Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Less than 0.5% people in Poland will be saved.

Writing is like a double-edged sword and I will prove my thesis in a moment after presenting the statistics.

Yesterday I became interested in the number of Protestants in Poland. To my surprise I saw a shockingly low number of them. Wikipedia informs us about only 150 thousand members of Protestant churches in Poland.


Here's that awareness data, which is inflated anyway as I'll show in a moment:


Protestantism - 0.38%

(mainly Lutherans and Reformed Evangelicals - 0.18%, Pentecostals - 0.09%, other Evangelical Christians - 0.07%, Adventists and other groups - 0.04%)


In order to judge who will be saved, we must adopt some criteria as it happens for those using not dogma but the Bible. I don't want to write an elaboration on salvation because it is a river topic, but I will lean on a few key verses.



"And he said to them: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature! 16 Who will believe and be baptized, he shall be saved; and he that believeth not shall be damned."


In black and white you can see the conditions of salvation:


  1. Belief in Jesus and His death for our sins.
  2. Baptismal Reception.


Believing is not on this principle, which is what the majority of Catholics present. All Catholics believe in Jesus, but do they do as God wants? A rhetorical question. Believing in Jesus is characterized by a turning over of our lives. An overturning of our previous ideas about Him.

Baptism, on the other hand, is not the same as any sacrament in the CoC for credit, but it is a desire. No one urged me to be baptized. I had a deep desire. The Lord Jesus, despite his holiness and the opposition of John the Baptist, symbolically took baptism himself to set an example for us. Since then, millions of conscious and adult people have taken conscious baptism by immersion, not sprinkling.

The Lord jesus said:


"My sheep listen to My voice, and I know them. They follow Me."


To know the voice of Jesus, one must know the Bible, for the Bible is the Word of God, and it speaks to us. Catholics in the vast majority do not know the Word of God.

Protestants, that is, some of them know, but according to the parable of the sower, they do not practice.


I touch on many threads here for quite separate texts, but I am forced to limit myself to outlining a few aspects.

I assume that 100% Protestants have taken conscious baptism by immersion. These 100% are just 0,35% Poles.


Unfortunately, the truth is much more painful. Gro churches are unbiblical, but I won't go into the discussion here. I have had the bitter experience of seeing on the Facebook profile of Lutherans how a very large portion of them are on the side of the enemy of God. These are just my subjective experiences scientifically not contributing anything. However, the doctrines of Lutherans are not consistent with the Bible and that is already objective.

Below is the evidence:


Lutherans are in concubinage with the Church of Rome. Probably there is a portion devoted to God, but how many such believers there are we will not count. It is certain to truncate these 0.18% Lutherans as born again to a lower percentage.

Speaking of being born again. I wrote about this in the text:


The difference between noticing the kingdom of heaven and entering it, that is, not all Christians are Christians.


I think this is one of my best texts. It explains a lot about the process of salvation.

The Lord Jesus clearly said "not everyone who tells me Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven"


He also sometimes writes that there are many people in churches who are not born again. What are the characteristics of this birth?

To quote myself from the text on repentance:


If you do not see your sins you have not repented, apologized to God the Father and changed your thinking, then you are not born again.

From the Greek, this remembrance or repentance, this metanoeo, means to repent, to feel remorse."


Repentance - a measure of being born again.


And here is the trap. Some may have repented before God, I emphasize before God, but they notoriously break Jesus' commandment to their neighbors:


4 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another as I have loved you; that you also love one another in this way. 35 By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have one another in commonThey "hunted" John 



This is how you get to know other believers. As an example of someone who is not part of Jesus' disciples, I give the comments of my blog reader Luke B:


"" Read the Bible, faggot, and you'll find everything. Even the bottom." to user garylouki

to me:

"You want me to call you stupid? Because that's how you act. Pseudo-Christian dogged fool "


These are the comments of an unsaved person. A saved person would never in his life speak to a fellow man in this manner.


He is a charismatic, which does not mean that all charismatics are like that, although one can feel the pride resulting from, for example, the experience of being freed from demons:


"In that day many shall say unto me, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name, and in thy name have we not we cast out demonsand in thy name have we not done many miracles? (23) And then I will say to them, I never knew you. Go away from me, you who do lawlessness" Matthew 7.22


The Lord Jesus will say to such that He NEVER knew them. How then do they deliver from demons? By using the authority of Jesus, but not having His nature. In Acts there is mention of baptism in the name of Jesus Christ. This is an alternative to Matthew's baptism in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Baptism in the name of Jesus is an immersion into the nature of Jesus, his character. Unfortunately, or rather fortunately, Jesus does not have the character of this Luke and others like him.

