Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. "If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, that thou lead not thy will upon my holy day; and if thou call the sabbath a delight, a holy day, and unto the LORD hallowed, and shalt have it in honesty, so that thou shalt not do thy ways therein, nor lead thy will, nor speak a vain word:
    Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and they shall bring thee into the high places of the earth, and I will cause thee to feed upon the inheritance of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken."

  2. God's blessings my dears 🙂 Shabbat shalom!

    1. Thank you in the name of Jesus Christ for the upload, awesome video.

  3. I'm sticking this link in because it's a continuation of the Natalia Przybysz story you wrote about, Piotr.

    1. This will divide the Poles and the other side will have even more emotions. It will only strengthen the position of the church of the Roman Empire.

      1. Total unanimity seems difficult to achieve. Divisions (not to be confused with splits) are probably inevitable sooner or later. As here on the blog we already have a major dividing line- there are so-called Sabbatarians and non-Sabbatarians (a minority it seems). So some (if not most) here have a specific attitude towards the Law of Moses, but there is no pressure from either side, so we tolerate each other.

        At the same time the division, in my opinion, is growing (e.g. April left here as far as I know because of divergent interpretations of the Letter to the Romans concerning the Sabbath), so the question I have been asking myself for some time is: how much more can divide us? I have also come to the conclusion that the apocrypha should be rejected and it worries me that Syracuse is quoted here, as well as the nods towards Adventism... and there is an irresistible question: how much more can I tolerate and feel that I have more in common with you than divides me, thus remaining here. I have to think about it. I don't care about convincing anyone to revise their views, but about the inner feeling of not being hypocritical towards you. I need to sort it out for myself somehow.

        1. Jacus, my dear brother. This is an artificial division, I believe that there should not be such a division as you have presented, because as followers of Jesus we have a duty given to us in the Law of God to observe the Sabbaths.
          ("Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. For six days you shall labor and do all your work. But on the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. You shall not do any work on it (...)" - Exodus 20)
          What you're talking about, I think, lies in the matter of everyone's understanding of when the Sabbath is and how it should be celebrated. And this is where each person has that understanding that they have received from God for a given moment of life and spiritual growth.
          So let each one do according to the conviction of Jacus "For everything that is done contrary to conviction is sin. "Romans 14:23 and continue to study and ask God for understanding. Let us be wholeheartedly with the Lord and He will explain His laws to us 🙂 .

          As for the apocrypha, I don't support them either, but I think the idea of the blog is still to "research everything" - confronting everyday events, culture, what religions talk about, and even the apocrypha and juxtaposing them with the truth of God's Word. This is the great benefit of this blog, that we learn together how to look at, for example, any event and evaluate it through the lens of the Bible. This prepares us to examine everything and to reject everything that has even the appearance of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22). These are my feelings after a year and a half of growing together with Peter and you on this blog.
          Soon our King will return, so let us hold fast to the truth and study 🙂

          1. Beautiful summary Kasia thank you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

          2. You know, Kasia, as a person who I think is very tolerant, I also do not want such a division (whether it is artificial or not) in the matter of the Law and therefore, despite our different understanding of how the Law of Moses relates to Christians in this matter, as long as there is no exaltation or suggestion of deception from either stool, I have no problem and I respect your freedom in Christ to keep the elements of the Law in accordance with your conscience 🙂 .

            And as for the apocrypha, I will say this: I have become aware of the danger of deception involved in analyzing them.

            Peter's answers completely miss the point for me, because in my opinion, it is one thing to have pastors preach sermons that are in line with God's Word, or to increase knowledge about where evil in the world and deception comes from and what it looks like by learning who the illuminati are, etc., and quite another to quote apocrypha that are contrary to God's Word, which even ancient Jewish historians like Flavius warned against. Jesus did not use the apocrypha either, despite the fact that they already existed at that time, and this could not be a coincidence. That is why the 16th century Reformation rejected the apocrypha, because they contradicted the apostolic teaching and the teachings of the early Christians - and the CRC likes it, so only the CRC recognizes them, and only since the Council of 1546.
            The NCC wanted very much to have the apocrypha in the canon because they contain texts that affirm teachings such as purgatory, prayers for the dead, and the so-called treasury of merits.

