the same root joined on an equal footing you have drawn the sap of the olive, 
Romans 11:17, "


We are part of Israel, whether we want it or not. Not the current Zionist one, but the Israel of God.


Of course, someone will ask, because I have wondered about this myself: if we all have the Holy Spirit, why does He lead everyone differently? The answer is the same as in the question "why some churches have the baptism of the Holy Spirit and others do not" or "why some churches recognize the validity of the Law and others do not".

The answer is the supremacy of men over Scripture. Scripture speaks of both the baptism with the Holy Spirit and the validity of the Law. Scripture speaks of healing and deliverance from demons. Scripture does not say: I give only to you apostles the power to deliver.


Paradoxically, Protestant opponents of the Sabbath have two bad traits. Namely, the hypocrisy of criticizing Catholics for not observing the second commandment while celebrating Sunday, because the fourth commandment does not apply to us...but the second does.

Secondly, the opponents of the Sabbath say: we have the Sabbath in Jesus. I suggest to such people to do manual labor 7 days a week and let them rest in Jesus by reading the Bible every day.


Horse for horse who can find me a record in the Bible stating that Jesus removed the Sabbath. The same in reverse, find a command in the New Testament where Sunday should be celebrated. People are ambiguous on the verses as if the apostles met on Sunday. In Kielce I will hold Bible study group meetings on Thursday. Does that mean that I have set Thursday as my day off? Nonsense.


It just so happens that all holidays and laws in the world originated in Rome. Including the Sunday laws that will soon go into effect.


"The earliest form of celebration Sunday as a legal obligation began with the constitution of Constantine in 321, decreeing that all courts, townspeople and workshops be at rest on Sundays (venerabili die solis)"
Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th edition, article "Sunday"


God warned against such priests:


Their priests break My Law and desecrate all that is holy to Me, making no distinction between what is holy and what is unholy. They no longer tell the people what is unclean and what is clean, they close their eyes to the disrespect of My holy Sabbath days. And so I am insulted by them alone."
Ezekiel 22:26


Below are very interesting statements from the priests of the Catholic Church themselves:


""You can read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and you will not find one single verse recommending the sanctification of Sunday. Scripture commands believers to observe Saturday - a day we have never sanctified."
Cardinal James Gibbons, The Faith of Our Fathers (1917 ed.), pp. 72,73


"If Protestants obeyed the Bible, they would worship God on the Sabbath, which is Saturday. By observing Sunday they are obeying the law given by the Catholic Church."
Albert Smith, Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, Cardinal's reply to letter of February 10, 1920.


"Do you have nothing else to support the thesis that the Church has the authority to make its own rules and determine the holidays to be celebrated?"
"If he did not have such power, he could not have done what modern religions have followed, he could not have made the change of celebrating Saturday - the Seventh Day of the week with the celebration of Sunday being the first day; a change for which there is no support in Scripture."
Stephen Keenan, Catechism of Doctrine, 3rd edition, p. 174


"How do you prove that the Church has the authority to determine for itself the holidays to be celebrated?"
"By the very change of the Sabbath to Sunday; a change which Protestants have also followed. However, they naively contradict themselves by emphatically sanctifying Sunday while simultaneously ignoring the other holy days decreed by the same Church."
Henry Tuberville, Excerpt of Christian Doctrine (1833 edition), p. 58 (The same statement was made on page 67 of Daniel Ferris' 1916′ Handbook of Christian Doctrine



Some may lurk the truth, but it is Roman Sunday that is celebrated, not God's Sabbath.

I recently showed a series of proofs of the cooperation of all denominations with the church of Rome. How are we to trust them in this situation?

Statements by 19th and 20th century Protestants:


Anglican/Episcopal Church

Isaac Williams, Simple Sermons in the Catechism , vol. 1, pp. 334, 336.

"And where does it stand in Scripture that we are to celebrate Acts 1 at all? We are commanded to observe only the seventh . . . The reason why we sanctify the first day of the week and not the seventh is the same as in many other cases - it's not the Bible, but the church has adopted these things."

