Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Word for 12/10/2016 For I do not understand what I do, because I do not do what I want, but what I hate - that is what I do.

"For I do not understand what I do, because I do not do what I want, but what I hate - that is what I do." Romans 7



Before I get into the substance, I would like to show some attitudes of the general readership. We are all different and the motivations for entering this blog are different. Some enter for the conspiracies, feeding off the sensationalism, others for the politics. However, there is a group that I would like to divide into two subgroups. One such group is people who consider themselves believers. These believers are divided into the following subgroups according to the parable of the sower:

  1.   Ground with thorns - people who hear the word but are preoccupied with worldly things.
  2. Fertile ground - those who not only hear the word, but also receive it, and thus bear fruit. These are the true Christians.



Sometimes people say: well, you know, I don't have to agree with you on everything. Of course you don't have to and you shouldn't even. You have to agree with Scripture 🙂 .

Why am I writing about it? Because I observe the comments and likes on Facebook of the popularity of particular texts of mine. When it comes to obeying the Law and following Biblical principles, the likes are small. Of course, in order not to feed the trolls, I will say right away that it is not for popularity that I look at the likes. To me, they are statistics, telling me about reader preferences.

If I were to set up a site about the shape of the earth and UFOs or similar topics, there would be several thousand more hits. But I'm not concerned about the hits.


13 Enter through the narrow gate! For wide is the gate and spacious is the way that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter through it. 14 How narrow is the gate and how narrow The way that leads to life, and few are those who find it!" Mt 7


The law is uncomfortable, submission to husbands is uncomfortable:


""Wives, be submissive to your husbands his own as to the Lord, for the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the church, the body of which he is the Savior."


How hard it is for today's women to accept this line. Immediately there are thunders from the husband tyrant lord and master. Dear friends, I am not a theist.

I see couples at reunions where both parties are converts. These relationships are based on respect and love. What's more, the example of Marcin and Gosia shows how beautiful the process can be when the husband converts first, showing the fruits. Gosia, seeing her husband's fruits, noticed that it works, that it is beautiful. So is she a slave? Is Marcin a tyrant? No. This is God's marriage. Just like in Chelmża I saw Darek and Kasie and in Ustroń Mariusz and Kasie. The heart rejoices to see God's marriage.

It works 🙂


James says:


"For He that said, Thou shalt not commit adultery, said also, Thou shalt not kill; if therefore thou shalt not commit adultery, but shalt kill, thou art a transgressor of the law."


Does the law not apply to us then?

Sabbath example. It appears that the 9 commandments are valid, but one, the one concerning the Sabbath the Lord Jesus removed. Please show me where he removed it. Where did he say he was Lord of the Sabbath? Does this statement say we are not to celebrate it? No, it implies that Jesus is the ruler of the Sabbath. I recently illustrated this to someone on the phone. If the President of the Republic of Poland orders a curfew starting at 10pm, won't he himself be allowed to walk the streets after 10pm? Non sense.

I am still studying the Sabbath because I want to be sure of my view of the obligatory nature of its observance. There remains a stirring verse from Colossians yet, but it is a matter of examining the context.

I've been searching a lot about Shabbat lately and you know what I come across? On Catholic sites that say it's a Jewish holiday :-). The understanding is simple: you celebrate the Sabbath? you are a Jew.

An example of the pro-Catholic side's interpretation:

"Christians are no longer obligated to celebrate the Sabbath Col 2:16-17:Therefore let no one make any judgment about you concerning food or drink, or about a festival or a new moon or sabbath! These are only shadows of things to come, and the reality belongs to Christ. Christians are obligated to celebrate Sunday. The observance of the Sabbath was associated with the liturgy of Israel Leviticus 23:1-44:'



Haha it is even more interesting that the Catholic outlook is in Protestant churches. Protestants celebrate on Sunday 🙂 .

Meanwhile, the 2nd century celebrated:


"Third, it is clear from historians' research that as late as the second century some Christian communities were still observing the Sabbath (certainly in Antioch)."


Some honest priest wrote this.

What do you mean, the early Christians celebrated the Sabbath? Gosh, they fell under the law by giving up grace. Total massacre.

OK, I'll leave the subject of the Sabbath for later because on 100% I'm not convinced myself. I need to explore this just as the issues of Paul and the divinity of Jesus I have explored.



I have written about the popularity of certain topics because the following consideration will be pleasing to man's old nature, and this is because it partly gives a furor to sin.

