Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

A broken Jesus in a vagina, or Francis in Colombia.

At first I thought I was the only one with these associations myself, but then a sister in the faith wrote to me.

The altar in Colombia in front of which the antichrist prayed not only in shape but also in colors resembles a vagina. Inside it we can only guess that there is Jesus, but without legs and without hands.

I understand that this is such a satanic expression.


Zdjęcie użytkownika Vatican Radio - English Section.


How powerful the name of Jesus must be if the attack is aimed in that direction. This is the biggest pain of satanists, For the same reasons Jehovah's witnesses belittle the role of Jesus.

I wonder when Catholics will come to their senses seeing these and other blasphemies.


Still apropos of the new visit, it is interesting to note the standard protection of the Pope. The question is did Jesus or the apostles have to have bodyguards?


What is Francis afraid of with his supposedly large faith?




Updated: 11 September 2017 — 14:34


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  1. It is possible that this thing is the birth of the antichrist, the false Jesus.

    - Hollywood shows it along with the rebuilt Jerusalem Temple
    - In the movie I, the pet Goat, (predicting various world events including the coming of the false Jesus), which some of you may know, is shown wounded and lying on the Black Madonna (a Marian cult...), and in the background you can see a nuclear explosion and then at the end he's in adult form with satanic symbolism on his head
    - As for that aforementioned nuclear explosion, Paul VI Hall from outside and inside looks like the head of a snake (one of the symbols of the devil) and where the pope is sitting there's this weird sculpture ( and do you know what it depicts? Namely, Christ coming out of a nuclear explosion
    "The result was "The Resurrection," a statue depicting Jesus rising from a nuclear bomb crater."
    - still regarding this vagina and the cult of Mary, here you have Mary coming out of a vagina, in a Jesuit church in Washington:

    I had something else found there on this topic, but I think that's enough for now.

  2. My dear friends, my mother needs a community. She is a newborn, but she is reluctant. Please pray that she will meet someone who will help her to break through. May she be led by the Lord. Greetings and I'm sorry if this is off topic.

  3. Behind the resistance is the fallen spirit Beelzebub and it is possible that he is in your mom's life as well. He needs to be chased out of your mom's life. I suggest you find people with the Holy Spirit who know what they are doing and together in the name of Jesus chase him out of your mom's life because prayer alone doesn't always work. Watch this testimony from minute 32 to minute 42:

  4. Terrible thing in the picture, because it doesn't resemble Christ at all :/

    1. Today, even an inverted cross is simply called "an artist's expression symbolizing... (insert any thing you like here)."
      And the Word of God says that our speech is to be a simple yes or no, and that includes messages like this. Anything more than that comes from the evil one. As you can clearly see in the accompanying picture. Yet people bow to this abomination that humiliates the King of kings and Lord of lords - Jesus Christ.
      The big surprise will be when Jesus comes in power and glory, totally different from all those caricatures and images of him.

      1. "Today, even an inverted cross is referred to simply as "an artist's expression symbolizing... (here you can insert whatever things you like)""

        You can create any sick theory with the help of intellectualism. Communism, socialism in the name of social equality deprive people of their property.
        Psychiatry is taking on the role of people ministering to deliverance from demons.

    2. Because there is no reminder either.
      This is a blatant mockery of the Savior.
      Satan knows he is defeated and has little time and in his hatred he bites as hard as he can.

  5. If he is the latter pope what Satan will dwell in him in the place of the demon, then the Lord will do it to him what is written in 2 Thess. 2 chap. Here you have the man what is 666 in him and with all those who through ecumenism are connected to him. VICARIVS FILII DEI = 666 NOW just count it.If you have wisdom from God. That will give you the result poor man. And not bullshit about chips and tattoos.Quote: 2 As for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our meeting with him, we beseech you, brethren,
    2. so that you may not be so quickly deceived and frightened, whether by some oracle, or by speech, or by a letter supposedly written by us, as if the day of the Lord had already come.
    3 Let no man deceive you by any means; for it shall not come to pass until the apostasy has come, and the man of wickedness, the son of perdition, is revealed,
    4. the adversary who exalts himself above all that is called God or is the object of divine worship, and even sits in God's temple claiming to be God.
    5 Don't you remember that while I was still with you I told you about this?
    6 And you know what is holding him back now, so that he will only be revealed in due time.
    7 For the secret power of iniquity is already at work, secret until he who now restrains is gone from the field.
    8 And then the wicked one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming.
    9 And this wicked one will come by means of Satan with all power, amid signs and supposed miracles,
    10. and in the midst of all deceitful deception toward those who are to perish because they have not accepted the love of the truth that could save them.
    11 And therefore God sends upon them fierce madness, so that they believe a lie,
    12. That all who have not believed the truth, but have found pleasure in unrighteousness, may be judged.

  6. No statue made by human hands represents our Savior. For as we know there is no accurate description in the Bible of what Christ looked like, and most importantly it is forbidden to worship them even statues that worship 1 : 1 Jesus (unlikely). Let them break these statues and place them wherever they want. Let us worship God and our Savior in Spirit and truth.

  7. Hmm... There's been a lot of that lately. There's a nun's letter circulating on o2 today. Decrypted after 341 years. It's going to happen. The nasties are coming from everywhere and of all kinds. They are getting bolder and clearer. But Majeranek is cool because it's so modern. It is a waste of words and my hands are withering.

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