Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The apocalyptic abyssal well and CERN.

My brother in faith has explored the topic of CERN in the context of the Bible and the data available to us about CERN. I recommend reading this arch interesting topic. It may need some corrections and so I ask you to straighten it out.


Krzysiek made some mistakes because he was probably writing from his cell phone or tablet. I ask for your understanding.


Warning. This is not a topic that will make you smarter. This is a potential warning, and perhaps with an emphasis on perhaps fulfilling prophecies.

There's a lot more, but having learned on September 23, 2015, we won't write what we expect until April 2017 through the fall.




Brothers and sisters, I really need to share with you some insights regarding the pit of the abyss spoken of in Revelation 9:1-12.


"Then the fifth angel trumpeted, and I saw a star fall from heaven to earth, and given to it is the key of the well of the abyss. (2) Then she opened the well of the abyss, and the smoke of the well as the smoke of a great furnace ascended, and the sun and the air were darkened from the smoke of the well." Revelation 9.



I must mobilize the prayer warriors, if possible, to a huge fight, evil already knows that we know, the illuminati also, and those who do not know today my article will make them aware of certain things to which the Spirit of Truth has led me.

The article I am writing to you was deleted once, now I have prayed and hope it will reach as many people as possible.
A former satanist revealed the spiritual plan of the illuminati and there would have been nothing suspicious about it, if not for the fact that the Spirit of Truth put all the puzzles together for me and a complete picture of the whole emerged, even though I considered it a fairy tale.
There are body portals and earth portals. We will deal with the latter, if anyone wants to read also about body portals, I will provide a link at the end of the article.
Earth portals are a bit more complicated. According to Mastral, reality is divided into 9 dimensions that interpenetrate in space, but in practice are separate worlds.
In doing so, he gives us the metaphor of an elevator. Spirits residing in higher dimensions can descend to lower worlds, but they cannot ascend higher.
We humans live in the fourth dimension. Beneath us reside powerful demons trapped in the lower dimensions by God. Lucifer is the only evil entity that can visit the highest, ninth dimension. (His future is described in Revelations 12:9 - note to Rad)
Some portals are temporary, while some, the most important ones, are permanent. Temporary gateways depend on proper seasons and conjunction of dimensions, which our cognition and science are unable to grasp for today.
This is the main reason for occultists' obsession with numerology, gematria and astrology. They are tools to calculate the right time for rituals when they can profit from open portals and contact high ranking demons.
Evil spirits cannot simply materialize in the middle of Fifth Avenue. To manifest themselves in corporeal form they need powerful energy released during bloody rituals. Once the ritual is complete, the demons must leave. Longer contact can only be done through portals.
Permanent gates are the main target of satanists (they like to call themselves children of Lucifer, emphasizing the last syllable).

We can guess that large amounts of human sacrifice and life energy are required. It is a great honor for Satanists to be able to pass through such a gate and meet with demonic powers in their "backyard. During such an event a time warp occurs, because what passes as minutes on our Earth, in another dimension means several hours (a similar phenomenon occurs in descriptions of alien abductions).

The opening of these portals has resulted since the 1950s in an increasing number of sightings of spiritual manifestations such as UFOs, luminous orbs and phantoms, sometimes even seen in daylight.

Satan's hope is that with the opening of the last portals, the most powerful demons will be able to leave the low dimensions and appear on Earth and thus make contact with humanity. However, they will not parade as demons, but as benevolent aliens and evolved spirits of light.Taken


Now to conclude, the most important thing is permanent portals, which will make it possible for demons to enter and leave our reality as soon as they lose strength.
Interestingly, the Spirit of Truth showed me where the largest and most powerful portal is located and where they want to open it, well brothers and sisters it is Cern no surprise right, but do not you know that this is the well of the abyss, what is a well for me in the countryside is a deep round hole, what is CERN, is a 27 km circle, located at a depth of 50 to 175 meters, is not it a well.


But for it to be a well of the abyss there must be another condition, evil must attract evil, the area must have a history, does the place where Cern is located have such a history?
As we can see, history shows that there was a Roman city in which the god Apollo was worshipped, who guarded the entrance to the bottomless pit of hell, the land of the dead.

