Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

2022 or 2028 marks 70 years for Babylon

More commentary from Arthur of Police. A comment that turns into an essay. That's why I didn't publish the comment 馃榾 .


The year 2022 or 2028 will be the seventy years for Babylon, after which God will visit His people and bring them out again from captivity. If we assume that this number of years is to be reckoned in the normal way, and that it refers to the rise of political Babylon as the beginning of a real union of nation-states in Europe, based on the foundation which is Rome.

European Coal and Steel Community
- Founded in 1952, which was the beginning of integration. European Community
- founded in 1958.
European Union
- founded in 1993.

We will soon see if there is anything to it when the first anniversary hits the calendar in 5 years. Whatever the case may be, taking into account the whole geopolitical situation and also the constellations of stars and planets connected with the constellation of Virgo which are to appear on September 23/24, I am of the opinion that it should be calculated so literally that there may be somewhere around 5 or 11 years left until the fulfillment of all these things described in Jeremiah, in the prophecy which has already been fulfilled once when they came out of Babylonian captivity to rebuild the Second Temple of the Lord. Now it should be fulfilled a second time.

Jeremiah 29:10-14
10 For thus saith the Lord: When seventy years have passed for Babylon, I will haunt you and fulfill on you my promise to bring you back to this place.
11 For I know what thoughts I have of you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of distress, to give you a future and to inspire you with hope.
12 When you call upon me and bring your prayers to me, I will hear you.
13 And when you seek me, you will find me. When you seek me with all your heart,
14 I will appear to you, says the Lord, I will change your fate and I will gather you from all nations and from all placesTo which I have scattered you, says the LORD, and I will bring you back to the place from whence I sentenced you to exile.

Jeremiah 30:1-24
1 The word that went out from the Lord to Jeremiah, of this content:
2 Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel: Write down for yourself all the words that I have spoken to you in the book,
3 For behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, that I will change the destiny of my people Israel and Judah, says the LORD, and bring them back to the land which I gave to their fathers to possess.
4 And these are the words which the Lord spoke concerning Israel and Judah:
5 Thus says the LORD: We have heard a voice of trepidation, fear, and anxiety.
6. ask and see! Can a man give birth? Why then do I see every man with his hands on his hips as if he were in labor, and everyone's countenance has turned pale?

An apparent reference to the woman of the apocalypse having labor pains, symbolizing the Kingdom of God and the reunion of the 12 tribes of Israel that will occur in labor pains - the Tribulation. The rebirth of the nation as it is also referenced in Isaiah 66:7-9

7 Before the pregnant woman felt the pains, she gave birth; before the pains came upon her, she gave birth to a boy.
8. who has heard of such a thing? Who has seen something like this? Can the earth be born in one day, can a nation be born at one time? And yet Zion, barely having felt the pains, immediately gave birth to her children.
9 Shall I bring the fetus into the womb itself, and prevent it from giving birth? says the Lord - or shall I, who bring birth, close the womb? - says your God.

The Virgin clothed with the sun with 12 stars symbolizes Israel, the Bride, the Kingdom of God.
The dragon with the color of fire the kingdom of the beast: 7 heads of 7 fallen angels (one of whom is the one who was and is to return again) and 10 kings who are various leaders who are Ashkenazi Jews in 100%. Christians are building the Kingdom of God, yes they have been building the Kingdom of the Beast for centuries. Conspiracy on a racial level. This is mentioned in the book of Daniel. It is not very well translated in many translations, but surprisingly in the PNS it is very nicely translated:

Daniel 2:43-44
(43): And that you saw iron mixed with moist clay - shall mingle with the offspring of men; but they shall not hold together, one with another, as iron does not mix with moulded clay. (44): "And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be turned back. And this kingdom will not pass to any other people. It will crush all these kingdoms and put an end to them, but it will last forever.

In a 1976 interview with H.W. Rosenthal, he acknowledged that:

R. - White, I know what the Lord is looking for. I knew from the beginning, but that's okay. You and we are so different. You guys are from a different clay. You are not of our kind. It is no secret that we do not respect you and your kind.
W. - Are you simply referring to our kind as Christians?
R. - No, to you as non-Jews - you are all our enemies.

In that interview he bragged that they would have authority over the whole world. This we already see, and now they will want to give that authority to the Beast in unison. These 10 kings mentioned in the book of Daniel and in Revelation are the very 10 leaders who are Ashkenazi Jews e.g. Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Emanuel Macarius and so on... not any puppets, they know very well who they are and what the purpose is. They have all done centuries of work together for centuries with their simple people living on our plane to be able to take over nation states and see the plan through to completion.

But let's go back to Jeremiah 30:7
7. Woe! For great is that day, and none like it. It is a time of tribulation for Jacob, yet he will be delivered from it.

Most of us are familiar with it, but there are some here who are not: In the book of Isaiah we are shown that Jacob's time of trouble is synonymous with the end times, with the tribulation that is to come upon him.

Isaiah 17:1-8
1 Statement on Damascus. Behold, Damascus will cease to be a city and become a pile of rubble.
2. His cities are abandoned foreverThe flocks shall lie down, and no man shall drive them away.

3 And there will be an end to the stronghold of Ephraim and to the kingdom of Damascus. And with the remnant of the Aramaeans it shall be as with the glory of the children of Israel, saith the Lord of hosts.
4. In that day Jacob's glory will fade away, and his obese body will lose weight.
5And it shall be as when the reaper seizes the stalks of grain, and his arm cuts down the ears-so that the ears are gathered in the plain of Raphaim,

In verse 4 of Isaiah 17 we have just a reference to Jeremiah 30:7 This is about the same time that is very near. It is about the tribulation of Jacob, the coming of which was to precede the destruction of the cities of Syria and of Damascus itself. The cities of Syria are rubble.