            I wonder what the women of the blog would say to these verses from Sirach : "The greatest cunning means nothing compared to the guile of a woman. May she meet the fate destined for the worst of sinners!" Syr 25:19 "It is because of the woman that sin has arisen, it is because of her that we all die" Syr 25:24 or "It is a shame for a father who has an ill-mannered son, if he has such a daughter, it is to his own shame" Syr 22:3. How terribly unbiblical is this ?

            So let me get this straight - to hell with the apocrypha!

            1. Jack, I think you feel bad here, although no one has insulted you, but on the contrary helped you. I have appealed for prayers for you many times and have prayed for you myself.
              As far as I know you have read Henoch.
              Here you are publicly discrediting me and thus breaking God's Law:

              "15 When thy brother sinneth , go and admonish him face to face."

              You didn't write an email, you didn't post on Facebook about your concerns.
              When you had a problem you were able to call, write.
              Too bad.

              1. You're right, I acted rashly. Forgive me, please. If you wish, please delete those comments.

        2. April left or rather stopped commenting for a very simple reason.Peter wrote that he would be celebrating the Sabbath and would not be posting on the blog on that day.April decided that she no longer fit in this blog.....
          The strange thing about this situation is that no one here is forcing anyone to celebrate the Sabbath or not.Everyone will give an account to the Lord of their life and choices.Peter and the rest who celebrate the Sabbath do not put conditions on anyone, that you have to do so and that's it.April's departure is a child's mockery, because you do not do as someone else understands it.
          The trick is to love people who have a different point of view from ours.

          1. Although we spoke privately, I don't know her motivation, but I suspect she left because she felt that promoting Sabbath observance on a blog was too much of a difference in her understanding of Scripture and it was difficult for her to feel part of such a community without hypocrisy in her heart. I, as you can see, am able to endure this approach (though I have struggled with how to respond) and I absolutely agree with you that it is an art to rise above such fundamental differences, but that is nevertheless what I have chosen to do and why I am still here. Peace to you and the rest of the readers!

            1. Yes and then came back and who knows maybe she is still reading. If you are judging my person and blog on one female person under the influence of emotion then it's time to say goodbye.

              Thank you sincerely for partnering with us in Jesus' name.
              May the Spirit of the Lord Jesus guide you Jack.
              Make it happen.

              1. And I feel that you too Peter are now writing this in emotion. As if you perceive my words as an attack... And yet I didn't suggest anything of the sort, that I want to leave the blog 🙁 is some bizarre misunderstanding. My assessment of your work has not changed. Peace be with you, brother.

                1. Yes, I am writing with emotion because you attacked me in public, as is your style, in a subtle way, and the attack hurts the most from people you treated like family.
                  I have called you my true little brother on several occasions.

                  Notice, the girls answered you first, not me. They were the first to notice your attack.
                  Peace be with you.

                2. So let the emotions subside for both sides. I do not know how to discuss and that is why you may have perceived my critical expression of a different opinion as a drive-by. I had no such intentions. Please do not be angry with me. You know that I respect you. I am sorry this conversation developed today, but I would like to end it peacefully.

                3. I'll elaborate- I respect your approach to the Word, and love you like a brother ❤ older I'm so sorry. I want to be with you and with you here. Let us never argue about these things again, but love.

                  1. 76 more times 😉

                4. I cried... I am reckless. With all my heart I apologize to God and you for my impulsiveness!

                  This is where I belong, please don't exclude me.

                  1. Easy. Precisely because you are not established in the faith, Jack, evil spirits have spoken through you.
                    No problem.
                    It's good that God is touching you, but let go of the you-know-what once and for all, because the Evil One has access through it.
                    Not too long ago and another young person in the faith got me hooked. It is such a "privilege" to have a Christian blog. In churches the pastor says what he has to say and everyone has to listen to him. Here, everyone can write and some can even attack, as you know from what sides...

                    I am walking the path I have chosen and so far I am not turning back from it. I hold to the truth and study it. I do not tell anyone to celebrate the Sabbath or eat meat. April left because I started celebrating on Saturday. but I did not deny her that she celebrates on Sunday. Where's the injustice...