The whole context of the title verse:


14) We know that the Law is spiritual, whereas I am carnal and subject to sin. (15) For I cannot comprehend what I do. I do not do what I want, but what I hate. (16) And if I do what I do not want to do, I admit to the Law that it is good. (17) Therefore it is no longer I who do it, but sin that resides in me. (18) I know that goodness does not dwell in me, that is, in my flesh. For the desire to do good quickly comes to me, but not to do it. (19) For I do not do the good that I want, but I commit the evil that I do not want. (20) And if I do what I do not want to do, it is not I who do it, but sin that dwells in me. (21) So I clearly experience that in me, who wants to do good, evil resides. (22) For I agree with the Law of God, but it happens against all that is in me. (23) I perceive a different law within me - one that opposes the law of my mind and places me in bondage to the law dictated by the sin that resides within me. (24) I am a wretched man! Who will deliver me from a body subject to this death? (25) To God be thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord. So I myself, through the mind, am a servant of the Law of God, but through the flesh I am a slave to the law dictated by sin.'


I found a great picture bluntly showing what this verse is:

"The law is spiritual, whereas I am carnal".









I think Cuapak will find this link interesting:


As in the Word and picture there is a conflict between the flesh and the Spirit. We are seemingly born again, but the old nature fights against the new spirit received from God.

Paul further wrote:


'For I do not know how to comprehend what I do. I do not do what I want, but I do what I hate.'


This is the measure of being born again. Recently I said something unkind to a certain person. A second later I regretted it and thought: why can't I get rid of this dirt?

Also Paul wrote: I die daily. If we are talking about being born again, we have to take these little corrections that it is a process. You don't instantly go from being an infant to being a grandfather....

This is also why I sometimes have to freeze on blog Freshmen not showing the fruit of the Spirit.

It is a struggle, but with Jesus it is a victorious struggle. Every problem, every weakness will be overcome in Jesus, but you must ask Him for it.


I can do all things in him who strengthens me.


Let's look at what kind of contamination it is:


'Therefore it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me.'


Something terrible. Sin rules us. We do not rule ourselves. This is why Satan first attacks us through culture. The sexual revolution, computer games, cinema, theater, bad company. After that, sin just lives in us.

What does the process look like next?


"I know that goodness does not dwell in me - that is, in my flesh. For the desire to do good quickly comes upon me, but the execution does not."


So the spirit dwells in the good and the flesh wants something else. I see it in myself how tainted I am with sin, but the consolation is that it gets better every year.


"So I clearly experience that in me, who want to do good, evil resides".

Can you see the evil dwelling within you?

If you cannot see, it means you are an unbeliever. There is no person on earth without sin because:


"If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." 1 John.


Are you working on it, struggling? Are you asking Jesus?

Now I realize why Paul is so fought against. He shows that there is sin in us, and the devil does not allow unborn Bible intellectuals to see this. He uses pride to do this.


"For I agree with the Law of God, but it happens against all that is in me."


Paul agrees with the Law of God. How is this possible?

He points out the rift that through the mind will be the servant of the Law of God in Jesus Christ our Lord.


I am a wretched man! Who will deliver me from a body subject to this death? (25) To God be thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord. So I myself, through the mind, am a servant of the Law of God, but through the flesh I am a slave to the law dictated by sin.'


To do battle with the flesh and our sinful nature



Updated: 12 October 2016 — 10:49


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  1. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock

    "I will leave the topic of Sabbath for later, as I am not convinced myself on 100%."
    For example, I am very convinced by this verse, among others:
    "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Until heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or one line shall be changed in the Law, until all things be fulfilled."
    Removing the Sabbath is not removing a jot or a dash.
    That's a deletion of 76 words and 18 punctuation marks!
    Very risky move 😉

    1. I sign off on this with both hands.

      1. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock

        And I will subscribe to your signature with a passage from Psalm 😉
        "Truth and righteousness are the things of His hands; unchangeable are all His commandments. Established forever and ever, fulfilled in truth and simplicity." (Ps 111:7)
        Unchangeable, ALL, forever, true and simple.
        Why do we make them so complicated? 🙂

        1. For a simple reason we are no different than the Israelites coming out of Egypt.We are hard necked people and we look for how to bend the law to suit us lifestyle.

    2. "'Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Until heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or line shall be changed in the Law, until all things be fulfilled."