I don't like one thing, the moment this year when they want to run it, as each of you know April is a special month, in April there was always a festival of Baal worship which ended on May 1, I think April 18 is the festival of Moloch,and April 19 is the required fire sacrifice, most massacres took place in April, waco massacre,columbine school massacre,oklahoma city bombing,boston marathon,etc...the festival in honor of baal ends on May 1 Beltane holiday.
This year CERN is going to launch on May 1 I guarantee it will be exactly on the night of May 30 to May 1
To sum up, if as I presented above CERN is a portal of evil, the well of the abyss is a good moment choosing the night from 30 April to 1 May, I think that in April they will try to sacrifice to the moloch, or make some kind of massacre, or sacrifice a fire, (maybe set fire to a center with children, some orphanage) to be able to launch the portal.
Now why do they want to open the portal from 30 to May 1,well the key is Belatane holiday.
Beltaine / Beltane is a Celtic fire festival celebrated from April 30 to May 1. The night of the dead and evil spirits.
The basis of this festival is the lighting of a large bonfire that will burn for a whole year, after which the bonfire is thoroughly extinguished. Specifically, people gather in a pile and create a bonfire where they dance (necessarily) naked, play, feast and give total pleasure. - on this night, marital fidelity is null and void. Afterwards, people disperse to their homes and light their Holy Fire at home which is supposed to burn all year round - a fireplace would be good.
When the bonfire is burning and people are dancing until dawn around it, some people decide to perform a ritual. Namely, they run to a forest, there must be a woman and a man - the woman chooses a certain tree and runs around it until the guy catches her, when he catches her they have intercourse, afterwards you have to take a leaf and rub it (woman's juices, guy's sperm).
The border between the astral world and the physical world on this night is hmmm... thin, I've found that out myself once, but not so much to know the elves, mermaids, etc. as it is supposedly possible on this night, entities in a good mood can bestow the encountered gift of wisdom or courage. People used to protect themselves from evil spirits and demons with fire and singing.
The night before Beltaine the astral beings celebrate this day so it is good to carry a rowan branch from then until May 1 - it will protect us.
The first of May has pagan northern European roots (Celtic and Germanic), continuing the Celtic holiday of Beltane and the Germanic holiday of Walpurgisnacht. The Old Gods in this day and the night before are doing their best to reveal themselves to the world!
I believe that even though as John's revelation says the well of the abyss is CERN, the launching of it from 30th to 1st of May will not cause the locusts to come out, because there was still no sign of the trumpeting of the previous angels, and that means something will go wrong, but we throughout the month of April especially in the second half of April until 1st of May must pray to nullify the works of the devil especially during this period so that they do not cause any massacre, or fire victims,I hope that you will help me, do not worry God protects us, recently I would have died in a car accident with my whole family, or at least we would have been badly hurt, my wife alone driving a car on the main road, he drove out of the subdivision did not see her, the lights in some places react strangely to me dimming or flashing, I know that my family and I have a powerful protection and they will not do anything to us, that's why I write to you about all this, just pray.
If HENRYK KUBIK is reading this, the HOLY SPIRIT says you are wrong about the locusts, they are not rock bands that appear in smoke, with long hair, for John's Revelation says the locusts will harm those who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads,no man including myself can determine who has the seal of God and who does not, the locusts will come out of CERN, these locusts will have a king angel of the abyss who carries out the orders of God the Father creator of the world.


There is a reason the communists or satanists made May 1st a holiday.

I don't know if Christopher is right, but I don't think millions of dollars would be invested in something that makes no sense for this fallen world.

Warning. It is of no use to you if you do not have a relationship with Jesus.

Updated: 26 March 2017 — 21:24


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  1. Shocking 😮 until I don't know what to say....
    thank you for the text...

  2. Christopher,soldier

    I just ask that we do not forget to pray in the coming month that God the Father in the name of Jesus Christ will thwart all plans of the devil about any massacres, sacrifices that they will try to make in honor of the Moloch, as well as the success of the launching of the portal CERN, through which they want to let powerful demons, all April to May 1 I will pray for these things, for thwarting the plans of the devil,I know that when the Holy Spirit draws my attention to something, I know that it is a very serious matter, and as recently I have not written anything, so recently only thoughts related to this abyssal well that is CERN, also my wife has dreams, after which she cannot sleep at night and they are related to this.Greetings to you dear friends.

