Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

An increasingly Internet-savvy pastor supports Woodstock by endorsing WOSP.

Since such information appeared on the public profile of a man who grazes the sheep of God, it is impossible not to comment on it:


Being fully aware that Jurek Owsiak receives a salary from the WOŚP foundation, knowing that part of the money goes to WoodstockI know that some of those who collect money steal and do not account honestly for the collection (some, not all) and like every year I will contribute to the collection, because I am also aware that in every hospital in Poland there are several pieces of equipment with a sticker "bought by WOŚP" and all my children and children of my friends used this equipment.
Button me andnteresting in the sin of those who are not quite right, I throw in a focus on the mercy of those who are right.
Chains I am not interested in, Instead of sending out virtual hearts, reach for your wallet and donate to the can.
My Lord's command is clear - to give, even naively.

And that's it in the subject line of GOCC.

In Poland, we can already argue about everything, it seems to be our "national pride".




To paraphrase: "Knowing full well that Satan did wrong, that through him sin was born, that billions of people have died since Adam and Eve, knowing that people have been tormented by disease and that children have been sacrificed, make a contribution when the Great Tribulation comes and the antichrist makes a collection to help children. "

I had already received signals several times about the pastor's propagation of this world. However, I was waiting for further developments and here it happened. Woodstock supported by the pastor. Drowning in mud, sex without commitment, stimulants. I would sin if I didn't write about it. By donating to WOSP you are donating to Woodstock. Soros has many foundations and the Kwasniewskis have often taken part in charitable events.

First, I would like to point out the form unworthy of a shepherd: "I don't care", "and that's about it".

The Pharisees also knew the Bible and knew it well, but they were going about it the wrong way.

If you trust a pastor like this, who addresses potential opponents in this way and yet supports Satan's system, how can you trust him to teach?

Of course, lukewarm pastors will always have more followers than pastors who present a narrow gate. Mr. Chojecki's example. There is something good for everyone.

In the end, Szymon Kurylas wants to shut the mouths of his potential opponents by writing "In Poland we can quarrel about everything".

Well,...the Lord Jesus would be described as a quarrelsome man according to Simon Kurylas. After all, He overturned tables in the temple and called the Pharisees a tribe of vipers.


I understand the pastor's personal motives for having his child in a hospital that should be provided with equipment from the state that is milking us, but I don't understand assimilation into this world...Owsiak ads.


The Bible says:

"So if someone was going to be friend of the world, becomes the enemy of God."


The pastor is assimilating into the world. Here are photos from his profile:


Jesus as the superman of the Holywoodwoski studios.


This is religious syncretism


Pastor with Arthur Ceronski:




With this Arthur Ceronski:



Artur Ceroński fascinated by the bishop. Promoter of ecumenism:





Promoted min satanic Spiderman, occult movie:



Jesus next to Avengers, Spiderman and other characters from the occult world. Shock!!!

Sure, the occultists think they're doing us a favor, or maybe becoming new gods themselves, but this is a classic tale of Lucifer striving to make the biggest stars bigger than God, which always ends in disaster for this fallen angel and his henchmen.

The same spiderman who was showing the sign of Satan:






Pastor as a liar Santa Claus. So what if Santa's not there. Who cares who's behind him...

Deceiving children as if there is a Santa Claus and only God is holy.

We know who is behind Santa Claus and the Germans know it too:




Console advertising because kids wouldn't have anything to do:



How about VR glasses and Eurosport and MTV or disco? You can always say "aha before you say disco is bad, get dressed come and tell me how to spend my free time"... This is such a rhetoric.




4) Do not put yourselves under one yoke with unbelievers. For what has righteousness to do with unrighteousness? Or what does light have to do with darkness? (15) Can there be harmony between Christ and Belial? " 2 Corinthians 6




As the person informing me of this endorsement wrote, "it is supporting evil with good, because it is the end result that counts."

In view of the above information, Pastor Kurylas is either not born again or ...... judge for yourself.


I have posted one pastor's video on this blog and will not post any more. We have totally different perspectives on faith.

Owsiak's statement:


Bartosz Kurylak supports the action of a man who is for euthanasia and abortion.

You, supporters of Simon Kurylas Do what you want....

Updated: 10 July 2021 — 14:29


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  1. I have heard that money collected for supposed charitable actions (not all, there are also godly actions) are partly used for very bad purposes, you can say the worst, pedophile gangs, this is how Satan works, under the guise of good he does evil. Let us not wallow in the mud with Owsiak.
    And the videos of these pastors' swidings are very sad, a deception, a possession like nothing.

    1. Brrr, something awful :/

  2. I will ask only one thing, the author of this text, did you talk to Pastor Kurylas personally in private? After all, the Word of God says that if you have something against another person, you should first go and talk to him in private. And we should start with that before we start slandering someone on a public forum.

    1. I took this into consideration and didn't, being convinced that Bartek would disagree with me which he documented in a discussion with me on Facebook. He still stands by all of this. I may paste the psc of the discussion in a separate post for all to read.
      Besides, Bartek was very confident when he wrote about WOSP, and I wanted people to know that pastors support Batman, Santa, and etc.
      He wrote very emphatically:
      "I don't care about the sin of those who are not quite right, in throwing in I focus on the mercy of those who are right.
      So much for that."

  3. And I thought it was the one from Lublin 😀 and I was about to write that he shouldn't ridicule himself, because he's already becoming a celebrity on the Internet (I've seen some videos of him transforming fragments of his statements to the tune of some songs, either performing solo or adding it to e.g. remixed Stonoga or someone else), but it's someone else... Still, I don't like him

  4. Just because this man is a pastor does not mean that he serves God. As Matthew 7.21-23 tells us: "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven..." These are holy words, Jesus knew that many will fail in this world and will fail many, and so it happens.It is enough to enter such a church and already know whom these people serve, from these photos you can see from the decade that they justify the Lord of this world, and from Jesus they copy, how can you compare to such hideous figures of the Savior, a man filled with the Spirit of God would not even think about it, let alone compare to such a thing. The spirit of the lord of this A4 world rules, he also has his children here and they do what their father tells them to do. As Paul says in 2 Timothy 4:2-4: "For the time will come when they will not rub off sound doctrine, but will, according to their own fancy, procure for themselves teachers in the days of him who pricked up the ear. And they will turn away their ear from the truth, and turn to fables."

  5. Arkadiusz KRZYWODAJĆ

    What you are doing on this blog is wickedness, Mr. 'truth detective'

    1. uniquely publishes this irrelevant comment and other such comments will not be published.
      We either talk in the light of God's Word or not at all.

      1. Mr. Peter, then let's talk in the light of the Word. Some of the key verses for me as it relates to getting your spirit under control, or feeling pure of heart and accepting yourself: Matthew 7:1-3 Do not judge, so that you will not be judged. For with such judgment as you judge, they will also judge you; and with the measure that you measure, they will measure you. Why do you see the splinter in your brother's eye, but do not see the beam in your own?

        1. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole cake? 7 Cast away therefore the old leaven, that ye may be made new dough; for ye are unleavened

    2. Indeed, the wickedness of ?showing the Truth and not compromising it is unacceptable to lukewarm Christianity.
      God forbid we should have such pastors and such teaching

      1. Mr. Krzywodajc is an ecumenist who publicly sang "Mother of God" seeing nothing wrong in it.

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