The Bible is absolute.


14) Strive for peace with all and for sanctification, without which no one will see the Lord" Hebrews 12


Is this Luke trying to make peace or a bunch of Internet haters? If you don't like the author of this blog, for example, and you come here to vent your bile and hatred, are you a follower of Jesus?

Peace and love for neighbor was Jesus' purpose for coming to earth.

(78)By the great mercy of our God, through which the light from on high will come to us, (79) to reveal himself to those who are in darkness and sit in the darkness of death, to direct our feet on the path of peace. Luke 1



The Lord Jesus said this to the woman washing Jesus' feet with her tears:


"And he said to the woman: Your faith has saved you; go in peace.
(Luke 7:1-50, Warsaw Bible)'



In summary the road is narrow. You can see by the statistics and this text that it is a very narrow road and if there was a capture now, only about 0.2% Poles would be taken, which is about 74,000 people.

37 million Poles x 0.2% = 74,000

The rest will be left behind.

Of course, there are also children who are, as they say, guilty of God.

In my estimation, this 0.2 is overstated anyway, but I put uninformed children behind this overstated value.

I also believe that a handful of Catholics will also be saved. I once wrote how many believers there are:

How many Catholics are there really?



Assuming that you live in a high-rise building with a population of about 250 people, only

0.75% people or 3/4 of one person.....


Mt 7:6. 12-14
6 Do not give that which is holy to dogs, nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them with their feet and turn and tear you. 12 So do all things to men as you would have them do to you. For this is the Law and the Prophets. 13 Enter through the narrow gate, for spacious is the gate and broad is the way that leads to perdition, and many are those who enter through it. 14 What a narrow gate and a narrow road leading to life! Few are those who find ither.



Is it worth living the old life then? Is it worth having hatred in your heart?

For new readers, he suggests watching the movie "Left Behind"



If you think that Jesus is the kind of ecumenical church being built where all you have to do is be a good person, you are wrong:


Go away from me you guys, who do WITHOUTalmost". Mat 7 ..."


Don't take any chances and give your life to Jesus by confessing your sins and turning away from sin, from WITHOUT law.




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Updated: 5 September 2017 — 12:03


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  1. Admin is a bit off, he knows how many will be saved and yet he is not God.

    1. You are rightly pained by this. The Bible says it will be the few. How many is "few?
      Are 10 people out of 100 the few?
      If we said that "a small number of 2 out of 10 people received prizes in the cycling race" would that be logical? No.
      I am very sorry, but statistics show how many evangelicals there are in Poland.

      In conclusion. I see that it is the only possible argument to write "he flew away". What cognition, intelligence and culture...

  2. I don't know how many are few, certainly no number is known. Only God knows that.
    From your text it seems that Catholics will not be saved because they received baptism as ignorant people, nonsense. I received Catholic baptism and I am happy about it. I do not have to accept the second one.

    1. It's not important what you say. It matters what the Bible says. God's word is above yours and the priests of the church.
      The Bible clearly says that we are to immerse ourselves.
      The Gospel of John says that John baptized at Ainon because there was plenty of water there (John 3:23). The Jordan is a shallow river, and only in certain places was it possible to baptize by immersion. The very name John the Baptist, in the original Greek is "Immersion." The Greek word for "baptism" (Gr. baptidzo), in fact, means "to immerse."

      Besides, there is not a single instance in the Bible. NOT ONE where someone was baptized as an infant.
      This is why Jesus said:

      "'Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God'"

      You have already had a physical birthday. Have you been born again?

      1. It does not matter whether immersion or sprinkling. Baptism is baptism. It is not the type of baptism that saves, but apparently you don't understand that.

        1. Baptism in itself does not save, but you didn't have ore baptism. You had a sprinkling like they sprinkle the food baskets in church at Easter.

          1. You can say what you want, but it was a baptism and that is the fact.

            1. If so, then all denominations are living in error and you should not be here because I am teaching false doctrine....
              Millions of unnecessarily baptized Protestants according to ore

              1. I would add that it is also about the consciousness of being baptized. A person must decide for themselves whether they want to commit their life to Jesus or not. I think this is the main problem. I do not deny, of course, that the Bible is clear on the subject of immersion.