      This is a double-edged sword, because if there is not a single line, then there is not a single line, and the Bible itself condemns, for example, circumcision. Some by the words "until all things are fulfilled" understand the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross ("it is done"). Still others (Michal Mazur) say that it is about the law given BEFORE the sin of the golden calf (only that circumcision was also given earlier) and all the rest (purifications, sacrifices, etc., etc.) are unnecessary. Others, still, try to pull it up under the Decalogue only.

      I don't know what the most correct solution is, so I won't comment. I just wanted to point out that this can't be interpreted so literally that one should keep literally all the laws from the Torah. I am simply trying to be objective....

      "The Sabbath I am still studying because I want to be sure of my view of the obligatory nature of its observance. There remains a stirring verse from Colossians yet, but it is a matter of examining the context."

      1. When I look at Michal Mazur, he doesn't have to say anything. Cabarets hide by him 😀
        although his teaching is good.

        1. This is true, but as far as I know he recognizes the teaching that the Holy Spirit is the Mother Spirit. I must admit that this doctrine stinks to me, I even asked him to make a video about it, he wrote me to remind him sometimes ;p

      2. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock

        "This is acutely a double-edged sword, for since not a single line is a single line, and the Bible itself condemns circumcision, for example."
        But the Bible clearly informs in the NT that circumcision is no longer necessary, only "circumcision of the heart". Clear information and probably indisputable 😉
        Besides, Shabbat is part of our foundation - the Decalogue, nothing has changed here 🙂 Well, unless someone wants to forcefully remove stones from the foundation and think that the roof won't collapse on their head 😉 .

  2. Yes, in a person after even a new birth there is still a carnal, tainted nature, a body that wants sex, drugs and rocknroll, and we have to mortify it with God, the Word, etc., so that this animal does not control us. Blaming everything on demons of this or that (extreme charismatism)
    is a false abdication of responsibility.

  3. Detective, I have been reading your blog for some time now and it is amazing how often I find answers to my current dilemmas and tribulations here. There is no doubt that the GOD is working through you and it is beautiful to see. Praise be to the living God!

    1. This is exactly what I wanted to write. For some time now, Detective's posts have been hitting my moods, insecurities and insights perfectly 🙂 Praise God!
      PS Does it happen to you too that Jesus immediately answers your prayer?

      1. Yes. For some prayers and requests there are answers right away, for some you have to wait a little longer.

      2. Sometimes I wait a little longer. Recently I was praying for my partner to convert and for Jesus to free him from demons (alcohol, weed, drugs etc) and I heard in my mind
        "Why is it that you see the splinter in your brother's eye, but can't see the beam in your own eye?", and just zonked :/. I took a slightly different method of praying and started thinking about this beam in my own eye 🙂 .

  4. As to the relevance of the Sabbath, so to speak, I will try to make my point later and help. I believe that this is a broader problem - the relation of the Law to the Gospel, and not an argument about one or a few commandments singled out or favored by someone personally.

  5. In my opinion, the analysis of the texts shows that all the laws and commandments of God are valid, but God knew very well that there is no one who can fulfill everything. Therefore, salvation is through God's grace and mercy for all sincere believers.
    During the Tribulation that is coming, the most important commandment will be broken - about worshiping and worshipping someone/something other than God the Father. And that is the focus of the message of Revelation.
    As for the Sabbath itself: if you can - fulfill it, if you can't - tough, after all you are a slave to Babylon. It is Babylon who will drink the wine of God's fierce wrath.

    1. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock

      "If you can - fill in, if you can't - hard".
      Hmm, it's a bit of a cop-out, it's like saying "if it works I'll bear good fruit, if not, tough luck" 🙂
      We have to do everything in our power to take on the image that our Creator has sketched for us, and contrary to appearances, many things we have an impact on, just need a little sacrifice.
      And so, for example, if I can't pass by a snowman because it's hanging on the wall, I don't say to myself "it's hard, after all, it's already hanging" but I take it down 🙂 .
      If I can't refuse to take a bribe, because my family depends on me and I'm short of money, I don't say to myself "it's hard, I'm short of money, I can't refuse", but I look for other solutions, maybe another job, maybe there's another door somewhere.
      That way we wouldn't have to repent for anything, just live our lives and enjoy the fact that sometimes we accidentally manage to live "God's way" 🙂
      But how to explain the fact that "I go to work on Saturday" and rest on Sunday 🙂 After all, I can do the exact opposite 😉 .
      For example, if you have a job such that you work on Saturday and your boss would kick you out if you don't then... pray that the good Lord will arrange your life so that you can obey all of His laws - including the Sabbath 🙂 .
      And never say "hard", nothing is hard for God 😉

