Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Częstochowa - Jasna Góra - an ancient pagan place of worship of the goddess (demon) Leila, Lady (Isis).

Pseudo-Christianity did not come to Poland with anything new, except for the distorted teaching of the New Testament. Today I discovered that exactly in the place where the Jasna Góra Monastery is located, worship of a Slavic goddess, an equivalent of Isis, Isis, Artemis and many other transformations of the Queen of Heaven described in the Bible, took place. She was Laila.


But before I show evidence for the above, I want to point out at the outset how the holy places of the church of Rome, are no accident.

A few years ago, I described the reasons why the Empire Church of Rome was chosen as the headquarters of the largest and most influential religion in the world:


Vaticanus - an ancient demon


I have another hypothesis as to how such places are created and what conditions must be met in order for a shrine to the alleged Mary to be placed there, but about that, another time, as I need to research the subject further.


Ok, let's move on to the worship of Mary at what is called Jasna Góra.

The beginnings of the monastery date back to June 22, 1382, when the Pauline Fathers were brought to Poland from their mother monastery of St. Lawrence near Buda in Hungary by Duke Władysław Opolczyk and settled by decree of August 9 of the same year on a hill near the village of Stara Częstochowa, whose parish priest was Henryk Biel of the Ostoja coat of arms from Błeszno[4]. The wooden parish church was then given to them St. Mary the Virgin and Parent of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Wikipedia.


Interestingly, the first informal Protestants, the Hussites, in 1430 "plundered" (not sure if this is the right term) the (Not sure if this is the right term) the monastery and then destroyed the famous "miraculous" image of the Mother and Child. They must have known better than us what was behind this cult and what this place was.


Before Maria was there, there was a previous "incarnation" of her in the form.... Laila. Specifically, there was a temple of a demon named Laila on Jasna Góra.


The entire Laila temple at Jasna Gora, until it was burned by the Pauline monks brought to Poland from Hungary, was an ancient structure built of linden wood,


"Laila, Lajla, Leila, Lejla, Dzidzilejla also Łada, Łado, Lada, Lela, Lila) - Indo-European goddess of the Slavs, Mother of the Gods. Mother of twin male deities Lela and Polela and of a daughter Bode (Bodai). Jan Długosz In his Chronicles, he mentions Laila as the goddess of Mazovia. One of the places of worship of Lada was Lysa Góra, another Jasna Góra in Częstochowa. Goddess Laila had her festival during the period of the Pentecosts annexed by Catholicism. She was part of the cult of motherhood - patroness of childbirth, beauty, and harvest. Lajkonik ceremonies are a remnant of the cult of the goddess Laila, Lajla in the area of Kraków. Laila is the mother of two sons with spiritual qualities, being a pair of priestly twins. The name and traits are similar to the Russian and Lithuanian versions of the Goddess Lada, Lada or the Libyan Leto. Means a woman, a motherThey prayed to her for victories over their enemies and courage, worshipping her in very wild shamanistic rituals - as described by Jan Długosz. They prayed to her for victory over their enemies and for courage for themselves, worshipping her with very wild shamanic rites - as Jan Długosz describes the goddess. Lada is the goddess of order and order in the universe."


Hence also the great popularity and increasing popularity of neo-paganism. Everything but Jesus. That is the lie of Satan. He will give you anything, any idol, Marzanne, Lada, quasi Mary etc but not Jesus.


At Jasna Góra in Częstochowa there was a beautiful monastery for virgins consecrated Goddess and a great spiritual, priestly school for Sacrificial Goddess.


"The old word wench also had the meaning of a young woman dedicated to the Goddess LEILI, hence it was later given a pejorative meaning, although it originally meant rather religious priesthood in the worship of the Goddess. The name GODdess comes from "GOD'S WIFE" - a woman vowed to God in a temporary or eternal vow. To sacrificial fire raw logs are thrown in, hand picked and broken without using an axe or saw. The sacrificial fire for the Goddess LAILI is lit in the hearth, which issurrounded by a stone circle of unhewn fieldstone.

The pompous pagan festivals, reflecting the cycles of nature, were sought to be replaced by church festivals. Therefore, for example Kupala Festival - summer solstice has been officially renamed at feast of John the BaptistAlthough there is no indication that he was born at that time.

Today, young women are also devoting themselves to the Order and to "Mary".


The followers of the cult of Goddess Laila initiated the anti-Catholic revolution in the 1930s of the early second millennium with a peak around 1036.


Lelów in Silesia the place of worship of Laila.

Lelów - A village and commune in Silesia Province, Częstochowa County, on the Białka River, in the area of Prog Lelowski, with a population of about 1,200. Until the 12th century the so-called castellany castle was located in the area of today's Staromieście village about 2 km north-west of Lelów It was the cult center of the goddess Leila. Since the 18th century Lelów has been a well-known center of Chassidim concentrated around Tzadik Biderman. The parish church of St. Martin built in the 14th century stands on the site of the former temple of the goddess Lajla.”

