Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Canon of the Bible.

Compiled by Eve.


anon of the Hebrew Bible was recognized at the synod of Yavneh ( Jamnia ), recognized! not created, for the canon is the work of the Holy Spirit. A word more on the subject of the Septuagint. It is not canonical. Besides the deuterocanonical books, it contains other apocrypha, moreover some books, especially prophetic ones, are shorter, some longer than in BH, most of them are paraphrases of the Hebrew text. In a word, it is not a literal translation of BH into Greek, it is worth bearing that in mind.

here an excerpt from my work that was once posted in full on the Blog.
I would like to add that my teachers at Berea Bible School, including Dariusz Czyszczoń, graded it excellent, so I can conclude that what I wrote is correct:

The Bible is a special library containing many books within it. This library is made up of two collections: The Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament contains 39 books originally written in Hebrew and Aramaic, while the New Testament contains 27 books written in Koine Greek, making a total of 66 canonical (i.e. recognized) books. Written down over a period of 1550 years, by more than 40 authors, in three languages, on three continents. These texts, written under the inspiration of God, are sacred to the great monotheistic religions: Judaism and Christianity, and other religious groups. They are also the most important literary work the world has ever seen.
It should be noted at this point that the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Churches, following the Septuagint ( LXX ), ( Septuagint, is a translation of the Bible from Hebrew into Greek, written between 250 and 100 BC, and made by Jewish scholars in Alexandria. This translation, done for the Library of Alexandria, included all available Jewish writings, not just those considered inspired. ) expanded the Canon of Scripture to include certain Old Testament apocrypha, calling them the deuterocanonical books. Thus, the Old Testament in their translations contains 46/47 books for the C.R., 49 books for the Orthodox.
The canon recognized by the authorities of the Jewish world at the Council of Jamnia ( Yavneh ), which took place around 90 AD, sanctioned the Hebrew Bible as it stands today.
Jerome, who lived at the turn of the 4th/Vth century A.D. Jerome, confirmed the canonicity of the Hebrew Bible, calling the books of the Septuagint that do not appear in the Hebrew canon apocrypha. The tradition established by Jerome was followed by the Protestant world, accepting the Hebrew Bible as the only inspired canon of the Old Testament.

The content of the New Covenant, from the beginning, from the time Jesus' witnesses were filled with the Holy Spirit, was preached by word or document (letter).
Modern scholars agree that this took about 30 years. As with the Tanakh, there came a point when it became necessary to write them down and, in the case of the Epistles, to compile and copy them. Based on a variety of reasons, both historical and archaeological, biblical scholars are mostly of the opinion that both the Gospels and Acts were written as early as the first century AD.
When Emperor Constantine made Christianity a licita ( recognized ) religion in 313, the books of the New Testament began to be distributed throughout the empire.

The New Testament canon, consisting of 27 books, was finally recognized as inspired at synods: in 393 A.D. At Hippo, and in 397 A.D. and 419 A.D. at Carthage, and is today recognized throughout the Christian world. A.D. at Carthage and is still recognized today by the entire Christian world.

While the compilation of the writings of the New Testament took quite a short time, there is a very long history of the compilation of the collection of the Books of the Old Testament, or Old Covenant, which is the Hebrew Bible. The content is the same, only the arrangement of the books is different. For the Scriptures are not chronological.

Tanakh - the Hebrew Bible, whose canon consists of 24/22 books. According to Jewish tradition, Ezra (a priest and scribe) collected and arranged the books of the Hebrew Bible around 450 BC, which still exists in the same form today. Before this happened, biblical traditions began to emerge hundreds of years earlier from oral tradition, hidden in the Hebrew Bible. Several features of the original orality can be found in it. With the development of writing, with the emergence of a writing elite, earlier oral messages were written down. Transcription initiated the creative development of biblical literature. The texts were collated, supplemented and elaborated. As a result, they were able to survive until our time.
The texts or books of the Bible, were not only supplemented. They were also copied. This is already mentioned in the Old Testament (cf. Deut. 17:18).
Over time, the various parts of the Old Testament became closed wholes that were no longer further expanded literarily. This stage, called canonization, gave the text its final form. From this point on, the books were no longer updated but only commented on, with the commentaries not becoming part of the writings. The process of unifying the textual traditions of the books lasted from the second to the seventh century AD. It resulted in the creation of the co-vocalic text of the later Masoretic Text. Only at the beginning of the second century AD did the Jewish community use one set of sacred books, which is confirmed in the writings of Josephus Flavius.
This, in very brief, is the story of the creation of the Bible, which, with the canonization of the texts, has become immutable in its content."