                    If I start talking about the Holy Spirit, I'll be a greenskeeper.
                    About Saturday, I'll either be a Jew, as a man from Wielkopolska told his girlfriend about me, or an Adventist.
                    And jokingly speaking, if I talk about women I will be a Baptist...:-)

                    I see every day how people are punished for not keeping the Law. I will write a text about this soon, but in the meantime Peace to all, but not the peace that the world gives, but the peace that Jesus gives.
                    May the Peace of Jesus fill all who read this blog

                5. The very truth... I must be affirmed and pure, otherwise I am an easy target and act human.

                  May the peace of Christ fill our hearts and minds.

        3. Jack, I don't know if you are being influenced or if you don't like the Law because you can sin in this way.
          There are no nods to Adventism here. Example:

          Add to this the notorious posting by me even more frequently than Adventist, Wilkerson Pentecostal texts. I have already been called a Jehovist, a Cubist. On the home page is Baptist Kent Hovind.
          So what you write is a lie and a public one at that.

          You have read the book of Henoch which is outside the canon and is treated much worse than Syracuse.

          1. I just glanced there, didn't read it, but it's a small difference overall. I now stay away from the apocrypha.

            More importantly, I don't want to mislead anyone and I apologize if it looks like I'm making up lies. That's a misunderstanding, because with Adventists I was referring more to the recommendation of their churches by some readers and the denial of those where services are on Sundays. You are probably right that emotions such as discouragement or concern about the direction of reflections on the blog prevailed over reason and I may have been misunderstood. Once again, I apologize for the unfortunate wording of these statements. Godspeed!

            1. I am not responsible for recommending churches to others. Various churches have been recommended on this blog. Including yours.

              1. Yes, that's right. I expressed myself badly because I was imprecise.

                1. Well brothers, I see that it's better now, it means that I don't have to go for Vojtus and reconcile you ...:) and that it will be the last time! heheheA seriously, I'm glad that you understand each other better and of course you can forgive each other because it must distinguish all of us in Christ forgive not 7 but 77 times read ALWAYS. I know that sometimes there are emotions but there is also the evil one who wants to bring discord between us but with Christ he will never succeed because He teaches to forgive. The Holy Spirit guides and teaches every true servant as he recognizes, so let us love and support each other in faith and true love, that is Jesus Christ our Lord. Peace be with you, brethren.
                  PS the Lord has had enough of my smoking and has set me free since last Tuesday I don't smoke brothers and sisters and normally I was so afraid and again I was wrong because I feel sometimes like I never smoked. Thank you for your prayers and of course please pray for me and I pray for you...Glory to the God of Israel in the highest!

                  1. wow super Praise God for setting you free. I will still pray for you Mariuszek for strengthening 🙂 .

                  2. Super glory to the Lord God! for setting you free from your addiction.I know how you feel,the Lord Jesus Christ set me free a year ago.May our Lord Jesus Christ be glorified for making us free.

                2. Mariusz, congratulations most sincerely! Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ!

  4. The Sabbath is for man and not man for the Sabbath. And the son of man is lord of the Sabbath.

    1. Exactly and that is why some of us celebrate Shabbat. How beautiful it is to have a holiday every week 🙂 .

  5. "Thus says the Lord:
    Keep the law and be guided by justice, for the coming of my salvation and the manifestation of my righteousness are near. Happy the man who does this, and the son of man who keeps it, who observes the Sabbath without desecrating it, and who guards his hand so that it does no wrong."
    Isaiah 56:1-2

  6. "For as the NEW HEAVEN and the NEW EARTH which I will create shall stand before me, saith the LORD, so shall your offspring and your name stand
    And every new moon and every Sabbath every man will come to worship me, says the LORD.

    When they come out, they shall look upon the corpses of men who have REFUSED FROM ME; for their worm shall not perish, and their fire shall not be quenched, and they shall be an abomination to all flesh."

  7. What does it mean to "observe the Sabbath"?

  8. Let us be one as the Father and the Son are one! Satan can exploit our weaknesses and that's what he did to me today - I'm coming to the conclusion that there were promptings, the evil one found a gateway through my sinful nature and I sinned 🙁 He wants to destroy the unity of our community and bring about disunity. He wants division and disunity. I had to go astray for this to come to me.

