I spent a few hours interpreting the apocalyptic beast and a new perspective on the harlot. After this text, I know that ministers of ecumenism from among Protestant denominations may already be revealing themselves next year.
I don't think there is a person in the world who can recognize on 100% the beast from the 17th chapter of the apocalypse. What we can do are just hypotheses and types. However, I am more and more certain of the beast that was, and is not, coming out.
"The beast you saw was there and it is gone,
is about to come out of the Hells, and is headed for extinction.
And the inhabitants of the earth will be amazed"
There are many very good reasons for recognizing it in these times. I have already several times refrained from publishing a long article on this beast. Some see the beast in the fallen angels. I don't go that far, because the interpretation of the beast is meant to be understood by the average reader of the book of Revelation, as well as the person familiar with history: " Was and isn't,
is to come out."
Others see the beast in world Zionism. Yes, the Zionist Jews have a great deal of influence around the world, but the problem is that there are more of these world powers. The Vatican, for example, which we see here as a biblical harlot. Incidentally from the same chapter of Revelation.
Most Revelation scholars agree on one thing: we are living in the end times, and this in turn means that we must recognize the beast already in operation. Unfortunately, people asleep at 50 inches not only don't know the Book of Revelation and rely on a priest, but also treat the reality of the film more realistically than what is happening around them, and there is quite a lot going on. That's why I decided to deal with the subject of the beast that was, not is and will be.
However, recent world events allow me to revert back to my original beast type, and I think gro will agree with me.
Before I introduce this beast, I'll list a few very important facts from recent months. The freshest case, because from today:
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Here's what Turkey says:
"We will take over the Aegean Islands through Diplomacy or War".
"Turkey will seek a diplomatic solution, go to the International Court or go to war to take back some Aegean islands, said Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu , addressing the Turkish parliament.
In his speech, Cavusoglu said Turkey has three options: Try to work out a diplomatic solution with Greece, take the case to the International Court, or send the Turkish army to claim the islands.
"We continue our diplomatic talks with Greece. If we don't agree, the parliament will decide on alternatives and we will apply them. But this is a national policy. It is not an issue that will be discussed in the corridors. We have formed a team of military personnel in the Ministry of Defense. We discussed the problem and the steps we can take. Is it more beneficial to reduce tension or increase tension? "Cavusoglu said.
Of course, Turks are famous for their lack of diplomacy and harsh language, and such examples are the words demeaning to Ms. Merkel.
Now we can go back to history. Well Islam was an IMPERIUM for several hundred years. The U.S. has never been an empire despite having influence around the world. However, Islam as a state-religion was an empire as the Ottoman Empire. A little commonly known name. Everyone is almost familiar with the Roman empire and even the empire from "Geek Wars" but not so much this particular empire.
“Ottoman Empire[a] - Turkish state in the Middle East, founded by the Ottoman Turks, one of the Turkic tribes in western Anatolia who, during the period from 14th to 20th century At the height of its territorial development, it was located on three continents: parts of Southwest Asia, North Africa, and Southeast Europe. In diplomatic circles, the term High Porta was used to describe the court of the sultan, later also the entire Turkish state."
600 years of Islam's power, it was until the beginning of the 20th century and it is resurgent which is hard to miss throughout Europe. Islam is also a typical religion of the antichrist. They do not recognize Jesus as the Son of God.
How will the Ottoman Empire be formally reborn? Well, through one of the world's four UNIONS - the Union of Arab States. Formally it is called the Arab League.
Let's look at its expansion over the last 50 years:
This was seen as a violation of the Palestinian people's right to self-determination. It is also possible for a state to terminate the Covenant e.g. Libya has done so twice.
- founding states (March 22, 1945, except for Yemen - May 5 1945):
Saudi Arabia
- subsequent members (by date of accession)
Libya - 28 March 1953[d]
Sudan - 19 January 1956
Morocco - 1 October 1958
Tunisia - October 1, 1958
Kuwait - July 20, 1961
Algeria - August 16, 1962
United Arab Emirates - June 6, 1971
Bahrain - September 11, 1971
Qatar - September 11, 1971
Oman - September 29, 1971
Mauritania - November 26, 1973
Somalia - 14 February 1974
Palestine - September 9, 1976[e]
Djibouti - September 4, 1977
Comoros - November 20, 1993
- observers (by date)
Eritrea - 2003
Brazil - 2003
Venezuela - 2006
India - 2007
Turkey is still missing from it. But the country is dominated by Islam like all of those in the League of Arab States.
What does it mean that the beast comes out of the depths? It is a metaphor for hell. The beast comes out of evil, from Satan. It is to destroy the children of God. There is nowhere in the world as vicious against Christians as the religion of Islam.
In view of the above information, in my opinion, certainly the biblical beast is Islam, as I already wrote about in an old blog.
So how will Islam connect with other religions? Rest assured, satanists have taken care of that as well. I only recently learned of their existence:
United Religions Initiative - URI - "United Religions Initiative.
It is a Masonic-Zionist New Age-type organization whose purpose is to lay the groundwork for "common spirituality" and "religious synthesis." It is the fulfillment of a kind of testament and dream of the occultist Alice Bailey, who in 1919, in her book, wrote down a plan to create a World Church, which would be a combination of occultism, freemasonry and Christianity, which she predicted for "the end of this century". And indeed, at the end of the 20th century, that is in 1997, an organization called the United Religions Organization was formed.
