Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Germany's highest court has ruled: MEASLES VIRUS DOES NOT EXIST!

The measles virus does not exist! What about other viruses? ATTENTION! PASS IT ON! Today, based on the analysis of scientific research, the verdict of the German Supreme Court was published: The measles virus DOES NOT EXIST! What about other viruses?

In short: the scientists simply mistook the cellular element for a virus. In addition, the tests done that indicated the existence of the virus were flawed and poorly done.

Millions of children around the world have been vaccinated with vaccines against a viral disease that does not exist.

No one knows exactly how many children have been permanently harmed or even died because of these vaccines.

The pharmaceutical industry has made billions of dollars on a vaccine against a virus that does not exist. Of course, the toxins in these vaccines do exist.

German Supreme Court Rules Measles Does Not Exist





The news blends into the characterization of Trump's actions looking like a fight against the system in which Trump has been stuck and so far has contacts.

Nevertheless, the information above may make our loved ones think twice.


Updated: 29 January 2017 — 17:27


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  1. I am more and more inclined towards the position that this whole opinion-forming position of various authorities and idols results from the fact that they have completely sold out to the forces of evil ruling this world, led by their leader Lucifer.

  2. The site where this message is from is The Secret Archives of the Vatican. There is more interesting content hitting the Vatican, e.g. an article like this:
    "In 2017, the Vatican will reveal the existence of UFOs!"

    1. except that they also promote the new age. On the bottom right, pictures of worshipping mother earth....

      1. They are promoting new age is a fact. It is something from the neopagan current. Looking for Slavic roots etc. You can see that these attacks on the Vatican are not gratuitous.

  3. Is the state supposed to serve and protect (not to be confused with taking care of fully healthy people, which is an absurd pathology) or to stifle and humiliate the citizen?

    1. Rather to serve and protect, but not to excess 🙂

  4. Signs of the Times Publishing is dabbling in ecumenism...ędzyreligijne-u-prezydenta-andrzeja-dudy/1457723687593410?qid=6381106154565883220&mf_story_key=7810265910157368147

    "New Year's interreligious meeting at the home of President Andrzej Duda
    "The fact that we are all here together today is a great sign of the community of believers," said President Andrzej Duda, welcoming delegations from more than a dozen churches and other religious associations at a traditional New Year's interreligious meeting at the Presidential Palace on Krakowskie Przedmieście in Warsaw on January 26.

    Thanking everyone for their presence, President Duda emphasized that this joint meeting is a testimony that "we are those who in many points share common values (...) that the dialogue between religions is not an empty word in Poland (...) it is something that unites, something that is extremely important in our country with such a long history of many religions existing side by side. According to the President, proclaiming these values is especially important in a "difficult world" that very often renounces them.
    The President also spoke of the great ecumenical tradition in Poland, lasting for hundreds of years, based on the influence of various religions on shaping Polish mentality, identity and culture.
    According to the President, this meeting is a symbol of coexistence and cooperation for the good of the Republic of Poland. Here, the President mentioned the most difficult moments of its history and that on many very old graves there are signs of different religions - a cross, a crescent and a Star of David. Followers of these religions died for their common homeland, Poland, our great common value - said Andrzej Duda.

    President Duda thanked all the clergy for their contribution in preaching tolerant attitudes, emphasized their influence on the level of social debate and encouraged them to react when the boundaries of mutual respect are crossed.
    Also present at the meeting was an eight-member delegation of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Poland headed by the president of the church, Pastor Jarosław Dzięgielewski.
    Also a member of the delegation was the editor-in-chief of Znaki Czasu Publishing House, Pastor Andrzej Siciński, who, on behalf of the Publishing House and the Church, presented President Donald with a modest gift in the form of a book entitled Life Makes Sense - a bestseller written by Alejandro Bullón, a Brazilian Adventist pastor, presenting moving stories of people who, thanks to their faith, found a miraculous way out of painful experiences and extremely difficult situations. This book is currently the missionary book of the year 2017 in the Polish Adventist Church.

    Olgierd Danielewicz"

    1. nice discovery. Very good... everything's going in one direction. It really is that time...
      However, he is about to publish an even better discovery....
      It is time to raise our heads even though we will probably hit the Great Tribulation.

      1. The Great Tribulation in 2017?

        Either I don't know something or I have misunderstood something, however, according to what I have read in the book of Daniel and Revelation, it is before the Great Tribulation:
        1. the Jewish temple in Jerusalem must be rebuilt.
        The 2nd Great Tribulation will occur in the middle of the week, the week (the last 7 years) will begin with the decree of the Antichrist signing peace for one week, this will be the final 70 weeks of Daniel's prophecy, we do not know if the temple will have already been in existence for some time at this time or if there will be a quick rebuilding of the temple with the signing of this decree. In the middle of the week, a statue (image of the Beast) will be erected at the site of the Holy of Holies in the rebuilt temple, the daily sacrifice will cease, and the Great Tribulation will begin. It remains a mystery how people will find out about the statue at the Holy of Holies since only the high priest has access to it and only once a year, there is talk of devices using THz (Theta Hertz) frequency waves so you can see what is behind the wall.

        Assuming, very, very optimistically, that the Jerusalem temple would be rebuilt in 2017 then the Great Tribulation (not to be confused with the Tribulation, for the Tribulation you will always have) would be in 2020 at the earliest.

        1. It all depends on your interpretation and approach

    2. At Tramp's inauguration, too, prayers were held in a pew. Representatives of different religions in the same place. The TV program "Go Against the Current" commented on this as a positive thing, because it seems to be so American. Such freedom, I mean.

  5. What can we do? Unfortunately not much (it is saddening to hear that even the means of forming a spiritual opinion, competing with the church, are fraternizing with it). However, we cannot (like the last cowards) give up the battlefield for souls without a fight. Jesus Christ expects us to fight to the end.

  6. People with hot heads would like an armed action. However, the contemporary history of Poland (as well as the recent Ukrainian Maidan) proves that such actions usually bring a lot of unnecessary victims of different nature, and at the same time bring to power factors which we would not like to see even in the place of a construction supervisor.

  7. In Poland, since the end of the 16th century (since the cripple of the Protestant Reformation in our country...), in the domestic spiritual life there has been such an emptiness and such an ideologylessness (if we can consider physiological activities dressed up in a cell-shaped form as the philosophy of being), such an indefiniteness of form... Conscious people are in this worldview mundanity, Soul...

  8. And this immediately coming thought that many other diseases could also be a scientific error. And for me, a deliberate invention of scientists and pharmaceutical companies.

    1. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock
  9. fake news in my opinion.
    Why ? "In short: the scientists simply mistook the cell element for a virus. In addition, the tests done that indicated the existence of the virus were flawed and poorly done."
    This passage gives much food for thought.
    First, they "confused a cellular element with a virus"-you don't have to be a biologist to know that a VIRUS IS ALSO A CELL!!!-not a cellular element but an ordinary cell, with no cell nucleus.
    2 I think it is unlikely that a group of educated people, who have daily contact with this kind of knowledge, would make such a mistake
    The 3 studies that were conducted were flawed and poorly done... Yes, one sentence with no corroboration (if anyone has found corroboration please post) contradicts hundreds of studies that were conducted without really explaining anything.
    in order not to be empty-handed, I am providing a link to a Polish study on measles,

    Strictly scientific work, funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
    Pay attention to the detailed analysis of the virus and then decide if a "mistake" was possible.

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