Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Maciej Maleńczuk - a declared Satanist.

Maleńczuk, who is probably listened to by Poles celebrating Christmas on December 25, officially declares himself a Satanist. In the following interview he not only confirms his faith verbally, but as you can see, he wears an inverted cross:


He also admits that he loves this country but hates the people who live here. Typical of the Zionists.

The problem is that Maleńczuk talks about it openly, and there are thousands of such "Maleńczuks" in Poland. Maleńczuk feels safe enough to talk about it in public. Others are ashamed. Satanism is shameful. Jesus is not embarrassing for a Christian.

Maleńczuk was cooperated with by Kukiz, about whom I will write in another text today.

In he said:


"I'm a satanist, I use drugs, I get drunk."

Of God and the devil he says this:


"The devil was one of the weighty ones in heaven, he was an angel, but he was struck down because he objected. I like the fact that he objected and that he was struck down here on earth. It's hard for God to turn to: "Couldn't I earn at least 1,000 zlotys more per month because I can't make it?" But the devil won't say that, he'll just toss you that thousand zlotys. Because he is for such small things. You know what I mean? The mountains are high and the emperor is far away. So there's no point in praying to the mountains, because they can't be heard. And here, somewhere across the border, there sits a little Polish devil, some Rokita - maybe he'll churn up some milk or puncture a tire. But it seems to me that we could use a smaller, closer God. Maybe even a little bit crippled..."



He has been deceived by Satan like millions. Except that he at least believes in the existence of Satan unlike the Catholics who can't point him out, and if they do point him out he will only stand among the enemies of the church and not in the church itself.


Clearly, he is not the first person to admit that he gets something from Satan, and Catholics listen to it. In fact, they may even play this satanist's music at weddings.

Regarding Malenchuk's allegations. Yes God gives and blesses for patience and humility and it is deferred. The devil gives immediately, but there is a price: you must break God's Law.

Maleńczuk is wrong about one thing. Well, it's not God who gives you so much salary that you don't make it. It is Satan's system that taxes your work for about 80%. It is Satan's system that blocks entrepreneurship in Poland with the thieving ZUS, not God. Malenczuk's demons won't let him know about such simple matters.


In conclusion, Christians should consistently and determinedly boycott people like Maleńczuk.


"Do not fall into one yoke with unbelievers. For what has justice in common with injustice? Or what has light in common with darkness? 15 Or what is the fellowship of Christ with Beliar or of the believer with the unbeliever? 16 Finally, what does the temple of God have in common with idols? For we are the temple of the living God" 2 Corinthians 6






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Updated: 3 July 2017 — 09:53


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  1. As you can see in the interview, he is aware of who the rosary prayer is really aimed at, since he would go together to pray.

  2. He is also a coward - he recently punched someone at a demonstration and ran away like a rat from a sinking ship.

  3. I am very sad to read that someone has chosen a way without God and that he is proud of it. A particular symptom of the choice made by Mr. Maleńczuk is the fact that he sang, or rather recited, with Mr. Darski and his band a song in honor of the devil (I used to listen to metal memorably).
    Do you know "God's gonna cut you down" by Johnny Cash? The video for this song is very interesting - it features practically everyone who is known to have turned away from the Creator, and the refrain is "tell the rambler, the gambler, the back-biter: sooner or later God will cut you down". Ironically, they were performing in a song that they themselves are addressing.

    1. Thanks for so many links from which I caught this as well:

      "Maciej Malenczuk: Political views? I have a whole bunch of them. I'm a socialist. Transportation, bread, cheese and water should be for free ©fot. Bartek Syta

      Maciej Maleńczuk: Political views? I have a whole bunch of them. I am socialisthis one. Communication, bread, cheese and water should be for free ©fot. Bartek Syta

      Read more:,maciej-malenczuk-jestem-satanista-z-lucyferem-mam-wiecej-punktow-stycznych,id,t.html

      Socialism is a satanic system. Hence their celebration on Walpurgisnacht on May 1....

    2. I don't like this guy's behaviour, it's a pity that he's becoming such a [censored] person, because some songs (both from Pudels and his solo achievements) are even good, e.g. "Uważaj na niego" from the times when he was a member of Pudels, "Gdzie są przyjaciele moi" recorded as a part of Yugopolis project or "Diabeł w wiosce" recorded with Wojciech Waglewski (this one has interesting lyrics)...

