Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

"Before God became God, he had to first become the devil" - juggling Luther's quote.

In fact, thanks to Cyril, I have taken up the defense of Luther, even though he does not subscribe to Lutheranism.

That controversial quote in the tyutle sounds like heresy, but read the context I found online and everything will change:




"What is true of grace is also true of God's faithfulness and truth. Outwardly His grace appears to be only wrath; it is as deeply hidden as under two thick skins. Our adversaries and the world condemn or shun it as a plague or as God's wrath. Our feelings about it are no different.

Truly Peter writes (2 Peter 1:19) that the Word is like a lamp shining in a dark place. It is certainly a dark place! God's faithfulness and truth must always first become a great lie before it becomes truth. The world calls this truth heresy. And we, too, are constantly tempted to believe that God will abandon us or not keep His word. In this way, in our hearts, He becomes a liar. In short, God cannot be God unless He first becomes the devil. We cannot go to heaven if we do not first go to hell. We cannot become children of God if we do not first become children of the devil. Everything God says or does, the devil must first say or do. And our flesh agrees with this. Therefore, the Spirit is the One who enlightens and teaches us the Word so that we believe differently. In the same way, the lies of the world cannot become lies if they have not first become truth. The ungodly cannot go to hell if they have not first gone to heaven. They do not become children of the devil if they were not first children of God."


It's clear as day that the sentence taken out of context is a manipulation of Luther's metaphor, and I think the average middle schooler would understand that.

It was Father Guz a.k.a. of the Church of Rome who so painted Luther as a Gnostic and a heretic.

Cyril, you are wrong.




Updated: 7 April 2017 — 19:52


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  1. Aren't you surprised by the coincidence of the words of Francis the Jesuit with the "alleged" words of M. Luther? (I write "alleged" because how can you be sure that the reformer really used them) words of M. Luther ? They are identical! There are a lot of Jesuits in the context of Luther's texts. It is known that they did everything to fight the Reformation. They attributed their views to others ?

      1. something awful 🙁
        the alliance of throne and altar has never ended well :/

  2. These words are very slippery. They interfere with the basic truth of God's immutability. God cannot be something to become something else - our perception and our position can change and the passage stating that , "The ungodly cannot go to hell unless they first went to heaven. They do not become children of the devil if they were not first children of God" (and the other way around as well) makes sense here.

    1. This all makes sense. For those in secret societies, etc., the god is Lucifer, also called Allah and a few other names (the founder of Theosophy, Helena Blavatsky, among others, wrote about this, considered an authority by Freemasons and other opponents of God). Albert Pike wrote that they are creating the conditions to get rid of religion and expose to the light "the pure doctrine of Lucifer"...Hitherto he has been presented as the devil (which he actually is), the time is coming when he will be presented to the world as a god to be worshipped. In this light, the Pope's words are clear and readable - I believe they were directed to those who know exactly what is at stake. Lucifer's servants are ready to present him to the world.
      And let us...lift up our heads because our redemption is drawing near. The Savior is at the door 🙂 Scripture says the TRUE GOD will come at the right time and will not delay 😀 .

  3. DeafGrandfather

    God yesterday and today the same!
    I would delete this topic altogether. Don't let it cross anyone's mind that he was the devil.
    A few posts below you attack Francis for calling God the devil. Peter is not worthy to look at this at all.

    1. Yes it does not condone it, but it is about truth, Luther as you can see by the context did not have on musli strecite that God had to be the devil. It is a careless metaphor. We all had another god before, we were devils...So first our god had to; be a devil . In this sense.
      I am not de facto defending Luther himself, as I am far from Lutheran, yet I disagree with taking things out of context.
      I don't know if you Dominik understand the difference between the words of Luther and Francis. There is a difference. Subtle, but there is.

  4. It's simple, God never changes, He was, is and will be the same forever 🙂 .

  5. In this: "Cyril, I'm going to ask you this lightly, has the "flat earth" started rounding up or not yet ?"

  6. Thank you and best regards 🙂 .

  7. I'm shocked 🙁

    See how a man ( according to me a follower of luciferianism), a follower of ufo
    He calls the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - I am who I am, he calls the g a d e m - w e r e

    This is blatant blasphemy against the God of Abraham, His Anointed One, the Holy of Holies.
    This is a blatant attack on the Bible - the Testimony of the God who created the world and us and came to earth in human flesh to instruct and save us.

    It appears that Papa's statement is not an isolated incident, but is a planned attack toward believers to make them lose faith in a merciful and grace-filled God.

    How is it possible that we who read the Bible (amateurs) are able to understand the actions of God towards the deviants throughout the history of Israel, and the wise men who appear on the Internet appear to be experts on the Bible, and then completely deny the existence of our Creator without understanding the message of the Word.
    Shock and more shock.

    "They will turn the truth into a lie and a lie into the truth."

    God - the serpent, Satan
    Satan - God

    Massacre 🙁

    1. as you can see is a continuing trend. These people are possessed.

  8. Prof. Tadeusz Guz commented on the false version with a note in brackets. In the original there is nothing like that, it is some kind of later - internet - mystification.
    Please source:

    1. And how about the urge to accept refugees? Also misunderstood words?

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