Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Premarital sex. The Bible and marriage.

As a born again person, I don't like the term "sex" anymore, but younger readers will realize more what it's all about if I speak to them in their language.

Let us take as a starting point one indisputable fact:

Satan's system of media, derogatory religions, culture, entertainment, and politicians cause God's Law to be broken and reversed.

We are currently living in the age of the inverted decalogue.


I took up this topic because a few weeks ago a dispute arose on the blog about it. I said rightly as I usually say (version for those who don't like me 🙂 ), or explained on the basis of my knowledge (version for those who like me :-)), that in the Bible there is no such mention, prohibition, order forbidding intercourse before marriage. Not because I think so, but because I could not find it.

Scripture, on the other hand, explains Scripture, and just as with the example of smoking cigarettes, although there is no prohibition against smoking cigarettes in the Bible, that does not mean we can smoke them. The prohibition is found in Corinthians.


I'm allowed everything, but not everything is beneficial. I'm allowed everythingBut I will not give myself over to anything" 1 Corinthians



Paul just has it in him to help us understand many aspects of our lives. We don't find that in John or Matthew. Paul as a super expert in Torah regulated our lives.


If we are exploring the topic of cohabitation before marriage, then we must also explore the concept of marriage and marriage.


One of the hypotheses discussing the etymology of the word "marriage" in Polish indicates that it derives from the word spouse, more specifically, from the previously used word spouse importance "wife conceived solemnly on mal", in which mal- derives from Old High German māl or mahal meaning "agreement, contract." The second element, žona, is Slavic in character. The Polish language has adopted the word spouse probably in the second half of the 14th century from Old Bohemian - malženka, diminutive of malženameaning "wedded wife." From the first half of the 16th century come documents using the word spouse (Occasionally: spouse) formed from the lexemespouse. In contrast, the word marriage appears earlier, already in the first half of the 15th century, probably following the example of the Old Bohemian malženstvo. Another hypothesis assumes that the etymological basis of the word in question was an Old High German lexeme ge-mahelo (currently gemahl) - spouse, adopted by the Slavs without the onset ge-." wikipedia


So in our culture spouse means a wife solemnly married during a contract such as a wedding. So we see that for thousands of years (Israel's history), despite the lack of bureaucracy, marriage was a contract.

Some astute person will now say: well, yes, and to Adam and Eve who gave the wedding?

First, Adam and Eve were the first humans and their witness, priest and parent was God the Father Himself. Secondly, God introduced His laws gradually based on the formation of His people. Krakow was not built right away. The foundation of the Law was given only to Moses.

So what does the Bible say about premarital sex?

It doesn't prohibit it, but.


(15) If one has seduced a virgin not yet engaged and has intercourse with her, he shall pay the fee paid at the nuptials to the family and take her as his wife.

(Exodus 22:15

For intercourse before marriage, a man was obligated to pay 50 shekels to the father of the bride. Nowadays, probably about 90% men would have to pay the equivalent of 50 shekels to the fathers of the bride, but the vast majority of fathers do not care about the state of their daughter's virginity. This used to be given enormous importance. Today's fathers are absent.


What are the implications of this?

Two important points:

  1. Breaking chastity before marriage was frowned upon.
  2. Cohabitation (sex today) equaled marriage.



The love of the bride and groom is a love that implies exclusivity - unlike, for example, Solomon's many marriages: Sixty are the queens and the midwives eighty, and the girls without number, [but] the only one is my dove, my undefiled one, the only one for her mother, the chosen one of her mother. The girls admire her and call her happy, the queens and concubines praise her". (Prnp 6:8-9; cf. 8:11-12).


There is a reference here to scaling. Synonyms for this word are:


1. to inflict dishonor, to defame, to defile, to defile, to defile, to defile, to stain, to defile, to stain, to trample, to profane, to deface, to tarnish, to tarnish, to deface, to bring shame upon, to bring disgrace upon


So for many thousands of years, up to Before the sexual revolution of the late 1960s and early 1970s, premarital chastity was the standard, and any deviation was an aberration.


In addition to the beautiful lyrical work that is "Songs of Songs," the apocalypse shows the relationship of the Bridegroom to the bride.


23) And the light of the lamp shall shine in you no more. And the voice of the bridegroom and betrothedy in thee shall be heard no more: for thy merchants were mighty men of the earth; for by thy sorcery all nations were deceived -

 And the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, I saw coming down out of heaven from God, adorned as betrotheda Adorned with jewels for her husband.