And constituting Jeremiah 30:8-24
8 And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord of hosts: I will break the yoke around his neck and sever his bonds, and foreigners will no longer subdue him.
9 And they shall serve the Lord their God, and David their king, whom I will raise up for them.
10 Therefore do not be afraid, you, my servant Jacob, says the LORD, and do not be dismayed, Israel, for behold, I will deliver you from afar, and your offspring from the land of their exile. And Jacob shall return, and live in peace and ease, and no one shall frighten him.
11 For I am with you, saith the Lord, to deliver you. For I will exterminate all the nations among whom I have scattered you, but I will not exterminate you; I will punish you according to the law, but I will not leave you entirely without punishment.
12 For thus says the LORD: Your blow is severe, your wound is incurable.
13 There is no cure for your ulcer, nothing can make it heal.
14 All your lovers have forgotten you, they do not care for you, for I have struck you, as an enemy strikes, with a cruel smiting for your great guilt, for your sins are many.
15 Why do you cry out because of your wound, that severe is your pain? For great is your guilt I have done this to you, for numerous are your sins.
16 Therefore all who devour you will be devoured, and all your oppressors will go into captivity. Those who plunder you will be plundered, and all your plunderers I will deliver to the spoil.
17 For I will cause your wounds to heal, and I will heal you from your blows, says the Lord, though they have called you the Rejected One, for whom no one cares.
18 Thus says the LORD, Behold, I will reverse the fate of Jacob's tents and have mercy on his seats; the city shall be rebuilt on its hill, and the palace shall stand in its place.
19 And a song of thanksgiving and a shout of rejoicing shall sound from them; I will multiply them and they shall not be few; I will honor them and they shall no longer be in contempt.
20 His sons will be as before, and his congregation will stand firm before me, but I will punish all his oppressors.
21 From him shall come forth his prince, and his ruler shall come forth from among him; and I will let him come and come near to me, for who would risk his life to come near to me? - says the LORD.
22 And you shall be my people, and I will be your God.
23 Behold, the turmoil of the Lord breaks, and a hurricane rises in billows, over the head of the ungodly it looms.
24 The heat of the Lord's wrath will not be appeased until the designs of His heart are fulfilled and made real; in the last days you will understand this thoroughly.

In 5-11 years we will see how much truth there is in this and whether 70 years for Babylon should be counted from its political rise in Europe.

All signs in heaven and earth indicate that this is highly likely.

Updated: 18 September 2017 — 20:23


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  1. From the last minute
    My Dears,
    You can already sign up for the popular protestant zombie run as one of the most popular holidays in the biggest protestant country - Halloween - is coming up. Here is an invitation - advertisement (snapshot) from florida
    and here from youtube after searching for another example
    The Zombie Run Florida 2013 (Run For Your Lives)
    My child once went as a guest to an Anglican church and they played this game on the grounds around the church - near the pond
    when it was already dark.

    What's interesting once it came to my attention that representatives of that church when asked how they differ from e.g. Catholics stated that they are similar only more spiritual 馃槈 You can see immediately which side of spiritualism they had in mind 馃槈 .

    Oh they err saved in the past tense by the grace of pavel (knowing and studying the bible) exactly as Pastor Pitman in Placebo described.

    ps. has the fashion for zombie marches for children already arrived in our country?

  2. Pretty okay text, will it be as described here? i don't know...only God knows....

  3. It is not known how long the reign of the image of the Beast will last or by when, but it will not begin sooner than 3-4 years from now. However, building the stage for the final antichrist could accelerate at any time.

    In "Evan Almighty" , which is a sequel to the film "Bruce Almighty" the main character gets a warning from God about the flood like in the days of Noah to occur on September 22. By that time the ark is to be ready.

    The theme of the Flood is a very common reference in their films as a world perturbation from which a new world "purged of evil" is to emerge like a young phoenix from the ashes.

    The previous film in the series, "Bruce Almighty," is about a man who receives divine power, or becomes a god-man or messiah. The whole film is full of hidden messianic meanings.

  4. The conundrum of the alleged Sept. 23rd may be this. The first nuclear project was the Manhattan Project. Not without reason. Obama mentioned that there was a risk of nuclear weapons exploding in Manhattan. One of the videos shows a group of dancers in hats predicting a nuclear attack in New York City. And now for the most important part. The plutonium isotope 239 is used in nuclear bombs and nuclear power. This is not about the date of September 23, but a nuclear attack along the lines of the events of September 11, 2001. Interestingly, the number 239 was promoted along with 911 as far back as the 1980 movies. The famous end of the world predicted for December 21, 2012 was another number referring to 239. Manhattan is home to the United Nations headquarters and the Rockefeller Center. There is probably somewhere on some painting or other "work of art" a confirmation of this very version.

    1. In the movie Watchmen, we have the personification of their god as Dr. Manhattan, whose birth took place at 12:00 noon sharp.

      Dr. Manhattan as his symbol draws a birthmark on his forehead, which is the symbol of hydrogen (the element that forms the sun and is the main component of the hydrogen bomb), Dr. Manhattan can predict the future with tachyons and sees the annihilation of the world, exactly the same particles that can predict the future are mentioned in the movie "Tomorrowland".
      Of course, the annihilation of the world doesn't happen because thanks to Dr. Manhattan, NYC is destroyed and people enter an era of peace out of fear.

      A man taps 2 times on a watch with the number 2.

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