Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The Bible warns against the so-called "Star of David" or hexagram. A shocking verse from Acts.

Today while searching the Bible for inspiration for the "Word of the Day" I came across a very interesting discovery that I decided to investigate.


In Acts 7.43 there is this verse:


"Yes, you carried the tent of Moloch and the star of the idol Romfan, the idols which you have made to worship; Therefore I will resettle you outside Babylon."


So I decided to check what the Remfan star is, because that's what we'll call it from the English translation. This is how this star looks like:




Don't believe it? Look it up online.


As we can see it is not the Star of David!!!!!

Nowhere in the Old Testament does it say that David had any star. 



I found information about this idol (demon) on the English internet and asked Jack to translate, for which I thank you very much in the name of Jesus:


Remfan (hrem-fan') is an occurring translation in the King James Bible of a Greek word appearing in Acts 7:43 ["Rather, you have besmirched the tent of Moloch and the star of your god Remphan, images which you have made for yourselves to worship. Therefore I will lead you outside Babylon", UBG] in various forms -. Ρομφα, Ρεμφάν, Ρεμφαμ, Ραιφαν and Ρεφαν. This is part of a quote from Amos 5:26 ["Yes, you have carried the tent of your Moloch and Kijun, your images, the star of your gods, which you have made for yourselves," BG], where the Septuagint record raiphan or rephancorresponds to the Hebrew Chiun or Kewan. The Greek forms are probably simple errors from the Hebrew, k (koppa) was replaced by r (rhesus), and ph (f) was inserted in place of v (yod). Kewan is probably the Old Babylonian equivalent of Kayawanu, the planet Saturn, another (Akkadian) name for which the equivalent is Sakkut, which appears as Siccuth In earlier passages of this verse.

Remfan (i.e., Kijun), the Egyptian idol - Remfan. In the seventh chapter of Acts, Stephen points to this deity, Remfan, noting the star of the god whose images they were worshiping (v. 43).




The coincidence of the term idol fan with HREM-fan is also interesting.

Our Perfect God has never required the worship of symbols. It is Satan's world that is filled with them. Indeed, God is even opposed to it:


8You shall not make for yourself a statue nor a likeness all things that are in heaven above, and that are in the earth beneath, and that are in the waters under the earth. 9You will not bow down to them and served. For I am the LORD your God, a jealous God, which taketh away the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 10 and doeth mercy unto many thousands that love me, and keep my commandments. Deuteronomy 5


Of course, the vast majority of churches will not tell you what the god of Remphan is because they are entangled in Polish-Israeli relations and the pastors have generous donations from wealthy pro-Israel Jews. A significant number of Protestant churches consider the current political Israel, to be the same Israel of God the Father as in ancient times which is a lie and the current flag of Israel is proof of this. Would Jesus be mocked on public TV in the Israel of God the Father? NO!!! Ever!

In this Israel, however, it does:




Do we now know who the true God of Israel is?


The information about this star is in Acts so rejected by some.




The hexagram was known in every part of the world except Israel!!!!





The photo shows an amulet associated with the Egyptian cult of the bull Apis. It is probably the same bull that the Israelites made a statue of to thank him for leading them out of Egypt. The symbol of this star dates back to the Far East, where it was known as the Great Yantra In Hindu Tantrism. The triangle pointing downwards symbolized the primeval female, existing before the beginning of the world.


Behold, I give thee [men] of the synagogue of Satan, of those who say they are Jews, and are not, but lie. Behold, I will cause them to come and fall on their faces before your feet, and they shall know that I have loved you. Rev 3



The Bible never lies!

Read God's Word and the truth will set you free.


Not just for those who know English:


Reader Krzysztof after reading my text also sent me an interesting observation with a photo:

. As we know occultists reverse everything and thus hide the meaning. So just reverse the colors on the flag of Israel and it is apparent to whom their allegiance belongs.
"What was will be, and what has become will become; therefore there is nothing new under the sun." - Ecclesiastes 1:9
I thought this might be helpful to a lot of people and it might be worth posting the flag with the colors reversed. There is some interesting symbolism there. Everything can be traced back to Babylon."
Updated: 6 October 2016 — 08:58


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  1. Such a triple combo of 6 vertices, sides (2×3), and angles... some kind of macabre! 🙁

    1. A hexagram by itself is not bad and is used to summon
      it's up to us to decide who we have there - I am - who is in me

      The Pentagram, on the other hand, is a radial drawing of a person, just connect the center contours with lines and you get Satan's star .As Jesus said the father of Satan is......

      1. The hexagram is the star of the god Remfan, whom the Bible condemns.

      2. Karol Szulawiak

        "The hexagram by itself is not bad it is used for evocation".

        Summoning what? Actually, no matter what you want to "summon" demons will appear anyway.
        And how can a symbol that is used for "evocation" not be bad?

      3. I am not an expert here but geometrically a hexagram appears during a New Moon and especially during an eclipse. Triangles represent two opposites - Sun (lightness) and Moon (darkness). However when we have Full Moon the connection of brightness of Sun and darkness of Moon takes place - connection of two opposites, because Moon begins to shine with brightness of Sun. Maybe that is why the full moon was also the time of Passover.

