Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

When is love between two people. An analysis of the Song of Songs.

There will be very little text today as I had to spend a lot of time on this.


Yesterday Charles asked me "what do I think love is?" via messenger like Pilate 🙂 to Jesus "what is truth?'

The question seems simple and so should be the answer, but after a moment's thought we would be lost. At first I started to explain to Charles using the example of Jesus, but Charles was not satisfied because in truth he wanted an interpretation of love in a male-female relationship.

Let me begin by saying that there are different kinds of love, and my task will be to discover the true one. Not all love is love. To illustrate this, let's imagine a couple: a bandit and his girlfriend. Does he love her? Does she love him? Yes, of course. But is it true love? No. He is with her mainly for sexual pleasure, and she is with him for money and his misunderstood valor.

What then is true love? We return to our starting point, the love of Jesus. To illustrate this well, let us return to the archetype of biblical love as depicted in the erotic "Song of Songs.



I will intentionally reread this Song analyzing it, then describe the man-woman relationship, and finally refer to the life of Jesus. However, this will only li attempt to analyze love, as this topic is a river wide and long. But it is our OBLIGATION to know true love, not our ideas of it, but what is in Scripture. Even the issues of healthy love are regulated, (tfu) sorry for that bureaucratic word, regulated by the Bible.


Analysis of the Song of Songs.

Chapter 1.


(2) Let him kiss me with the kiss of his lips! Ah, your love is sweeter than wine! (3) Exquisite is the fragrance of your oils, your name like the best ointment oil! That is why the girls love you. (4) Pull me along! Let us run! Lead me, O king, into your chambers, that we may rejoice and make merry with you, make your love more intoxicating than wine!



In the PNP we have two dimensions of love and every Christian knows this well.



It is the intoxication of love for another person. A woman puts the pleasure of wine below the love of her betrothed. Although it would be better to say "she puts the bridegroom higher than the pleasure of drinking fine wine.

Jesus-the bride:

The bride, the virgins of wisdom, place a higher value on love for Jesus and a relationship with him than on love for this world symbolized by wine.


I witnessed the baptism of the Holy Spirit on our sister in faith this weekend. What I can attest to is the great affection for God such as there is between a man and a woman. Probably many will not understand me, but this testimony is a confirmation of the meaning of the Song of Songs. She puts Jesus above the wine of this world. This is not to say that someone who has not had DS baptism does not love Jesus. It's just that it was like a nuptial...


Verse 4 of the UBG says "the righteous love you", meaning the obedient. Often, especially in these times, women are rebellious toward their men. Rebellion creates a rift in the relationship. It is possible to say that a man is loved by a righteous woman just as Jesus is loved by obedient men. A rebellious woman will not respect her husband just as rebellious men do not love Jesus. Disobedient Christians do not love Jesus.


If there is love and desire to be together, there is an exchange of worship:


 If you do not know, O most beautiful of women, follow the footsteps of the flocks and feed your kids by the shepherds' huts. (9) To Pharaoh's harness I compare you, friend mine. (10) Beautiful are your cheeks among the pendants, neck twa among the beads. (11) We'll make you gold pendants with silver beads. (12) When the king is among the revelers, my nard spreads its fragrance. (13) My beloved is to me a bag of myrrh among breasts of my location.... O how beautiful you are, my friend, how beautiful, your eyes like doves(16) Indeed beautiful you are, my dear, oh how lovely! Our bed of greenery. (17) The beams of our house are the cedars, and the cypresses are the walls.




As above, we worship one another for: friendship, looks, personal charm. I think these things are taboo for many Christians, which is a shame. A partner is supposed to be our friend, but this is something we have to desire.

Jesus-the bride:

We worship Jesus as a bride (Solomon had many wives), for His sacrifice for us, devotion, dedication. So too a man should sacrifice himself for his wife and she should worship and honor him for it. We praise Jesus for His mercy, that He constantly forgives us when we come truly repentant. Not when we say, "You know what Jesus, I'm sorry, but I've been jerking off today." Or "Jesus, I got drunk today, can you forgive me?