                Greetings to you, Peter.

                1. Regards Oliver and of course I agree with you.

        2. But it is supposed to be an informed choice and what kind of awareness does a tiny child have? The parents decide for them. The Lord Jesus was baptized as an adult and a man who is born again also desires water baptism as a sign that his old nature has died. You say it was a baptism, that's right, it was a baptism - Catholic and it has nothing to do with biblical baptism and it is simply unbiblical.

    2. You have been given Catholic baptism, but you have not baptized yourself, so you are still unbaptized. Until you believe, or are born again, you are not saved. Only when you are born again, you become a new man with Jesus, this baptism is biblical.

      1. valuable comment. It says:

        "'He who believes and is baptized will be saved,

        but whoever does not believe will be condemned" (Mark 16.16)."

        Toddlers don't believe.

  3. The fact of receiving salvation is that we are born again of the Spirit of God, behind it goes not knowledge alone, because many know and read the Scriptures, but the transformation of our heart, if our behavior does not change, if our language does not change it means that we have not yet allowed God to touch us and transform us, so we are still unsaved although we may have the knowledge of salvation. A saved person simply becomes a new creature, everything changes, he no longer looks and desires to act like the old one. We have less and less time, because the Lord is getting closer and closer and the time of grace is running if someone is not sure of salvation yet, or is still the way he was and his heart has not been changed, let him kneel down and cry out: Come Lord, Jesus, and save me."

    1. "The fact of receiving salvation is that we are born again of the Spirit of God, this is followed not by mere knowledge, for many know and read the Scriptures, but by the transformation of our heart, if our behavior does not change, if our language does not change it means that we have not yet allowed God to touch us and transform us so we remain still unsaved though we may have the knowledge of salvation. "

      Hence, I wrote in the text:

      'Protestants , i.e. some of them know, but according to the parable of the sower they do not practice."

      And I would also add that some Protestants fall into Satan's trap. He lets them know the Bible, but they begin to have Lucifer's sin of pride and haughtiness.
      In this way they deceive themselves.

      1. Pride and haughtiness can easily be mistaken for tactlessness or lack of tact. In "religious" matters this is a common occurrence. I suggest you research the subject because many people speaking here on the blog may have been misclassified . ( 🙁 )

      2. Jesus operated in different circumstances - among Jews and Gentiles. Also, the apostles were tasked with converting adult people (after all, they couldn't kidnap all the children and raise them in the Christian faith).
        How different that situation was from 2000 years later, where every family has the opportunity and the obligation to baptize their child. The sacrament takes place, and the child grows in communion with God and the Church, and acquires a consciousness of faith. In the hands of this child, later to become an adult, is the destiny of his faith and salvation.
        However, from your argument, Admin, it appears that one must first be a non-believer or an erring person to necessarily be born again. So you die at the age of 4 and it's all over, you are guaranteed eternal damnation. Hm...

        1. No, according to the Bible people only respond from gaining consciousness is firstly. Secondly, God knows the circumstances of an older child's life, whether they had a chance to learn the Bible.

  4. And I also think that the number of people saved will be tenths of a percent and rather less than 0.5 %....

  5. Disinterest in God's Word is common. And even among those who are interested in it, there are probably many who do not follow the Word in their life practice. Deception is also common, and I would even say that is an understatement. I don't know what word to use to describe the extent of deception in the world...

  6. How easy it is to condemn 99.5 % popoulations in Poland to eternal damnation.....
    God examines the hearts of men and knows who believes in His Son and who does not, and this is certainly not about rituals.
    Looking at your categories one can be extremely happy because in the USA more than 50 % are Protestants who will be saved hmmmm....
    I know many very believing Catholics, humble, humble, always helpful, I'm sorry that you highlighted all of them and lumped them together.

    1. Not me. After the flood, there were barely 8 survivors.
      Besides, I wrote that Protestants are delicious and that it was the Lord Jesus who said the few would enter.
      There is a massive tour in the US. You can see by the fruit.
      Marko I feel sorry for you that you have been reading the blog for a long time because I wrote about the salvation of some Catholics. It is a pity that you choose what you want.
      Do you want me to write for you that 50% will be saved? Show me those 50% people dedicated to God.