Tzadik Biderman was a kabbalist. As we can see, this is another example of how deviant Jews have always gone hand in hand with Catholicism. At the last readers' convention I quoted Jeremiah in the context of the validity of the Catholic religion. As it was with the Law-breaking Jews then, so it is with the Roman Church now.


The Russian equivalent is the Lada. It is not without reason that the Russian authorities from under the five-pointed star, gave such a name to the brand of car produced in Russia:



Below is a photo of the goddess Lada:



"Długosz mentions ŁADA (LAILE) as the Goddess of Masovia in his chronicles. A Russian chant referring to the cult of the Goddess sounds so nice: LELIJ, LELIJ, LELIJ ZIELENYJ I ŁADO MOJE!"

How do we know the word counter top?

"The word Laddess in its original meaning indicated virgins devoted to the temple service of the Goddess Lada, it had no sexual connotation except virginity and temple service to the Goddess. Handmaidens of the Goddess were brutally taken into slavery and sold to the Catholic brothels of the time, hence the later pejorative term ladyship meaning women forced into slave sex by Christian invaders."


For me personally, Lada is also associated with the once popular male name W-Lady-slaw. Lada-slaw.


Similarly to Jasna Góra, the Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Thrice-Acceptable on Chelmska Mountain in Koszalin. Remains of human activity from the early Middle Ages were discovered on the peak. However, this activity was not of a settling nature, but purely symbolic. Traces of hearths were uncovered, as well as the remains of an undefined structure, described in older literature as a pthe remains of a pagan temple.

There are dozens if not hundreds of such places in Poland. The old cult was replaced by a "new" one. A woman changed into a woman. The attributes are the same: mother, protector, etc.


"the place of worship of the Slavic goddess was turned into a church or a Marian shrine, and this procedure was still common in the 16th-18th centuries, while in the 19th century we have only isolated such incidents"


There is a moraine lake in the Olsztynian Lakeland, in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship. It has 8 islands with an area of 5.5 ha. On the right shore there is a village of Leleszki, a former cult place of the goddess Lejla.


I remember how moved I was watching and reading "Potop" when Babinicz vel Kmicic saved that monastery. These were the same false feelings as during the death of the chief ecumenist and cover-up of pedophilia in the church, to whom monuments are built.

However, let us now look at this Pale Mountain in a different way. Karol Gustav, who gradually conquered all the most important fortresses of the Republic. He wanted to establish a Protestant empire in the Baltic Sea basin. What conclusion do we draw from this? Charles Gustav was prevented by Laila, Catholicism was maintained, and we could have been a rich country. Someone may accuse me of lack of patriotism. What kind of patriotism is it? The PIS one, in which Lech Kaczyński signed the accession to the EU? The patriotism in which 80% the press is German, and hypermarkets eliminate the Polish middle class? We are talking about a patriotism where 80% of Catholics vote for parties that harm Poland?

We are all family, but not in a "state" but in Christ.


Someone may therefore ask themselves "why did the church of Rome switch the worship of the same woman as Mary?" After all, if Laila and Mary are one and the same, what is the difference? Well, in order to build a universal cult, which is the seed of ecumenism....

God changed tactics 2000 years ago by giving us His only Son no longer just for one nation, but for the whole world. Satan's response was to universalize local deities, especially the Queen of Heaven.

I apologize to my regular readers for repeating myself, but there are probably new ones reading me as well. Abroad we have over two million Poles "blessed" by the supposed Mary, Queen of Heaven.


"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 



By a strange coincidence, Eric Clapton's big hit was titled "Layla." It is officially a reference to George Harrison's wife, Pattie Boyd. The song was inspired by an old Persian legend of love like the Romeo and Juliet Persian lovers Laila and Manchun.


Updated: 15 May 2017 — 12:49


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  1. Arthur S. (detmold)

    Woman were not made TO MANAGE this fallen world ( one of the few exceptions to the rule was Margaret Thatcher, who proved more resolute than many men ).

    1. and she was probably a Mason

      1. Arthur S. (detmold)

        Virtually every power in the world is opposed to the Lord God Jesus Christ... However, it is worth looking at the UK before and after its rule.

  2. Arthur S. (detmold) A song about soul engineers ( e.g. Babylonian priests ) and their aborted ideas Poland 1976.

  3. "The Shrine of Our Lady of the Threefold Ahead" is seriously called that? Haha 🙂

    Bill Subritzky said in his lectures that also the spirit/group of spirits Jezebel is responsible for mother-child type religion (and thus Mary worship), thus the same ones responsible for breaking up relationships. Oh how I hate that spirit!