Notice that we don't encounter one thing until the end of the text: nowhere does it say anything about wanting to be with your parents. The Lord Jesus also said:

Who loves father or mother more than Me, is not worthy of me" Mt 10


Today it is that some people are welded to their parents. Especially women. In the Jesus-church relationship, people are more afraid of their mother's and father's opinions than Jesus'...


Ch. 2

(7) I adjure you, daughters of Jerusalem, to be gazelles, or to be doe of the field: Do not awaken or frighten love until it wills itself! (8) Listen! That's my darling. Here he goes, climbing mountains, jumping hills. (9) My kind resembles a gazelle or a young deer. And here he is already standing behind our wall, looking through the window, peering through the bars. (10) My nice man speaks up and says to me: Get up, my friend, my beauty! Come on! (11) For behold, winter has passed, the rains have ended, they have ceased. (12) The flowers appear on the ground, the time of singing has come and the cooing of the synogarilla can be heard in our land. (13) The fig tree is already browning its fruit, and the vine is blooming and giving off its fragrance. Arise, my friend, my beauty, come!


"Do not awaken or hound love until it wills itself! "



Love cannot be forced. It just has to be. It is not a zoo company. Love is not a contract in an office. It comes from the heart. There are no quotas. I love because I love. She has to want it herself.

Jesus-the bride:

God does not force you to love him. That is why few will follow him because it is an act of will. Satan wants to be worshiped by force, Jesus is worshiped by free will. So Jesus is incredibly gentle and does not require us to love him, he waits for us to love him. When we enter into "union" with Jesus, that is, bridegroom and bride, we are no longer living in expectation but in love. 2.10 Jesus calls the bride to leave her safety zone and to follow him. This is the proper devotion when a woman bride follows her betrothed bridegroom. She is not afraid to go out.


"I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep. 12 But the hireling and he who is not a shepherd, whose sheep are not his own, seeing the wolf coming, abandons the sheep and flees, and the wolf seizes them and scatters them; 13 The is because he is a mercenary and doesn't care about sheep. 14 I am the good shepherd, and I know My sheep, and My sheep know Me, 1″ John



The Lord Jesus as the bridegroom speaks in this way: see, I sacrificed myself for you. I died for your sins that you might live my bride. That you might have eternal life and be justified. This is enough to notice how much love Jesus offered us. We humans often like action movie heroes when they save someone. In fact, we even weep over the lion sacrificing himself in "The Chronicles of Narnia," but we fail to see Jesus' sacrifice. I myself lived in such a lack of awareness for almost 40 years.


God did not force us to love. We have only and until accepted His love. However, not everyone wants that love. It is as if a boy loves a girl very much and she would ignore him. You reject love. You don't want to take it. You have no desire to be with your betrothed. Quite often this is the case not only in unfulfilled loves outside the relationship, but also in relationships already. One party has no desire to be with the other. This is also true in the church. There are people who love Jesus and have relationships, but there are also people who don't love Jesus, which makes DS sad.



" As the lily among the thorns, so my friend among the girls. (3) As the apple tree among the forest trees, so my kind among the young men. In its shade I long to rest, for its fruit is sweet to my palate.... (4) He led me into a winery whose emblem for me is love."



A man singles out his woman. She is one out of thousands. She is the best. She is chosen and vice versa. A woman has a desire to spend her free time with her lover.

Jesus-the bride:

Jesus singles out His church and He singles out His church. Jesus has brought us into the winepress that is the Kingdom of Heaven. Wise virgins want to spend time with their groom, have no other male "idols"

The entire second chapter is about MUTUAL love. How sad one-way relationships are.


Chapter 3


“”1) On my bed I searched at night for the one my soul loves, I looked for him, but I did not find him. (2) So I will get up and go around the city, streets and squares, I will look for the one my soul loves. I have looked for him, but I have not found him. (3) I have been met by the watchmen who go round the city; Have you seen him whom my soul loves? (4) Hardly have I gone a little way from them, I have found the one whom my soul loves. I have captured him and will not let him go until I bring him into my mother's house and into my parent's room'



A woman has a great desire to be with her favorite. She feels bad when the lover is not there. The woman has a desire to introduce her fiancé to her mother. She is delighted. She will not let go of this specimen :-).