      1. I remember well that you wrote about a couple of your Catholic friends devoted to God.
        And numbers are not important to me. Looking at it this way, no one before Christ will receive salvation, not even the prophets, because they certainly did not fulfill the law and have not heard about baptism.
        In the same way, there are billions of people who have not read the Scriptures because they were not in print until modern times.
        It is not for me to judge who will be saved who will not, for me such speculation is not edifying and it is not my thing.
        Whoever has God in his heart and finds him there, in my humble opinion, deserves sonship, but I don't like the idea of creating a formula for salvation. Looking at this papacy, which certainly has knowledge and believes in Jesus (after all, both fallen angels and believers), it is enough that they are baptized among themselves as adults and salvation is ready.
        Peter, I respect and love you, but this article does not get to me.

        1. "Looked at in this way, no one before Christ will receive salvation, not even the prophets, for they certainly did not fulfill the law, and neither have they heard of baptism ."

          The prophets - I understand you mean the ST prophets - lived under the law. We are not under the law of sin and death. We are washed by the blood of Jesus. These are quite different times. Although the moral Law is the same, but salvation is different.

          I emphasize, after the flood only 8 people were saved, and with such a post you encourage people to be lukewarm. You know what these sinful people think "this detective is nuts and Marko7 is an equal boyfriend" In a while they will go to marysia, or they will live in other sins because Marko his boyfriend found this text unbelievable. You take on their sins.
          The prophets have always warned, and you downplay. Ok, your business, your salvation.
          And the fact that he writes this way also stems from his love for you as a fellow man and for others who read this.

          The Lord Jesus versus your Marko words:

          "How narrow the gate and narrow the way that leads to life! Few are those, who find it."

          It's not my idea. I am guided by the Word and you, Marko, are guided by your own words. So why use the Bible when you can rely not on the words of Jesus but on your own understanding of salvation.

          There are many such "saved" people:

          It is enough to go to a major league game where unfriendly teams are playing to see the large number of "saved" people. It is enough to go to the cinema to see movies about killing or "5 you face Grey" to see excited "saved" people.
          It's enough to visit modern alcohol bars, now called Alcohol Galleries, to see how many customers they have.
          Most of the guys aged 16-30 masturbate, of course the "saved" as well. Integration events in companies and side jumps of "saved" people etc. etc. There is no time to write about these saved

          1. Unfortunately you misunderstand me, I mean people who have God in their heart but perhaps have not been born again for reasons beyond their control. I strongly deny evil, however if one lives in the jungle and has no knowledge and is a humble, good in human terms person devoted to God though he calls him differently maybe what?
            For example, the Catholic Maximilian Kolbe I understand that he will go to hell because there is a place for idolaters and unbaptized people?
            The people you write about, that I encourage them to do something, probably don't have a savior in their hearts, and I didn't write about such people, although God cares about such people (so that they would be reborn - you wouldn't catch me by the tongue:)).
            Faith in the Lord Jesus saves from the law of sin, but pure, true faith that only God can see, of course this goes with the total transformation of man, or being born again. But I am far from condemning anyone to anything.

            1. "Neither debauchees, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor divorcees, nor men cohabiting with one another, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor revilers, shall inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, sanctified, and justified in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God."

              Let me tell you right away that the devil is in the details. Idolatry is not only about images, but for example, worshiping a politician, let's say Korwin Mikke, who is held in higher esteem than God. They commit the sin of idolatry. Football may be higher than God, etc.
              We only cling to images and devotionals, but... God has called the Catholic people His people Revelation 18 "My people, come out from among them."

              In the text I wrote that some cauldrons will be saved, but someone watches those Gesler and Vojewodzki passionately, someone buys those cigarettes, etc...

              I thought as I wrote this line:


              then I will be understood...and I can see from Marko's comment that I am not

              1. You are 🙂 Peter I am not arguing with you. Somewhere in my soul plays the fate of people who do not meet your criteria. I remember this article however in the above article Catholics you deleted everyone.
                I don't look at people from the point of view of the denomination they are in because it is not an objective view. Everyone is an individual, everyone has his own heart and soul, so I try not to generalize people.

            2. Oh I have never considered myself an equal peasant, I am rather a grey mouse.... This is how I write in my own words, because I am far from being convinced by verses, because it is a road to nowhere.
              Jesus, by changing our hearts, makes us more merciful, so do I, being merciful, have the right to judge what is in someone's soul or who will end up in what place? No, so I don't do that either - but you accuse me that this is an encouragement for others to do evil, no .... Absolutely on the contrary, I want people to come to Jesus I'm not perfect, I don't always work out, but I want people to know Him as God of love . God the Father and not find the key to the back door of the Kingdom.