    1. Sorry to paste this a second time but it was supposed to be under this topic.
      I would not believe these things if I had not experienced bizarre events myself.
      Fascinating subject but very dangerous, those who do not believe in the power of God better not touch it.
      In confirmation that evil can sit within people.
      Once I was in the company of corposzczur (I'm sorry, but you know what kind of people they are) and I was talking to a man about souls, at one point this man declared that for money he is able to give.....ja wanting to immediately break his declaration I shouted at him, and I saw something strange, I thought I had seen it. Returning home the man who was sitting at the party behind me, listening to the conversation, said to me: did you see when you shouted that his eyes lit up red. I saw it and he saw it.

  3. Christopher,soldier

    Asia this is shocking,if you want to be shocked as well as everyone else on this blog then take the number from Peter to me because I don't want to share it here and I will send you something very interesting,I have already sent Peter,Diana,and Aldona because they gave me the address the letter I am sending cost me a lot of work it is give for 5 pages and I am sure it will shock you ☺ although Peter said it read like a good book,yes Peter I did not exaggerate? ☺

    1. that's exactly what it is 🙂

  4. Christopher,soldier

    However, I wrote in my letters whether what I wrote could be possible, and that I am only a human being and like everyone else I can be wrong and mistaken about what I wrote in my letters and have already sent to some people.

  5. Very interesting study and I do not know whether to be happy or sad, it did not impress me. Don't get me wrong, but I just read it and accepted it without feeling or emotion. I'm very curious what you wrote in your paper and if I could also ask you to send me a e-mail with this I would be grateful, my address is to:[email protected] there is nothing to hide who wants to write. Generally I am green in this topic so I am very happy that there is someone who gives me everything on a plate in a way that I can assimilate it. Looking at all this, i.e. human sacrifices as a way to invest energy in something very bad, the widely understood Holocaust also served this purpose? It was a sacrifice probably on a global scale not seen before. As for these planes of portals or whatever they are called, you wrote that only Satan can slip through them without any problems, but if he can, so can the other fallen angels? No matter how you look at it, these are still angels, albeit fallen, but they kept their abilities, so they can glide through without any obstacles, they can manifest themselves in any form for us, Earthlings? Recently I watched a lecture in which it was discussed, i.e. what exactly angels, fallen angels and demons are. I don't know if I'm wrong, but we hear only about casting out demons who need a body to exist in our environment, hence the possession, while fallen angels don't have to play with such blocks. So are demons really the remains of those beings created from the combination of angels and humans - nephilim? Since during their lives they were corporeal, now they also need a body to function, or rather a vessel that possesses them? In the Bible, the angel who comes late to Daniel explains to him that his prayer was answered at once, but he comes late because he had to fight with a powerful being who has dominion over Persia, so it seems that each country has its own "dark" ruler who commands a legion of minions to carry out a plan. And as for those flickering and fading lamps, I remembered that always when I was coming back from work, after midnight, in one place one and the same lighthouse when we were passing under it would flicker or go out completely 🙂 Somehow I never considered it in such categories.

  6. Reading this article and the pages from the links made me think of Megadeath's album Super Collider. I knew this band (I listened to it before my conversion), but I didn't know what the album was about or what was on its cover until now ;p . I knew about the hadron collider, but never noticed it was on their cover. Out of curiosity I turned on the lyrics of a song with the same title as the album and saw the lyrics in translation - "I'll take you higher, Until the world explodes, Just like the super collider " and "Could this be the end of your hell on earth, Come with me and I'll free your soul, ha!". Maybe there are typical lyrics for such music, but "I'll take you higher, Till the world explodes" immediately associated me with demons wanting to enter a "higher dimension", before the end of the world. Maybe just my over-interpretation, but maybe there's something to it.

    As I am already writing I would also like to ask (although maybe this is not the best place for this) what dear Admin and readers do you think about Steve Cochran and his prophecies. Time will verify if he is just another false prophet and prophecies like many on the internet.