Jesus-the bride:

We are not ashamed before our parents of our love for Jesus. We no longer let him go. He gave so much to us before we gave anything to him, he is so good we won't let him go.



Chapter Four is to worship your friend, darling. But...


"The well of my garden is a well of living water that flows down from Lebanon."


Does this remind us of anything?


Of course:

(14) And he that drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall not thirst for ever; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him water source ejaculating towards eternal life.

John 4:14″


Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well and told her about this living water...which He is.


Chapter 5


(1) I walked into my garden, My sister, my bride, I have broken my myrrh with my balm, I have eaten my honeycomb with my honey, I have drunk my wine with my milk. Eat, my friends, drink and become drunk with love! (2) I slept, but my heart kept watch. Listen, it's my darling knocking: Open to me, my sister, my friend, my a dove without blemish! For my head is full of dew, my locks full of night moisture. (3) I already took off my dressHow then shall I dress her again? I have washed my feet, how then shall I make them dirty again?(4) My kind slipped his hand through the opening, and then my insides trembled. (5) I got up to open my kind, and my myrrh dripped from my hands, myrrh dripped from my fingers onto the handle of the bolt. (6) I opened to my nice guy, but my nice guy was already gone, disappeared; I was distraught that he was gone. I looked for him but did not find him, I called him but did not hear from him. (7) I was met by the guards who go around the city; they beat me, they wounded me, they tore off my cloak guarding the walls.'


Metaphors that may have an erotic meaning, but what happens to angels who are with God? They are in a state of ecstasy. If God created the sensations of bodily love affecting the psyche, then so it is around Him. An eternal sense of happiness.



Typical scenes full of lust. A woman dressed for intercourse takes off even her gowns. She desires so much that she wants to give her whole self.

Jesus-the bride:

Nudity symbolizes that we have nothing to hide, nothing for ourselves. We give ourselves away whole. I know this is a tough speech for many. But everyone is at a different stage. This nakedness is the opposite of the situation in Eden:


" And he answered, I heard your rustling in the garden, and I became afraid, for I am naked; therefore I hid myself. (11) Then said God, Who told you that you are naked? Did you eat from the tree from which I forbade you to eat? " Genesis


We no longer feel naked. We are righteous in Jesus' eyes. We don't have to run away. This time, too, it was God who ran away, not us. But that's just how it seems to us this bride. He is always nearby.



"I curse you, daughters of Jerusalem: When you meet my beloved, do you know what you should say to him? That I am sick with love. "


How many people can love like this today......



Chapter 7


" I thought: I'm going to climb a palm tree, pick a bunch of its dates! Let them be your breasts like grapes, and the breath of your nostrils like the scent of apples, (10) And your palate like a fine wine that flows smoothly, moistening your lips and teeth. (11) I belong to my beloved and towards me he turns his desire(12) Come, my kind, we will go out into the field, we will spend the night among the henna flowers! (13) In the morning we will go to the vineyards to see if the vines are in bloom, if the buds have opened, if the pomegranates are in full flower: There I will show you my love!”





Another scene of physical love. God is not a bigot. He created us carnal with all erogenous spheres. Our otherness is beautiful. A man delights in a woman's qualities. A woman is delighted with her lover. She knows that his desire turns to her. He desires her. It is not a taboo. The woman wants to have sex with her lover.There I will show you my love!”” This is what we can infer, for if it were to be spiritual love, it has long since been demonstrated repeatedly. 

Jesus-the bride:

Jesus loves us as we are, each one differently. You may think you are ugly, ugly, but Jesus loves you. He desires you spiritually. He wants to be with you.


Summary from Chapter 8


For love is strong as death, passion is hard as Sheol. Its heat is the heat of fire, it is the flame of the Lord. (7) Great waters will not quench love, and streams will not flood it. If a man were willing to give up all his possessions for love, would he deserve contempt?



