Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

NATO summit in Poland - what was its purpose?

A few days ago I wrote an article entitled "Will there be a war in Poland? It gave me no peace. Something was missing. Therefore, now I would like to present its complement.

Perhaps I will betray my thinking at the outset by reminding you of the so-called Cold War.

Cold War - the conventional name for the ongoing 1947-1991 a state of tension and ideological, political and military rivalry between the USSR and its satellite states gathered in the Warsaw Pact since 1955, as well as non-European states allied with the USSR (known as the Communist or Eastern Bloc), and non-Communist states gathered in NATO and parallel defense blocs (SEATO, CENTO) - under the political leadership of the United States (known as the Western Bloc) - since 1949. The Cold War was accompanied by an arms race between the two military blocs. The conflict was triggered by the USSR's policy of territorial expansion and imposition of the communist regime by force on the countries of Central Europe. wikipedia


Are we not faced with an identical situation?

So what is the hidden goal? To create fear and militarize both sides of the conflict. What will this give them? This time it will be the foundation, the foundation, for the introduction of the NWO, or to put it in Biblical language The Great Tribulation. It is worth mentioning here that before the term NWO became fashionable, the Bible had long written about it. Before electronic payments and the chip were introduced, the Bible had long warned about it. Rev 13.

Unfortunately, the Bible is out of fashion. What is fashionable are truthers' sites that sow hatred and fear.

So we are in the same state as during the Cold War. A spiral of fear and foreign troops on Polish soil.

I'm not saying there won't be a war. I think the likely scenario will be a world army, or in a milder version several armies: NATO, Russia, China.

Anyone who has read the text knows what it is about:

The World's Last Dictator Is Coming

Bringing NATO troops to Poland will likely translate into a time of Great Tribulation, and not at all caused by war with Russia, but perhaps by a financial meltdown that has long been planned.

Imagine the following situation: there is a crash. There is a wilderness in the streets. The banks are taking people's money. The police and the Polish army have to shoot at ....Polish people.

NATO troops and militarization eliminate the problem of psychological barrier of uniformed services. No American soldier will have scruples to shoot Poles on command. An order is an order. It is not his nation, it is not his nest.

The American people themselves are also being prepared for civil war. That's what those weird Jade Helm military exercises were for.

Pretty much, if I remember correctly, there may be Russian troops stationed in the US. Maybe I'll still find this news item if one of you doesn't get ahead of me. If it's true, it's one big crib with this NATO-Russia arms race. Either way it is theater.

I guess we're getting to the situation that the murdered director of this film portrayed in the trailer of the unfinished film:



May God the Father save us from this in Jesus' name.




Updated: 13 July 2016 — 16:56


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  1. Major banks are buying reservoirs and drinking water sources, pis and other countries have enacted foreign service laws, etc. Companies like monsanto have gmo grain patents in hand, and natural crops will be killed by chemtrail. Herbs their description and use, herbal medicine is restricted by law in the world, only big Pharma products can cure . No one will survive if God does not shorten the time of tribulation and that is on the horizon. I am worried about my children but I am not afraid anymore. I just ask Jesus to help me to raise them and I know that it will be fine because if my children don't want to listen to the Lord, I can't save them.

    1. The noose is tightening. More and more atheists are beginning to see that the banks and big medical corporations are keeping the politicians on a leash, and since the bankers are the "bad Jews," a confrontation with the Bible becomes inevitable. It is sad that most approach it like a dog to a hedgehog. May someone's words, whether on the street or on the Internet, reach the ears of as many of these people as possible, because I believe that there are still some who will wake up in a moment and join the likes of us.

  2. Off topic. I recently experienced a little enlightenment. We all remember Christ saying that in the end times there will be people who say they are Christ. And I have this little thought with that - we have two kinds of people.
    1* they say outright that they are Christ or His incarnation;
    2* They say that they possess the anointing of Christ.
    The first type has always been around, while the second type began to appear in the 1960s and gained strength in the 1980s and continues to this day. The most famous are: Benny Hinn, Keeneth Coppeland, Keenet Hagin (now deceased), Tod Bentley, Creflo Dollar, Reinhard Bonnke, Jesse Duplantis, Joel Osteen and it's worth mentioning that black charismatic (I don't remember his name) invited to Poland from time to time, who gives a show at the stadium in Warsaw. Doesn't this prophecy concern these people? Each of them claims to have the same anointing that Christ had. Each of them claims to have this anointing from God Himself and each of them claims to do miracles greater than Christ Himself...
    You might want to follow this lead....