Canon Eyton, The Ten Commandments, pp. 52, 63, 65.

"There is not a single owl or even a hint in the New Testament on the subject of derogating from work on Sundays . . . With Sunday rest no law of God has anything to do . . . The celebration of Ash Sunday or Lent stands on exactly the same basis as the celebration of Sunday."

Bishop Seymour, Why We Celebrate Sunday

"We made the change from observing the seventh day to the first day, Saturday to Sunday, based on the authority of the holy Catholic Church."

Dr. Edward T. Hiscox, reading before a conference of missionaries in New York City, November 13, 1893, published in the New York Examiner , November 16, 1893.

"There was and is a Commandment saying to sanctify the Sabbath day, but that day is not Sunday. They say that the Sabbath was moved from the seventh day to the first . . . But where can we find attestation of such a transfer? Certainly not in the New Testament."

"It seems to me inexplicable since Jesus, during his three-year mission with his disciples, was repeatedly asked about the Sabbath . . . He never mentioned even a word about any transfer of that day; also during His 40-day stay on earth after the resurrection, no such question was raised."


"Of course I know full well that Sunday began to be celebrated in the early history of Christianity . . . What a pity that it comes marked with the symbol of paganism, baptized with the name of the sun-god, adopted and sanctified by papal deviation, inherited as a sacred legacy by Protestantism!"

William Owen Carver, The Lord's Day in Our Time, p. 49.

"There has never been any, having authority, replacement of the Jewish Seventh-day Sabbath with the Christian celebration of the first day."

Yes, there are references to the early Christians celebrating on Sunday, but.

The Christian Gentiles wanted to please Rome, and they themselves had not celebrated the Sabbath before. However, it is obvious that the Christians of Jewish origin, and therefore all the apostles, celebrated the Sabbath.



From March every second Sunday is to be obligatorily free. Opponents like Korwin Mikke are beating the proverbial foam, but it's all religious, not economic.

The whole world, consciously or not, celebrates holidays not of God, but of Rome. Including atheists :D.


Why do I celebrate the Sabbath?

-because that's what the scripture says

-because I'm anti-Roman,

-I have a holiday every week because I try to celebrate relatively solemnly


-more time spent with the Word often abounds in the revelation of the Word,

-regenerates batteries because I do practically nothing that requires effort.


But I am not a worksman who believes that if he celebrates the Sabbath, he will earn salvation or God's favor. I do it from the heart. I don't have any pressure.


I don't mean to stigmatize anyone for not observing the Sabbath, but the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, and the truth is as above. We are all on a different level of knowledge. On another one someone who has been reading the Bible since yesterday, on another one someone who has been reading for 4 years, and on another one someone who has been reading the Bible for 20 years but trusts the churches unreservedly and uncritically and not the Bible. He will go ask the pastor, but he will not go read the Bible.



Catholic Church, ... with a sense of accomplishing God's mission, he changed the day from Saturday to Sunday."
The Catholic Mirror, the official organ of Cardinal Gibbons, Sept. 23, 1893


So that we understand each other well. Once again: I am not stigmatizing anyone, but I am pursuing the truth in this hypocritical world. I have no interest in knowing that some reader I don't know is going to celebrate the Sabbath.

The question is who do you want to trust: Scripture or denominations that are bogged down in ecumenism with Rome?


I recently posted a video about God's plan in creating the world. But even without it, we all know that the seventh millennium will be a Sabbath with the Lord, not the first millennium.



Psalm 92

"Sabbath Day Song.

(2) It is good to give thanks to the Lord and to praise your name, O Most High,

(3) Proclaim thy grace in the morning, And thy faithfulness in the night,

(4) On a lute with ten strings And on a harp by the sound of a zither.

(5) For you have cheered me up, O Lord, by your deeds; I rejoice in the works of your hands.

(6) How great are thy works, O Lord, Very deep are thy thoughts!

(7) The unintelligent man does not know them, And the foolish man does not comprehend it.

(8) Though they grow the wicked like an herb And blossom all the wicked, Even so they will perish forever.

(9) And you, Lord, are exalted forever.

