Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Did God create the bubble that is man?

Quite often the accusation is made that a good and perfect God created something flawed. It is hard to disagree with this when reading the account of the creation of the world:


"The Lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and he grieved over it in his heart." Genesis 6


As we can see, God suffered seeing what He had created. Little did He decide to destroy the human race:


And the LORD said, I will exterminate the man whom I have made from the face of the earth, from man even to the beasts, even to the amphibians and the fowls of the heavens, because I repent of having made them. 


But did God create a bubble?

The same can be said of Lucifer. He created an angel that was beautiful and RIGHTLY perfect.

Almost is a big difference though. Lucifer displayed cosmic hubris and was and is the cause of trillions of miseries.

Two poor quality creatures doing evil - man and Lucifer.

So did God create evil? No. Well, God is light, and darkness is simply the absence of light:


"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have light "


In the Garden of Eden, the first people who were Adam and Eve did not know evil. They came to know it thanks to Lucifer. This angel carrying false light was simply the first to depart from the LIGHT. He chose darkness and like a common hooligan persuades others to his lifestyle through our genetically contaminated body with sin.

Thus, man has a choice: to go into the light or into the darkness, whose ruler is the accuser of our brothers.

Just as there is no such thing as darkness, for darkness is the absence of light, so there will be no world of darkness, as predicted by the end-time Flood.


We currently live in the contaminated suits that are human bodies, but our "Noah's ark" is our savior Jesus Christ. God lost the battle with Satan over the first humans, but He won the war. Satan has been kicked out of heaven, and anyone dying in Christ will live forever. This is God's rescue and contingency plan.

A question may be asked along the lines of "why did God allow all this?" He allowed it because of love, because God is love and love gives choice. Sometimes we hear it said in broken relationships between a man and a woman that "if you love me, let me go".

There is perhaps no deeper conclusion than this comparison. It is Satan requires love for him and will therefore create a one world government so that every had to to love him.

God does not require love. God expects and desires, as beautifully depicted in the Song of Songs.

God is a Father, and every Father wants to show his child educationally what happens when you deviate from the Father's commands. He showed. The cost is incredibly great and painful.

But yes, as I mentioned, God as Almighty and perfect had a backup plan - Jesus Christ


" And I will establish enmity between you and the woman, between your offspring and her offspring; she shall trample on your head, and you shall bite her heel. "


This is what happened. We have been washed and justified. We are clean in God's eyes despite our filth. The sacrifice has been paid once and for all for those who keep the two SHORT commandments.




"Seeing that Jesus answered them well, they asked Him: "Which is the first of all the commandments?" 29 Jesus replied: "The first is9: Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. 31 The second is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these." 32 The scribe said to him: "Very well, Teacher, you have rightly said, for there is One and there is none other besides Him. 33 To love Him with all your heart, all your mind, and all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself means far more than all the burnt offerings and sacrifices." " Mark 12



To recap, by defeating the rebel, God has defeated the sin in us, but it is up to us to choose our path. Salvation in Jesus or condemnation in Satan.

So let us honor this blood shed for our sins. Let us love people and do good. Let us love God by doing His will, which is love. And love manifests itself in respect for God's law, for is not adultery a lack of love for our neighbor? Is not respecting father and mother a lack of love? Is not worshiping idols a lack of love for the Father? Is slandering others not a lack of love? All of these are crimes resulting from a lack of love.


Updated: 1 August 2017 — 09:37


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  1. I also think He created man knowing full well what would happen to him and that there would be rebellion and contamination, but He did it anyway for His glory - that through the fall and redemption of mankind through Jesus Christ, His glory, power and majesty would be manifested.

    1. Without free will we would be robots, soulless machines.

      1. Free will is something wonderful on the one hand, and on the other hand it can be seen as a curse to man.

        1. Karol Szulawiak

          Also predestination. For the elect something wonderful, for the rejected a curse.

          1. God has given us free will and does not look into our future unless we give it to God then He will direct our lives towards salvation.

          2. Another Calvinist, read the Bible carefully and do not divide it into verses and your predestination will disappear. If there is a command to preach the gospel to all nations then how does that relate to predestination and what is the point of preaching the good news.

  2. In the context of these words, Psalm 8, in its entirety, also immediately comes to mind:

    "Psalms 8 Updated Gdansk Bible (UBG)

    To the conductor of the choir, on the Gittite. A Psalm of David.

    8 O LORD, our Lord, how famous is your name in all the earth! You who have exalted your glory above the heavens.

    2 By the mouth of babes and sucklings you have established your power because of your enemies, to subdue the enemy and avenger.