              1. " far from being convinced by verses, as this is a road to nowhere:"

                "If any man speak, let him speak as the Word of God" 1 Peter

                Otherwise, we can talk like we're at our aunt's house...

                1. I've seen a lot of verse warfare that leads to no one convincing anyone of anything, only bloodshed, and everyone will have their own interpretation anyway.
                  "...But if anyone strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other to him. To him who wants to make law with you and take your robe, give up your cloak as well.

                  Yes Peter you are bigger than me you know the Holy Scriptures better, for verses you would win 🙂 .
                  Warm greetings to you
                  Nevertheless, please bear with me that I am close to the plight of oppressed, God-fearing people who simply do not meet your categories of salvation .

                  1. This isn't a race to win. This is about the truth and at this point I trust that you are writing from a good heart.
                    However, if you go to court, you use some code. Criminal, civil, etc.
                    When we meditate on God's Word, we rely on the Bible, or else people will actually believe that it is enough to be a good person, as Francis says.

              2. Praise God, Marko that God has placed that desire on your heart for people to know God 🙂 I believe most of us here on this site have that desire too. It is that he loved us first that we want to share this and that others can come closer to him so that he can save them, but love is also a deep responsibility to present the truth as it is in God's word, because only it has the power to set them free 🙂 By ourselves we will not really be able to convince anyone because it is the Spirit of God who has the power to convince a person, he also leads us and guides us in everything. May God bless and guide you 🙂 Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ.

    2. Marko 7
      Only those believing,humble,modest,helpful Catholics in practicing idolatry.And as you know,no idolater will inherit the Kingdom of God.
      Faith alone is not enough, you must have a relationship with the Lord Jesus, know Him and do the will of God.

      1. Let he who is blameless cast the first stone. I as a sinful creature will not undertake to accuse someone of sins. If we, as bad people, are able to forgive, will God, being many times more merciful than us, throw everyone into eternal torment? It is a rhetorical question, so I will not answer it myself, but even on an open sinner I try to look with love and not condemnation.

        1. And where does anyone here condemn the sinner?
          Calling a spade a spade and pointing out the Truth is not condemnation.It is love.
          God did everything He could to save mankind by giving His beloved, sinless Son, who was dearly redeemed to be a new creation.
          God is Holy!and we are to become holy through the Lord Jesus.
          Now is the time to follow and imitate the Lord.
          And it costs
          God is Good, Merciful, Just, but also Jealous.
          I know that most Christians prefer nice, beautiful words about love and grace.They don't allow the truth to come to them because it has consequences.

  7. Arthur S. (detmold)

    I bet nuggets of gold against nuts 😉 that our practically all Polish scars deceived by the church are afraid to read the Scriptures, because they are subconsciously afraid of unpleasant moral shivers resulting from the cognitive dissonance between the biblical rules and what the Babylon-controlled fallen world has instilled in them... Such are the effects of being in bondage to spiritual darkness, in their case the Vatican tradition....

  8. Lenka, it occurs to me to make a purely theoretical comparison, if you were kidnapped with a baby child ...... and another family was made to believe that these were his parents, and he would address them as mom and dad...... would you really beat his ass for punishment or send him to hell for saying "mom" to another woman?
    So will God do that in this situation too?

    1. The comparison misses the mark...
      God has given the DoS to instruct and guide to the truth.
      He didn't leave his children orphans, he took care of everything.
      It's people who don't want to come to him.
      Look at our community the DA almost got us all out of the Krk.
      Warm regards ?and God's blessings and guidance to you Marko.

      1. I wanted not to write any more on this subject, but I will write back: the Word of God is our conscience, so to speak, and we know what is good and what is bad because He instructs us in the facts. However, someone who does not have access to the Bible, or as it used to be, no one, really thinks that the Book of God is going to show him all of Scripture, he would have to be a prophet or clairvoyant.
        I really know people who are extremely devoted to God and who are in the Church. These people live in harmony with God, but they are in the Church and they think that they are doing good. They are usually old people who have been brought up in such a way that they cannot be persuaded. No, I do not strike people out:) They are better people in their ignorance of the Scriptures than I am who have learned something about the Scriptures.
        Have a nice day .:)

        1. Oj Marko in a humanistic way you understand God.

          No one is judging people here...only you want to point out that it's different.
          You are trying to justify deviance. Do you think that people who know and love God can sit in a criminal organization?
          I would love for everyone to be saved, but people have not loved Christ enough to follow Him.
          They have a church, traditions, thousands of excuses just to indicate that they are Christians.They don't know the Lord because He is not in the first place for them.
          If they had known, they would have gone away like all those for whom Christ was All.