    I have an irresistible impression that patriotism for Poles consists mainly in keeping the Catholic tradition.

    1. Four times interesting commentary.

  4. Anyone who listens to the musician under the pseudonym TAU, or has listened to him, is advised to be on their guard.

    Link #1:

    Link #2:

    He had another post about how he prays to the mother of God who has HELPED him and continues to HELP him.

    It seems to me that TAU is deluded and has not understood something. So I ask you to be vigilant.

    This man showed me the way to God a few years ago, but as I began to understand more about God, he seemed so bland....

    1. Karol Szulawiak

      Tau is Catholic and makes no secret of it. He's certainly deluded. Do I judge him? Rather not. Personally I don't listen to his music and I advise against listening to it, nevertheless I won't look into his heart. The same thing is with e.g. Grzegorz Kloc, who is generally a Protestant, but that didn't stop him from playing at the papal concert, or Koloch, who shows the "6" sign and the sign of the "horned hand" on his clips, or with the ecumenical band TGD.

      I advise against listening to these bands, nevertheless it is not for me to judge their hearts.

      1. Generally Kloc sometimes even goes somewhere on the so called oases... because I saw many comments under one of the songs that he was at someone's oasis...
        Somehow I don't like TGD, they don't appeal to me...
        Kolah has some good songs and it's a shame he's showing "three sixes" or "horned hand"....

        1. Karol Szulawiak

          Oasis, or what is it?
          Because I'm assuming you don't mean the kind in the desert 😀 .

          1. The Oasis - the so called "Light-Life Movement" - is present in every parish unit of the Catholic Church; mainly young people belong to it (from 14 years of age); the organization depends on the resources and "organizational skills" of the oasis supervisor in a given parish unit of the Catholic Church; sometimes there are organized trips for the members of the oasis, which may include meetings with various people... I don't know how it is exactly, because I've never belonged to it...

    2. Ba, I think I even saw a picture of "maria" on his instagram with a caption how she's not cool or something... :/
      It's a pity, because this one has quite good songs, without half naked ladies or swearing every word...

  5. Since not everyone is yet convinced that the Lord Jesus has changed nothing in the Decalogue, and it is still valid I will quote another passage of Scripture:

    And that is why the Lord waits to show you mercy, and that is why he rises to greet you, for the Lord is the God of law. HAPPY ALL WHO WAIT FOR HIM. For, O people of Zion, who dwell in Jerusalem, you will not always weep. Surely he will show you mercy at the voice of your cry; as soon as he hears it, he will call you back. And though the Lord has given you the bread of affliction and the water of tribulation, THERE WILL BE NO HIDING OF YOUR TEACHER AND YOUR EYES WILL LOOK AT YOUR TEACHER. And when you want to go to the right or to the left, YOUR EARS WILL HEAR THE WORD REFERRING TO YOU FROM ABOVE: THIS IS THE WAY YOU SHALL GO! THEN YOU WILL CONSIDER YOUR CARVED IDOLS COVERED WITH SILVER AND YOUR CAST IDOLS COVERED WITH GOLD AS UNCLEAN; YOU WILL ABANDON THEM AS UNCLEAN AND YOU WILL SAY TO THEM: GO AWAY! Isaiah 30:18

    The Lord, the God of the Law, who takes pity on us and shows us the Way to go. This one Way. We are not to stray to the right or to the left.The straight way we are to go.
    The same Lord goes on to say:

    Lying leaders, how do you explain this?
    Word, the Lord Jesus speaks the Truth, and you are deceiving God's people.

    As for the Law,
    More and more I hear that the Lord Jesus abolished the Law.
    Let's see if this is the case:

    Therefore hear the word of the Lord, you scoffers, ruling over this people who are in Jerusalem! Because you say: We have made a covenant with death, and with the land of the dead we have an agreement, so that when the calamity of the flood comes, it will not reach us, because we have made falsehood our refuge and have hidden ourselves under falsehood, Therefore thus says the Almighty, the Lord: BEHOLD, I LAY UPON ZION A STONE, A TRIED STONE, A PRECIOUS CORNERSTONE, FIRMLY ESTABLISHED: HE THAT BELIEVETH SHALL NOT BE SHAKEN. AND THEY WILL MAKE THE LAW THE MEASURE, AND RIGHTEOUSNESS THE BALANCE. But the shelter of lies shall be swept away by hail, and the hiding place shall be flooded by waters. And your covenant with death will be broken, and your agreement with the land of the dead will not stand. When the disaster of the flood comes, you will be trampled down. Whenever it comes, it will seize you, and it will come every morning, day and night, and only horror will be the understanding of the revelation.Isaiah 28:14

    Every believer in the Lord Jesus knows very well that the Cornerstone, the Foundation of our faith is the Lord Jesus.
    It is He who confirms that everyone who serves the light will have the Law of God written on his heart. GOD'S LAW, NOT HUMAN LAW, AND NOT ILLEGAL. The Church of Jesus, in which the Law of God is the measure to keep from wavering in the faith.
    Whoever promotes lawlessness w/the words of God has made a deal with Satan and the kingdom of darkness.There is no other option.