(10) For behold, thy enemies, O Lord, For behold, thy enemies shall perish, All evildoers shall go to pieces.

(11) You have exalted my horn like the horn of a buffalo,You have anointed me with fresh oil.

(12) My eye shall look with contempt on my enemies; My ears shall hear of the defeat of the wicked, Who rise up against me.

(13) The righteous will grow like a palm tree, It will grow like the cedar of Lebanon.

(14) Planted in the house of the Lord They grow in the courts of our God.

(15) Still in old age they bear fruit, They are in full strength and freshness,

(16) To declare that the Lord is righteous, That he is my rock, and there is no iniquity in him. "


Jesus is God

Jesus Christ yesterday and today, the same also for ever." Heb 13

Updated: 10 February 2018 — 08:59


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  1. Truth is the most important thing

    I'm asking a second time because I once asked this too and no one answered.
    How do you celebrate Year 7 and the 50th Anniversary year.

    Faith is to be based on the whole WORD.
    So do you celebrate the rest? Because it is also like the Sabbath (Sabbath).

    1. The text is not about feasts, but about the seventh day established at creation. You might as well talk about circumcision, but that would be just as much malicious rhetoric as clothing of one cloth.
      The Sabbath is not in the Decalogue, and the Jubilee rob is not.
      However, I will comfort you with the truth :-). I have friends, few because few, who celebrate such holidays, because we have a choice: either the holidays of Rome: 24 Sol Invictus, Sun day, primma aprillis, New Year's Eve, or Christmas ...

      1. Truth is the most important thing

        I'm circumcised. You probably are too.
        Circumcision of the HEART in Christ Jesus.

        Everything is current in the new covenant. Nothing has been changed but fulfilled and shown more deeply.

        And everything is based on mutual love.

        Example 1: You shall not commit adultery.28 But I say to you, Everyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

        2 Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall commit murder shall be liable to judgment. 22 And I say unto you, Every one that is angry with his brother shall be liable to judgment. And whosoever shall say to his brother: Raka, he is subject to the High Council. And whoever shall say to him: "Ungodly man," is subject to the punishment of hell by fire.

        The SPIRITUAL DIMENSION matters to us. I don't know how Israel of the blood relates to this. The fruits of the Spirit. Love, Peace, matters.

        The ST Sabbath is a Holiday.

        As for clothing we can explore the topic further. I for one will be sure to find all the verses in the Bible that talk about clothing and compare.

  2. Even as Jesus described the end times and the great tribulation, he also mentioned the Sabbath, meaning the Sabbath remains God's day until the end of the world....

    "And pray that your flight does not fall in the winter or on the Sabbath. For then there will be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world until now, and never will be." (Matthew 24)

    1. Truth is the most important thing

      Jesus conveyed prophecy by dressing it up in their reality.
      1. physically filled.
      2. will be filled spiritually and physically not excluded.

      And pray that your flight may not fall in the winter [IN THE SEASON WHEN WE ARE NOT LIVING AND NOT HOT IN THE LORD, OSPALLAY] or on the Sabbath [ WE SHALL NOT REST FROM GOD FOR WE WILL BE AS Foolish Virgins ] . For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world until now, and never shall be." (Mt.

      The following speaks volumes about the hard times for mothers raising their children in the Lord. According to God's principles.

  3. God's blessings on all God's children?and a wonderful vacation with our wonderful God.
    Shabbat shalom❤

  4. Swietoslav (because Magdula already taken)

    I read to my mother some time ago the biblical evidence for the validity of the Sabbath. She replied that Jesus said "I am the Lord of the Sabbath" and added that she would look in the Bible for evidence that Sunday should be celebrated (and I'm telling you right now - this is how she read the Bible). So far the only thing I have found is about the meetings of early Christians on Sunday (in Acts), although there it is called the Lord's Day, in addition to that Paul wrote that no one should be judged because of celebrating the Sabbath in his letter to the Colossians. But how does it relate to the Decalogue and other biblical verses...