Strong words "love like death" because death is certain. We in loving another person have the heat from God Himself. The fact that we are able to love someone is from God. The fact that we can forgive despite being hurt is from Jesus, he infected us with this love. Satan cannot love and that is why hatred is from him.

If you do not desire (spiritually, physically) your partner(s), it is not love. If you do not desire jesus, then you are an unbeliever.

Now for some brief advice from practical love.

Very interesting Polish etymology:


Noun love in texts from the 14th and 15th centuries had the meaning of "pity, mercy," which was parallel to the sense of "graciousness, favor, favor." The word is derived from the Proto-Slavic word milostь, whose Slavic sense is 'pity'. This old form in turn derives from the participle miły of the verb mijać. Originally, the subjectivized miły meant 'worthy of pity', and the verb pass by in its given form mei carried meaning "Passing someone; passing through without attacking". So the former nice, or meilos is one that "you can pass by (peacefully); pass by without drawing your weapon"



So all verbal attacks are a denial of love. Without controlling the tongue, hatred is stronger than love, thus Satan from God in you.



Man is a social being, and therefore does not live for himself. Often people when entering a relationship are driven by self-interest, but at the same time they want to be with someone.

The Lord Jesus did not come for Himself, for His glory or for applause. The Lord Jesus sacrificed himself for humanity. The Lord Jesus was the world's first and unsurpassed altruist. His life and activity was the opposite of selfish behavior. The self does not count. You is what counts. The Lord Jesus was intensely interested in the other person. Not himself. He is interested in you. Are you interested in your partner, is he okay, is he happy, do you feel for him or is he just an ornament to your self.

Part of my old text:


People of the twenty-first century have had their concept of love distorted by Satan's system. We are being instilled with romantic love, which is a time of elation and passes like a fog. On every package of Durex "products" we have the words "Love sex". Can love sex be called love? A rhetorical question. At the Woodstock Festival there is a lot of such "love" following Crowley's satanic slogan "Do what you want".

It was about male-female love.


Now for a little practice on interpersonal love. I've never seen readers like the Kris brothers, Robert from Kielce or Cupak refer to someone in an unkind way.

Love is an art, and any art can be learned. In the 90s my life changed, among other things, under the influence of a thin book entitled "On the Art of Love" by Eric Fromm. This Jew and socialist, basing himself on Christian values, wrote a scientific work on love. If we cut out the intellectual dirt it would be a fantastic book for Christians.

Based on this position, I detail to those willing to work on themselves the necessary practical tasks to be done in love:




Most people listen to others and even give advice, but by not listening they are not really taking the other person's words or their own answers seriously.

Concentration is what people who love each other should do first and foremost. They must learn to be close to each other without being distracted in many directions at the same time.

Sensing yourself. Anyone who drives a car can sense it. He can sense even a small abnormal knock or the slightest difference when turning on the engine. An example of sensing and sensitivity of another human being can be found in the parent-child relationship. He or she notices the child's bodily changes, demands, and anxieties before they even become apparent. Are you focusing on your partner?

Full Commitment.

A necessary condition for mastering an art is to be fully engaged in working on it. If this art does not become the most important thing for a student, he will never master it. For any art you often have to devote your whole life. No commitment, no love



Without patience you will achieve nothing. If you want to achieve quick results, you will never master the art.


Fromm himself, as part of this system said: our whole system favors the opposite: rush.

Jesus had to show quite a bit of patience in His love toward the impulsive Peter, the distrustful Thomas. He was patient to the end.

We have loved ones. What a stain we made at the beginning of our journey in learning the truth. We showed them our majority instead of caring about their salvation, showing compassion, appreciating them for what they are good at. We have acted as Satan's accuser.


The drug before love.

To love means to entrust oneself to someone without reserve, to give oneself totally in the hope that our love will evoke the love of the person we love. Love is an act of faith: anyone who has little faith has little love.


"If I did not have love, I would become like clanking copper."




