Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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Flat Earth - A Serious Analysis

I was sent this video and am posting it for two reasons:

  1. An alternative to PZ theory
  2. I'm now writing a much more serious text about fulfilling prophecies, which has already taken me about 4 hours 🙂 I'm going to write a text about fulfilling prophecies.


No vilification, no emotion, feel free to speak your mind about Vloger's arguments, he scores PZ's theories and as one commenter wrote so scores that flat-earthers will fall off the edge of the earth 😀

I am not interested in this topic at all, which I have written about several times, and I do not take sides, so please write as substantively as possible.

ps I also did not check the credibility of the site author.


Updated: 9 January 2018 — 11:28


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  1. 1* Until the time of the Greeks, no culture had created a coherent picture of the shape of the earth. The Sumerians believed that the earth had the form of a mountain surrounded by the ocean. The Egyptians believed it to be in the form of a square, rectangle, or battle shield; the Hindus, on the other hand, believed it to be in the shape of a lotus, a shield suspended behind an elephant. The Maya believed it to be flat or that the earth was the body of some god. In medieval Europe different views clashed: a sphere, a hollow sphere inside which lives some mysterious civilization (not to be confused with the so-called nonbocentrism) and of course a flat pancake.
    Interestingly in Europe, Tyho Brahe's geocentric model was more dominant. The center of the solar system is the spherical earth around which the sun revolves and around the sun revolve the planets. Then came Copernicus with his heliocentrism. Copernicus himself stated that Tyho Brahe's model is mathematically better, but as we see the test of time survived his heliocentrism.
    As we can see, within one culture we had different views functioning side by side. Only the Greeks created a uniform view of the shape of the earth (a sphere), its place in the so-called cosmos (it revolves around the sun).

    * Pythagoras. (572 BC - 497 BC). He presents a view on the sphericity of the earth, but this view is more of a philosophical nature.
    * Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC). He is the first to present calculations of the sphericity of the earth.
    * Aristides of Samos (310 - 230 BC). Proposes a heliocentric model of the solar system.
    * Eratosthenes (276 BC - 194 BC), determines the circumference of the earth.
    * Krates of Mallos (180 BC - 145 BC). Creates the first globe.
    * Isidore of Seville (c. 570-636 AD), describes the shape of the earth as spherical. In a letter to the king of the Goths, he uses the word globus, which is Latin for sphere.
    * Bede the Venerable (672-735 AD), uses the term globus terrae meaning simply globe.
    * John Scotus Eriugena (810-877 AD), describes the earth as a sphere;
    * Thomas Aquinas (1225 - 1274 AD), Summa Thelogoiae. "Here the astronomer and the natural philosopher both reach the same conclusion: for example, that the earth is round. The astronomer arrives at this on the basis of mathematical considerations, that is, by abstracting from matter; the natural philosopher, on the other hand, arrives precisely by considering matter."
    * Cardinal Pierre d'Ailly (1350-1420 AD). In his book Imago Mundi he cites the calculations of Erastotenes.

    2* The flatness of the earth has strong religious connotations and in fact, reading Genesis, one gets the impression that we are dealing with the shape of a pie. It speaks of God walking over the circle of the earth and of heaven as a tent spread over the whole. The stars are described as wanderers having names, etc. Of course, it remains debatable how to understand this circle, because in terms of modern geometry, a circle is nothing more than the rim of a two-dimensional circle and nothing more than a flat section of a sphere. Similarly with the statements "four ends of the world" - with this statement you can try to prove that according to the Bible the earth is square, but as you probably know the statement "four ends of the world" for the Israelites meant nothing more than the four directions of the world.

    3* One of the oldest surviving historical records of the so-called hollow earth concept dates from the 12th century. It is a document kept in an English monastery in which an anonymous monk laconically describes the idea of a hollow earth.
    A very interesting document comes from 1665 and it is the article "Mundus Subterraneus" from a certain Kircher, a Jesuit. Why is this document worth attention ? Unlike the 12th century monk's note, Kircher gives a concrete source for this information - cartographers talking about "unknown regions north and south".
    The idea of a so-called hollow earth appeared quite early and also evolved a lot. At the beginning we had the idea of the existence of empty space inside the earth and in it some spheres. With time the spheres were removed and in their place the possibility of the existence of mysterious civilizations was introduced. In XVIII century the mathematician Leonhard Eluer supplements the model of the hollow earth with the inner sun.
    The ultimate draw for life within the earth (not in the sense of classical nonbocentrism that Mr. Szczytynski promotes) was given by J.C. Symmes. A lot of stories (later also films) about expeditions to the interior of the earth were based on his works. Symmes himself very vividly described the life of this hidden civilization which was to live in ..... a happy socialist utopia.

    The next image is classical nonbocentrism which has nothing to do with hollow earth concepts. While the hollow earth can be traced historically, classical nonbocentrism was developed in 1870 and this date is the birth date of the nonbocentrism that Mr. Szczytynski promotes. The founder of classical nonbocentrism is Cyrus Reed Teed later known as Koresh. In his booklet "The Illumination of Koresh: Marvelous Experience of the Great Alchemist at Utica" he describes exactly where this concept came from. Namely, a woman was to appear to him and tell him about his past incarnations and the role he was destined to play as the new messiah. She was to give him the key to a new cosmology. That key was that we live on the inner surface of the Earth. In 1870 he published under the pseudonym "Koresh" a work entitled The Cellular Cosmogony in which he discusses his/their concepts of the inner earth.
    Interesting Fact. It was Koresh's "works" that laid the foundation for the German "Hohlweltlehre" movement founded by Peter Bender. Bender corresponded with Koresh's movement. It was from here that the Nazis mainly adopted the concept of an empty earth (the other source was the influence of a theosophical society founded by Blavatsky). Eventually, Bender ended up in a camp because his theories proved to be not only expensive to "prove" but also were made up.