The URI already has more than 640 so-called Cooperation Circles in 84 countries around the world, or "churches" of various kinds Protestant, Masonic subgroups or other organizations, often with worldwide reach and official UN recognition.
Again, the Beast (Union of Arab States, as a continuation of the legacy of the Ottoman Empire.) It once existed, then ceased to exist, now it exists again under the name Union of Arab States). The Beast that bears the Woman - the Organization of United Religions. The Beast comes out of Hell (speaking figuratively of Hell - its power and evil is so hellish that Satan gave it its power). The Book of Life - The Book of the Children of God. Surely the Ottoman Empire will soon be reborn under the patronage of first the Islamic State, then the ORZ.
Here I coincide with the hypothesis of the author of a blog who sees it this way, and quite rightly in my opinion:
"And the ten horns that you saw are ten kings,
who have not yet assumed royal authority,
But they shall take power as kings for one hour with the beast." (Revelation 17:12)They have yet to take power - even now, in our time, after the eighth Pope was revealed. They are likely to be the rulers of a new World Religion based mainly on Islam!
"Those have one idea,
and they give their power and authority to the Beast.
These will fight against the Lamb,
and the Lamb will overcome them,
for the Lord is the lord
and King of kings--
And also those who are with Him:
called, chosen and faithful""The rulers of the New World Government will fight against Jesus Christ and His "Overcomers."
"And he says to me:
"The waters you saw,
Where the Harlot is based,
these are the peoples and the multitudes,
nations and languages.
And the ten horns you saw,
and the Beast -
these will hate the Harlot
And make it desolate and naked,
And they will eat her flesh,
And they will burn it with fire." (Revelation 17:13-16)The Harlot or this new World Religion in the European Union (various nations of the Union). The new governments will bring about the fall of the European Union, at the same time the Vatican will fall.
"because God inspired their hearts to carry out His design,
and that's one thing they did -
And they gave the Beast his royal authority,
Until God's words come true.
And the Woman you saw is the Great City,
having royal authority over the kings of the earth." (Revelation 17: 17, 18)We go on to speak of Rome, but also of the capital of the European Union, which will fall from the thought of God Himself, for having led to the persecution of Christians.
He wrote about this a year ago.
As I mentioned yesterday there is an ecumenical sign on the new cover of The Economist. That will be the No. 1 goal in 2018.
Two years ago, the Pope strongly emphasized this:
What else is going on? The EU has applied Article 7 to Poland.
Using Article 7 of the Treaty on European Union could lead to sanctions and even deprive Poland of a vote in the EU Council. But this will not be easy. Nonetheless, the EU can get the money tap turned off.
Hungary has already announced that it will not vote against Poland. This creates a big conflict in the EU. Already England wants to make the so-called Brexit, but there could be Polexit, Hungaryexit, etc., etc.
Let's remind ourselves what Europe even is. I wrote about this a few years ago:
Europe (Gr. Εὐρώπη Eurṓpē, Latin Europa) - in Greek mythology, a Tyrian king and queen of Cretaceous, daughter of Agenor, Phoenician ruler of the cities of Sidon and Tyre, and his first or second wife, Telephassa or Argiope.
She was famous for her extraordinary beauty. Zeus, having fallen in love with Europa, took the form of a beautiful snow-white bull and appeared in a meadow, the playground of Europa and her companions. Seduced by the gentleness and delicacy of the bull, Europa sat on its back. Zeus the bull, taking advantage of this situation, broke into a run and did not rest until he had crossed the sea and reached a wonderful cave located in Crete.
I suggest you read my text from 2 years ago:
It mentions purple. The EU is a copy of the harlot:
The EU is that prostitute under the Vatican.
(12) He said: Thou shalt rejoice no more, Virgin of dishonor, Daughter of Sidon! Get up, cross to Kittim: there too you will find no peace.
Isaiah 23:12
2018 will be a year of acceleration in modern technology intended to be the basis of the beast system with cashless trading. It will also be an accelerated ecumeny and this year we will see which religion turns in that direction.
I don't know how long this blog will exist, but it follows that freedom of speech will be severely limited.
I will try to keep posting about other pieces of this puzzle....
I think Adventists understand the beasts in the correct way, here a video I recommend on the subject:
Thank you for the interesting note....
I found something interesting on the Internet, I mean the number 90 and 144000
90+90=180. 1+8=9
90×3=270. 2+7=9
90×12=1080 1+8=9 etc....
And I came to this by accident :
90×1600= 144000!!! And again the sum of the numbers is 9! 12×12000 is also 144,000 This is so interesting 😉 .
Very interesting video. This gentleman proves the close relationship between numbers and music on simple calculations and graphs
But how does 1600 compare to all the rest?
Nothing, I was just surprised that there would be such a result at all, maybe it's not sensational because such a product can be the result of other numbers, but at least you can see the relationship between 144000 and 9 🙂 .
Well ok generally there are a lot of numbers in nature and in life and by observing it you can see that God likes the Fibonacci sequence, the golden ratio, the spiral, etc 🙂 .
Therefore, man is practically built on the golden ratio, which is probably no surprise to anyone since we are made in His image and likeness (indirectly)