Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The super city of Neom will be built in the desert where Mount Sinai is. Mohammad bin Salman a very important person...

This is yet another mega investment by Saudi Arabia, which is taking over from Japan as a high-tech leader.


"British billionaire Richard Branson is interested in a super city announced in Saudi Arabia. The businessman will take a seat on the investment's board of directors and put up an as yet unspecified amount for some of the projects. In return, the Saudis, in addition to offering him a position, will also enter into a partnership with Virgin Galactic."


Neom is intended to be a modern Internet of Things city.


Contrary to appearances, there is a lot of information here. Very much and it is impossible to describe it in one text.

For one thing, religiously and business heretical Arabia allows a British businessman to make such a huge investment. On the other hand, Arabia close to Syria did not want to accept refugees.

Second, the area is, as Magdalena rightly pointed out in her commentary, the true location of Mount Sinai.

Third, a very interesting company name Virgin Galactic. We can safely read it as Queen of the Sky......


But the most interesting figure in all of this is Prince Mohammad bin Salman of Arabia.

The reportedly bankrupt Jared Kushner is doing whatever the Saudis tell him to do.

I recall an enigmatic moment from Trump's visit to Arabia:


Below, Prince Salman with Trump:



Mohammad bin Salman is a 32-year-old prince and is expected to become the next king of Saudi Arabia,

Saudi Arabia is one of China's largest suppliers of raw materials, which means that Mohammed bin Salman is one of President Xi Jingping's most important contractors.

I was hesitant to publish my vision of the biblical beast, and I have text for several A4 pages, but now I am more and more convinced of my quest....


This outlook is not good.


It seems that it is not the US or the UK, or Russia, that China will be the world's dominant country, but it is highly likely that Saudi Arabia will be such a country.

In my assessment as an apocalypse scholar, the Arab prince is a serious candidate for the antichrist.

Because of his faith, he denies that Jesus is the Christ.

Granted, he hasn't tried to change the time in Saudi Arabia, but he does intend to change his country's laws or at least weaken them in favor of more freedom for women. He is a reformer, but not yet a king.

If he is the little horn from Dan 8: 9 then he has countries to the south (Yemen, Oman and the United Arab Emirates), to the east (Iraq and possibly Iran and Jordan) that are near the nice land "" (Israel).


But at the end of their reign, when the criminals have completed their measure, a bold and deceitful king will arise.(24) His power shall be mighty, and shall cause terrible calamities; and he shall succeed happily in action, and shall destroy the mighty and the people of the saints. (25) Acting cunningly through wisdom, he will have success; he will be proud at heart and destroy many unexpectedly. But when he rises up against the prince of princes, he will be crushed without a human hand.

Daniel 8

It's just like Salman as Sauron.

And here is the original Arabic Mordor:


Does "Salman" = "Solomon" (Rev 13:18)?
The number 666 points to one name in the Bible: king Solomon. He was known for his great wisdom. However, he was chosen for the first Assyrian king Shalmaneser I - who founded the Assyrian empire about 300 years before Solomon of Israel was born and so named. One source says Shalmaneser, "worship of fire"; while another translates his name, "the god Shalman is the chief," and yet another translated means, "the god Shalman is prominent."


Salman has a lot in common with Solomon


"And King Solomon gave to the queen of Sheba all that she desired and asked for besides what he had given her of himself as king Solomon. Then she made her way back and went to her own land with her courtiers. (14) The amount of gold that flowed into Solomon in one year was six hundred and sixty-six talents, (" 1 Kings 10 

666 talents of gold is 22 tons.


It is Arabia that is the richest country and Salman is a prince and will soon be a king reaching the age of Christ.


The later Assyrian king Shalmaneser II used a mysterious fire weapon in front of his troops against opposing armies The weapon was referred to by the king as "Nergal" and greatly terrified the opposing armies. Some modern interpreters of the name "Nergal" say it is "the desert god of fire - a close servant of Satan".


"The false prophet (the "second beast" also uses fire): Revelation. 13:13

"And he does great wonders, so that he also brings down fire from heaven to the earth before the eyes of men."