          1. "Oj Marko in a humanistic way you understand God."

            Exactly and this leads to the kind of understanding of Jesus that we have at Christmas tables. Booze, bacon and cabbage and peas. This is Jesus on Sol Invictus.

        2. Mark, how do you think the Gentiles of ancient Israel will be saved? The Lord taught His people many times not to walk in the way of these Gentiles. God made it clear that none of these Gentiles knew Him and their end was death. Israel had God, so to speak, "exclusively," other peoples did not know God. All these peoples unknowingly worshipped demons in the form of various idols. Do you think they will be saved?

          The NT tells us the same thing, to be saved you must give your life to Christ. And this does not mean that you have to go to church/church every Sunday/Saturday and do certain things. Each of us must have a fellowship with Jesus like the apostles had who ate and drank with him.

          Satan deceives the WHOLE world. The Scriptures even call him the prince of this world. It is true that people are raised in different cultures, etc. But notice one important thing:

          "For many are called, but few are chosen." (Mt.22:14)

          All these people you write about have heard the name of Jesus at some point in their lives, but for most of them it is just a religion, a myth, a superstition, etc. It is very rare for any of these people to be really interested in it. It is very rare that any of these people really take an interest in it. Doesn't the Lord speak to the world every day through the mouths of God's people? He does. Does the world listen to him? No. God wants every person to be saved, but the elect are only a handful.

          I must admit that when I was an atheist it was one of my main arguments that God doesn't exist. You know what I mean, someone asks you if you believe in God and you say: "which one?" But God is outside this world. You can't reach him through any religion.

          I wish you all the best Marko and may the Holy Spirit bless you.

          1. "All these people you write about have heard the name of Jesus at some time in their lives, but for most of them it is just religion, myth, superstition, etc. It is very rare that any of these people really take an interest in it. Doesn't the Lord speak to the world every day through the mouths of God's people? He does. Does the world listen to him? No. God wants every man to be saved, but the elect are only a handful."

            I too would like my whole family to be saved, but critically I don't see even one person...Therefore I pray for their salvation

            1. Someone I think you're leaving out though 🙂 .

  9. "For new readers, he suggests watching the movie "Left Behind"."

    I would distance myself from this because the promotion of the invisible rapture of a select group by the bankrupt film industry should sound a warning bell for Christians, especially since this doctrine was promoted in the nineteenth century by dispensationalists and mainly by the founder of the movement, the charismatic mystic Edward Irving. Their task was to reconcile the prophecies of Revelation with the separation of the saved into a Church and the creation of a national Israel.
    A distance from this subject can be useful when the great tribulation comes and we find that we have not been raptured, which can ultimately lead to doubt and deception.

    1. this is not a hollywood movie house but a niche movie house.
      However, here you are right, the issue of engulfment is not certain when it will be. However, it is known that it will be on 100% and that is the issue here.
      The message of the film is regardless of the time of the hijacking the irreversibility, the closing of the door. Should we risk it just because we don't know the time of the capture?

      1. I understand, but there have been many other high-budget productions on the subject of the abandonment of the damned on earth, with actors such as Liv Tyler and Nicolas Cage, the cream of Hollywood who in a thousand ways want to please the masses with a false messiah, and manipulate the real light of the Gospel so that the desperate "left behind" fall into the arms of the image of the Beast.

        1. Yes it was made, but they also made movies about Jesus...

          1. Doesn't the Pope speak beautiful words about Jesus and read the Gospel ? Their goal is to replace Christ with their god, so they make movies about Christ and the Gospel, but with the truth comes acid, which works until everything becomes acid.

            1. Well, that's it. They present the truth, but with acid, but...also...they will use any popular theme to make money. They know very well that Christians in the US are waiting to be raptured so they made a movie with Cage.