  6. The church of Jesus, in which the law of God is the measure - correction

  7. Building Catholic temples on the sites of ancient pagan cults was a typical thing in the early history of the Polish state. If we look at the oldest sacral buildings, especially in the regions of southern Poland, practically in each of these places we can find a reference to the performance of some pagan rituals in that place. This was to show, among other things, the triumph of the Roman Catholic Church over the local cults to the newly "Christianized" people.

  8. Oh, some things about Czestochowa that even I didn't know... thank you for the article 🙂 I'd love to hear it.
    Those girls who serve the "goddess" reminded me of Vestals (priestesses of the goddess Vesta, the equivalent of Hera or someone like that in ancient Greece), who also devoted themselves to the service and had to keep their virginity for the entire duration of it...maybe it's a similar scheme? :/
    and as for "maria's service" I myself have an aunt who unfortunately is a nun 🙁 but as a person she is very cool, she could tell a lot about cooking, about different recipes (because she finished catering technical school), it's a pity that she is where she is... :/

  9. I went through the article again. Very interesting and comprehensive material. So many things play out on a spiritual level.

    Today I came across something called "The Apostolate of the Good Death" - "The Association of Our Lady Patroness of the Good Death." ("The Apostolate currently has over 400,000 members.")
    To join the association...
    "It is enough to consent to be entered in the Book, and thus entrust the last moment of life to the care of Mary, Mother of Sorrows." brrr...the cult of "holy death" comes to mind

  10. Also interesting is what wikipedia says:
    "Leila (ar. ليلى) is a globally used Arabic female name derived from Semitic languages, from a three-voice stem: L-J-L (ليل, a stem shared with the Hebrew noun Lilith) and meaning "night"; over time it acquired the meaning "born at night", "dark-haired beauty" or "dark beauty",[1] in other languages also as Lejla, Leyla, Layla, Laila."

    1. And again in the Islamic thread.
      Thank you detective assistant 🙂

      1. But let me warn you that I don't brew coffee 🙂 .

  11. If "slut" is "ladaco"?

  12. To the topic of the goddess Leila/Laila/Lady/Lela/Lada

    It is the Polanian equivalent of the Roman
    the goddess Venus.
    Below is an article: "Ms. Lela - the Polish Venus".


    "They called Venera [Lechites] Dzidzileyla [Dzydzilelya] and had her as the goddess of marriage"

    (*Venera, or otherwise known as Venus. From the name of this goddess took the name of "venereal" diseases 🙂 - pleasantly...)

    "In Polish folk ceremonies of the spring cycle there appears the custom of going around the fields with the "Queen "*, later, in the Christianized version with the image of the Virgin Mary (Queen of Angels)"

    (* Dzidzileyla, which is another name for this goddess - it should be read as "Queen/Crowness Leila")

    " Occurring alone, as in the variants Zezylia, Zizilia, Zyzylie or Didilia this name would mean diminutively 'Maiden' ".

    "'The Blessed Virgin' is a later popular term for Mary, who, as in other European countries, absorbed the figures of local pagan goddesses."

    " in the area of Ukraine, the Dawn (morning Venus) was called "Lelova star" or alternatively Leliva."

  13. Admin, sorry to say but you are treating some information selectively and manipulating facts!

    Notice and consider in your heart (after all, you are a DETECTIVE OF THE TRUTH) that the Son of God dedicated 30 years of His life to His Mother Mary, but only 3 years to save you. From this fact alone, I conclude that you are much, much less important to the Son of God than His own Mother.

    Furthermore, I warn you to be careful with your words, because no (normal) human being allows to insult his/her mother - even less the SON OF GOD will allow anyone (not even a TRUTH DETECTIVE) to insult HIS HOLY MOTHER, who carried HIM under her heart for 9 months, then fed HIM with her own breast, cared and took care of HIM for the next several years, and for 30 years had HIM ONLY AND ONLY for herself.

    It is unbelievable how recklessly and AROGANICLY the PROTESTANTS speak about the holy and immaculate mother of GOD!!!

    Those who call themselves BIBLICAL CHRISTIANS should meditate for hours on Paul's first letter to Timothy - especially on verse 15 of the third chapter - where it is written that THE CHURCH IS THE PILLAR AND STANDPOINT OF TRUTH.,15

    1. The Lord Jesus gave His life for people, for us too, He did not devote it only to His mother.

  14. Great information. Thanks and don't listen to superstitionists. They like mushrooms grow in the dark on horse shit.

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