Salman has already established an Arab Union i.e. about 34 countries and this also fits into the apocalypse.


And out of the sea came forth four great beasts, differing one from another." Daniel.

As I looked closely at the horns, another small horn began to grow between them, and three of the previous horns were torn out. On this horn were eyes like human eyes and a mouth that spoke bold words.


After researching the topic for today, this prince is my #1 candidate for the man in 2 Thess 2.



Here is a plan of their mega city Neom:


And then there's the official Neom logo, on which I've superimposed a certain well-known symbol...


Does anyone have any more concerns?

One more interesting fact at the end. Arabia has almost the least public debt in the world:



It is no accident that Islam is being installed all over Europe. It is no coincidence that the largest Muslim complex in the world will be built in Warsaw.

Now I have a more rough picture of the apocalypse.

Within a few years at most the great harlot will be destroyed. I do not believe in the Adventist concept of the antichrist as pope.

There are still a few puzzles left to put together, but as far as I'm concerned it's all becoming clearer and clearer.


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Updated: 27 October 2017 — 12:38


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  1. I still think that the second Beast or Beast from the Earth is Anglo-USA, which originally had a Christian character (two horns like the Lamb) and which over time begins to subordinate to the first Beast from the Sea (the Roman Dragon) which in turn has its roots in the kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar.
    The U.S. wields the greatest military and economic power in the world and imposes its will on the world, and it is there that events are unfolding that point to the appearance of a revived image of the Beast posing as King David.

    There is only one monarchy in the world that claims the throne of King David (the British Monarchy) and they also consider themselves the lost descendants of national Israel. Which is best seen in their coat of arms, which is the Lion and the Unicorn.

    God brought him out of Egypt, the unicorn power was muHe shall devour the nations opposed to himself, and crush their bones, and strike them down with his arrows. He lay down, he lies down as a lion, and as a strong lion; who will wake him? He who blesses you shall be blessed, and he who curses you shall be cursed. Numbers 24:8-9

    It is English, the national language of the British Empire, that dominates the world, just as Latin did when the Beast from Earth ruled the world. The meridian 0° from which the whole world counts its date and time and which divides the world into two hemispheres, Western and Eastern, is located in London, which is obvious when you realize that the Beast from Earth rules the world.

    1. Ok Cuoak, but how do you see the role of such a powerful religion as Islam in the end times

      1. Islam and the entire Middle East is now being merged with Western culture through sheikhs and dollars flowing from the US for oil. The main role to play in this process as you can see Saudi Arabia and the royal family there, when the revived image of the Beast is revealed, probably radical Islam (which culturally stopped in a past era) will cease to exist and only the bright (created now) side of modern Islam will remain, which is built not alone with its power but through the power of the Beast from Earth or Anglo-US.

      2. "Saudi Arabia will build mega-city on RES and abandon radical Islam"

        "Prince Mohamed announced: "We are returning to a moderate Islam, tolerant, open to the whole world and to all religions. We will quickly root out extremism."

        1. For me the name of the city brought to mind...Noah.

          1. weird, too...

            1. Not just you 😀

          2. And me with neo, which is new

        2. It is precisely because he is reforming that he is suitable for Antek. There must be one religion of peace.

          1. Because all this Anty has to do is play super human to convince others of himself (these reforms, changes, etc.)...well that and the religious issue....

        3. want to create an ecumenical Islam - this will be useful for syncretism of the antichrist

    2. I too remain with the Adventist version, much may be helped by Veith's video" Islamic Connections". The mark of the beast on the forehead or hand is rather symbolic and signifies a state of mind (forehead) and deeds (hand).

      1. The symbols are before, and the actual fulfillment will be concrete - a physical mark, but linked to the worship of the image of the beast - which will attack the soul, as it were, and through this total surrender to what Satan wants to insert in place of God, to tear out of people the connection with God, with no turning back.