    Therefore, I declare to you and by God with a clear conscience that I love you all with the love of Christ, I do not think badly of anyone and I do not exalt myself over anyone, and certainly in many things I do not yet have the knowledge. I thank the Lord Jesus that I am here. You are in my prayers, dear brothers and sisters. We are one body. Amen.

    1. We love you too Jacus❤we remember you in our prayers and bless you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
      Peace be with you

      1. Yes, let us keep each other in our prayers, for we must remain vigilant. The evil one looks for gaps in our sinful nature. Many blessings of God to you Lenka and all of you for this week. The Lord is with you!

  9. A man's been away from the church for a while, and here's a fight... Good heavens, it's time for a ceasefire. Godspeed, brothers and sisters in Christ.

  10. I wonder what our enemies will do about the "election" of an American president. War hangs in the air,
    and the wicked one hides in the dark.

  11. I apologize for interjecting myself into the discussion above. Ordinary Poles (probably the vast majority of the church), post-Catholics seeking God's truth about the world do not understand disputes about such subtleties as the above conversation and they can inspire them with anxiety and discourage them permanently from the cause of Christ. This is for the future. With God.

    1. arthur
      but there are some out-of-this-world people here he he

    2. Arti,
      I have been put in an uncomfortable situation. On the one hand, allegations, and on the other, the public.
      If I had not posted Jack's comments, I would have thereby conceded his point about me romancing AD& etc.
      If I emailed him about it, he would think I was afraid of going public.

      Let this also be a lesson to others, how anyone can criticize me and accuse me of something that does not necessarily come from themselves and is not entirely true.
      These disagreements also demonstrate varying degrees of cognition.
      All the people who accused me of something are still reading the blog. I block them and they want to keep reading....
      Why, because it is guided by truth. Because I am not affiliated anywhere, not in any party or religion, and it is not more important to me to bury myself in Scripture at the expense of Scripture.
      This is apparently the way it was meant to be although I'm getting more and more fed up with this blog

      1. My point was that such disputes can be used without mercy by our enemies to sow seeds of doubt and discord among the disciples of Jesus Christ.

      2. And today the Holy Spirit put it on my heart to pray for you, Jack and Zdzisio.
        I understand the discouragement, because it is really very hard to run a blog, to face the attacks.
        You know that the evil one uses people to discourage you from the work you are doing to advance the Kingdom of God.
        You are doing a great job,enjoy brother,because you are going in the right direction.
        God's blessings on you❤.

        1. Thank you for your prayers. Prayer support will come in handy for me at this time. 🙂

        2. I could use it. I'm having a period. A spiritual period 🙂 .
          Thank you in the name of Jesus.
          By the way, do you pray for such a wonderful sister as Lena? She prays for everyone, but who prays for her?
          I honestly pray for our blog's grandmothers several times a week 🙂

      3. Don't take everything so personally, many respect you and you have great support, you cover mega interesting topics with a wide range of subjects. It would be wrong if you gave up your blog because it is an alternative church for many beginning Christians.

        1. Thank you. Time and time again I get resistant, but it's actually awfully hard to be a follower of Jesus. It's like the gym. Weights. More and more...

  12. If I may interject something.
    I recently discovered something terrifying.
    If you wish, I will introduce you to what it is.
    But I assure you that when you see these materials, you will realize the importance of the whole Word of God and the commandments of God also from the ST that are duplicated in the NT.
    I can say that all Scripture is precious to us to keep us from being deceived.
    The final tour is yet to come.
    The time will yet come that people will miss the WHOLE Scriptures and what is in them.
    Today have peace in Jesus and hold fast to His hand.
    Because there is nothing tricky about God's commandments, it is the world that has set us up to be so distrustful of God's word.

    Greetings 🙂 I'd like to thank you.

    1. I remember quotes informing us that people will go and seek God's Word but will not find it. Unfortunately I do not remember the location of these quotes. Regards.