    3 When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have fixed;

    4 Then I say, What is man, that you remember him, or the son of man, that you care for him?

    5 For you have made him little less than the angels; with glory and honor you have crowned him.

    6 You have given him dominion over the works of your hands; you have put everything under his feet:

    7 Sheep and all cattle, as well as field animals;

    8 The fowl of the blue, and the fish of the sea, and everything that travels the paths of the seas.

    9 O LORD, our Lord, how famous is your name in all the earth!"

    1. oh so appropriate this and a beautiful Psalm.

    2. A very beautiful psalm, a good addition to the note!!! 🙂

  3. There is a philosophical question: Is Almighty God able to create such a heavy stone that He Himself cannot lift? Whether you answer YES or NO, the answer is controversial.
    The same goes for the creation of man. God gave free will and evil happens, if he had not given it, it would not be better at all....
    The Apostle Paul probably writes that we are a spectacle for angels (heavenly beings). Above us are settled disputes that we (philosophers 🙂 ) can't even imagine....

    1. Yes, I agree. This is a philosophical question and that is why I did not want to go into the details of the rebellion between God and Satan in the text itself. I think it must have been an agreement. You have Satan access to people through sin, but nothing without MY permission. That's how I figure it.
      Many films show some elements of such an agreement. For example Gods of Egypt, but as you wrote angelica there is a philosophical level.
      I brought up this topic because of frequently asked questions from born again atheists.

      1. People often throw accusations at God without finding any fault in themselves. This is darkness... not to say ignorance....

        1. Well yes, it is better to accuse someone for YOUR faults and evils.

      2. It makes sense with this agreement. After all, in the book of Job, by the way probably the oldest in the entire Bible, such a contract is shown in the first chapter. There are words about a spiritual fence established around Job by God, which he endures on his own terms.

        1. Well that's right, sometimes something we think is ours is spoken based on a Word once read....

    2. NNunderstanding

      But nonsense. God would have to create the stone first, and it would have to be finite. So the stone will always be weaker than the Creator, because it is only made by Him, and the Creator simply is, is beyond creation. Greater than all things, infinite in the sense of eternity, greatness, influence, majesty, glory. Transcendence. Human logic does not grasp this which is why it comes up with such bizarre questions.

      1. NNunderstanding

        Atheists have a much worse question: can God alone make another God equal to Himself since He is omnipotent?
        Of course you will reply that he cannot, because God is one and, moreover, he is uncreated. Then they will tell you that He is not omnipotent...
        Hence, faith is a mystery, for one must believe in God and not comprehend Him with reason after prior analysis, for we shall arrive at an absurdity.

        1. Realizing that God has always been there has always made my head explode in a positive sense, because how can a creature that has a beginning comprehend what that means since forever 🙂

        2. I agree 100 %
          No one who sincerely believes would ask such loopy questions, because they are simply a testament to a lack of contact with God.

  4. Arthur S. (detmold)

    The mystery of faith according to Rome (and the world under its control in various ways) is the concealment from the deceived believers of Babylon of the truth about Jesus Christ which is in the Scriptures. Many have paid the supreme price for bringing this knowledge to their neighbors, being beastly murdered by his henchmen...

    1. Do you know, Arthur, that you are on the same level as the Catholics?
      Even though you have knowledge of what this derogatory church has done and continues to do.
      You don't know God,you have heard about Him and read about Him,but your comments carry venom that spills over.
      I pray for you, that the Lord will transform your heart, that you will be ready for His coming.
      Instead of complaining and criticizing, pray for others, and the Lord will quickly heal your life.

      1. Arthur S. (detmold)

        The most beautiful thing (one of the most wonderful things, testifying to his infinite love for us) is given to man by Allah is his free will. The Lord did not create us as free mannequins (without our own feeling 😉 ), but as creatures with creative reason. He did not disown us when we fell, but gave us a chance which is Jesus Christ. Let's not waste it 🙂 .

  5. Arthur S. (detmold)

    Roman Poles are called harangues by Westerners because they differ so much from them in their perception of temporal earthly goals in their spiritual nature. Our man wants to consume at all costs with a minimum input of his own ORIGINAL work, for example, the creation of valuable places (this fulfills the characteristics of parasitism, instilled in him by the Vatican), while, for example, such a Duncan tries to create and produce something useful ...

  6. Thank God for this great text, for His glory.
    Praise God for His love,goodness and wonderful plan to save us from sin.We are free people because of the martyrdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.Praise Him forever!
    The amazing thing is that if we are wretched, He makes us the chosen people, the children of God, hallelujah.

    Of course God made everything good, it's just that creation wanted to match God and that's where all the problems came from.
    Do you know how indescribable the love of our God is? Knowing that so much evil would come out, he chose to suffer for us.
    And he could have changed everything after all....

    1. "And he could have changed everything after all...."

      Personally, when I get hurt by people close to me, I get offended. I cut myself off from people. God, even though we are bad to him, still wants good for us. He still loves by putting away all bitterness.

