Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Jutrzenka Wschodząca - a Masonic lodge operating in Radom.

I decided to publish more places in Poland where there were Masonic lodges, and I do this because of the widespread brainwashing in the media, in which politicians or people of non-Polish origin say this way: yes it is the fault of the Freemasons, cyclists and Jews.

This famous saying is meant to trivialize and obscure the truth, and to ridicule those who are looking for conspiracies.

Here is a link to a dictionary describing this saying:;5458.html


Meanwhile, let's move on to the title box:


Jutrzenka Wschodząca - a Masonic lodge operating in Radom under the Russian partition. Among its members was the commissioner of the Radom district Edward Watson, whose family came to Poland in the 17th century from Scotland[1].

The Eastern Dawn of Radom began its activity on March 31, 1812. Its founders were Feliks Gawdzicki (a literary man, a participant of the Kościuszko Uprising, an active freemason, a Knight of the Rose Cross of the 7th degree, a member of the chapter lodge Knights of the Star in Warsaw). The first master was Jan Kuszewski, commissioner of the Department of Estates and Governmental Forests. In 1813, after the takeover of the city by the tsarist army, the lodge suspended its activities, and resumed them on September 22, 1814. The next members were Jozef Malachowski - prefect of the Radom department, Hieronim Kochanowski - counselor of the Radom department, and one of the honorary members was Aleksander Rozniecki - chief of the secret police of Grand Duke Constantine. On February 1, 1819, the lodge moved to a newly constructed building, which was owned by a wealthy Radom merchant and freemason, Jan Pusztynik. The building was designed by the Warsaw architect Jakub Kubicki, an honorary member of the Lodge Świątynia Izis The last meeting was held on June 30, 1820, the reason being the decree of the tsarist authorities to close all the freemasons' lodges in the Kingdom of Poland. The building was taken over by the authorities and turned into a lazaret["


Since 1975 it has been the seat of the district prosecutor's office.


Do we see common ground with the church? Isis, the dawn, ...


Photo of the former Lodge building:



"According to one tradition, the first Freemason was supposed to be Cain. James Anderson considers the sons of Lamach[2], mentioned in the Bible, to be the first Masons. They were to discover the tenets of all the teachings and write them down on two stone columns so they could survive the Flood. Read by Hermes Trismegistos (the legendary founder of alchemy), they were passed on to others. This knowledge was to be used to build the Tower of Babel. Another legend mentions King Nemrod who was a great mulcher and decided to build the city of Nineveh, and in order to do so he passed on his knowledge to thirty workers, also mulchers. "

Polish Freemasons, unlike American ones, have been living in hiding since the time of Moscicki:

Finally, in autumn of that year, by decree of the President of Poland Ignacy Mościcki, all Masonic associations in Poland were dissolved[24][25]. In order to achieve this, the security authorities carried out a number of searches and liquidated existing lodges[26]. However, individual lodges operated in conspiracy.


Mościcki himself was a member of the Catholic Order of the Knights of Malta.

The first freemen were officials and clergymen, then there were kings and philosophers.

As we can see, the Freemasons were fought by the Roman Church according to the scenario of the movie "The Leonardo Code". However, it is one of the heads of the same hydra. It probably arose from the Templars independent of the church. In connection with the fact that the genesis of the freemasonry is unclear and falls on about 15th century, in which allegedly already there was no trace of the Templars, we can conclude that it is from them originated the Freemasons with common to both groups philosophical alchemy.



In conclusion, Freemasons are viable groups of Lucifer's religion.



Updated: 28 November 2016 — 13:52


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  1. Maybe that's why Radom fell into decline after the alleged collapse of the People's Republic of Poland and is not doing well in PRL-bis. A curse for the evil done?

    1. there is no connection. Lodges were probably in every city

    2. The famous June ( the sixth month ) 1976.

  2. About 100 meters from this lodge stands a church. On the building of the lodge there is a lot of Masonic symbolism and a plaque describing the activities of the lodge.

  3. In the town where I am from, the lodge also has ties to the priest.

    1. Speaking of the influence of priests on politics, I'm throwing in a rather interesting article about Father Tiso from Slovakia 🙂,jozef-tiso-poczatki-kariery-ksiedza-dyktatora

  4. In the church I used to attend in my town, there is a room in the middle not far from the altar which is called a lodge.

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