      1. There's a quote like this:

        "The singers of the temple will wail in that day," says the Almighty Lord. There will be plenty of dead bodies, abandoned everywhere. Hush!
        Hear this, you who trample on the poor and exterminate the poor of the country, saying:

        (- criminalizing the Sabbath for trade -)

        When shall the new moon pass, that we may buy grain, and the sabbath, that we may put grain up for sale, diminish the ephah, and enlarge the weights, tilt the scales fraudulently,

        Acquire the destitute for money and the poor for a pair of sandals and sell a buttock of grain?
        The LORD swore to the pride of Jacob, I will never forget all their deeds.
        Shall not the earth shake for this reason, and shall all its inhabitants mourn? It will all rise like the Nile and fall like the River of Egypt.
        On that day, says the Almighty Lord, I will make the sun set at noon, and I will cover the earth with darkness in broad daylight,
        And I will turn your festivals into mourning and all your songs into a mourning song; I will put a hairpiece on every hip and a bald head. I will turn this into mourning for the only begotten, and all the future into a day of bitterness.

        Hunger for the Word of God

        'Behold, the days are coming,' says the Almighty Lord, 'that I will send a famine upon the earth, not a famine of bread nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord.
        And they shall go from sea to sea, and wander from north to east, seeking the word of the Lord, but shall not find it.
        On that day beautiful maidens and young men will faint from thirst,
        Who swear by the "Offence" of Samaria, and say, As your God is alive, Dan! Or, As your favorite is alive, Beer-Sheba! They shall fall and never rise again. "Amos 8:3

        1. However, this passage is about those who have rejected God, have not even tried to seek Him, and here God announces that He will pour out His wrath on them.
          Exactly as it occurs in the book of Revelation.
          We are already sealed with the Holy Spirit, we are under the protection of God.
          But we must hold fast to His words to avoid being deceived.

          1. Thank you Basia 🙂
            I remember when I read about it in the Bible I also wondered why it said "from north to east". But that's a separate thread on this topic.

    2. Basia I would love to read your insights.Please post the materials,or email llena [email protected].

  13. A person who is a passive recipient of culture, and not an active seeker and contributor to it, is unlikely to be interested in a tedious and lengthy learning about God, because for this he or she needs an inner desire to know the truth, which such an individual usually does not have.

  14. Valuable is all Scripture because in it we have valuable instruction concerning our God.
    It is through His commandments that we know how to recognize Him.
    What are the characteristics of our God, how can we distinguish between belief in the True God and belief in a false god.
    Nothing else will show us this but Scripture.

  15. Thank you for recommending this video!!! 🙂 Thanks!

  16. Amazing movie. My husband and I shed more than one tear. Thanks Peter 😀 😀

    1. I'm glad 🙂 .
      I think someone on the blog recommended me 🙂 I've been thinking about it.

  17. The Polish elite expresses their hypocritical wonder why so many of their fellow countrymen are not very bright. There should not be any surprise. Lechites do not see the need for intellectual-spiritual development, because they perceive that it does not bring too tangible material or financial benefits. In other words, if you don't have a broad enough back, you either live like a grandpa or emigrate.

  18. If only by reading this information:
    you can see how the Roman church attacked God's seventh day from the beginning.
    They don't hide the fact completely that Sunday is the FIRST DAY of the week, yet God commanded to honor the SIXTH DAY of the week.
    They still call Sunday the Day of the Sun and the Day of the Resurrection of the Sun.
    Also opposite Jesus' words that He is the LORD of the Sabbath - meaning the Lord's day is the SEVENTH DAY still, they change the Lord's day to the first day.
    Is God the Sun? Didn't He just create the sun?
    And if so it follows that the sun is a creation of God.
    In this case, don't we need the Law to be able to discover this falsehood?

    " ‛Day of the Sun': e.g., Latin dies Solis, English Sunday, "
    "On a day called the day of the sun a gathering of all of us, both from the cities and from the countryside, is held at a designated place. The apostolic or prophetic writings are then read, as long as time permits. "

    Rome, citing the Decalogue, lies outright that in the Decalogue God commanded worship on Sunday, the first day of the week.

    For me personally, this has been very galling since I found out about it.

    1. Basia you have some very interesting thoughts. You have such a gift for synthesis, but a few questions arise:

      1 - Is Saturday really Saturday? Let's say 6000 years ago was the first Saturday when God the Father rested. What guarantee do we have that for 6,000 years someone didn't make a mistake? This is not my question, it is the opponents question. As for me, I trust Israel to keep order despite the passage of time.
      2 It is said that rest is to be on the seventh day, not on Saturday. So if the CCRK has established the 1st day of the week to be Monday, then the seventh is Sunday, and Catholics as well as suspended Protestants believe that they rest on the seventh, and they are right. There is only one question: do people have the right to change the Law?