    1. Hi. Regarding Col 2, the Original Greek (check e.g.; in the interlinear bible ,,,,) says,
      "16 Therefore let no man judge you because of food or drink, or because of feasts, or new moons, or Sabbaths 17 These are shadows [of things] to come; but the flesh is Christ."

      So the conclusion is that TE feasts, communal Sabbaths, eating and drinking in the congregation [i.e. relationship with brothers and sisters] this builds up the body of Christ, and is a foreshadowing (shadow) of the eternal Kingdom.

      Colossians 2 is directed at people keeping the Sabbath of God and OTHER HOLIDAYS of God... They were judged by GNOSTIC ASCETES, angel worshippers, mystics... ASCETES judged those celebrating the Sabbath and OTHER HOLIDAYS of YHWH God basically because of the abundance of food and drink.

      The feasts of God are FEATURES... e.g. on the day of the new moon King Saul expected David to feast... So really Col 2 encourages keeping the Sabbath and not judging those who feast on the holy days of YHWH God.
      That's it in a nutshell....

      Acts 20;7 Interline
      "And in one of the SABBATHS, when the disciples are gathered together to break bread (...)"

      Heb 4:9 Thousand-year-old
      "So there remains the rest of the Sabbath for the people of God."

      Heb 4:8 Vulgate
      "And so for God's people there remains the day of the Sabbath as a rest."

      Heb 4:9 BJW 1599
      "And so it remains a Sabbath to the people of God."

      Heb 4;9 Interline
      "Therefore it is the remaining rest of the Sabbath to the people of God". 

      1. Is it in the name of the thesis - a lie told 1000 times becomes the truth -
        Are you doing this, that you are trying to convince people that the New Covenant is the same as the Old Covenant? You claim that the New Covenant is a renewal of the Old.
        If that were the case, God would not have announced that He would make a New Covenant with God's people, but would have said that He would renew the Old Covenant.
        You know perfectly well that he did not say that.
        The whole meaning of many commandments and regulations, symbols of the Old Testament was fulfilled only in the New Covenant. It is enough to start reading the Book of Exodus, and immediately in every place you can see a reference to the Messiah of the New Covenant. Thus, all these regulations, commandments, symbols become a shadow of what in the New Covenant becomes a reality in Christ.
        This is what Paul is referring to.( Gal. 4:9.) He is also referring to the days, months, years that marked the calendar not only for the performance of the temple sacrifices, but the observance of the feasts according to certain appointed days, months, new moons, and years.
        The second thing the calendar of days, months and years also indicated a particular fast - eating or not eating particular foods - drinking, eating. ( Col.2)
        Paul in these two passages is just referring to fasts and the temple and feast calendar. Speaking of eating, drinking, or not eating and drinking, he points to the foods that God's people had to eat at a certain time.
        I hope you will consider it sincerely again.
        This can be verified by reading from Exodus through Deuteronomy.
        With all of this also came the sacrifices that were made.
        God could not cancel the Law and the Prophets because many of the commandments, the regulations, point to the appearance of the Messiah and then as a result the recognition of Him.
        Therefore, Paul writes not to judge them because they have not yet come to know the fulfillment of this in Christ.
        Our job is to help them so that by pointing to the Son of God they can recognize what they read in the mission of Jesus.
        The Jews reading the first five books have those very predictions there, which only become the knowledge of God when the face of Christ is known.
        Only by listening to the gospel and the apostles' teaching can they recognize the fulfillment of what they read in the ST.
        The New Covenant helps to show such people, the symbolic meaning of what they read in the first Five Books.
        As a result, they can know God revealed in the flesh and receive His salvation.
        This has been the case for over 2000 years. No longer the Old Covenant, but the New Covenant leads people to the Heavenly Capital, the New Jerusalem.
        Finally, I would add that in the mission of the Lord Jesus the meanings of all the feasts they had commanded in the Old Covenant were fulfilled.

        Ps. I won't argue with you, but it pains me that you twist the message of the Good News.

