Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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The LWL evangelist says 400,000 people were brought to Christ in Ukraine.

Living Without Limbs Evangelist Nick Vujicic recently updated his Facebook page with a news story about the total number of people brought to Christ at a recent evangelistic event held in Ukraine.


In a story published by In September, Life Without Limbs , the LWL ministry team took advantage of a local celebration in Kiev to hold their event. People gathered from all over Ukraine for the festival to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.

"The biggest event our team at Life Without Limbs has seen, and perhaps the biggest event in Europe - 800,000 people on the streets of Kiev Ukraine! Thank God," Vujicic wrote.



Vujicic said 400,000 said goodbye to their sons and began their spiritual journey with Jesus. "Now LWL is celebrating the witness of 1 million decisions who walk and trust God face to face," he added.

Vujicic, born without arms or legs, was born at age 33. On the LWL website he explains: "It has been said that doors are open to every person, but for the one without legs much easier than anyone else, thank God for that,for the privilege of being invited to very unexpected places to share my faith in Jesus Christ to which literally millions have responded. now lwl celebrates 1 million decisions who want to walk with God and trust God in all things face to face! ".



To date, the LWL unlimited life team has traveled to more than 63 countries.




Updated: 24 October 2017 — 11:05


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  1. I watched footage of this gentleman's speeches and also one video of him.
    A fascinating man.

  2. Arthur S. (detmold) How should Christians behave in such situations? The comments under the article testify to the strong polarization and antagonization of society, which greatly pleases the minions of the evil one....

  3. A curious man. For a long time he asked God why he was born this way and... he got the answer. To prove to the world and to himself that what we think are barriers are no barriers to God.
    Nick is a father of a happy family, tours the world, evangelizes 😉 Because nothing is impossible for God! 🙂

    1. Here's the thing...he makes a nice statement about having no barriers in life to be happy (with God 😀 ), it's good to listen to him....

  4. Nick,he is a man of faith,he once said that he is now waiting for a wife from God and he got one and he has a beautiful wife and 2 kids,while others were knocking their heads,what is he talking about,what wife,man.

  5. It is amazing how God can lead a man with faith so that any obstacle can be overcome. Thank God this man is just that. Praise Jesus Christ, Thank you Lord :)!!!

  6. I sympathize with his condition, but his teachings are based on: focusing on yourself, your dreams, self-acceptance, self-confidence. In short, his teaching is based on himself, his ego, and not on Jesus.

    Additionally, I found a video of him visiting with Ophra Winfrey and Rick Warren - well-known "Christians" who promote new age, or ego worship.

    People are crying during his speeches, they cannot contain their emotions. He always draws huge crowds. For me it is a foreshadowing of what will be one day - how people will be moved, faint, fall into ecstasy during the speeches of the antichrist. If the last king of this world will also speak to the human ego, in addition he will stop the global problems (famine, wars, financial collapse), I think it will happen.

    1. In a way I share your doubts about this man. Nothing against him, but as you said he promotes some things in a literal "kolczing" way. I am allergic to all sorts of "kolczs" and he smacks of something similar. Besides, what I've noticed lately is a real rash of what I would call mlm Christianity! More and more people under the guise of being born again are promoting all kinds of mlm businesses, not seeing anything wrong with it. More and more people on Facebook describe their relationship with God and then add something completely different like healthy juice from company x! For me if someone wants to be a real Christian he can't participate in this fraudulent, thieving mlm business.

      1. Slawek, let's not judge hastily.

        God's thoughts are not our thoughts.
        Would you take on such a role?
        Dan 2.48-49
        48 Then the king exalted Daniel: he gave him many rich gifts, and made him ruler over all the province of Babylon, and chief over all the wise men (magi) of BABILON. 49 Daniel asked the king to entrust the administration of the Babylonian province to Shadrach, Meshak, and Abed-Neg; but Daniel stayed in the king's court.

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