    With God 😀

    1. Christopher,soldier

      I just hope you don't have those records or tapes in your house, they are defiled objects and would have access to your house.

  7. Thank you in Jesus name for this text, of course I will pray and encourage others to join in, in common support for this important intention that these plans of evil will fail.

    1. Aldona I think in the name of Jesus, not in the name of? 🙂 Sorry for the comment but it sounded to me quite inappropriate.

      1. it may not be stylistically correct, I didn't intend it to be inappropriate, after an illness (lyme disease) I have trouble putting sentences together and with mistakes (I see worse).
        God bless you:)

        1. I didn't mean to offend you. Just as I guessed you didn't mean for it to be inappropriate 🙂

  8. To people who have no idea of the gravity of the situation it may seem ridiculous, even laughable, but to people who have received the gift of knowledge from God it is DEATHY serious. The game is about the salvation or damnation of people close to us.

    1. We're not going "tooth for tooth" here Arthur xD

  9. I don't understand everything, but I often read this blog and ask God to know the truth for me and many people. I will also pray. May the good God hear us, let us all pray and there will be victory.

    1. "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth" :)))))

  10. Christopher,soldier

    Slawek I can't send you an e-mail because I would have to write it all over again, now I just make a copy and send it to people's addresses, or I can send it by fax, but I don't know if it's possible at the post office, it's 5 pages but from a big notebook, give the address to Peter and he will give it to me, unless you don't want to, unless you don't want to reveal where you live, because I can always come with other soldiers and arrange a slaughter ☺ in your house ☺ calmly to all to whom I send letters I give my address, but only to those whom I know here for a long time, and I am probably one of the oldest forum members, and I know Peter personally.

    1. I just read an email from you. I thought it was in electronic version 🙂 and you scrawled everything by hand 🙂 I live outside of Poland, the address I can give without any problem, let whoever wants to drop by, I have nothing to hide 🙂 and even less I feel no fear of an unannounced visit. It is a pity to expose you to the costs of postage and I have a blank in my head and no idea how to send it, maybe scan it would be the fastest

    2. Make a scan and send it by e-mail.

      1. Christopher,soldier

        Luke, make a scan and send it to me, I have at home only tablet and cell phone with display from the Mesozoic era ☺ I do not like electronics?

        1. When this letter finally reaches me, I will scan it and then send it to whomever wants it 🙂 I will.

  11. Very interesting text and immediately a yellow light came on for me. Sometimes I read Lodge Without Secrets and the person who runs this blog, sometimes analyses Eurovision (some numerology etc. comes into it, but I'm not interested in it) and namely, I got a bit curious about it and listened to most of the songs from this year's contest (Eurovision is the world's biggest music show, the most watched right after sport events - last year's final was watched by more than 200 million people in the world). And this year SWITZERLAND is represented by the singer Timebelle in the song APOLLO. Yes, it's not a joke 🙂 what's more, I've analyzed the lyrics and it doesn't stick a bit, in the text she sings "I will follow you, Apollo" - although it's not clear from the text who this Apollo is.

    Piece of text:

    But when the walls are caving
    (and when the walls come crashing down)
    And the world keeps turning
    (and the world keeps turning)
    We got the love, we got to love
    (we received love).
    I wear my heart on my sleeve
    (idiom: to show affection to someone in public)
    You do the same for me
    (do the same for me)
    When autumn comes around
    (as autumn comes around)

    An interesting juxtaposition: Switzerland is represented by a song about the mysterious "Apollo" and the word autumn falls in the lyrics (also in the video there is no lack of flying, falling leaves - and it is, after all, only one word in the lyrics)

    1. Apollo is weak, I don't like it... just mediocrity, I don't even think it will win... :/ (by the way, it's a band, not the singer, from what I found on the Internet), isn't he a guy dressed up as a woman with a beard? ...if so, it would be just awful, such a thing winning at the expense of people who don't need stupid combinations in the lyrics and for whom it's enough to just go out, sing and they're fine... (e.g. Portugal)

