Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Poland's first scandalous sentence for refusing to provide services to homosexuals has been handed down.

Unfortunately but I have to repeat myself sometimes. The Bible, as usual, speaks the truth:







"The District Court in Łódź ruled that an employee of a printing house who refused to perform a service commissioned by the LGBT Business Forum Foundation committed a misdemeanor. This is the first judgment in Poland in a case concerning the protection of LGBT people in access to services
- proudly informs the Campaign Against Homophobia, which has been piloting the case from the beginning. Legal support was also provided by Adam Bodnar, the Polish Ombudsman, who sent a letter to the police urging them to draw legal consequences against the printing house.


Where is the ombudsman when they take away Polish children?

Where is the ombudsman when Poles are denied medicinal marijuana?

Where is the ombudsman when forcing vaccines that harm health?


Government officials are servants of the system, and in whose hands the system is we see in the picture created from the BIBLE.

Democracy is a system of apparent choice. Everyone works for one and the same power.

Note that there is no democracy in the heavenly realm on Earth. We must all follow the Law of God. God is one and there are no factions in the kingdom of heaven. The diversity of denominations does not indicate division. God's Church is one. It is people who invent divisions for themselves.

During the rapture


Mt 24 Then two shall be in the field: one shall be taken, the other left. (41) Two shall be milled on the quern: one shall be taken, the other left. (42) Watch therefore, for you do not know on what day your Lord will come.


There will be no separation of denominations. What will count is whether you have a relationship with God and whether you have fulfilled His Law. Just as in God's judgment there will be no division into PO or PIS parties. They will all go to hell, which is really separation from God:


The whereabouts and condition of unsaved people.


Updated: 27 July 2016 — 14:12


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  1. Shame and disgrace! Those who have committed this will receive their reward! God's wrath is upon them, their doom is near and certain, and the most severe punishment is fully deserved.

  2. It was to the men responsible for this judgment that the Lord Jesus Christ addressed these words written by the hand of the apostle Jude:

    "...Behold, the Lord goes with thousands of his saints; To execute judgment on all, and to punish all the ungodly among them for all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and for all the harsh words which ungodly sinners have spoken against him" (Jude 1:15-16, UBG).

  3. ,,...What will matter is whether you have a relationship with God and whether you have fulfilled His Law..."

    and whether you are chosen before the foundation of the world...

  4. Concert of praise (who???) - WYD diocese of Kalisz.

    see min. 2.50-12.15; 50.00 - 59.00; and expect "Mr." 1.52.00 (also note the shirts).

      1. Hanukkah menorah on the altar ...and much more....

    1. According to Piek's writings, the Luciferian doctrine is being put on display and it is happening right before our eyes.

      1. * "Albert Pike" was supposed to be...

    2. The only thing missing here was a live ritualistic murder.

    3. While thanking Magdalena for the material I have to comment on it.
      Beloved brothers and sisters. What I wish to share with you is, of course, my individual, subjective view. I trust in the only Lord God, who through Christ Jesus has given everyone a chance for salvation and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and I believe that He has given me the gift (beyond reason) of recognizing demonic and satanic influences through my bodily, or somatic, reactions. This happens every time they occur. It plays no role whether I pay attention to it, think about it, analyze it. They are there and that is that. For the time being I can distinguish whether they are about me or about the reality next to me. My reaction is to pray in the name of Jesus Christ, which immediately helps (for me for sure, and I hope that the daily remembrance of other people also helps them). I have watched the parts of the footage pointed out by Magdalene (for which I especially thank you 🙂 , the whole thing I certainly wouldn't put up with) and I pass on that there were demonic nativity scenes of the highest caliber going on. The bitter grief as I watch this multitude of ignorant young people submit to this ritual almost chokes me with anger towards the father of lies and murder. I ask the Lord Jesus Christ to keep us safe and the light of Truth be revealed to all the deceived.

      1. Baren, I have this question: is the demonic nature of the scenes you posted and commented on comparable to the recent opening ceremony of the Gotthard-Basistunnel in Switzerland?

        I don't have such a gift as you write about, however, having seen that party I felt like throwing up. It was openly satanic, its diabolic nature was striking, even to an untrained observer. I had a similar reaction to the content of the video posted by Magdalena.

        1. Dear brother Jack (btw to whom I congratulate on the great texts and for which I thank you). As it happened, I was hospitalized and writing on a tablet is not my cup of tea. I will write more when I get back. Certainly, the type and scale of demonism was different in Switzerland and in Poland. Although for people, even more so for us, maximally hideous, hateful and hostile. In Lord Christ Jesus only protection and strength to resist evil.

  5. Hello everyone ? Maybe not on the topic, but some time ago I came across this video
    Yoga for Babies . After watching this I got a shock . It's all starting to gallop now . This whole diabolical system . What this woman is doing with this child is becoming popular among parents who are very eager to enroll their children in such demonic rituals (as for me) there was a version where you could hear the toddler crying the whole time.

    1. amazing. Demonized since childhood.
      This is an example for the opponents of releasing children from demons.
      On the other hand, in a way, it is also an answer to Doe as to the harsh and ruthless God of the Old Testament. Should God allow the rule of demons?
      Yes, according to the Law of God the parents are responsible for the child and so God either sanctifies the children through the Christian parent or deprives them of the blessing.

      1. It absolutely makes sense. If we see apparent contradictions, they are just that - apparent because of our limited cognition and/or lack of knowledge and trust.

        1. NNunderstanding

          I'm sorry, but I can't. Let that mother unravel and bang her head against the wall, because something seems to be messed up in there :/ I'm not even continuing to watch, poor babies 🙁 .

    2. I didn't manage to watch this horrifying film. We know what, or rather who, is driving the woman who brandishes her child like a rag doll. It makes me cry that parents do this to their own children and I understand the wrath of God.

    3. I haven't viewed the video yet, but I'll quickly write that my daughter at IE elementary school offers additional classes including yoga and meditation

    4. Apparently, someone is running out of time and hence the rush.

    5. I couldn't watch it, it made me sick how she was shaking the baby:/ it's terrible, I wouldn't do that to my baby in my life, even if everyone said it was so healthy:/ and all a baby needs is a lot of fresh air and a bit of fun during the day, not some kind of stunts. I once even read something about shaking a baby, in terms of behavior after a vaccine. In the sense that they did not want to recognize it as a NOP, but that the parents were shaking. I wonder what they would say about that...

  6. Why is that?
    Because the salt of the earth and the light of the world sleeps, and they should all act as on the video this little church called by some a sect.
    They prayed and prayed and acted and acted and succeeded, thwarting the devil's designs.
    Yes, it's Chojecki and "company".
    Watch these 2 short accounts of doing good called by some "meddling in politics,and as you can see politics determines our lives,so how not to meddle.

    MUST SEE!!!!!! release Sebastianśmy Sebastian

    PS.Where are the Christians of Lodz now?
    In churches and after houses locked up?
    So let the devil expand his space, after all, God's children give it to him in a walkover.
    Hands are dropping.

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