Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


I today am still inside a broken little boy and God is still my Father. Wherever I am, I look to Him to walk beside me, to hold my hand, to guide me. When I stumble, He reaches out and picks me up. He dusts off my clothes, kisses my wounds and then walks with me onward.
When I do something right, I see Him smiling, clapping, showing His support. When I do something wrong, He admonishes and disciplines. When I am tired and weary, He sustains me, urges me to keep going, and encourages me not to give up. When I am frightened, He takes my hand. When I am sad, He kisses my heart.
I come to Jesus for help and guidance in everything I do and He has never let me down. He has always been there when I need Him.
This relationship of love that I have with my Father began over fifty years ago. It has not always been easy. There have been times when I have pulled away from Him, tried to go my own way, even rebelled, but He has always been ready to receive me with outstretched arms and waited for me to return to Him. His faithfulness never wavered - He is the perfect Friend and Father. My faithfulness to Him was something I had to learn and continue to work on daily. It is a lifelong process.
When I gave my heart to Jesus, I had no idea where this new found faith would take me. I was scared and lonely and wondered how He would get me away from the people and things of my past, The gangs and drugs that held me captive. I didn't know how to be His child, but He showed me and guided me all the way. But over the years I have been an eyewitness to what can happen when we allow God's Spirit to be released in and among us, when we plug into His glory and allow Him to work, move and minister through us.
Nicky Cruz, an internationally known evangelist and prolific writer was converted to Jesus Christ from a life of violence and crime after meeting David Wilkerson in New York City in 1958.The story of his dramatic conversion is told in the book Kthe thorn and the dagger by David Wilkerson, and later in his own best-selling book Run Baby Run.(Polish title: "Nicky Cruz Tells").
Updated: 3 July 2017 — 11:03


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  1. Very touching words,praise God for His goodness,love and care for us.Thank you God for your children through whom we grow.
    I recommend Nicki's book, although the beginning is brutal and hard to get through in places, but further on we see the wondrous works of God.

  2. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock

    "I will not leave you orphans; I am coming to you." (JOHN 14:18 NBG)

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