      1. Good to know 🙂 I found some ratings and actually Switzerland has low chances to win, in the list leads Italy with the song Occidentali's Karma (in the video very many references to Hinduism or Buddhism I don't know anymore 🙂 ). I listened to Portugal, very classical, straightforward even I would say mega-modest, just whether it will be accepted in today's "commercial world" will win the biggest possible weirdness. But you admit that the song from Switzerland has a strange title and lyrics, or maybe it's just that it follows the idol Apollo who was the guardian of art? I only pointed out the strange connection between this year's song from Switzerland and this article. regards 🙂

        1. Italian in this video makes fun of westerners' fascination with philosophies like Buddhism or Hinduism - hence the references - and generally of such a shallow approach to life (e.g. there are words about selfie addiction...) In fact, I saw somewhere a short video from some club in Italy, where people danced to it, on Youtube and someone commented that people dance to a song which makes fun of such an approach to life 😀 )

    2. Galeusz- very interesting for textual analysis is the Hungarian proposal, although there are no Apollo or Zeus there 😀
      Here is the translation from Hungarian to English (in some moments there is some Roma/Gypsy singing like "la la la", because this singer and rapper is from a Hungarian Roma/Gypsy family, but it was omitted here; in some moments I didn't know how to translate from English to Polish, so I apologize in advance for the inconvenience):
      You have to close your eyes,
      so you can see me.
      To conquer my heart,
      you have to know my soul.
      (You must close your eyes to see me, to win my heart-you must know my soul)
      If you don't need me, let me go
      I was born to be a tramp.
      I have suffered enough,
      but God sees me.
      (If you don't need me, let me go, I was born to be a bum. I have suffered enough, but God sees me.)
      Why did you lie to me
      that the color of my skin doesn't matter?
      You knew that my eyes are brown,
      it never changes within me.
      (Why did you lie to me that the color of my skin doesn't matter? You knew I had brown eyes (?), that will never change in me).
      I don't need you in my life,
      get out of here, leave me alone!
      I don't want to see you,
      be cursed forever.
      (I don't need you in my life, get out of here, leave me alone! I don't want to see you, be cursed/cursed forever!)
      God accosted/addressed me when I was four
      He gave a real weapon in my hand.
      I knew that he's the only one who can take care of me,
      I was practicing more than a Samurai with him.
      I can trust in him, he always tells the truth
      I can cry with him but he shows the (right) way.
      It's a kind of alliance that remains forever
      it's not expendable, he's my most precious treasure.
      (God reached out to me/attached me when I was 4 years old, gave me a real weapon to use. I knew that He was the only one who could take care of me/take care of me.
      I have practiced with Him more than a samurai, I can trust Him, He always speaks the truth, I can cry with Him (?), but He shows the (right) way. It is a kind of alliance that remains forever, it is not meant to be lost, He is my dearest treasure)
      Mysterious forces lived within the child
      they were afraid of him, it appears in their eyes.
      My strings are attacking, crying in the bodies
      you can defend in vain, it's a poison in the instrument.
      I drenched people with it (with the music)
      you hear my melody, you already know my name.
      This is a long road, sores are on my back
      tears of thousands of people are flowing on my guitar.
      (Mysterious forces dwelt within the child
      They feared Him, it was evident in their eyes
      My strings attack, they cry in bodies [I couldn't translate that], you can defend that in vain, it's poison in the instrument. [I don't grasp that either]
      I sprinkled people with music/mixed them with music [I don't understand that either], you hear my melody, you already know my name.
      It's a long road, I have scars on my back
      On/After my guitar flow the tears of thousands of people.)

      1. The fact, the Italian proposal is to ridicule the combination of the Western world with Eastern beliefs, but also in this form is smuggled into pop culture, for example mantra or the sign of three sixes (by the way, there is a lot of this sign in the song from Sweden, yes I know this sign also means that something is perfect, etc. but it also has other "darker" meaning). Coming back to Italy, it's like with Nicki Minaj's song Starships, someone can say that it's a promotion of Trinidad and Tobago (place of recording of the video and Nicki's birth), but I think that it's another video which turns women into sex objects (and after all, teenagers watch it too, etc.).