      1. In my city a lot of people work in a 7-day, 4-brigade system, including me. This system is tiring and makes it impossible to celebrate Shabbat. Of course I can change my job. But for 14 years I have never had weekends off anywhere. In general in this city and state the subject of gainful employment is a massacre.
        "pray that the good God will arrange your life in such a way that you can obey all His laws" - thanks for the advice, but so far it's not working... 🙂

      2. Jesus is the King of the Jews. Without the Sabbath, you are a passerby in His Kingdom.

        1. It is good that He is gracious and merciful, for by human judgment I would have been burned at the stake long ago....

    2. The whole trick of apocalypse time is idolatry tied to the spirit of antichrist, the key is the book of the Lamb (not Sabbaths etc) "And all the inhabitants of the earth shall worship him, every one whose name is not from the foundation of the world written in the book of the life of the Lamb that was slain."

    3. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock

      "You are the slave of Babylon. It is Babylon who will drink the wine of God's inflamed wrath."
      It would be a good thing 🙂 .
      "And I heard another voice from heaven saying, My people, come out of her, that ye share not in her sins, and bear none of her plagues:"
      So it's no excuse that Babylon tells you to desecrate the Sabbath. You are simply to leave it, if not - you will suffer the punishment prepared for it.
      And if you are worried about what will happen to me if I leave Babylon, it means that you do not trust God, who as we know - cares about those who seek the Kingdom of Heaven and the Law of God 🙂 .

      1. Yes, Peter the Rocky Shard 🙂
        You were right!!!
        The Sabbath is in effect on 100%, and we stuck in the teachings of Babylon have a darkened view of God's Law. Jesus did not abolish or revoke anything.
        Thank you for the fruitful discussion... 🙂 .

        1. the viewer has transformed into Angela 🙂 🙂

          1. Me too ? God's blessings to you Angelika and your family.And of course to the whole detective community ?

            1. The Lord Jesus fulfilled the Sabbath, no one disputes that. The article deals with the fact that we Christians misrepresent the teachings of Jesus and Paul. But the Jews will run into another problem in a moment, because it will turn out that in Christ they don't have to wear whips, and in the ST God commanded not to cut.
              I believe that the Law was so made that only Christ could fulfill it. There is no one besides Him who could keep it therefore He came to fulfill it to free us from the curse of the Law. That is why the 9 commandments are repeated in the New Covenant, and this is summarized in the two commandments of the Lord Jesus on which the Law and the prophets are based. It seems to me that the ST should be read through the NT, meaning they were meant to lead to Jesus, not Jesus to the law. But that's my opinion, in any case for the moment I agree with Adi on this point.

              1. The same thing e.g. Passover they celebrate the Old Covenant Passover and we have the Passover Lamb in the New, it would already be for them to undermine their tradition.
                I'm glad I'm from the Gentiles though, because it's certainly harder for them to accept. They were the closest to Jesus and didn't get to know Him, it's sad that they are still waiting for the Messiah when they are already getting closer to His second coming.

          2. There is still a long way to go from words to action....
            I will therefore cling to the words of the Lord, that it is permitted to do good on the Sabbath....
            and I'll work fast...

  6. How true are the words from Romans chapter 7...

    In Unger's Guide to the Bible we find this discussion of today's Word:


    False sanctification - its failure

    7-14a. Sanctification by grace and through the law

    Another objection (cf. 6:1, 15; 7:13) is made. If the law induces sin, 5, is it not sinful, 7? Paul counters this error with abhorrence and shows the good purpose of the law is to uncover man's sin, 8-9. The law is faultless, 12. Sin must be blamed. It does not make the law sinful simply that it cannot sanctify, 9-11. The law therefore discovers that sin is sin, 7-13, and condemns the carnal nature, 14.

