Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Electronic tattooing is already displacing chips.


Subcutaneous chips are not yet well established in the world and already the electronic tattoo has appeared.



4 years ago I wrote about an existing motorola tattoo:


Here we are in 2017 and progress has come a long way.

The world is moving toward what Hitler started - labeling people.

The difference this time will be .... voluntary. For several years, the society has been used to these tattoos, which I have written about more than once. In the past, a tattoo was identified with a bandit, someone who was in prison. Now it is cool...

However, the Bible warns against taking the mark of the beast:


"16: And he maketh [i.e., the beast ] that all the small and great, rich and 
The poor, the free and the slaves will receive a birthmark on their right hand or on 
17: and that no man may buy or sell who has not the mark, the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

" Apocalypse 13


Of course the chip or tattoo itself is not it, but it will be along with the mark (probably a split hexagram) of the beast.


I proved it here:


The mark of the beast in the apocalypse is a pyramid


In my estimation, a blogger who has been covering the apocalypse for about 6 years, I am 100% sure that this electronic tattoo will be linked to breaking God's Law and I fear that it will be a drastic choice. For example, you either adopt an electronic chip or you are supposed to pay off an outstanding loan during a financial crisis. In such a situation, the general public will consider you mentally ill if you refuse something so good. It might not be the cancellation of your loan, but for example, the crediting of your account with 10,000. Unbelievable? If you have a monopoly on printing money you can do anything.

I remind you that agent Bolek promised the Poles 100 million, which on the new money is 10 thousand for each.

What if the satanists up the ante? How many people will disagree?

Sadly, though, the Bible warns against such devilish temptation:


(2) And he went first, and poured out his vial upon the earth. And a malignant, grievous boil came upon the people that have the mark of the beast, and upon them that worship his image." Revelation 16.


Now I know why all this is being delayed. People are supposed to be aware of all this. Sites like this warn, but the time of warnings will end with the time of grace. Then God will not do the verse test either, but Satan's people will do the test by looking at who opposes them.




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Updated: 11 September 2017 — 13:24


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  1. I have some free thoughts about the appearance of the image of the beast and his sign of power or mark on the hand and forehead, and it is possible that within the next 3-4 years, but first there will be a false end of the world so-called "old order".

    Today is the 16th anniversary of the events of 9.11, which foreshadow the establishment of the revived image of the Beast through the power and might of the Beast from Earth (anglo-usa).
    Approximately 3000 people were killed in the demolition of the 2 WTC towers and the impact on the pentagon. This is the same number of people standing on the rooftops that Samson in the Book of Judges killed when he knocked down two columns destroying the entire building.

    "And the house was full of men and women. All the princes of the Philistines were there, and there were about three thousand men and women on the roof... and looked at the mockery of Samson. (...) Then Samson took hold of the two middle pillars on which the house stood, and leaned against them, one with his right hand and one with his left hand. And Samson said, Let me die with the Phi‧lis′tines. Then he pushed with all his might, and the house fell down upon the princes and upon all the people that were in it." Judges 16:27-30

    The name Samson means "man of the sun." Samson as judge of Israel preceded the establishment of the office of monarchy in Israel i.e. the throne of David. The world's governments are thus focused on the imminent establishment of a world king and giving him state and religious authority, i.e., a return to the oppression that prevailed during the Middle Ages.

    For example, Tolkien's novel "The Lord of the Rings" is based precisely on the theme of the return of a forgotten king to the throne of the kingdom of men.

    The Masonic Grand Lodge building in England has a fresco with Helios and the all seeing eye of the Sun behind two columns and a pentagram (two towers and a pentagon building), the destruction of which symbolically opened the way for the son of Helios (the Greek sun god).

    Satan models and manipulates the events of the Bible to authorize his antichrist. Therefore, the appearance of their king may also be preceded by the destruction of the material "Great Babylon" or world capital of commerce, which financially enslaves the world, this capital may be, for example, New York, whose destruction is interspersed in a multitude of films, and followed by a new era of enlightenment and freedom from materialism where there is no more money, theft and speculation because there is virtual currency and chip.

    Humanity believes in what it sees tangibly so New York with which the world's merchants (corporations) trade may be deceptive filling prophecies of the destruction of "Great Babylon," as well as London, which is to become the New Jerusalem, and all the nations will bring their splendor and riches there as it was in King Solomon's day when Israel was in its greatest bloom and received 666 talents of gold into the treasury. The beast of the earth considers himself to be national Israel who will lead the nations.