        I didn't pay attention to the lyrics in the Hungarian song, but it has a nice melody. Although I don't see anything suspicious in the lyrics themselves. The singer has Roma roots, sings about his hard life as a little boy and how God gave him a powerful weapon like an instrument to move other people's hearts with it - that's how I interpret it. 🙂

        1. Thanks for mentioning it, I don't like Sweden either :/ still you can pay attention to Holland - it's sung by three sisters (twins + 1 older than them by a year), the authors are the girls' father and the oldest one's boyfriend, and the song was dedicated to their mother struggling with a rare type of bone cancer 🙁 - also a proposal without any fireworks, but well performed 🙂 As for Starships - I don't like this song either, I don't like this style in music at all :/ I prefer songs that refer in some way to previous decades, and here there is too much of everything ... :/

  12. Christopher,soldier

    Galeusz but you surprised me now clearly with this song they pay tribute to Apollo, who wants to bet who will win ☺

    1. Switzerland 😀 😀

      1. I don't think so XD

        1. What are you even talking about? Because I don't get it?

          1. About this year's Eurovision 🙂

  13. Watch the Skoda Kodiaq commercial.Interesting.

  14. I don't know if portals are the same as energy vortexes. But I read that one of the strongest such energy vortexes is the area of Syria. There is even a network of pentagram-shaped cities there (when I find a photo I will upload it). That is why the war is kept there, because demons need a lot of human sacrifices in that place.

    1. NNunderstanding

      The pentagram is also in Kazakhstan near Lisakovsk:

      Astana is there too, that capital city of fame.

  15. reading this post I was reminded of scenes from the movie "Warcraft: The Beginning" and there it is, among others, about the portal, which to open was powered by killing slaves

    The land of Azeroth faces conflict when it is invaded by beings from another dimension: orcs, seeking a new home when their own dies. When the orcs pass through a portal to another world, they colonize it entirely for themselves and destroy the other races. On the opposite side are the humans, who must fight for their lives, their families, and the fate of the entire land.

  16. Regarding Christopher's statement:
    "for John's Revelation says that locusts will harm those who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads,no man including me can determine who has the seal of God and who does not,locusts will come out of CERN,these locusts will have a king angel of the abyss who carries out the orders of God the Father the creator of the world."

    I think Apollo represents luck himself, and the locusts are the other angels who betrayed God along with him, i.e. the locusts are the fallen angels.
    Apollo - the destroyer - acts by God's providence; by the way, there is also a place in the ST where God says he will send a destroyer.
    I believe that as lucek as they are fallen they act as much and as God allows them to because God is in control of everything, not the other way around.
    Also, Christopher regarding the seal of God's people.
    It is the Holy Spirit who is the seal for the people.
    Of course, it is also known who holds this seal.
    The Lord Jesus explained this to us in the gospel, saying that anyone who acknowledges that the Lord Jesus came in the flesh and is the Christ, that person has the Spirit of God.
    Paul also affirms this:
    "In him you also, who have heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and have believed in him, have been sealed with the promised Holy Spirit,"

    Therefore, we know that anyone who accepts the Lord Jesus as Savior is sealed as property to God and is a child of God.

    Back on topic, I think the locusts are demons, fallen angels who by God's grace will torment those people who have not accepted the Lord Jesus as Savior.
    They are the ones who do not have the seal of God.
    That is, it seems that anyone who rejects the Savior is potentially vulnerable to demons who will torment them.

    That is, it follows that God's opponents on earth are or will be influenced by demons.

    Also, what does this indicate?
    Also in the ST message is how God says He will allow demons to work on people because they have spurned Him and gone after other gods.

    I want to conclude my digression by saying that we who are faithful to Jesus are sealed with the Holy Spirit and by that title we are under God's protection.
    Demons and lucek itself cannot harm us, God has assured us of that.
    The same is true of the plagues, which will not include sealed people for God.
    The only thing that threatens us is physical death, in the sense that man can kill us, but that doesn't mean that demons will kill our souls - in the sense that we will remain God's elect for eternal life.
    In contrast, those who do not have God's seal will not only be killed physically, but their souls will also be killed - destined for eternal damnation.

    These are just my observations that I wanted to share in this topic.

    Greetings in Christ 🙂 .

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