  10. Thank you for the prepared material, even in spite of the discussion that is going on underneath it 🙂

    1. Marius I'm moving

      Very powerful testimony. I believe it was God who spoke to this gentleman during the clinical death and I will also write that I am actually terrified! I'm also scared by the text written by you Peter 🙁 Stupid thinking of mine led to lukewarmness by which doubt came and I was aware of it as I would not be saved and by which old sins came back somehow everything fell apart I need to come to my senses and think about it and start following the Lord Jesus or I will end up in the lake of fire 🙁 please pray for me

  11. A little too the topic has grown, I pondered it in my heart today and received this answer
    GA5 22-23
    "22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such [virtues] there is no Law. "
    And by writing about people who do not fit into the criteria given in the article I meant people who fit like a glove into these virtues even though they are in the Church or have not been baptized, but believe deeply in Jesus..... and the priest.
    Since there is no law - no sin, if there is no sin then I understand that there is the possibility of salvation.
    Of course, I am no oracle and could be wrong.
    The discussion has spilled over too much into side threads.

    1. You see, Marko, you want to compromise so that the wolf could be full and the sheep could be whole, but this is not possible with the Lord Jesus Christ.
      Regarding the fruits of the LDS, they are the mark of those born in Christ.
      And Catholics are not, those who are born again flee the Krk.And praise God for each new person pulled out of there!

      1. Why should people flee the Church built by Jesus on Peter being its rock? Since you claim that the Catholic Church is a hotbed of Satan, it's as if you recognize that there were no real Christians until the 16th century. You say that the Inquisition killed millions of people, and how many Protestants killed "witches" you no longer say. I recommend that you, Protestants, put the Bible aside for a while and pick up a history book (I don't mean that a history book is more important than the Bible, but that knowing history is important). I have a feeling something will write back: "Why do I need a history book when I have the Bible," but the Bible is not a history book. It is the book of God's presence.

        1. I'm sorry, but we're not Protestants

        2. I enjoy learning history, and the Roman Church has "enriched" it wonderfully. In particular, the disputes between popes and their holy wars (and it is maintained that the election of a pope is of the Holy Spirit, yes, yes)
          You say that Protestants are not holy, yes they are not and have not been. If you listen to what some of them say it makes you a little sad. Therefore, we are to know a Christian by his fruits and behavior, not by his denomination.
          I am surprised by your emphasis on history, it only confirms that the church is one big lie and juggling with new doctrines like in a circus. The Dormition of Mary, then the Ascension, once a priest could not warm up from abortion now he can and God will forgive because the Pope decided so.
          That speaks for itself.

  12. I don't think you are taking into account Revelation where the Great Reich is mentioned. The Great Tribulation is supposed to be a last hope, an ultimatum for all those who are still undecided.

    Those who have already given themselves to God and Jesus and live as God has commanded will escape this, but there is still talk of the Great Reich, so of those who will die in the WU because of their faith.

    To quote from memory "Then I looked, and behold, a great Reich, which could not be numbered, men of all nations, peoples, tribes, and tongues. And I asked: And those clothed in white robes, who are they and whence have they come?" And he said to me, "These are they who come from the Great Tribulation and have rinsed their robes and in the blood of the Lamb have whitened them."

  13. Hello,

    I stumbled across this article by accident somewhere on eyes can't believe it.

    A typically sectarian claim, which in its very title is preposterous and contrary to Revelation, the Word of God. No wonder Luther wanted to get rid of it, yet Christ shows John in a vision a view of what?

    Revelation 7
    (9) Then I saw, and behold, a great multitude, which no man could number, from every nation, and from all tribes, and peoples, and tongues, who stood before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white garments, with palms in their hands.

    (10) And they cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation is with our God who sits on the throne, and with the Lamb.

    A countless, large crowd from all languages, tribes and nations.

    "Countless" - do you think Peter that you are able to count anything that God has announced?

    Protestantism is just an offshoot of the CC, the same sect but in a different version.

    A very naive and schematic approach.

    Greetings in God.

    1. I know the text hits people like you and hence the emotion.
      You and a case like you refresh the blog page every now and then which I had a look at.
      Maybe I'll start with your style Kamil to show that you are not God's man.

      You wrote "A typically sectarian claim." This already discredits you as a follower of Jesus. Jesus used arguments like with the devil. You have no respect for your elders. You could have been my son, but what is the wonder of such attitudes if you smoked, or maybe you still smoke pot and consider yourself a believer. Your pride and lack of culture are a proof that you have violated God's Law regarding respect for elders, not to mention your personal culture. You clearly feel the lack of your father's hand over you.
      As much blood as you've spilled on me, there's only one other person like you on the internet.
      Ok now let's get to the point. You called my thesis sectarian, and you are the one who visits this blog regularly while creating sectarian theories that remove Paul the apostle. All reformers used Paul, but Kamilek came to the net and in the warmth of the armchair he thinks he is fighting when Jan Hus, W. Tyndale died at the stake so that you could read the bible you despise. Sects have a way of being niche. Fortunately the people who do not recognize Paul are few and far between and are not born of the Spirit.