  5. Praise God!
    Shabbat, was, is and will be valid, just like the rest of the commandments of the Decalogue, which were written with the finger of God on stone, and then placed in the ark and the holiest place of the Temple.
    In the New Covenant, God writes His Laws and Commandments in the hearts of His people.
    Today it is God's people who are the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

    , "26 And I will give you a new heart and breathe a new spirit into you; I will take away your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. 27 My Spirit I will breathe into you and cause you to live according to my precepts and to keep my commandments and to walk in them."
    Ezekiel 36:26-27

    The Apostle Paul then briefly and accurately summarized the entire argument about the necessity of keeping the commandments:

    "Circumcision has no meaning, and uncircumcision has no meaning, but only keeping the commandments of God" 1 Corinthians 7:19

    The apostle John mentioned a little more strongly in his letter:

    And from this we know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.
    He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. "1 John 2:3-4

    Those who love our Lord Jesus Christ, like Him, keep and observe the commandments of God.
    Shabbat Shalom to all who seek the Lord with all their might.

    1. Correct. It is important to note that the new Covenant, or rather "renewed" is not the same as the LAW. The covenant has changed, but the Law remains the same. The old Covenant had shortcomings, but the Law of God is PERFECT, GOOD and Holy - it has no shortcomings.

      So the New Covenant - is the TORAH put into the heart of spiritually reborn people who have accepted the perfect sacrifice of Jesus and are walking in the grace of salvation.
      Jer 31;33, Ez 11;19-20, Ez 36;26-27, Heb 8;10, Heb 10;16

      Jeremiah 31;33
      "But this is the Covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD (YHWH): I will put my LAW (Hebrew: Torah , תורה) in their midst and I will WRITE it on their heart. I will be their God, and they shall be my people."

      Ezekiel 11;19-20
      "Then I will give them a new heart, and a new Spirit I will put within them; I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh, that they may LET GO of my regulations, TRUST my LAWS, and PERFORM them. Then they will be my people, and I will be their God.

      Ezekiel 36;26-27
      "And I will give you a new heart, and I will give you a new Spirit within you, and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. My Spirit I will give into your innermost being, and I will make you to walk in my PROMISES, MY LAWS YOU SHALL KEEP AND DO."

      Heb 8;10
      "This is the Covenant , which I will make with the house of Israel in those days, saith the LORD (YHWH), I will put my LAW in their thoughts, and upon their hearts will I WRITE it, and I will be to them a God, and they shall be unto me a people."

      Heb 10;16
      "This is the Covenant that I will make with them in those days, says the LORD: by giving my LAWS into their hearts, also in their mind will I WRITE them."

      Shabbat Shalom!

      1. If law and covenant are not the same thing then what is the point Heb 8.9 Because they did not persevere in my covenant therefore I did not care for them says the Lord. What were they doing that was breaking the covenant and not breaking the law?

  6. The Sabbath is a rest and literally a REST.
    "Remember to keep the day of REST=REST holy. 9


    days shalt thou do, and shalt do all thy works: 10but on the seventh day the LORD thy God forbid: thou shalt not do any work therein, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, thy servant, and thy maidservant, thy cattle, and the guest that is between thy gates.

  7. found on the internet:
    . The Julian calendar contained 8 days and was created in 43 AD perhaps. Then they revised it to Gregorian in the 4th century. If in the days of Noah who was on Tayve there was a Saturday then prove that Yahuah is lying, that the stars, moon, sun are the MOADIM INDICATORS.
    AND MOADIM IS ALSO SHABBAT. The 7th day (yom) and not the day is determined by the moon.
    If you say that it is one sequence then how could the Israelites go into captivity for breaking and forgetting the shabbos if it was a Saturday and they were supposed to follow the Gregorian calendar? Since when is Hillel II, who adapted the calendar to the Gregorian calendar, an indicator of moadim?
    Then why do I need the moon? Why do I need the sun? Why add the 13th month? Why the 7th year of shabbat and the 50th jubilee when I can calculate it for myself?