From myself, I would add some factors necessary to show love:


  1. Care. without caring for the other person there can be no love. Caring is caring for another person. Through the example of this blog, we pray for others, help them solve their dilemmas, and give them suggestions.
  2. The key in interpersonal relationships is respect. No respect, no love. You can tell if someone is from Jesus by this. How you speak to your partner(s).

"By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another" John 13.

By showing contempt for someone you reveal yourself as an opponent of Jesus.

3. No revenge. Sometimes on the blog I notice the desire to bounce the ball, or waiting for the right moment to kick someone. In the hymn of love from Corinthians we read: "love does not seek its own".

4 Forbearance. Jesus knew full well how sinful we are and that is why He told us about the beam in His eye. Everyone has one.

" Be always humble, gentle, patient. Bear with one another with [true] love." Eph 4

Paul the apostle said:


"I die daily"(1 Corinthians 15:31)."

Paul said this because he knew very well that getting rid of the EGO, in the language of our day, is a process. Getting rid of our old selfish nature does not happen ad hoc. It is a work in progress, but love can be learned.

Paul's famous love hymn:




Love is patient,
gracious she is.
Love does not envy,
he's not looking for publicity,
he does not exalt himself in pride;
shamelessness is not allowed,
does not seek his own,
he doesn't get angry,
doesn't remember the bad;
does not rejoice in injustice,
but it resonates with the truth.
He puts up with everything,
believes everything,
He puts his hope in everything,
will survive anything.
Love never stops,
It [is not] like prophecies that will end,
Or like the gift of tongues that will disappear,
Or as knowledge that will be lacking."


We humans have it in us to look at others. And what does he give me. Does he love as Paul commands? Let him start with himself. And that way everyone can wait for the other person. I - man's worst enemy...


It may be brutal, but it is biblical. We must realize that the Bridegroom can say to certain virgins: I NEVER knew you. This proves that we can misperceive our faith but also our love for the other person... I don't know you, you never had a relationship with me with a desire to be together, we are together but apart....

So to answer Charles, true love is similar to the love of Jesus. The closer our love to our partner(s) is to Jesus, the more true and proper it is. And vice versa. The further away it is, the closer it is to Satan.

I hope I helped Karol and others a little. Today I spent about 5 hours on this text. And I know that it could be twice as big as a book.

Updated: 9 December 2017 — 17:58


Add a Comment
  1. "because in truth he cared about the interpretation of love in the male-female relationship."

    Well, we didn't quite understand each other, because I meant a relationship between two people, but not necessarily a couple. And the text rather fully satisfies me, I still have to think about it calmly.

  2. Wonderful text,glory to our Lord God!
    One of your best texts, if not the best.So beautiful, thoughtful, flowing straight from the heart, guided by theŚ.I was very moved while reading, I felt warm tears running down my cheek.
    Praise and thanks to our Lord Jesus for this text, for His unspeakable goodness and mighty love that conquered death.
    May God bless you abundantly and Shabbat shalom ❤ for All

    1. Praise Jesus for all that we have from him.
      I give thanks for our community, for you Lena and other brothers and sisters.
      I thank God for the hard times that are throwing my IAM out of me slowly because slowly.

      1. So praise the Lord Jesus for His mercy, goodness, grace and immense patience with us.
        If it were not for Him, the evil one would have destroyed us long ago.
        Thanks a lot to our Lord for our community, for all the brothers, sisters, and for our grinding, smelting fords, it's not easy for us, but we are of those who do not retreat, praise God Almighty for taking care of us!

    2. I fully join my sister in faith's opinion 🙂
      A piece of really good work for the glory of our Lord.
      Song of Songs ... or God's recipe for, among other things, a marriage relationship.

      I will also take this opportunity to address the current survey....
      Don't put the blog out 🙂 .

      Have a blessed Shabbat and a respite from your daily cares.
      With the Lord God.