    14b-24. false sanctification by one's own efforts - legalism

    Whether legalism is the law of Moses for Jews or the general moral law for non-Jews, sanctification cannot be achieved through legalistic, self-interested efforts. A new standard of conduct is achieved. It is not an external standard (law) that one must live up to, but an indwelling Person that one must please. It is not about self-absorption, but about Christ-absorption. Not what I am in myself, but what I am in Christ. Not me, but Christ. It is a struggle of the self to lead a Christian life. The pronouns "I," "me," and "my" occur 35 times in these 11 verses. The "I" trying to sanctify itself is the cause of the fatal failure outlined here. This is a story of the "I"-new man trying to live the Christian life, but being defeated by the "I"-old man. The struggle between the new nature and the old nature is shown. The failure is in legalistic efforts based on self-effort or false sanctification.

    25. true sanctification

    The victory is only "through Jesus Christ our Lord." Not through suppression of the old nature (futile legalism); not through eradication (pure imagination), since if the above statements were true, one could not sin when one wanted to, since the new nature never sins (1 John 3:9). The answer is the deliverance that Christ has planned, which is discussed more fully in Romans 6 (see comments). Defeat occurs as a result of failing to realize and act upon our position in Christ resulting from grace. [Victory] consists in transforming it [position] through faith into an experiential reality."

    1. so the mechanisms are the same. Law, sin, struggle. Only the methods have changed since Christ. Not by their own power, but through Jesus. That's how I see it.
      The more we give to Jesus, the more we obey the Law.

      1. "The more we give to Jesus, the more we keep the Law" - well said....

  7. Praise God for the word for today showing us our sinful nature.
    Exactly, I have a similar opinion about fighting Paul.
    Someone who is not born again will not see the message of Paul's letters.On the surface they seem contradictory,but they are filled with love,care,pain and imitation of Christ.Only to see this you have to die every day to your old nature.Sanctify yourself,and the WG introduces and shows you the truth.
    That Paul's teachings have been distorted by Christianity is no argument to the contrary.
    But to understand this, one must humble oneself daily, as our Master and all who follow him did.

    1. Oh yes, Lenka, you have completed it beautifully and Paul's letters are for me a balm for every evil and an answer to every question, but there is one condition: faith and new birth and then you feel every word in every inch of your body as if he were sitting next to you and speaking only to you, our Lord Christ Jesus
      May God bless you all every day always and everywhere

      1. Beautifully? Gosiaczka summary, you put your thoughts beautifully into words.
        I often find myself weeping over Paul's letters,the GOS makes it happen and transforms my heart.
        May our wonderful God the Father bless us in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ ?

        1. Please feel free to post my comment to Gosiulka at 7:15 p.m.
          Thank you. It's me.

    2. Exactly Madzia, humility and humility and God gives grace and lets you know yourself.
      As you may know today is Reconciliation Day and as a result I have asked my bosses at my new job for time off.

      The manager was very understanding and I was given time off. I believe that God had set him right, but it was up to me to take the first step that I needed to take.
      At least everyone at work will know that "there's something wrong with me" 😉

      1. Praise God!
        I'm so happy? Vojtus, you got a job and such a certificate. Thank God!
        My young and I are also celebrating this wonderful day today.God be thanked for His goodness.
        Yes, Wojtuś, as you write, it is up to us to take the first step, and then God takes care of everything.

      2. I am finishing reading Paul's letters (I still have two left) They contained a lot of answers and signposts that I was looking for. I find them on this blog as well. They make me think, think about what a sinner I am and see what I'm doing/doing wrong and try to change it. But of course, it's not just Paul's letters that have had this effect on me. The more I try to move away from bad habits and make good changes the more I feel the attacks, lately things have gotten messy in my relationships with my family and beyond, but to quote Paul "Thus it is, all who want to live godly in Christ Jesus will endure persecution". This passage quoted in the word for today was one that left a mark with me. And indeed, working on myself is a long process, but I am still such a baby 🙂 Thank you in Jesus' name for the word for today, God bless you.

  8. The Sabbath was instituted for man. Mark 2:27 Nationality does not matter. Catholics are wrong.

  9. And on a completely different note...
    Could you recommend any literature that quite bluntly exposes the kirk and helps convert?
    Despite my best efforts to "infect" them with the Word of God from the Bible, my relatives don't want to listen to me... As they said recently, I have a Jehovah's Bible, that's probably why I have this "news". I have a Danzig Bible, but it doesn't appeal to them. They are so caught up in dogma and tradition that I can't break through that wall! I pray for them, but all the time I feel it is so little on my part. Please advise 🙂 Praise God the Father!