    Point out to us all that SATURDAY is SHABBAT. Not from the Greek, which is 3/4 of the missing vocabulary for iwrit but from iwrit. Where exactly does the iwrit say "Zachor le Yom Shabbat..." meaning "remember the day of shabbatu"...Saturday or shabbatu? Shabbatu!!!!! Because Saturday was given by Rome, which you condemn but accept its teachings -> SATURNday.

    1. Saturn day is not a free day all over the world 🙂

      "A holy day of rest, a Sabbath consecrated to the Lord"

      Here is the Sabbath - the seventh day, and before Rome, it was Saturday 🙂 .

  8. Abraham, too, long before Moses and the Decalogue, Obeyed God's *commands, laws and instructions."

    1. Dokładnie, bo był w przymierzu z Bogiem i nie buntował się oraz nie kombinował na rozmaite sposoby aby nie przestrzegać tych świętych i dobrych praw. 😉

  9. And how is it with the calendar, we are supposedly bound by the Roman one, but didn't Rome interfere in such a way as to manipulate and throw off the trail the seekers of the true Sabbath? It is enough that one day moved and it will no longer agree with God's calendar from the beginning of the world? What do you think?

    1. But the Orthodox Jews took care

  10. The Romans celebrated on Sunday, didn't they? Does it say in the New Testament in any of the apostolic epistles "Do not celebrate on Sunday but on Saturday."?

      1. I answer again that it doesn't make me laugh.
        Pagans who celebrated on Sunday were converted to Christianity. Does the New Testament refer to the failure of the new followers of Christ to observe the Sabbath?
        I don't know why this is so funny to you.

        1. because there is no logical connection. The world does not celebrate Saturn Day but SunDay. Besides, as we know, the feasts of these planets are secondary to both the planets themselves and the Sabbath

  11. Forgive me for not reading all the comments, but that's due to my still-imperfect patience - lack of it.
    As for Shabbat...
    I have been struggling with this topic for quite some time. I have no idea how to celebrate Saturday, because it has always been Sunday. But since... let's say this year when the Sabbath is approaching, I'm literally drained of strength, I'm unable to work, one Saturday to be exact I was working on something the evening of Friday to Saturday and took a break. During the break I almost fell asleep in my chair, and I didn't come back to work until sunset on Saturday.
    This is strange to me but I take it as God's direction because I often ask Jesus to lead me "by the hand". I didn't do anything physically today either, but I will admit that I didn't spend much time with God. I'm sorry Jesus.
    But back on topic...
    I hope this will help someone, although I know that people who do NOT seek God are not reached by this at all, I mean religious people who go to church every Sunday and repeat their religious rituals from time to time...

    Well, if we truly believe that Jesus Christ is our Savior-God and Life-then it is obvious that when He was here on Earth among us in bodily form He was SAFE. He observed the Sabbath on the Sabbath.
    So it is logical and obvious that any postponement-change to celebrate another day is AGAINST God-Jesus-the Holy Spirit.

    I tried to make my family aware of this with this one argument, but to no avail. Now I know that I can do nothing without Jesus, so I try to ask God to work in this matter. I don't know how it will happen, but thanks to God my faith is getting bigger and stronger, although sometimes I feel so lost that it's a pity to talk.
    I live in two worlds and it's wearing me out sometimes. Especially the fact that I recently renounced money and it's hard, but at the same time I feel God releasing me from the worries of money, fees....
    Thank God ;]
    Thank you for this blog ;]

  12. Just a topic about Shabbat and already over 20 comments 😉 This is a commandment that clearly stings Satan's eyes.
    Interestingly, an "awakening" on this issue is taking place in various Protestant denominations that... celebrate Sunday. This cannot be called anything other than God's intervention. Here is an example of how a pastor of a Pentecostal church expresses himself about the Sabbath, representing not only himself but also many followers of this church:
    We pray for the awakening of this country every Friday at 8 p.m. and God is awakening not only Catholics to the Bible, but Protestants to...the Bible! 🙂 Praise God!

  13. The Lord God in the 4th commandment besides keeping the Sabbath holy commanded people to work for 6 days.By keeping Sunday holy we are doubly breaking the 4th commandment.

    1. Exactly like that 🙂 🙂

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