Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Trump the messiah for Jews and his history with 666.

Before I get to the point, I would like you to answer the question: what are you looking for on this blog? If the former, then this information will not help you at all until you give your life to Jesus.


The amazing information reads in an Israeli portal:


"Rabbi Berger said Breaking Israel News. "The Gematria (numerology) of Trump's name means this Moshiach (Messiah). He is included in the messianic proceus that is now taking place

Rabbi Berger pointed out that the Gematria for Donald Trump in Hebrew (דונלד טראמפ) is 424, which is equal to the gematria of "Messiah for the House of David" (משיח בן דוד). Ben Ish Chai, an authority on Jewish law and a major Kabbalist who lived in Baghdad 150 years ago, interpreted the number 212 as a difficult time for Israel before the final Redemption. Trump's gematria is doubled, signifying the ongoing process of the Messiah.


"As a spiritual descendant of the biblical people of Edom America has a very important role to play in the Messiah. But to be fitted for that role, America had to be humiliated " stated Rabbi Berger

"In order to establish his kingdom, God had to create confusion, a situation in which the best plans made by the most influential people come to nothing."


This is another strong point or rather puzzle that points to Trump as the anti-Christ.

I'm very surprised that only I write about it in the Polish Internet.

The first time who knows if I didn't prophetically write about this was in March 2016:

Donald Trump good as the antichrist. A snake's tale.



In fact, truth sites and some Christian portals support Trump's activities. In my opinion, the favorability of Trump will soon be a criterion and a test for these sites. The fight for verses will be over when the whole world will support Trump. It will come out who is a Jesuit agent and who is not.

Now the trivia:


  1. His son-in-law Jared Kusher built the $666m skyscraper.
  2. Trump Tower was completed in 2001, it was the tallest residential building in the world: 666 feet high. Donald Trump lives there in the richly gilded 66th floor!
  3. Trump announced his candidacy for president on June 16, 2015 = 6+ (1 * 6) + (1 + 5) = 666
  4. Donald Trump's candidacy is a media creation of the Fox network, and the letters "Fox" (6 + 15 + 24) add up to 666. 


That's not all. Trump was born during a solar eclipse. I did some research on the internet and here is an interesting astrological description that astrologers themselves are terrified of:


Donald Trump born on 14.06.1946 on the day of a solar eclipse has in his horoscope a dangerous combination of this very Sun together with unpredictable Uranus. The main role is played by the energy of Mars in Trump. That is why he is perceived as belligerent, decisive and often insolent. A master of self-advertisement. A graduate of military school. Trump's Mars is energized by the Sun in the US horoscope. The Sun is responsible for consolidating activities at every level of the country. For the duration of the first term of the President of the United States of America in his horoscope, violent and catastrophic Uranus will reside in the sector responsible for foreign policy."


Donald Trump inherited his grandmother's real estate empire after her death. And this took place on June 6, 1966 (06.06.1966r). The grandmother's name was Elizabeth Christ Trump.

The surname Trump is an English version of the German surname Drumpf. In Jewish gematria, the letter value for Don Drumpf is 666. Don is a shortened first name but also translates as "powerful ruler“.

Trump calls himself the Brexit Candidate and Don Brexit in American gematria gives the number 666.

Trump says he should be called
"Mr. Brexit" but since his family is German, it should read "Herr Brexit" which gives the number 669 in Jewish gematria.


There's a lot of talk about the antichrist among the papacy, but when you put Francis next to Trump, the pope looks next to Trump like a small Fiat next to a new Volkswegen Passat.

Speaking of the papacy, Seventh-day Adventists are getting into ecumenism. They have come together at inter-religious meeting with President Duda:


"Also a member of the delegation was the editor-in-chief of Publishers "Signs of the Times", Pastor Andrzej Sicińskiwho, on behalf of the Publishing House and the Church, presented President Donald with a modest gift in the form of a book titled, "The Church of God. Life has meaning - bestseller by Alejandro Bullón, a Brazilian Adventist pastor"


As I mentioned we will soon find out who was a long time Jesuit agent when it comes to Trump's endorsement.

The website that translated Jacek is raving about Trump.

We have too much evidence of Trump's great role in the times to come. Trump has been groomed for this role since childhood.

I don't think there's a single day this year on news outlets where Trump isn't mentioned.

Trump will be the chosen one who "cleans up" after the bad guys. The whole world will admire him.

This past weekend I watched the movie "Tomorrowland" once again. At the end of the movie, the ticket to the good life was a sign. That sign was the letter T.


Who knows, maybe Trump will be the Michael Jackson of the world, an idol on a global scale.