    1. Neither 🙂 🙂
      Quote from the Millennial. It'll take away the argument that you have a different Bible... 🙂 .

      Lecture by a theologian and former priest:

      1. Thank you Magdalene for reminding us of these lectures, they are really good!

    2. Ani, here are some links to downloadable files where the teachings of the CoC are compared to the Bible (including in table form) This may help you in talking with your family 🙂 .

      1. Thank you very much! Greetings in Christ the Lord!

  10. You were not wrong Detective very interesting article 🙂 thanks

    "This new birth is not about our physical body, but about our spirit, that is, that element of man that initiates cognition and, as I mentioned, initiates logical thinking."

    Regarding the word logic it comes from the Greek λόγος, logos - reason, word, thought.

    " And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us" 🙂 .

    1. Recently, I listened to a lecture about the goal of Luciferianists. They want to improve this corporeal man, that is, this pupa genetically and electronically in the so-called process of evolution, which is not a science but an ancient philosophy about ideal people in the ideal country Utopia, the city of the sun (ancient Atlantis) (There was a video about this in the Angel of Human Evolution by John W. Cliff).

      Thus, they do not accept God's plan of transforming the pupa into a butterfly, which requires leaving the transition state or body we are in as a result of death or transformation at Christ's second coming.

      Flesh and blood will not inherit the future Kingdom of God.
      We know that there is no point in improving the pupa of the flesh because it will be transformed into a butterfly at the coming of Christ, and here on earth only our spirit can be renewed, which will have the upper hand over the lusts of the flesh and it will influence the decision-making process of our soul, or will. That is why the Lord Jesus always did the will of the Father and not of the flesh in which He resided.

      1. Interesting. Check out this card
        "if you join us, you can live forever" - Immortality Serum.
        In the series "the strain" was such a scenario that the elite allowed the beast-vampire to spread the epidemic, and they were to get immortality. The vampire with his "worms", like a legion, was entering humanity.

    2. logos - LOG - log in - LOG = Lamb of God = Christ = Word of God
      So simple

      1. through the Word (Christ) we log on to the Father

        1. And we're logged into His world!!! 🙂

          1. Just remember not to accidentally log out ;p

  11. Great article, it's all true... God really gives me Faith if I ask for it. I was recently hurt by two people at work and I decided not to take any revenge but to leave it up to God. It only took 3 weeks for these people to get a terrible punishment for it! I am asking God for my husband to stop saying that I am crazy about spiritual things - he is really starting to change. But what is sad is that when I put the soul pot out of the fire for a while, the sin comes back, the Husband goes back to his old self, and with the sin comes the terror that I won't make it, the weakness and hatred for what is being done. We must remember, let's not stop heating our souls in God or it will become lukewarm, cold, sinful... Don't stop exploring the Lord God and His one and only righteous Law and wish me not to stop either

  12. Brothers and Sisters in Christ the Lord. Jesus never broke the Sabbath. If He had broken...He would have sinned and could not have been the perfect Remitted Sacrifice for our sins. He alone fulfilled the entire Torah. Read

    Sorry for the Polish diacritical marks - I'm writing from a tablet and there are problems.

    1. Oh look Piter - Messianic Jews >>>
      Going to watch... 🙂 .

        1. But what a brightening in my mind....
          I recommend the video...
          There is mention of Paul the "deceiver," why the Jews don't recognize Jesus, and whether Jesus was breaking God's Law....

      1. And I don't know...
        I'm just listening...

      2. And I don't know...
        I'm just listening...

      3. Sorry that only links for now, generally these are the so called Hebrew roots movement - Hebrew roots so called Judaizing.

        1. Psalm 119 is a guide for people groups claiming that the validity of God's Law/Order has never passed away....
          Here: 119 Ministries
          It's long and monotonous...maybe that's why so few read it...and comprehend it....

  13. I have also been reflecting recently on the commandments, which are a reflection of God's character. Sadly, I have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to keep them perfectly. For the more I tried, the more I realized that I could not do it. I wondered what God actually wants from me, what I should do as a Christian? Should I fight against sin? It is doomed to failure, because as "a man of unclean lips, and dwelling among men of unclean lips. "...I do not do what I want, but what I hate, that is what I do."

    Thinking about it, I talked to God in prayer. What does it mean to walk the narrow path? How to be a Christian? And I received the answer.

    What does God expect from me?

    This text hits the spot. Every time I read it, the Peace of God fills my heart 🙂 .

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