    4* The first professional photo of the earth's curvature was taken in the 1940s when the Americans took over the V2 rocket from the Germans. They mounted a camera on it, which every few seconds took a picture - the shape of the curvature was obtained (of course it was a so-called mosaic consisting of many pictures). I remind you that at that time there was no NASA yet.
    Of course, there are other, earlier photos that show a slight curvature (such as those from meto balloons).

    4* The best photo of the full curvature of the Earth is not from NASA but from Russia. This picture comes from the 1970s from the Zond 7 mission. It is unique because it was taken on traditional film. The film holder has been returned to Earth. Let us remind that a large number of photos, either from the American or Soviet missions, were sent by radio and constituted a certain interpretation (after appropriate processing).

    1. I'm so sorry, but how can you write such nonsense, and I quote:
      "Copernicus himself stated that Tyho Brahe's model was the mathematically superior model but as we see the test of time his heliocentrism has survived."
      Copernicus died in 1543 and Brahe was born in 1546, so how could he make such a claim?
      Besides, Brahe's view was not at all dominant in Europe, it was just some curiosity to combine the advantages of Copernicus' model with the impossibility of observing parallax.

  2. I promise that I will watch the video and honestly analyze it, but I must point out that the analysis of the flat earth in terms of Scripture (and it is for me indisputable) 100 : 0 for a flat earth. In the Bible there is no theory and in scientific writings there is little evidence and only theories, well let's give everyone a chance and discuss again 🙂 .

  3. In my opinion, many of the arguments of this man who preaches a flat earth are debunked. Just because some of the arguments of flat earthers suck doesn't mean that all of them should be refuted. I am most convinced by the view from meteorological balloons(without the fisheye, where the horizon is perfectly straight). Some say it's too close to see anything. Then let them see how much curvature you can see on google earth at that altitude. Too much difference, really too much.

    1. Oh, I forgot to add one more thing. Just because some people believe the earth is flat doesn't mean they should preach to others that the bible says so. Because there are some people who just don't believe in such conspiracies. If you tell such a person about creationism, it will be hard for them to swallow that most "scientists" are wrong. Let alone about the flat earth. Such knowledge is not necessary for salvation. It can only draw people away from the truth instead of leading them to it. Anyone believe the earth is flat?

  4. Some "flat-earthers" also manipulate on the issue of Copernicus. They say that he was a Freemason, but at that time Masonic lodges did not exist yet. They also say that only thanks to Copernicus everyone suddenly began to believe in a spherical earth which is also untrue.

    1. Copernicus was a Jesuit. The earth sphere and the big bang is their religion coming from Lucifer himself.

  5. Of course the earth is flat. I for one am not going to rely on the demonic wisdom of this world, nasa and all the scum controlled by the ruler of this world.

    As for scifun itself, I recommend youtube videos by user miszczu. Admittedly, he is a Muslim, but he specifically exposes tv lies, false terrorist attacks, and in the videos of the above scifun he managed to catch all sorts of occult, subliminal messages, which may mean that this man works for someone higher...


    1. Thanks for the heads up on the video author 🙂
      I'm just wondering - if the earth is flat, how to represent, how to include all the continents existing on the earth (+ possible islands) and of course both poles? The way it is presented in school geographical atlases - on a kind of ellipse? Or is there any other way?
      I'm curious about this...

    1. Aries,
      I put the link because someone in the comments suggested it.
      As for other issues.
      Some boorish individuals blocked, and some like you still look in 🙂 .
      kind regards

  6. I barely watched the video, pseudo-scientific gibberish about space and photos that nobody can verify without being an expert and having no equipment, music ridiculing the topic in the right moments. A paid actor and that's it, I don't think he did those analyses himself.
    Let him answer why the sun's rays fall diagonally through the clouds.
    But maybe they don't want people to find out that the earth is flat.
    With such high technology 50 years later, they could still fly to the moon, why don't they fly and brag about it on TV it would be more difficult to make such a fool.

  7. And the solar and lunar eclipse and its phases what do flat earthers explain because I'm lost? Or the Coriolis effect? Or the fact that amateur sailors and pilots cover distances navigating on their own and reach their destination?

    1. And also a different time of day on opposite halves of the globe, which is confirmed by telephone conversations with relatives visiting other countries, and observations of stars on different parts of the globe - not all of them can be seen from every angle because the earth obscures them. And the need to reverse the method of navigation to the sun depending on the hemisphere. These are always unanswered questions.

  8. Pingback: Anonymous
  9. Interestingly, on the first part of the video, I was shown for a moment an advertisement that read: "join the illuminati".

    1. The ads are random and on 90% independent of the channel author, because the channel owner is google.

    2. But the honourable gentleman knows that this advertisement is an irony of the author "the advertisement is pasted in the film" ?

  10. I found something like this:

    I haven't watched to the end yet, not sure what to think.

    1. In general he speaks quite interestingly and also uses the original Hebrew for some verses. In my opinion he flies away a bit too much when it comes to antediluvian times, claiming that technology was super advanced then and people were fighting nephilim with atomic bombs. He also claims that nephilim could be 50m high. I personally think they were sooner ~3m like Goliath.

      As for the shape of the Earth, I agree with him for the most part because I see it myself when I read the Bible, especially the Old Testament.

      1. In my opinion, he flies away a bit too much when it comes to antediluvian times, claiming that back then technology was super advanced and people were fighting nephilim with atomic bombs'

        I think the same thing. That's why I don't watch it

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