One thing is certain: hard times are coming for a remnant of God's commandment-keepers, and that is why it is so fashionable to overthrow God's Law, because soon the man of NO LAW will rule the world:


" Let no one mislead you in any way. For first there must be a departure, and the man of sin, the son of perdition, will be revealed,(4) an opponent who exalts himself above everything that is called God or receives divine honor. He will even sit in the temple of God proving that he himself is God. (5) Do you not remember that I told you about this while I was still with you? (6) After all, you know about this obstacle that prevents him from acting until his time has come. (7) Iniquity is already secretly expanding its activities, but first the one holding it back must step down. (8) Then he will openly perform that lawbreaker, but the Lord Jesus will knock him down with the breath of His mouth, He will destroy him at His coming."

2 Thessalonians. 





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  1. As far as Trump is concerned, the matter is still developing, I personally find it difficult to say whether he is the antichrist or not. It is known that Trump is not who he says he is, i.e. "a philanthropic millionaire, restoring Christian values and the greatness of America", he is certainly part of the satanic puzzle (predictions of his presidency in pop culture, his face in the pages of the Illuminati), he has long been groomed for this position.

    The letter T from "Tomorrowland" reminds me of the styling of Trump's hotel logo (except that it's on a globe background)

    Trump also uses his family crest (which he acquired the rights to in the 1990s) as the logo for one of his Empire companies, the crest features 3 beasts (similar to the lion from the UK crest I wrote about earlier)

    What makes me even sadder is that many conservative "Christians" even feel satisfaction as the police in the USA disperse leftist protests using violence, even against women... Christians should not support violence in any form. Unfortunately, we have to admit that many churches (especially evangelical ones) have been radicalized in the USA and this is, in my opinion, a perfect tool in the hands of the antichrist.

    1. Yes, the case is developing, but for now there is more and more evidence to confirm that Trump may be the antichrist than opinions to the contrary.

      "What makes me even sadder is that many conservative "Christians" even feel satisfaction as police in the U.S. disperse leftist protests using violence more than once, even against women...Christians should not support violence in any form. "

      I agree. It will be another ideology in the name of which a dictatorship will be established, and it is very likely that satanists like Madonna, greens, feminists will be the victims of this dictatorship. On the surface it will look like Christian rule, but as it did in the days of the Inquisition and the Crusades, so it is now.

      1. Most of the public will love the false messiah and treat him as an incarnation (of Christ, Buddha, etc.) and Trump is a mere politician, he is a wedge whose job is to cause as much division of the world as possible into two camps so that the messiah will "beautifully" unite them when he appears. Also he merely precedes the coming of the actual statue of the beast. Trump signifies the voice of Trump (i.e. the inevitable announcement). Secondly, he is the person the media speaks ill of which already completely disqualifies him in such a role.

        1. Yes, he is badly talked about by the media to lend credence to his anti-systemicism. Whereas, of course, I take it that he is the last dictator, which can and does foreshadow the coming of a man full of power, from the lineage of David, as I wrote in my review of the last installment of Star Wars."

          Anyway, even if it is not Trump, after him it will be on 100% the last antichrist, and that means we are the last generation before Jesus comes.

          1. I also think that the image of the Beast will soon be revealed to the world and Trump as the ruler of the Beast from Earth will strongly contribute to this.

            Movies with a message about the coming of someone claiming to be a descendant of the lineage of David are plentiful in hundreds of films. Even in such a seemingly inconspicuous movie as "Titanic" the main character is named Jack "Dawson" or "Son of David".


            Titanic is a ship of the White Star Line
            Although Jack drowns in the abyss of the ocean giving his life for Rose his DNA has been passed on. The ship breaking in spectacular fashion is a symbol of the worldwide catastrophe that will bring the world the awaited messiah.
            Rose changes her name to Dawson at the end and also has with her the "heart of the ocean" jewel belonging to King Louis XVI of France which may indicate that the future world messiah will be from a European royal family claiming to be descendants of King David.
            "Protestantism" (false prophet) increasingly proclaims citing the Scriptures that David's throne is in London, which is to be the New Jerusalem.


            1. So far I also insist on the version that Trump is out to bring worldwide chaos, I don't know how, and the Antichrist will come from the British royal family. The time will come for everything, but William fits me best. He is adored by the media, and the British royal family is admired, respected, and has a lot of support from the British people (the British monarch himself, through the British Commonwealth, is the official leader of almost 1/3 of the world! Canada, Australia, New Zealand... ).

              1. William's candidacy pales in comparison to the plethora of evidence for Trump's candidacy. 666 Avenue, 66th floor, born during the eclipse. etc. etc. etc.

                1. I don't know I don't want to bid 🙂 but William was born on a solar eclipse (partial) which happened on June 21, 1982, but it is true that Trump was also born on an eclipse but of the moon (total).

  2. Is Trump too "thick-skinned", i.e. many facts of his life are arranged in a too obvious, anti-Christian way?

    1. Is the coming of the anti-Christ to be obvious-"to sting the eye with ordinariness"-or unexpected-"amidst false wonders and signs.