  3. Very interesting text and well included references to the Bible 🙂

  4. The way my life worked out, I didn't have a white dress, I wasn't asked to marry, I didn't agree to a relationship as a result of fiery love.... and He - Jesus - showed up. I read the PNP a few times, it thrilled me with its closeness, devotion, delight... and eventually shamed me into thinking that such love would never happen again in my life - the context of course - male-female relationship, I closed the book thinking it wasn't for me, I didn't see Jesus in the message. What you have written strengthens my love for Him. The analysis of the text is clear and understandable. The work of the Holy Spirit has been done - glorifying Jesus Christ ? God bless you.

  5. Great text.
    Today many people say "in today's world love doesn't exist anymore", In a way you can see it all around you, every second marriage ends in divorce, and those who don't get divorced cheat on each other, etc, etc. But it is not love that has disappeared, it is GOD'S PRINCIPLES that lead to this love.
    Similarly, today someone might say, "There are so many churches and beliefs that I don't think the true God exists." In a way we can see this too, especially with how "Christians" of different denominations fight with each other over verses instead of seeking God together and in mutual understanding sharing their own discoveries of God's truths. But it is not God who is lost, it is GOD'S PRINCIPLES that lead to a relationship with Him.
    See how many beautiful phenomena are spoiled when we exclude GOD'S PRINCIPLES and replace them with our pernicious "reason".
    Women say "I'm supposed to be submissive to my husband? That will kill love!"
    Christians say "I'm supposed to follow the rules? That will kill salvation by grace!"
    Lawlessness, lawlessness and more lawlessness. And all in the name of good. A good that paradoxically turns out badly for us.

  6. As for the Song of Songs, there is an interesting story connected with this book contained in the introduction to it in the New Danzig Bible. It reads: "The Song of Songs was placed at the head of the five Megillot detailed in the introduction to Esther, and its writing is attributed to Solomon. It is also known that shortly after the Council of Jamnia, at which the rabbis established the canon of Judaism, the same people expressed surprise that they included the Song of Solomon, a work considered a secular erotic, in the Holy Books. Only in time did an allegorical interpretation emerge, insisting on a higher, symbolic meaning in almost every line of it."
    This is clear evidence of God's inspiration not only in the writing of the biblical texts, but also in the creation of the canon of inspired books, and the profound message of this particular book, from which Peter created this very interesting and wise post, and as he himself noted, he has not yet fully exhausted the subject 😉 .
    God is immeasurable and His wisdom contained in God's Word is multifaceted 🙂 Nothing, just use it instead of rejecting it in favor of our "logic" and "it will be better if I do it my way" philosophy! 😉

  7. Marius I'm moving

    Thank you, beautifully written text 🙂 It could even be a book, I would like to buy one, seriously writing 😀
    In the busy times of today, when there is generally so little love, the most urgent desire of our hearts should be the desire to show true love, "not the worldly, fake, insipid love," but true love. And God has shown us his love precisely by the fact that Christ died for us while we were still sinners, the just for the unjust

    Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God, and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love. In this God's love for us was manifested, that he sent his only begotten Son into the world, that through him we might have life. In this love is manifested, that it was not we who loved God, but he himself loved us and sent his Son as a propitiatory sacrifice for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God. If we love one another, God abides in us and our love for him is perfected in us...We have come to know and believe the love that God has for us. God is love: he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. By this love attains in us the end of perfection, that we have full confidence in the day of judgment, for as he is, so are we in this world. In love there is no fear, but perfect love removes fear, because fear is associated with punishment. And he who is afraid has not perfected love. We love because God himself first loved us.
    1 John 4:7-19

    And God, being rich in mercy, by the great love with which he loved us, together with Christ restored us who were dead in trespasses. (...) Together he also raised us up and together he planted us on the heavenly heights - in Christ Jesus, so that in the ages to come the immense riches of his grace might be demonstrated by the example of his goodness toward us in Christ Jesus.
    Ephesians 2:4-7
    Much more I need to change in my life to learn true love....
    I just watched
    The story of Daniel and Lyndsie shows the depth of God's love in the midst of the most difficult experiences. May the Lord who is Love teach us what it means to love.

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