  4. Over the years of being entangled in the mire of evil, I've listened to Cradle of Filth... Maleńczuk is a screamer compared to them. What happens to a person after listening to it is indescribable in a commentary. I could write a book. It's enough to look into the lyrics of any of the songs.
    Vocalist Sarah Jezebel, their label has a demonic call in the name and releases bands with names like Christ Agony....
    The CoF singer was fascinated by English gothic and vampiric novels and Lovercraft (the one from Cthulhu).
    These are the real satanists and possessed people.
    Filth has promoted blasphemous t-shirts calling out Jesus Christ and praising Satan.

    1. As nice as it sounds "performing music on the border of black, gothic and symphonic metal". It gives the listener a sense of elitism, a sublime musical taste.

      By the way, this satanist took the nickname Jezebel when pseudo-Christianity denies the existence of this demon....

      1. Satanists know the Bible very well and turn various Bible stories upside down in their songs. They refer to Christianity everywhere. The devil cannot create anything so he relies on what he already has. Just as he tried to "fool" Jesus by using the Bible.

      2. She hasn't played in that band anymore since 2009 (I found it online), nevertheless the distaste after reading about Jezebel and associating it with this and that remains...

    2. Cradle of Filth, I know...all too well. Dani Filth doesn't sing, he just squawks like a man possessed. My mom's friend loaned me their records. Even as a 13-year-old girl I started to feed on such content. Eh, I was young and dumb. The music videos featured diabolical-looking musicians, streaming blood, guts on top, inverted crosses, slitting throats, sexual deviancy, graveyards, etc., etc. Of course this is a gross oversimplification, but in the nutshell this is more or less what it looked like...

      1. Oh my... I imagined it, something horrible... It's good that I rather avoid heavier sounds on a daily basis... and that name - if I tried to translate it (although foreign names shouldn't be translated) into Polish, it would look like "the cradle of filth" or "the cradle of filth" :/.
        As for Malenczuk, the only one of his songs that I like is the one recorded with Wojciech Waglewski, "Devil in the Village", by the way I recommend checking out the lyrics:,maciej_male_czuk_wojciech_waglewski,diabel_w_wiosce.html

        1. I just don't like his identification with Satanism and what it entails :/.

  5. Arthur S. (detmold)

    He's a good musician, and a good person... well I'll leave that unsaid.

  6. By the way, again in W-wa at the stadium there was the well-known to us Bashobora and this time in the center of this event a copy (huge) of the disgusting (known to us) image:
    Let us pray for a counterbalance to these pagan/luciferian rituals....

  7. Exactly so, deceived by the evil one, a puppet in the hand of the greatest deceiver the world has ever seen.
    He jokes about practicing intellectual satanism, posing as someone better than the average person, selling himself for money for a few moments of fame, thinking that he creates art.
    His art is poor, as is who it serves, breaking God's commandments and trying to place himself above them, seeming to shock us, but in fact showing great pride and rebellion.
    One thing has to be said for evil, it knows how to deceive people beautifully, especially the unruly ones.

  8. People, do you really take literally everything that artists say? If he said he was the Messiah and came to save you, would you believe him too? Satanism, Buddhism, what else, maybe he also converted to Islam? I had the opportunity to meet Maciek 2 years ago, when I lived in Warsaw, and privately he is a very good man - first of all, he is honest, if something doesn't suit him, he will say it, not talk behind his back. I also know that he has helped many people, although he does not do it for show in front of the cameras. And the aforementioned Nergal also has little to do with Satanism, just an artistic creation.

    1. Mercy... Don't be naive. These artists say this for a reason. The devil is the father and master of lies and so are his worshippers, and there are as many of them as dogs in the artistic circles - just like in politics - because music is a medium under the special patronage of the personal entity called Satan. But even if Maleńczuk was not so flippant about his Satanism, it is enough to examine the fruits of this man's life in a biblical way to get rid of any illusions. And they are completely rotten, worthy of an enemy of Jesus Christ who takes part in pro-abortion pickets and despises Christianity. And such "good in the eyes of others" people are walking in crowds along the broad road to the lake of fire and brimstone. Some are aware of this (in my opinion Maleńczuk certainly is such a person), others not necessarily. The former often decide to consciously serve evil and, like Maleńczuk, they worship it with their works, distorting minds and derailing souls. And finally, all good works that you wrote about, which are not done in the name and Spirit of Christ are, according to Isaiah, "like a garment defiled". So they are ultimately worthless in God's eyes. Very often they only mask spiritual degeneracy and as a facade are meant to deceive those who are not sufficiently vigilant. But not with us. So stop fooling yourself, because this is not clowning on the part of individuals like Malenczuk, but mocking the ignorant masses who cannot take this kind of words seriously. And they should.

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