      From my investigations and reflections, it seems that the Sabbath is important and the future indicates this. After all, Jesus will come at the beginning of the seventh millennium as a rest for His people. If it were not important, this divine order, He would have come 300 years ago or in 1500 years. But he comes according to God's order exactly at the beginning of the 7th millennium on the Sabbath. Maybe I'm jumping to the wrong conclusion, but somebody please correct me.
      Since the church changed the seventh day to Sunday, first of all: we can change the day of rest to Tuesday or Wednesday and start our week from there. Secondly, since we reject the Law, someone please tell me, based on the Bible, how we should celebrate this Sunday or Tuesday of our own choosing.

      1. Exactly... every time the subject of the Sabbath is brought up, I try to find out: what does it mean to "observe the Sabbath"? ... Is it to look like the Israelites?

        1. In my opinion, we are to reject Pharisaism and legalism from the Sabbath, and enjoy the day as if we were celebrating our birthday or name day.
          It's not about being rigid and diligent with everything, but simply resting with God, family.
          2 years ago we baked buns. Great thing to eat warm buns straight from the oven.

          1. "Warm buns straight from the oven"
            That's how I can celebrate every day 🙂
            Seriously: There is a problem with the Sabbath, because with the other Commandments we know that they must be obeyed at all times and we can define breaking them. I don't find a case where the disciples break any of the 9 Commandments and Jesus defends them. The tendency is rather the opposite and, for example, it is adultery just to look at a woman lustfully. However, in the case of the Sabbath it is a bit different, i.e. Jesus defends His disciples, who (regardless of the fact) broke the Law... We also know that in the ancient world, only Jews sacrificed one day for rest... In addition, there is a prohibition of work and complicated definition of what is work and what is not...

        2. "...that thou shalt not transgress thy will on my holy day; and if thou shalt call the sabbath a delight, a holy day, and honourable unto the Lord, and shalt keep it in honesty, so that thou shalt not do thy ways therein, nor transgress thy will, nor speak a vain word:"

          Paul, listen to the words of God.
          See He wants this day to be a holy day for you, so that we don't settle our own affairs that we do for our benefit, so that we don't speak a vain word - here the Lord Jesus taught what is a vain word that defiles a person, meaning we are to try to be spotless on this day, no quarrels, no evil speaking.
          Spend the day like this, as if God were in our home - incidentally He is with us all the time 🙂
          But the point is to get away from our own issues and actually realize that God is next door. And in that moment, we have room to draw closer to God with our thoughts, words, and actions.
          On this day we are to do good.
          It should be a special, warm day.
          A break from the daily drudgery of everyday life that Jesus spoke of.

          Again, one could talk a lot about how the followers of the Talmud envision the Sabbath.
          It's a good thing they won't add to their regulations yet - you're not allowed to breathe either, or you're not allowed to change a newborn because that's work too.

          Greetings 🙂 I'd like to thank you.

          1. @Basia
            That's right..., but isn't that what we should be doing every day?

  19. In my opinion:
    "1. Is Saturday really Saturday? Let's say 6,000 years ago was the first Saturday when God the Father rested. What guarantee do we have that for 6,000 years someone didn't make a mistake? This is not my question, it is the opponents question. As for me, I trust in the preservation of order by Israel despite the passage of time."

    This question is a DRAGON question

    Isn't this question identical to that of the serpent in the Garden of Eden - are you sure God forbade you to eat of the fruit of the tree?
    Are you sure Saturday is the Saturday of 6,000 years ago?
    Sounds identical.
    At this point, the serpent leads the listener into a state of doubt and uncertainty, only to go further in his lie, and to give up investigating the matter because it is pointless.

    "2 It is said that rest is to be on the seventh day and not on Saturday. So if the CRC has established the 1st day of the week to be Monday, then the seventh is Sunday and Catholics as well as suspended Protestants think they rest on the seventh and they are right. There is only one question: do people have the right to change the Law?"

