Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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    1. Good night family 🙂

      1. Means to everyone 🙂

  1. And let it happen what it will..I will either get confirmation or denial of my thoughts (Which I will not reveal). But...But I will write this and it is possible that I will not sleep at night.

    Peter, first a word to you, because it depends on you whether you let the comment go at all, or rather skip it, or want to discuss with me privately. Well, let me first point out that the last form of contact does NOT INTEREST ME and I will not respond to your attempts unless you first publish my comment in its entirety

    Did I do the right thing then? YES. Though too harshly, just as I did during our email discussion, as well as writing a post on my FB profile. For that I apologize to you. Although I still think that my comment was right, but I said it in a wrong way... So you can assume that it was wrong, maybe with the right words it could have been different...
    And at this point I could list all that I have to say to you, all that has been swirling around in my head, and because of which my conscience has never once let me know that I did anything wrong (I guess it's just that I didn't call the witnesses right away, as God's Word says)...But you know what...I WILL NOT. If you yourself don't come to that conclusion and your conscience doesn't charge you to apologize to me, then there is no point in dragging dirt to the surface. Also, I am not going to be angry if you are not going to apologize to me for anything. I came here with the sword of argument in its scabbard, and with the sword of God's Word drawn and in the full armor of God. I came here to have peace with everyone, as far as possible, in accordance with the word of God...Now it's up to you to open up to me, or make me stand outside until it stops raining..the 2nd time I don't knock.

    A word to all the other regular readers...Hmm...I don't know what to write to you...I guess I can only apologize for the fact that the situation was so unfortunate that I had to leave. choose...either let my comment go in its entirety...or don't let it go at all.

    1. Phew..I clicked it..

      1. Let it go maybe and that's it. Welcome back 🙂 Peace to you!

        1. I am also glad to see Charles back. Everyone sometimes needs to go somewhere, but it's more important to find a way back.

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