Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

It's Christmas time for the birth of a God that Catholics don't want to know.

embarrassing subject
Jesus is an embarrassing topic during family gatherings at Christmas.
You can talk about cars, you can talk about business, smartphones, TV shows, sports, but the word Jesus acts like a sheet to a bull.

For most, there is an equal sign

between God and the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree is god, god is the Christmas tree. And they are right, on top of the Christmas tree is a five-pointed star - a pentagram.

Updated: 6 December 2016 — 12:32


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  1. At least most Catholics prefer to talk about Christmas instead of the living God

  2. When someone asks me if I've done my Christmas shopping and about presents in general, I inform them that I don't celebrate Christmas. I inform them that I don't celebrate Christmas and they make a surprised face.
    My family thinks I'm crazy and beats the crap out of me.
    Those who don't believe in God want to meet in a pub for a drink on Christmas Day. It's sick, everyone has an excuse, and we are outcasts to the world because we want to worship our Lord as it is written in His Word.

    1. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock

      I applaud you for your bravery 🙂 .
      If anyone is ashamed of following Jesus and not the Catholic sun worship, Jesus will be ashamed when He comes in glory.
      And I have a feeling that Jesus' coming will be soon, because God also has limited patience when He looks at this fallen world.
      Besides, in 99% cases, it's just like Peter wrote in the meme. People celebrate the holiday because it's the right thing to do, not because they care about the birthday person.
      If they cared about the birthday boy or girl they would look in the book in which the birthday boy or girl left instructions on what to celebrate, when to celebrate and what to avoid 🙂

      1. The worst thing is that Satan has so cleverly tricked people that the Bible today is considered by most as a fairy tale.So how to reach it.Those who call themselves Protestants find excuses to light this day.Just listen to Pastor Chojecki how you can be a follower of Christ and at the same time light a Christmas tree holiday.
        And as Peter nicely wrote for people Christmas is a tree,and a tree is a god.They could change the name to Christmas tree holidays ?.At least there would be no hypocrisy.

        1. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock

          Or a Santa Claus Christmas if we already wanted to personalize this idol who is at the center of the events on December 25 🙂
          Sad to say. But already 2000 years ago Jesus saw that the path to salvation would be narrow and that few would find it. And yet he chose to make this sacrifice.
          And today, instead of seeing Him every day as a mighty King who has done so much for us and still wants to do, people prefer to see Him once a year as a little child in a manger during Sol Invictus, or in a tomb during Easter. They then organize guards over the tomb and flower collections for the tomb from which Jesus came out long ago! 🙂
          On the other hand, every day they exalt Mary, the Pope, and dozens of saints, i.e., ordinary people who cannot help us in anything.

      2. Let us remember that the solemnizer of these feasts is the mitre.

  3. We break once and for all with the Catholic culture (which pretends to be Polishness) and the evil it represents.

  4. And for children satan claus

  5. For many people, unfortunately, the form is more important than the content (solid biblical facts).

  6. Christmas Eve (which is not even a holiday according to the Roman Vatican) is a time of hypocritical brotherhood and peace, so that the next day during the Christmas feast, or even drinking, old grudges and other animosities resurface.

  7. When we left our daughter with her mother-in-law and drove to the reunion. The grandmother asked her daughter if she was going to dress the Christmas tree and she said no. She was surprised and asked why. And my daughter said she doesn't want to and that's it because it's a Catholic holiday 🙂 5 year old can answer too 😉 .

    1. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock

      😀 haha. Children can demonstrate more logic than adults. And that's for a simple reason, firstly they intuitively distinguish truth from falsehood and thus the word of God reaches them more (if someone tells them about it of course, and this happens unfortunately not often) than the falsity of human doctrines. Secondly, they do not pay attention to what other people will think of them, they are spontaneous 🙂 .
      That's why Jesus said that to inherit the kingdom of God you have to become like a child just 😉 .

  8. Mt 24:32 And learn from the fig tree by likeness! When its branch becomes succulent and its leaves leaf out, you know that summer is approaching. 33 In the same way, when you see it all, know that it is near, at the door. 34 Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things happen.

    How do you understand this passage:
    "34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, until all these things be done."

    The state of Israel was established in 1947 or 48.
    Did Jesus mean that from the time of the establishment of the state of Israel, not a generation will pass until everything is done? How do you see this?

    1. I would also add that in Psalm 90 it says: "the measure of our years is 70 unless we are strong, then 80" so you could say that a generation is coming to an end.

      It doesn't give me any peace of mind 🙂 .

      1. I know a brother in the faith who believes as you do. However, I think this is about the generation that will be at the end of the world. Jesus often used the word generation in the context of an unbelieving generation.
        I interpret this similar to Jesus telling John that He wanted him to wait until He came. John saw the times of Jesus when he returns in glory and died, and the apostles interpreted this to mean that John would not die. It seems to me that it could be similar here?

    2. My daughter has a 2.5 patch

      He prays with us like this: Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus for mom, for dad, for grandma, for the dogs... (we have little ones) the order varies so I know that he thinks about whom to pray. And your heart breaks when you hear it.

      This is the kind of faith I would like to have as my daughter.

      1. My daughter is only one year old and so far she only says "daddy" 😀

        1. 🙂 Babies are cute 🙂 I remember telling my daughter to say mama. And it turned out that her first word was-dad 😉

          1. Oh my, how sweet are those statements about your kids! Keep up the good work everyone!!! 🙂 .
            And the meme is great!!! 🙂 🙂

  9. Our deceived relatives are spiritual slaves of these magical Roman-Babylonian rituals/ceremonies. It is necessary to pray for breaking demonic bonds which mentally restrain them and to explain it to them gently and sensitively.

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