(9) And there came one of the seven angels, which hold the seven bowls full of the seven final plagues, and he spoke to me thus: Come, I will show you Bridesę, Spouse Lamb.

(Revelation 21:9,


(17) A Spirit and Bridesa they say: Come! And he who hears, let him say, Come! And whoever is thirsty, let him come; whoever wants, let him draw the water of life freely.
(Revelation 22:17



Nowadays there is a fashion for the so-called concubinage. What is it?


Concubinage (Latin concubinatus from com- 'cohabit' and cubare 'to lie') [1], cohabitation - an informal union of two persons, living together, without sanction under the law as marriage."


A man or woman co-marries next to each other. Without marriage, you are co-married 🙂 .



Now we live in such times that the average 30 year old woman may have already had a minimum of several partners before marriage. So how can there be any talk of pre-marital purity?

But there is one scowl that mostly teaching Christians refuse to notice:

In Christ we are a new creation. With repentance and then baptism, all our sins are blotted out. We are given new life. So a born again Christian woman becomes a virgin again and a man becomes a virgin. This is also true for those born again during a broken pagan relationship or after a divorce.

If new life then sanctification too.

1 Peter 1

 But in all your conduct become ye also saints after the example of the Holy One who called you, 16 for it is written: Ye shall be holy, for I am holy."


As I mentioned before, in Jewish tradition a man was obliged to pay 50 shekels to the bride's father for cohabitation before marriage. Such a woman was called seduced. However, it was not a sin if it could be compensated to the father.

"Conclusion: premarital sex was not punished, but virginity had a value for which the man paid (this was due to the fact that the father of a virginity-deprived girl had to give her a larger dowry). In the case of both consensual sex and rape, the sum was the same: 50 shekels."


Now there are sometimes churches that do not give marriage for pre-marital sex. I think the pastors are somewhat right, considering that many people are not aware of their decisions. What happens if intercourse is taken too soon, when you haven't gotten to know your partner(s) enough yet? I'm sorry if I made a mistake?

This is where marriage sort of regulates everything leading to accountability. Cohabitation before marriage leads to having an exit door. There is no commitment, no obligation, I can leave if I want to. Until you marry your partner you are not sure if he or she will be your spouse.

After marriage you can also leave but it is not so easy anymore.

Why did Jesus say nothing about prohibiting intercourse before marriage? The answer, as usual, will be found in the Torah:


"They shall bring a young woman to the door of her father's house and stone her with the men of that city until she dies, because she has committed wantonness in Israel by practicing debauchery in her father's house. You shall remove the evil from among you" (Deuteronomy 22:21).

The reference here is to women who, as it turned out, were not virgins after their wedding night. Jesus knew the Torah very well.


It says:


"Let the husband render duty to the wife, and likewise the wife to the husband. 4 The wife does not dispose of her own body, but her husband; likewise the husband does not dispose of his own body, but the wife. 5 Do not avoid one another, except for a time, by mutual consent, to devote yourselves to prayer; then return to one another again, lest, through your abstinence, Satan tempt you. 6 What I say comes from understanding, not from command. " 1 Corinthians 7

In addition to the suggestion of relatively frequent intercourse, Paul is clear about who is to dispose of the body of the man and the woman: the wife and the husband.

Unmarried people were not referred to as husband and wife.


In light of these considerations, I believe that people who claim to be Christians and are currently living together before marriage should get married. If you are at the stage of engagement, however, in spite of the strong lust of the flesh, I would advise you to keep chastity until marriage. Keep it something just for you, so that intercourse is like wine, which is more enjoyable the more mature it is.


Nowadays, everything is mixed up and the mere fact of leaving the home of children to engage in cohabitation sort of creates a marriage:


5 And he said: Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined to his wife, and they shall both be one flesh.

6 And so they are no longer two, but one flesh. What God has joined together, let no man put asunder.

Matthew 19

As we can see Matthew was quoting the Old Testament.

Leaving one's mother and father to be with one's partner is tantamount to marriage, although this is only regulated by marriage.

Husband and wife take full responsibility for each other. It can only be full when they separate themselves from their mother and father. They are to love each other with full devotion and sacrifice, just as Christ loved the Church. To the end. Until death. The husband is to be head of the familywhich means to give her all the help she needs. To respond to her needs, to help her. A woman, in response to such love, can respond with her own love, respectful towards her husband.