  7. Arthur S. (detmold)

    In Catholic Poland, the feast of failures is celebrated with masochistic pietism (something absolutely unheard of in normal communities, e.g. in the non-sweatshop American "WASPs") and groups and individuals who want to simply break with this sick condition are hounded and set as models the native personifications of all success. ) and slanders the groups and individuals who want to simply break with this sick state and set as an example the native personifications of all kinds of success. This is how Poles were deprived of reason and human dignity by the Roman fables...

  8. Arthur S. (detmold)

    Today I was driving with my father with goods (wooden elements) to a client, and we passed a few groups of pilgrims on their way to Jasna Góra to worship the demon of Mary... Horror and horror (partly disgust and disgust with the Roman deceivers) overwhelms a person... These people (pilgrims) don't realize how much they tarnish the majesty of the Holy Name of God and the honour of Lord Jesus Christ with their idols.

  9. Arthur S. (detmold)

    Young women don't like nice guys because they are boring and predictable, and they choose them when their biological clock starts ticking more and more loudly, and anyway rather in a situation when the "goods" on the matrimonial market are already quite overdone. Now to the point. Women today are not the same as the women of the 60s/70s, not to mention the earlier ones (in Poland the western syph-demonic current of the synagogue of Satan "the cultural liberation of women" arrived later, but in a concentrated form...). It has been superimposed on the unjustified reverence given to women in our country (the harmful influence of the demonic cult of Mary, but God forbid I should call for the abuse of women as the Mohammedans do, I'm not a misogynist yet 😉 ), who often look for stronger sensations with various masculine in their opinion "exotic princes" (who appear to them as full of eroticism in relation to "flabby Poles"-where these bialoglowe lost their minds- the case of Magdalena Zuk is a clue), who treat them "utilitarian". To sum up. A considerable part of the society which has any moral principles, even ethical principles, somewhere humiliates or degrades decent people more and more... It is getting worse and worse in this respect...

    1. Arthur, are you a nice teddy bear? 🙂 🙂 I'm not a teddy bear.

      1. Arthur S. (detmold)

        I'm far from predictable there 😉 . I don't want to insult women, but they themselves often don't what they want... Men often too, but that's another story.

  10. Arthur S. (detmold)

    Women are more resistant to pain (e.g. childbirth) but they often cannot forgive any kind of mental harm done to them (they breed in themselves a kind of stubbornness...). The opposite of men 😉 . For this statement I'll probably be crossed out for good with my sisters in faith 😉 , Sometimes I get the impression that women like to be poked ("hit on the head" etc., as if it would make them happy [!] ), but of course by an attractive guy ( whom they can forget a lot ), not by a pathetic ugly guy ( they'd denounce him right away ). I am not in favor of beating women. NO. I just find this masochistic bent of character in them (who normally wants to get slapped in the face or be dehumanized in any other way?). Maybe it comes from the fact of demonic enslavement in many of them?

    1. On what basis do you make such extreme conclusions?

      1. Arthur S. (detmold)

        Take a close look at the various "wild fantasies" (not compatible with human dignity) of "liberated women" (probably from reason...) written in the internet on public communication platforms. It is depressing... What is the reason for it? I don't know...

      2. Arthur S. (detmold)

        And why do the said have such an attraction to various such that you would not want to meet them in a dark alley (often attacking in a group, because the code of honor does not exist for them)? Do they provide a thrill? It is simply stupid in its naivety... Although in Poland there is practically no social, not formal, regulation (unwritten set of norms and rules) of reaching a significant social position and any kind of wealth, so all kinds of tricks are allowed...

  11. Arthur S. (detmold)

    Women are spiritually poisoned by various satanic inventions (they are rebelled against men, incited to destroy them...), and men are increasingly mummified for various reasons and are unable to resist...

    1. Arthur, it would sound better and more honest if you wrote "some women".

      1. Arthur S. (detmold)

        At least I'm not challenging 😉 . You're right 😉 .

  12. Arthur S. (detmold)

    I like women in general, I just can't stand the use of emotional blackmail by them, which is aimed at creating a sense of guilt in order to get their intentions fulfilled... Although men can also manipulate, but they're not as proficient in this art 😉 .

  13. Arthur S. (detmold)

    In Poland, in order to have really "good money" (from a million dollars net worth upwards in various "money-making" profiteering enterprises) one has to be a not very good person... This is the Roman mentality promoting and rewarding various rotten slyboots and not better than them various whores...

    1. Come on now... ?

      1. Arthur S. (detmold)

        Are you a brunette? Temperamental 😉 .

        1. Brunette... But from worrying about the whole world she's already going grey ?

  14. Arthur S. (detmold)

    A decent man at 100% - who can be relied on (in a relationship or not) is in the contemporary cultural message in the spiritual circle of our civilization more and more ridiculed, despised, abused etc. ...

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