  2. The newborn David

    But look at the city of Dubai, if you watch English movies often directors in awe of the famous Burj Khalifa, Arabia is seen as such a savior of the world after all, see this video, supposedly this city will change our humanity, work, life.
    Mega city, mega life or maybe mega fortress? Today, probably every second person would like to be there at least once, because it is so high class, Islam floods Europe and we would emigrate to Dubai because there so modern

    1. They are enamored of the Arab just because they have a lot of money and splendor in architecture.

  3. Off topic, but important.
    Namely, I'm asking you very, very much to pray for my mother Ivona... For a long time I've been struggling with going to church because things, once understood and discovered, cannot be simply ignored. I was really only doing it for the peace and quiet at home, but I knew I had to stop. Today I told my mom and it happened just like it usually does. Screaming, arguing and disappointment. I can see that I hurt my mom ? badly. She doesn't understand it all, says I read too much. I am worried about her now. Please pray for her, that she will want to know the truth, that she will open up to God.

    1. Ewelka, but does your mom see changes in you for good?

      1. I don't really know what my mom thinks, in many things I've only seen her surprised e.g. when I stopped reading fantasy. The other thing is that we rarely see each other, she at work, I at boarding school. I don't know, to tell you the truth you asked me a good question. I remember my mother telling me about the disappearance of a woman and that it took a clairvoyant to find her. I told her calmly that such "help" should not be accepted because it is of dubious origin. I was shocked and upset that if she had disappeared, I wouldn't have cared because I wouldn't have gone to the clairvoyant. I could give several other examples. My mother seems to think the opposite, that I am crazy and that I have changed, but for the worse. She now claims that I want to destroy my family...I don't consider myself infallible, colloquially speaking, I knock myself down all the time, but I also feel lifted up all the time. I try to live with the Lord Jesus, eliminate everything that is not from him, but now I don't know what is true. Maybe I'm out of my mind for real. I don't know if I did the right thing telling her this, my dad mentioned something about a compromise, that we could go to church and read the Bible together. The interesting thing is that Dad knows all this about the Catholic Church... I don't know, I really don't know what to do. I heard a while ago that my mom preferred my dad's addictions to my talk. I don't know what to do, I don't know

        1. It takes wisdom and delicacy. If we just show off our knowledge it will have the opposite effect. We should build bridges.

          "I heard a while ago that Mom preferred Dad's addictions to my talking."

          The demons won't let her have the truth so she says such notational curses.
          When your mother tells you that she is out of her mind, try to answer her with the Word of God. This is our code when talking to Catholics in particular. Tell her about the crimes of the church, how she would feel if her child was murdered during an invasion. Ask her difficult questions such as why do you think the Bible was banned by the church in Rome for several hundred years....

          1. It turned out to be a very uninteresting situation. I lacked those two qualities you mention, but it wasn't my intention to show off to anyone. I just wanted to stop lying about everything being okay.
            We have prayed the whole family to resolve this issue, but they expect a change of heart only on my part. The whole problem is that the crimes of the church, which I also mentioned, the parents do not associate at all with attending the church. For mom it's tradition, for dad it's a condition of peace at home. The Inquisition, forbidding to read the Bible, mixing Christianity with paganism, for them it's just a fragment of the past, which no one cares about anymore because it has been "accepted", woven into the foundations, as mom put it. It's fun to talk about conspiracies, about what the Pope says, about false revelations, about Scripture, but in the end no one does anything about it. My dad asked me what I could do on my own. I can't do anything, only God can do something. But nobody remembers about it, because they say that reality is like that, without hope, and there are no miracles. When I was offended with God, I lied, cursed, manipulated and suppressed my emotions, nobody noticed it, on the contrary, everyone considered me a role model and a good child. Now I don't know what God expects from me in this situation, maybe I hurried, maybe I exaggerated, maybe I should have been even more delicate as you write. I don't know, that's why I'm asking for prayer, because I don't have anyone else to ask for it at the moment, especially for my mom because she's not in good health either.I'm sorry that I wrote so much and I thank you in advance in the name of the Lord Jesus.

            1. Rest assured, we all had to grow up to it. Our world has been overthrown and so must theirs.

  4. Arthur, you have the language as if you were the official spokesman for Christians in Poland

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