    The crux of the matter here is that the Vatican admits in its books that it swapped the holy day from the Decalogue - moved it from the seventh to the first.
    What is also important, and this I have personally verified - still today the Roman church affirms that Sunday is the FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK.
    This is what the religion officially preaches.
    Why does the secular calendar have Monday as the first day of the week?
    Because the lie of the dragon has gone further, and that's what this secular calendar is for, so that it doesn't even cross anyone's mind that God's commandment has been canceled.
    Sunday the seventh day, Monday the first.
    But in this case, what is important for us is the zone of spiritual devotion to God.
    And that brings us to His Laws and Regulations that have nothing to do with the secular world.

    "So if the CRC has established ..................."
    When I first read the scripture and then the second time it came to me that we have all been deceived by the kk.
    For three months I walked around in shock as I learned God's Word and discovered more and more lies from this deceptive institution.
    This is an institution that serves the dragon and worships the SUN or luck openly today.
    What they have established is the law of MAN, not God.

    " There is only one question: do people have the right to change the Law?"

    God from the very beginning of the Bible warns and talks about not following people, not listening to people because THEY ARE NOT GOD.
    All of Scripture shows how the Israelites broke God's Law because they listened to people who called themselves gods.

    To reject the Law of God is tantamount to rejecting that ONE TRUE GOD.
    Therefore, I emphasize the fact that by God's commandments we can recognize whether someone worships the TRUE GOD or whether he has created another god and accepted other commandments.

    I think with the Sabbath it is exactly like worshipping paintings and statues.
    This is also where the Vatican changed God's Law.
    He said :
    paintings and sculptures may be venerated
    It's the same with the wafer.
    How are we to be born again, are we to come forth again from our mother's womb?
    How we should eat your flesh and blood.

    And here the Vatican did exactly as the Pharisees understood it.
    They eat the wafer.
    And isn't bread what the Lord Jesus calls the Word of God.
    Isn't that what we're supposed to feed on, not human tales?
    The dragon changed the message of God's words and thus caught the people in his net under the wings of false shepherds.
    There is so much that can be said about this topic.

    These are my feelings, the most important thing at this time is for everyone to read the Bible.
    The information in it is important not to succumb to false prophets and teachings.
    How is an Israelite supposed to believe in Jesus when he hears the teachings of KK?
    This is impossible because the CC has annulled the Order of God.
    And the real Lord Jesus gave this Law which few know about.
    Even today there are people on blogs who think that God St is another God, and NT another God.
    Or the God of the ST is the Father and the NT is the Son.
    And what did the Lord Jesus do when He taught?
    He explained God's own essence, which we also have in the ST.
    The essence of God, which manifests itself in three "elements" simultaneously and inseparably.
    Father, Word and Holy Spirit.

  20. In order to understand how the Lord's day should be observed, we should gather all the quotes in Scripture that speak of the Sabbath, including those where God says that the Israelites are desecrating the Sabbath.
    With all the passages collected, by reading them carefully, we will be able to determine exactly what God means by how we should spend this day. What we should do and what we should not do.
    I think this is a good way to understand this issue so that we don't have to come up with anything beyond what God said and make our own conjectures.
    I believe that is exactly what we should do. Just as it was with proving that the Lord Jesus is God.

    I'm all for getting all the bits and pieces together for a start. 🙂

    1. I'm all for it 🙂 .

  21. Cool 🙂 .

    That is to say, I think that if any reader finds such passages when reading the Scriptures, he or she should immediately send the citation number and the book to Peter. Together we will find all the passages faster.

  22. For now, I am closer to this interpretation of Scripture:

    but I leave the subject (of course) open.


  23. I think I should share with you a Word I received this morning, which I believe relates to yesterday's discussion.

    1 Peter's letter:
    3:8 And finally, Be ye all unanimous, compassionate, brotherly, merciful, humble;
    3:9 Do not render evil for evil or insult for insult, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you have been called, that you may inherit a blessing.
    3:10 For whoever wants to be content with life and see good days, let him restrain his tongue from evil and his lips from treacherous speech.
    3:11 Let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it.
    3:12 For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears to their petition, but the face of the Lord against those who do evil.

    4:8 Above all, have fervent love one for another, for love covers a multitude of sins.

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