        In addition, King David in his name in pictographs also has the unions of two triangles (two doors/gates) joined together by a nail.

        (דָּוִד) - triangle - nail - triangle

        What can be translated as the union of two triangles is the geometric figure called hexagram, which can symbolize someone who combines in himself two opposite natures Divinity and humanity.

        I don't know what the star of Remfan was, but if it was a hexagram it was probably used to celebrate the pagan god Remfan, hence the negative connotation of the symbol.

  2. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock

    As for pentagrams, the frequency of them on clothing, in advertisements, and everywhere you look is frightening.
    Recently, within 30 minutes of walking down the sidewalk, I saw two people with a large pentagram (according to most, an innocent star) on their blouse.
    Not to mention what a rash of these will be during the upcoming celebration of the birth of the pantheon of pagan deities on December 25....

    1. And I was reminded of when I went to a certain store for a job. A young guy, a few years older than me, nice-looking, everything seemed fine, but when I shook hands with him, I noticed his shirt for a moment, and I remember the star and the triangle formed from his hand, something like the illuminati sign. After exchanging a few words I left the store, I didn't get the job and it's actually a good thing because even if he had agreed to hire me I wouldn't have taken the job because of what I saw, among other things, because at that moment I felt anxious. I wonder if he was aware of what he was carrying.
      As this is my first comment here (I've gotten down to it a few times, but something (or someone...) blocked me) thank you in Jesus' name for this blog. I have been reading since July-August and it has helped me more than once. I'm growing closer to God every day, learning more about God's Word and working on myself. Thank you!!! 🙂 .

      1. Hello dear? Justunko, great that you dared to comment.
        God's blessings on you, continue to grow and be guided by the Holy Spirit in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ❤.

      2. You are most welcome, Justine 🙂 I'm glad you had the courage to write a comment 🙂 May the Lord bless you and keep you 🙂 🙂 I'm so glad you did.

      3. Peace to you in the name of our Savior and Master Jesus Christ. May the Lord God bless you and may your knowledge grow to the glory of Jesus. So glad that you decided to write the first comments and it is a beautiful fruit of our evangelistic activity 🙂

      4. Hi Justine 🙂 Glad you broke through and posted your first comment. May God lead you 🙂 .

  3. I also once pointed this out, and this is confirmation. I associate that star with the symbol of the atom: I wonder what the connection is....

    PS the fact that israelomania in Protestant churches is on a similar scale to israelophobia in Catholic. Sometimes I see Christians with that star around their neck instead of a "cross".

  4. Marcin Lower Silesia

    When I was in Czocha castle in August I saw a nice pentagram on the gate, not to mention other symbols scattered on the walls. For the untrained eye the symbols are meaningless but not for the seekers of truth. The castle was built in 1241.

  5. Hmm..I don't know why, but I don't see anything special here on these changed colors.

    1. So that makes two of us? Charles, because I can't see anything when the color is reversed either.

      1. It's probably about the sun.


    Key of Solomon. Have you ever noticed that when you look at the sun with squinted eyes (preferably slightly moist) or point a camera at it, it has the shape of a hexagram?

  7. The sun with rays came out- at the beginning of the text I noticed this without changing the color, huuraaa 😀

  8. On the subject of the same star-gods we have in Amos 5:25

    Have ye offered me sacrifice and gift in the wilderness for forty years, O house of Israel?

    5:26 Yea, ye have carried the TENT of your MOLOCH, and of your KIJUN, your IMAGE, the STORY of your gods, which ye have made for yourselves.

    Did ye not offer me sacrifices of food and drink in the wilderness
    For forty years, the house of Israel,
    26 while [at the same time] you were reviling Sikkut, your king,
    and Kijjuna, your idols,
    that you have made for yourselves? Millennial

    Sikkut - it's the moon, unfortunately now I can't find any more information about this cult

    Kijun - is a star (also called the Remfan star), the cult of Saturn

    Human and, of course, child sacrifices were offered to this idol

    "Some suppose that this sign has nothing to do with the biblical King David, but is much older. Some scholars believe it refers to the star Kyunus (Amos 5:26), also called the star of Remphan (Acts 7:43). Both names are ancient terms for the planet Saturn, whose symbol was probably a six-pointed star. A verse in the book of Amos suggests that the Israelites took over its worship from the Canaanites along with the worship of Moloch. The present-day name of the star may be due to the fact that King David's son and successor, Solomon, turned to polytheism toward the end of his life (1 Kings 11:4-8), and it may have been at that time that the worship of the star Kyunus took on special significance in ancient Israel."

    On the subject of worshiping the sun, moon, and stars, there is much in the ST.
    What I wanted to say is that nowhere in the ST is there ANYTHING ABOUT ANY STAR THAT WAS RELATED TO DAVID.
    I was truly shocked when I found this out for myself.
    There is nothing in all of Scripture about the star of David. There is nothing, not a word.
    If someone wants to find let them search, but they won't.
    Besides, looking at what God says, would David, with God's permission, worship a star or have such a symbol since God clearly abhors it and forbids it?
    The whole Star of David thing is a big lie and deception, that's my opinion.