  3. And I'm puzzled by these calculations:

    Trump announced his candidacy for president on June 16, 2015 = 6 + (1 * 6) + (1 + 5) = 666

    Why the 6 + before the whole activity? Why is multiplication first and then addition?

    Donald Trump's candidacy is a media creation of the Fox network, and the letters "Fox" (6 + 15 + 24) add up to 666.

    I get 45 😀

    When I do the math myself, the numbers 666 don't seem to come out. Anybody want to help?

    1. "Donald Trump's candidacy is a media creation of the Fox network, and the letters "Fox" (6 + 15 + 24) add up to 666.

      I get 45"

      In numerology we first reduce hundredths numbers to one digit e.g. 34=7 (3+4)

        1. Donald Trump the Rothschild man. (see what it really looks like)

          1. nothing new overall. I don't think many on this blog were fooled by Trump's novelty.

            1. By the way. Bartosz also reads this blog. In one of his vlogs, he referenced the Detective's material 🙂

              1. nice because he could say he found it himself....

                1. From what I remember, I think he even provided a link to the blog 😀

    2. The letter "F" has a value of 6
      The letter "0" has a value of 60
      The letter "X" has a value of 600

      Just type "FOX" and click, the result depends on the method of counting adopted, whether according to simple gematria, i.e. a = 1, and z = 26, or ordinary, i.e. a=1, z = 800.

      The number 666 simply means the number of man.

      Even Carbon the element without which there would be no life and us has 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. There is a reason why God chose such an element as the basis of creation.

      God came in the flesh (creation) therefore the exaltation of Christ is salvation and the exaltation of the image of the beast or worship of the creation itself is sin.

  4. I don't know about numerology, I have no idea what this gamatria is 🙂 but when I hear kabbalah the rest is unnecessary 😛 I don't know who Trump will turn out to be but certainly not the one he's posing as right now to gain sympathy for himself or more accurately to deceive the elected and calm their vigilance. I haven't yet met a place on the internet that doesn't mention Trump but only in superlatives. Not counting of course some feminist and so called leftist portals because I don't even look there. So it is only at the detective's that Trump is examined from all sides as if under a microscope. Many of my friends, including those who identify themselves as Christians, uncritically support Trump's actions. However, I get hairs on my head when I hear statements of Trump, in which he sees nothing wrong with torture and considers the so-called waterboarding as a very mild version of torture. It seems that step by step we will return to the medieval methods of extracting confessions and admitting to literally anything. So, if the whole world really starts to revolve around Trump, the remaining few who will briefly reject him may be subjected to various kinds of torture.

    1. And when someone asks me if I like him, I simply answer that I don't, because both he and Clinton are almost "woven from the same cloth" (to quote one of the lesser-known songs by Sewery Krajewski). (a quote from one of the lesser-known songs by Seweryn Krajewski) - people who are wealthy, a little "detached from reality", without any vision of the needs of the common man, etc., you could go on and on... :/

  5. On the internet a few years ago one of the spiritual leaders of one of the Protestant churches had a vision and he said God has a plan and that I am talking to you Donald and to your right hand he was talking about Rudolph Guliani. This was before Trump announced his campaigns. To me this church was derogatory that was my impression. Unfortunately I can't find it on yt quickly. Personally Trump will definitely play an important role for the next few years. To me he is a deceiver and they will still cry that they elected him, I think he is a freemason. Besides, before the presidential campaign you can find material that shows him as a close friend of the Clintons before the presidential campaign. The Clinton's were present at his wedding. She speaks very warmly about them in interviews from several years ago. Also, he is not better than her at all. He's just like her...

  6. Do you remember the horror film series The Omen? The plot of The Omen revolves around the biblical prediction of the coming of the Antichrist and the end of the world. In Omen III, Damien Thorn (the Antichrist) plans to take over the world. First, he becomes the American ambassador to Great Britain, then he wants to become the president of the USA, which is supposed to enable him to unleash the Apocalypse. Interesting reference to Trump, no? Could he actually be Antek? I've watched the whole series a few times, the last time being when I was in high school class, which was a pile of years ago, but who's counting 😉 I'm getting into my head as to why I enjoyed these types of movies so much.

    1. I read the reviews and there it also mentions the real Christ who is predicted to come again and be born in England in 1982, he is supposed to be protected by a certain order, and Damien(which is the evil character considered to be the antichrist in the movie) wants to kill him. The real antichrist(false messiah) will not be the one who is intentionally portrayed as evil(Damien), but the one pretending to be good.

      1. Prince William was born in 1982, like every prince he is awarded the Order of the Garter, established in 1384 by King Edward as an order of chivalry (wikipedia). On the day the order is awarded, the royal family and more wear these funny traditional robes (they look a bit "Masonic"). Interestingly, in Omen, little Omen's nanny commits suicide, as does the nurse who was "screwed in the provocation" by Australian journalists, who committed suicide after little George's (William's son) birthday.

  7. Moshiach is Barron Trump not Donald.

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