Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Francomania, or breaking the 2nd commandment.

"You shall not make for yourself a statue or likeness of all things that are in heaven above, and that are in the earth beneath, and that are in the waters under the earth. 9You shall not bow down to them or serve them. For I am the LORD your God, a jealous God, who pursues the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 10and I do mercy to many thousands who love me and keep my commandments." Deuteronomy 5


This is the photo circulating on the internet from SDM 2016:





By the way, there has been a lack of humor on this blog lately. Maybe you have some more interesting pics?

Idolatry in full swing. Jesus somewhere off to the side as a background.

To me, this Pope doll reminds me of these types of toys.





You can play doctor or doctor, but you can play pope or pope.


However, to move away from God is to move away from wisdom.


Updated: 27 July 2016 — 20:45


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    1. Dianko are you definitely driving ?

      1. haha 😀
        Diana has raised the bar of humor.
        I don't think I can top it 🙂

        1. No, sorry, I'm changing my mind. I could, but I don't...

    2. Oh, for fuck's sake...

    3. Barbie Mary :-(((((((((

      1. And the Lord Jesus as Ken!!! :(:(:( I guess it really is "the last days before the flood". What a hideous blasphemy!!!

    1. in the link to the pit, below is a video of Clinton starting to unconditionally shake her head in front of journalists. I would consider the video fake but the reaction of the journalists leaves no illusion it is the original. Once she starts shaking her eyes go black. This woman is totally demonized. On the other hand, there is the alternative in the form of Trump (who stated in an interview a dozen or so years ago that if he was to run for president, it would only be the Republicans, because they are naive and easy to manipulate). I don't know what's worse ;/

  1. And she does great signs, so that she even causes fire to descend from heaven to the earth before the eyes of men, and deceives the inhabitants of the earth with the signs that she was given to do before the beast, telling the inhabitants of the earth to make an image of the beast that received the blow of the sword, and came to life.
    And it was given to her to give spirit to the image of the beast, so that even the image of the beast spoke, and to cause all! to be killed who do not worship the image of the beast. Revelation John 13:15

  2. Pope on creeping war in europe: "That's life - we have to get used to the good things and to the 'bad' things" ....Unaccustomed to the bad things ? Heh I can't help laughing at what he says.

    May our good God the Father in Jesus Christ open the eyes and hearts of as many people as possible.

  3. The "photo circulating on the internet" mentioned above makes me think of the movie "Saw" at first sight. It is rather unsympathetic.

  4. Does Bog like alternative rock? specifically about Jane's Addiction's "just bacause"
    of 2003, or perhaps it speaks through various means of communication

    So I started digging into this song to see what the lyrics were about.

    One of the readers' interpretations refers to the past of the singer who, through a Christian organization, funded, participated in and gave cash for the redemption of Christian slaves in Sudan, some 2,000. 300 in North Africa. This was published much later.
    "Any way here are my thoughts on what this song is about.

    A little while ago I read a fascinating story of how Perry used the proceeds of the Jane's reunion tour to buy the freebom of 30,000 Sudanese slaves at $3 a pop, somewhere in the region of $100, 000 all in. Now this was never used as a means to promote the tour or the band, it was leaked later on. Therefor Perry had done this great act of charity JUST BECAUSE. Now look at other fortunate people, specifically celebrities, when a celebrity gets involved in a good cause they make sure everybody knows about it because it is really good publicity. So that is not doing anything JUST BECAUSE that is having an agenda. "

    In the song he sings that we should be careful! He also asks "
    When was the last time we did anything just like that (just beacouse) - not for him or others
    He says in the song that once in the past they exchanged gifts but his or theirs were not mutual.
    A lot of people treat gifts as their advertising and do it for publicity. It also says that some people have everything but no one loves them just like that.
    Dear friends, let's just help.

    I didn't even know that in Africa it was possible to buy back Christian slaves before 2000 from the Islamists who imprisoned them.

    Interestingly, no other of their songs about the band "Jane addiction" was so high and so long on any charts.
    this is the organization he bought through according to the article
    What do you guys think?

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