Even just being engaged changed a lot about the perception of the relationship:


23) If a girl, a virgin, engaged to a man, encounters another man in the city and joins her, (24) then you shall bring them both out to the gate of this city and stone them, and they shall suffer death; the girl for not crying out for help in the city, and the man for insulting his neighbor's wife. You will exterminate this evil from among you.


A woman who is engaged is like a half-married woman. The above quote shows how much importance engagement had.


Some go even further saying that there is no such thing as premarital sex. They say there is only extramarital, but:


Adultery as defined by the Torah occurs when a man has sexual intercourse with a woman who is married to another man:

"themIf a man commits adultery with another man's wife, with his neighbor's wife, [then both the adulterer and the adulteress] must suffer death“”




(13) So Booz married Ruth and she became his wife.

(Ruth 4:13,


In Syracuse we read about relationships like this:


(24) He who gets a wife has the beginning of prosperity, a help like himself and a pillar of support. (25) Where there is no fence, they tear up the property, and where the wife is missing, there the husband sighs stray. (26) Who will trust a bunch of soldiers going from town to town? (27) Likewise - to a man who has no nest and stops where darkness finds him. syr 36

In the Septuagint, the beginning reads as follows:

"he who has chosen a wife has laid the foundation of wealth,

has gained a helper equal to himself, a pillar of peace."



For some I will probably be too radical in this assessment, while for others too liberal. However, I do not run this blog to please anyone. One of the reasons why I blog is to make sure that people's lives are in line with God's Law, and therefore full of blessings, because the absence of sin is in itself a blessing.

Updated: 6 September 2016 — 15:06


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  1. Peter I will be even more radical :

    And so they are no longer two, but one flesh. What God has joined together, let man not separate.

    At the moment of first rapprochement, the man and woman become married.
    A shock in these times but the Lord Jesus does not change.
    Mt 19:7: They answered Him, Why then did Moses command to give her a letter of divorce and to send her away?
    Mt 19:8 He answered them, Because of the hardness of your hearts Moses allowed you to leave your wives; but it was not so from the beginning.

      1. Yes I forgot about this article in which there is a compendium of knowledge on this subject.

        Do we need an earthly wedding for anything? Is swearing in front of people supposed to make our relationship stronger? I don't think so.
        The Lord Jesus told us not to swear on anything. And He knows when we become married because He led us to this act, didn't He?

        1. An earthly wedding, for example, is needed to let everyone know that two are married. As Abram and Sarai, when they came to Pharaoh, concealed their marriage, Pharaoh took Sarai, and the punishments of God fell upon him. So Pharaoh called Abram and asked: what have you done to me? why did you not say that she is your wife?

          We avoid leading others into unconscious error.

          1. Yes, such a civilian as the most right if only to avoid problems in the administration, etc.

  2. "Who will trust a bunch of soldiers going from town to town? (27) Likewise - a man who has no nest and stops where darkness finds him." 🙁 As if I were reading about myself.

  3. Premarital purity is a great thing.
    Temptations no longer...
    Praise the Lord that so far He has saved me from very powerful temptations to carnal intercourse.

    I don't have the energy to do this anymore.

    Well, and the text is very apt 🙂

    1. Bravo to you Zdzisław! Let's keep it up, not many would be able to resist the temptations!!! 🙂

  4. Okay, but if you're going to get married, where are you going to get married, not in a Catholic church?

    1. You can try the USC - if you and your beloved do not want to get married in a particular rite, and for some reasons you want to legalize the union (so that e.g. there are no problems with possible inheritance or visiting in the hospital - they do not always allow visiting people who are not married, or it is very difficult)... unless you both belong to some Pentecostal church, I think it would be worth talking to the pastor, and maybe he will agree to grant the wedding?

  5. It's all about telegon, or spiritual programming. In other words, you can't mix milk with a puddle, because the milk will dissolve in it.

    1. I wonder if telegony works the same when partners use a condom?

      1. It doesn't work if they use a condom, because it's the physical contact that counts. Besides, all this telegony is one big nonsense into which it's a pity to delve, because following this line 90% of the world's population wouldn't know their real fathers, i.e. the individuals who had sexual intercourse for the first time with a woman who is later their mother and whom they programmed like a computer, or even recorded like a CD, and who will be the fathers of all her later children. Professionally they call it programming her energy matrix, I think. Either way it doesn't appeal to me and God in His design would not allow such a thing. As for your earlier statement about girls, you are 100% right, just change your vocabulary, because you won't be able to do anything with your nerves and you will only ruin your health 🙂 Think what a challenge I face as a father of a 7 year old? She can't follow her mom's example because she is a denial of all biblical values and I am already praying to have enough strength and wisdom to shape this young life in opposition to this mess we live in and to show her the right path.