      You quoted the apocalypse but unfortunately you don't have not only cognition but also logic and I'm already explaining that to you.
      Surely a great crowd will be before the Lamb, and just count it for yourself based on my thesis.
      I wrote that there will be less than 0.5% saved in Poland.

      The world has a population of over 7.2 billion people based on 2015 data.
      7 billion x 0.3% = 21,000,000.
      So 21 million is already a mass of people in heaven. John when he had the vision did not count these people.

      Of course, lest you catch illogical words, I am not saying that so many people will be saved. No one will give the number of those who are saved. My text merely wanted to show how few such people will be saved. Many Christian writers ESTIMATE (I hope you understand the term estimate) how many there may be.
      How else can we estimate it? According to biblical criteria, for example, by looking at your neighbors to see if they meet these criteria. Let's say you have 100 people in your block, and you know more than that. You compare it with the Bible and see how many of them meet the criteria and how many do not. The topic is a river. I only responded to your argument from Revelation about many before the throne.

      If you continue to write to me in this manner and attack me by email, I will no longer let it pass. Enough.
      It does not recognize your false greeting "Greetings in God." First you start with an attack and then you greet in God. Well, sorry, but I think a child would see the absurdity in that. You have no love in you. I prayed for you. Honestly, but maybe I prayed wrong, maybe my intentions were wrong, that you would give me peace and maybe I should pray for your good and not subconsciously for my peace.

      You are constantly judging: sectarian, naive. I would have a normal conversation with you if you used ONLY the Word of God, not the prideful and boorish rants from the joint yard.
      All in all, yes looking at you and those like you I can see who will be coming out of the Great Tribulation.
      Repent and love people sincerely instead of first attacking and then greeting. Jesus came with the example of love to people like you. They were experts in the Bible and hatred in their hearts.
      You know you despise me in your heart. You know you hate me. So why the farce?
      Change yourself while you still have time. I don't go to your blog or Henk's, whom by the way I respect because I learned the truth through his site. However, I do not have any hatred towards him in spite of the big theological differences that contradict the whole church of evangelical Christians. I respect him. he is older than me. I won't write him anything bad and I won't call him names like some do. If he attacks me, I will present substantive arguments like Jesus to the devil.
      Have you had enough? Will you continue to oppress me in the name of your sense of superiority and building your EGO at the expense of others because no one will visit you in Poznan?

  14. I'd like to become a Protestant (I'm thinking about Seventh-day Adventists, there's even a church in my town) but one person (I won't tell you who) told me that this way I'm leaving my family, so it's a bit hard for me. That they won't be able to come to my funeral or I won't be able to come to theirs, and that weddings are out of the question because a Protestant can't participate in Catholic ceremonies (although my mother doesn't call herself a "Catholic"), but I feel that I would feel better as a prostitute. But even if I did go through say through (with Adventists there is baptism by immersion and only conscious persons). Only if I was baptized once as a child, can I be baptized a second time? I was always told that I can't be baptized twice :/.
    And how about confession? I have read that confession cannot take place without an intermediary (although the Bible says otherwise). Once I confessed to God and felt that my sins were forgiven, but when it came to receiving communion, I had many doubts and felt bad afterwards. Maybe it was because I was always told that there is no forgiveness of sins without a priest.

    1. You should not choose a church because you feel the need, but you should use your reason - read something about the Catholic Church and the Seventh-day Adventist Church and compare them based on the Bible and a history book.

  15. The choice of a church is the consequence of an inner experience of salvation / meeting with the Lord / If you do not belong to the mystical body of Christ, then belonging to any church or "church" does not change anything here. It is the Lord who saves, not the church. You are in Christ or you are not. And how do you find yourself in Christ? It is no coincidence that Scripture pictures the Bride of Jesus in captivity in Babylon and Himself calling her out of there / I don't give verses on purpose because whoever has the anointing knows what I am writing about here / Salvation in Scripture has 3 perspectives: personal experience, present perspective / working out your salvation / and future: whoever perseveres will be saved. I write this of course in total simplification,

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