    Worshipping the statue of the Beast will likely initiate God's Wrath or plagues that will make people realize what a mistake they have made, after which Jesus Christ will come in the clouds destroying the son of perdition and taking the saved off the earth.

    1. Makes sense. Interesting thoughts I wrote about this when discussing the latest installment of Star Wars. Either way whether we are wrong or not, these are the end times God told us to watch and we do because the deception can be colossal.
      Recently my wife told me in regard to Matthew 24 that it is not written that earthquakes can be from God. It says 'there will be earthquakes'. So perhaps they are preparing a colossal mystification

      1. "Recently my wife told me by the way of Mt24 that it is not written that earthquakes can be from God. It is 'there will be earthquakes'" - I thought the same thing a few days ago. Regarding the false apocalypse, I also think there may be something to it.

        1. Because they'll probably want to trick people into being afraid something will happen and when no one expects it, boom! then they strike... :/.

        2. I have exactly the same thoughts about hurricanes and earthquakes, that it is written that they will happen but not who caused them, and these poor disadvantaged people instead of turning to God will blaspheme against Him.
          A perfect plan, they will cause all sorts of disasters, and the common people will blame Allah and turn away from Him.
          Even an actress said that the recent hurricanes were God's punishment for the US voting for Trump.

      2. I will still add as a complement.

        The new WTC ONE standing next to the site of the old towers looks as if it was made of joined triangles pointing up and down (pseudo hexagram) i.e. it symbolizes a person who combines divine and human qualities i.e. their messiah or an "enlightened" man of the new era.

        This was shown in the movie "Armageddon" from 1997 which again is as much of a caricature as 2012 because it actually has a hidden message about the real Armageddon and the image of the Beast. Where two space shuttles fly into space to save the earth from destruction, and only one of them comes back, but this one brings with it an extra person from space whose name is "Lion" it is known that it is about messianic symbolism.

    2. and I think that the image of the beast is the day, Sunday, on which you will have to worship it, and the chip, however, meets the requirement of a birthmark, although it is not written that only the chip, but also a tattoo, just virtual money

      I would like to add for you Peter, that you wrote that it will be voluntary, ok, but only in the beginning, because later it will become an obligation, and if you oppose, they will kill you, lock you up and try to reprogram you, because you will be enemy number one

      As for the author of this post, Cupak, let me say that Babylon is Rome, and the Roman Catholic Church is the harlot,And the beast will not expect that death will also fall on him, because from heaven there will come a stone, without hands, and this stone will be Yeshua Messiah, who with the breath of his mouth will kill the son of perdition or antichrist, and those who keep the commandments of God and faith in Christ will persevere.

      1. Great Babylon may not necessarily be a material city, it may be a spiritual creation created by the combination of the Beast and the Harlot that must be left as soon as possible to avoid God's punishment.

        Rev 18:4 "And I heard another voice from heaven saying, Come out of him, my people, that ye be not partakers of his sins, and that ye be not affected by the plagues that fall upon him,"

      2. Or maybe it will be another sign....
        See what you can see on the faces of famous people:

        1. I don't know much about Photoshop and even less about picking out reptile eyes, but I do know this: the Bible is enough for me to evaluate clergy.
          Frank's fruit is rotten.

          1. Unquestionably. Others - the greats of this world, too.

  2. Arthur S. (detmold)

    First there must be an economic crisis, e.g. a collapse in the world stock markets, which will provoke local wars that will make up the Third World War. Somewhere in all this, the son of perdition and company will be revealed, who will force the worship of lucifer... And then everything is known from the scriptures 🙂 .

    1. Arthur S , it will be that the antichrist will appear and sign a false peace,he himself will make it so that the war will end,the war will be,and he will appear in the middle to stop it,and he will succeed,it is possible that he will appear right after the war,putty already knows with this time and what how

  3. Let me add to Hitler and his markings.

    In addition to the numbers (tattoos)

    There were still patches of course triangles:

  4. It goes further and further, but it has to happen...which is written.
    I will quote what Jesus says to us about what place, the way, we should have in this world.
    "23 And he said to all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
    24 For whoever wants to keep his soul will lose it, but whoever loses his soul for my sake will keep it.
    For what does it profit a man, though he may gain the whole world, if he loses himself or suffers loss?
    26 For whoever is ashamed of me and my words, of him also the Son of Man will be ashamed when he comes in his glory, and of the Father and the holy angels.
    27 But I tell you truly, some of those present here will not know death until they see the kingdom of God."
    Lk. 9:23-27

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