        1. The grace of the Lord be with you and your daughter, Slawek!

          1. Thanks Jack. May Jesus bless you every day and give you the strength to translate the valuable texts that we are waiting for here 🙂 .

        2. I was going to write the same thing a long time ago, this telegony is some magical nonsense straight from the new age. Energy and such things, vibrations. A little man gets 50% of his mother's genetic material and 50% of his father's, I would pay more attention to a healthy diet without stimulants that affect the quality of sperm.

          1. I subscribe to this. I read somewhere that in order for a child to be healthy it is best to limit stimulants to a minimum half a year before conception. This also applies to men.

            1. And I will tell you even more. We currently live in an environment that is heavily polluted and that feeds on food that our grandparents would not even take in their mouths. The quality of both male and female reproductive cells is therefore poor. That is why you need to plan and prepare for the child you want to bring into the world. My doctor advised me to change my diet and watch out for more meat. I didn't eat much meat at the time but I listened and ate those sausages until they turned out to be too much. Of course you have to give up stimulants, which is indisputable, so no cigarettes and limit alcohol. Then everything is in the hands of the future mother, who has to take proper care of herself. When I see these future moms with a cigar in their teeth, it shakes me up. The most important thing to remember is that you can't wait to have a baby despite many attempts, and here one of the other bitches is dusting and partying and doesn't care about anything. I've even read about a new trend among teenage mums-to-be, who smoke during pregnancy in order to give birth to a smaller baby because they are afraid of labour pains! Somehow they were not afraid of "quick numbers" but they are afraid of giving birth.

          2. It is exactly as you write. A child is a gift from God to a person who is trying for it. I also had to change my approach to having one 😉 i.e. diet among other things and also my wife had problems to get pregnant and keep it, the first 3 months were critical. I prayed everyday that everything would be ok. Unfortunately, as a Sunday Catholic at the time, I prayed to both God and Mary, whom Catholics adore. That is why I know what I am saying when I write that a child is a gift and now she gives a lot of trouble and I have to scold her sometimes 🙂 .

          3. If this is nonsense to you:




            then what value does virginity have for you? Why has it always been so important if it doesn't carry its breaking consequences?

      2. This is the first time I've heard of any telegony.

        1. Don't regret not hearing it sooner because it's the usual nu ejjj nonsense.

  6. "the vast majority of fathers are not interested in the state of their daughter's virginity"
    what I'm seeing lately is just beyond comprehension;
    sex-starved 14 year olds mummering in public with their boy... or young 12 year olds dressed in rags that look like a blouse or a push up bra, their hair volumized and their make-up three years older in front of their parents! Normal looking not pathological, what are these people thinking?
    Girls menstruate prematurely, then drink, smoke and get laid, while these iPhone-eyed faggots with a paintbrush on their head and sagging jeans at the back are a pity, if they didn't have such hay in their heads.
    One thing I've noticed, when I see that a mother is mature and additionally wearing a skirt or something like that her daughters are calmer, more charming as already than able to arouse lust.

  7. Ok, wise guys, what about contraception, condoms, isn't it written in the Old Testament to "not waste semen" if so every intercourse with contraception is a sin, and if you start to think that different times have come, then it's just going for the easy way, because if we go back to the ST, and the observance of those laws, then why don't you observe the Sabbath, sacrifice etc...
    And finally, why Jesus Chrustus came, what he did with his coming, and whether the salvation received from Christ can be lost.
    I invite you to discuss

    1. Just for the uncultured term "smarts" no one should have to answer to you....

      Someone who trusts in God should not use tires. Is that a sin? Probably the same as rudeness.

  8. Oh I didn't notice that someone answered in pretty much the same tone as the question was asked so he is probably the same Christian :).
    Seriously, how many of you Christians are unprotected, because suddenly the chat room went silent, so what about the Christian women taking birth control pills, are they no longer Christians, they have no salvation? I know one, but she is sure of her Christianity.
    I have a request to Mr. Admin, to redirect my questions to the pastor, if you know this one, maybe someone else will use it, because these are important questions, which people do not think about, or do not want to think about for the sake of peace.
    Kind regards, and may the Love of Allah crucify the existence of you.
    I apologize if I offended anyone,

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