    There are many idol names mentioned in Scripture e.g. Nebo, Nergal, Gad but about that another time.
    Let us read carefully so that we do not fall into the trap of calling something by the name of a Canaanite idol.
    Often the names of the idols refer to Canaanite localities or their family names, which means they sound the same.
    the god Amon - the Amonites -

    1. There is a lot of collected information in this article related to the worship of this star and the rituals associated with it.

      Shocking video: Hetmetic Order of the Golden Dawn.( Eucharistic Order Ritual).
      All of this is shocking and frightening.
      It is beyond comprehension how people in the 21st century can do such things. Who are they ??? How is this possible ???
      However, people with weak nerves should not watch it.

      There is a reason why God says many times that those who have betrayed Him do their ABOMINATIONS.

      1. this Hermetic Order... it's the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, supposedly the author of The Hobbit had to belong there (un)unfortunately 🙁
        and yes, it's scary 🙁

  9. Very well explained,thank you.

  10. Not only does the star speak for itself on the flag of this country but the name itself, right. israel - "fighting god" as the Angel of Jaub called

  11. It is a symbol of two triangles symbolizing a man and a woman in a sexual act

  12. For I am the LORD your God, a jealous God, who pursues the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,"
    nothing like love

    1. And blesses for faithfulness to the 1000th generation... Psalm 105

  13. I've been searching the internet for answers... For the past few days a certain situation has been bothering my head. I don't know who they are, why they're doing this, or where they're going, but it's really bothering me... I'm on vacation in Croatia, in the town of Sveti Martin (Sveti Martin na Muri), and more specifically in a hotel on the thermal springs. Strange things are happening here. At the beginning, everything seemed to be ok, there are plenty of attractions, but as we noticed, "other" people walk here, and not just once, but every morning, sometimes alone, sometimes in two or three. There is a lot of them, because everyone stands out - two Hindus dressed in long robes, a woman dressed like a character from an anime game (I can't describe her appearance, because it was paralyzing), a colorful family, where even small children were dressed and colored as for the parade of equality, an African woman with two large circles of hair on the side of her head, three men dressed in modest clothes (eg with a tiger) and the rest ... They do not talk to anyone. Interestingly, they are constantly in a hurry somewhere or have an absent-minded gaze. I noticed that each of them wears a Star of David/hexagram or whatever you want to call it in the form of a medallion around their neck. But they don't act like Jews, they don't have caps on their heads. One gentleman also had a YingYang sign on his shirt, which is supposedly related to the hexagram because it shows two things balancing each other..... And most of them walk the same way, I don't know if they leave the houses where one lives (including me), but I know they walk between them and then head behind the hotel. As for the grouping. There is a forest growing by the fenced thermals, dense, but you can just see their path, which curves strangely. And they all go there. I read that it could be satanic rituals, because last night they were chopping wood like for a bonfire... The path goes on and they disappear among the trees like worms. I was tempted to go there, but I think the hotel guests themselves know that there is no point, because they will not come back. Before entering the forest, on the path it is written (in 3 languages, and it is a hotel sign) that it is not recommended for guests to walk on it due to recent storms, which is a lie, because there were no storms, but rather it is to give a warning not to enter. This forest hides a secret, and I know I shouldn't pry into other religions, but what connection can strangely dressed people, a Star of David/hexagram, chopping wood for a campfire, and the one and only path leading to their meeting place have? One precludes the other, and I don't know where to turn for help anymore, I'm scared of this place... God help you.

    1. It's hard to judge what's going on there, but from what you write it's disturbing.
      Pray in the name of Jesus.
      Read Psalm 23

  14. The hexogram is the symbol of King David, and the pentogram is the sign of his son King Solomon.

    1. This is not true and has no justification and no historical evidence. I.e. occultism

  15. I am baptized in the Roman Catholic Church and one day God came to me while I was reading the scriptures and answered all my questions through a verse of scripture.It is not ordinary,because it never was.I try to repent every day and I also try to comprehend what is around me nowadays.Nothing is not understandable to me anymore in terms of what is supposed to happen.I have taken the first steps to withdraw from this church(apastasia).I really bum wished there was a church somewhere,a church people like Christ mentions. I'm looking for brothers and

  16. Hello, I see the last post was in August and probably no one will answer me again... but maybe, someone else wise will stop by here and enlighten me....
    Did I understand correctly that a 5-pointed star with two points up and one pointing down is a symbol of Satan, but a reversed star with two points down and one pointing up is a normal star with no evil symbolism?
    The 6-pointed star is also loaded with bad symbolism.
    I work at a preschool and I am supposed to cut out stars to decorate but now I don't know what kind. Maybe someone can give me a hint?

    1. Despite your obvious malice showing that you are not a follower of Jesus I will answer you.
      First of all, a hexagram is a hexagram. Regardless of its reversal. The fact that in music programs they turn it with one corner up does not mean that it has changed its sense. It is only such a putty in new age based on Talmud. There it is explained with white and black magic....

      What should you do in kindergarten?
      Ask God, but first repent.

  17. The flag of Israel in the negative is black and red.

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