Eve's elaboration. Thank you in the name of Jesus.

Updated: 11 September 2016 — 12:20


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  1. Hey, can you get sources?

    1. Basic:
      Mark J. Mangano, Introduction to the Old Testament.
      There, in turn, you will find several pages of bibliography.
      The following lectures by Darek Czyszczoń and Richard O'Connell are available to Bible school students at

  2. There is a propaganda that the NT came into being only after the official recognition of the canon (that the church recognized what is Scripture and what is not), and this is worth writing about.

    1. As early as the end of the second century A.D. a certain Irenaeus gave a list of books - a canon (the word at that time meant: rule, measure, reed, measuring rod), in which all the books known to us today as the New Testament were included. ca. 240 AD a certain Origen also gave such a list and it was identical to that of Irenaeus. Thus, the canon of NT biblical books was discovered before the establishment of the political-religious institution that is the Roman Catholic Church.
      "The book is not the Word of God by virtue of the fact that God's people have recognized it, rather the opposite is true - it has been recognized by or God because it is the Word of God. That is, it is God, not God's people, who gives the book its divine authority. The people merely recognize in it the divine authority with which God has endowed it."

      Unfortunately I don't know who said it 🙂

      Greetings in the Lord Jesus Christ.

      1. Well, because otherwise intelligent some atheists claim that it was the NCC that selected the scriptures for the "canon" and not the early church

        PS "OMG" what I found

        1. Asia [the penguin is resting today :) ]

          People sometimes have strange ideas....
          I was always taught that some things you just don't joke about....
          What some people mean sometimes, I don't get it....

          1. That's not funny at all? !

  3. I fear that many ordinary people treat our call for remembrance as the ramblings of a drunken loon....

    1. Otherwise. They tell us that we are insane when we preach about things they think we don't have the faintest idea about... They advise us not to bother them and not to immerse ourselves in the g...ekhm of tasting the beauties of this world... And who is insane here?

  4. I'm curious about one thing.

    It is known that Jesus' disciples were sent out about the nations to make disciples there. Jesus also told them, first they went to look for the lost sheep of the house of Israel, the same ones that ap.James greets at the beginning of his letter.

    The disciples are said to have traveled far north, and it is likely that some of them brought the Good News to Polan lands, and this was still going on in the first century.

    "Legalized" the Roman church began its work in the early 4th century, having already created a biblical canon.
    I doubt that the leaders of the "Great Harlot" were guided by the Dawes. And with such a canon as they created they began their expansion, imposing their religion on the nations of Europe....

    ...nations who may have already known the content of the Good News from the Disciples of Jesus.

    So what new things did the church want to do with what it had created?
    Or, what did he want to effectively stop?

    I would not go so far as to make statements like:

    "The canon of the Hebrew Bible was recognized at the synod of Jawne ( Jamnia ), recognized! not created, for the canon is the work of the Holy Spirit. A word more on the subject of the Septuagint. It is not canonical."

    Who was from declaring something sacred, canonical? People? Such recognitions are not worth much.
    Jehovah's Witnesses also claim that their main founders were led/led by the Holy Spirit, but I don't believe that. Anyone can build an authority to impose their will on others on claims like, "The Holy Spirit directed it this way."

    1. " Anyone can build an authority imposing their will on others on claims like, "The Holy Spirit directed it this way.""

      I feel the same way, which is why I constantly emphasize the role of the fruit of a person and a religious organization. How they address other people, what they do for evangelism, what their life is like.

  5. I believe that all scriptures are inspired, and you can check the inspiration of the scriptures against the concordance of the words that came out of the very mouth of B-a. And by the fruit. Is the work of translators to be considered inspired? I have my doubts about this (especially in the NT. There are all kinds of errors here - I believe they are due to the errors of the transcribers and interpreters).

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