Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Mafia boss outraged by Pope's excommunication. Worldwide political-Catholic mafia in conflict.

Never before in the history of the world has everything been as clear as it is today. It takes great obstinacy and stubbornness not to connect the facts.


The son of New York Mafia boss Giovanni Gambino is protesting the excommunication imposed by Pope Francis on members of the Italian Cosa Nostra and sentencing them to Hell.



  • Giovanni Gambino says Sicilian mafia known as Cosa Nostra played key role in protecting Italy from ISIS
  • The Vatican hosted a conference earlier this month to consider the Catholic Church's new legal doctrine to excommunicate those associated with the Mafia.
  • Gambino said: "Pope Francis excommunicates the Mafia when . . meanwhile priests are accused of sexual abuse and they get a second chance in South America"
  • Gambino also claims that the Italian Mafia was the last line of defense, and without it, the Vatican will most likely cease to exist and turn into a mosque within 15 years. 
  • He blamed the Italian government for the Cosa Nostra easing the tide into the region and fighting the influx of immigrants and refugees.


Gambino (left with Bill Clinton) also addressed the issue "over-populated prisons" during a meeting in 2007


Pictured is Gambino with Hillary Clinton. He asked that his drug-dealing father be released from prison in exchange for votes during the 2007 election.


Now notice, the best part. Gambino's statement:


""To me, excommunicating the mob from the Catholic Church is not a Christian gesture. Jesus said: "It is not the healthy who need a physician, but those who are unwell. I have not come to the righteous, but to sinners."

😀 😀 😀


One would like to laugh, but there is nothing to laugh at, for many Christians cleverly transform verses for their own purposes. In this way they are gangsters of interpretation. There is no shortage of gangsters on the Internet.


As you can see people care about salvation, but the monopolists on getting into heaven, can excommunicate you at any time depending on your needs. These have changed, because the policy of the church of Rome has changed to a more radical one. After all, Mr. Wojtyla alias Roman John Paul II, at a meeting in Assisi kissed the Koran, which patronizes the rapist lords of Rimini.



Francis is only accelerating in the development of a religion opposed to Christianity. Dear Catholics: you have a problem because Francis is just an enforcer of what JPII started. The same one to whom expensive monuments are built.

For example, the monument in Suwałki cost 300 thousand zlotys:

Somehow no one protested against its construction. For 300,000 you can:

  1. Pay off some of the city's debts
  2. Support poor families.
  3. Build 300 meters of community road.


Doesn't John Paul II know what kind of friends the Clintons have? Rhetorical question.



Look Charles, they all believe us 😀


The Bible says:


"For there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed, nor anything secret that shall not be known and come to light." Luke 8


The prophet Daniel also said what is to come concerning the knowledge of this world:


Daniel 12:4 But you, Daniel, close these words and seal the book until the end time! Many will study it and cognition will increase.”  


This applies mostly to Bible prophecy, but it is hard not to consider it in the context of politics and the Vatican.


As you can see it is one big mafia. Except that being under the tutelage of the Cosa Nostra, it is no longer needed by the Vatican.

For decades the Mafia didn't bother the Vatican, and now with the arrival of the refugees, they don't need them. Everything will be done for them by the "refugees". In my estimation, it will be the same with certain politicians. They will be put to death. The devil, unlike God, does not care about his own.


Movies like "The Godfather" reinforce the image of the Catholic Church that provided cooperation and support to the mob, mob bosses who baptize their children in church, attend Mass, wear crosses and they pray to the Madonnasy, acts of violence are intertwined with deeds of religion. This image would be offensive to the families of heroic priests murdered by the Mafia, but there is an element of truth there:


A scene from the movie "The Godfather."

I used to be Catholic and I know how hard it is to get out of this Babylon, but the amount of evidence against this rotten church is frightening.


"For all the nations drank of the wine of his mad debauchery, and the kings of the earth practiced fornication with him, and the merchants of the earth became rich from his great splendor. (4) And I heard another voice from heaven saying, Come out of him, my people, that ye be not partakers of his sins, and that plagues come upon him, " Revelation 18


Without a shadow of a doubt we are living in the end times. If you don't want the plagues brought down from God, then get out of this hypocritical Babylon.




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Updated: 31 August 2017 — 12:16


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  1. Who would have thought that mobs would be the ones defending so-called "Christian" countries from Muslims.

    1. Because the mafia has its territory assigned by the mafia to the mafia.

  2. God grant that Catholics wake up and see the abomination of this church.
    Many people are convinced that this is God's church.
    You are right that now the mafia is superfluous, the refugees will carry out the intentions of the Vatican.
    But maybe with what the papacy has done, some will open their eyes and see the machlokes of the papacy.

  3. and meanwhile in Poland:,147758,19468419,a-slowo-staje-sie-biurem-kosciol-inwestuje-w-biurowce.html?disableRedirects=true

    "Astris, as this is the name of the investment, will have eight floors above ground with a total area of 12.8 thousand square meters and an underground garage for almost 180 cars. The Piarists are building it for lease for the service sector and the BPO industry (business services - ed.) - states "Wyborcza".

    Astris - one of the daughters of Helios (the sun god)...

    the Piarist Order or the Order of Clerics Regular of the Poor of Our Lady of the Pious Schools

    they have a cool "logo":

  4. I realized that they were attacking even the oldest, conservative part of the society with Islam. I think every grandmother who went to church on Sunday watched the Turkish TV series "The Magnificent Century" every day during the week (I don't know if it's still on, but it was the successor to Fashion for Success and grandmothers were already used to watching TV at that time). A friend said that her grandmother was delighted with the series, that it was so pious. And in fact, every "Allah" in this series was translated to: "God"... My grandmother was also enthralled by this series. Such insidious trappings.

    1. Seems I've fallen out of the movie "market" 🙂
      Allan on "oh god." Good one. As you can see, the devil is in the details. You can look and not see. And so it is with Catholicism.

    2. And that's interesting...well, the translator of the dialogue list unfortunately had to type something for

      1. *translate to polish

  5. Quite interesting information, you can see that kr-k has a lot in common with some criminal groups...e.g. it is easy to "enter" and then harder to leave...
    And that memorial you posted...something horrible...brrrr :/.
    And here some more such "pearls", but these are the ones made much worse (somewhere there was a photo of one of the monuments where jp2 more resembled Pudzian 😀 :,85300,16198447,Najgorsze_pomniki_Jana_Pawla_II__PRZEGLAD_.html , ,,galeria,284676,1,1,1.html (there are a lot of these, just type "worst monuments to jan pawla ii" into google and it really comes up a lot).
    and here's a bust in front of my former middle school 😀 [name of that person] maybe it didn't cost as much as that something from Suwałki (which I feel sorry for, because the city is even nice...), because it cost 13800 PLN (although it's still quite a lot, but the fact is that it was raised mainly by a local association for the development of the local land "Barka", with the help of people who voluntarily donated money for it...)... but it still looks ugly :/.

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