    1. You probably meant "Father" Bashobora.

  3. Please read the article about selling Polish land :

    1. Reading this text, I saw myself involved in politics. One conclusion: impotence and cries of despair

  4. "Sadly, but the Bible is out of fashion. What is fashionable are truthers' sites that sow hatred and fear." - how true these words are. I had to stop reading this post and throw it out. All truthers are worthy of pity, who spend hours analyzing, writing, translating articles about the New World Order, thinking at the same time that the Word of God is a collection of myths of human origin, which should be rejected as medieval darkness for the masses. How pathetic!

  5. A distinction must be made between religious people (worshippers of everything except God) and spiritual people (those in a living relationship with Christ), as rightly pointed out by A.P.Z. Spiritual people are at most 1.5 % in the world, and religious are the rest...

    1. The situation is not very interesting... On the one hand bloodthirsty followers of evil, and on the other indifferent to the Bible masses...

    2. detmold, I think prayers are working on you. You are growing. Praise God

      1. I'm a little flower there, compared to most of you.

        1. No one here values anything. We learn everything ourselves.

          "In humility consider one another as superior to yourselves" (Phil. 2:3)
          "Be kind to one another, cordial, forgiving one another" (Eph 4:32)
          "Love one another with brotherly love; anticipate one another in showing respect" (Rom 12:10)

          1. The Babylonian church made the earth evil

          2. A.P.Z. - good, functional abbreviation. Just so someone new and uninformed doesn't translate the beginning to Archbishop 😀 ....

            Godspeed, Detmold. Come to a reunion sometime.

  6.łożę about Mr. Junker talking to an alien civilization.
    They are preparing another omission.
    Prayer and fasting!

  7. We have been living in a great UCISK for a long time . These are false religions , manipulation of information , lying to people : history , science . Controlling minds through TV , RADIO , PRESS , EDUCATION , ORGANIZATIONS , ASSOCIATIONS etc . We are slaves in the great satanic elite system . We are slaves to ideas , views , deceptive religions . THE UCISK IS CONTINUING . It only goes through stages until it reaches the moment to enslave also those awakened .

    John 8 : 31 Then Jesus said to the Jews who believed him: "If you abide in my teaching, you will truly be my disciples 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." 33 They answered Him, "We are Abraham's offspring and have never been subject to anyone's slavery. How can you say: "Will you be free?"" 34 Jesus answered them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin. 35 And the slave does not abide in the house forever, but the Son abides forever.

    At the moment they are most interested in enslaving the awakened . The enslaved masses through entertainment, electronic gadgets, fashion, flooded with NEW AGE ideology they already have in hand. They don't have to enslave the dumbed-down, sleeping people anymore (because it's probably impossible). They now care about those who have not surrendered to the system or are resisting it and are trying to free themselves from the mind slavery of others. There may not be a so-called traditional war based on military action. The final oppression may be preceded by false flag actions. An artificial conflict , a false threat will be created , accompanied by a WONDERFUL SOLUTION : the tagging of people or other electronic control for our benefit and protection . Then, under compulsion and probably with the consent of the majority (for our "good") they will get those who live the true biblical faith in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ. There are many examples on the internet of people who have been microchipped and controlled. They may be guinea pigs or sleeper soldiers. THE PRESSURE IS ON. The war may be (or is already) being waged with different methods and means than before; and the news on TV about armaments, foreign armies, military exercises, terrorist attacks, etc. is just a COVER and COVER for completely different warfare conducted with methods unknown to us. It can also come to an attack, invasion of a country, a big explosion, devastation ... after which, with the help of the latest technology, they will make an apparition of Mary or another god - demon, who will give people the last chance for salvation and peace in the world. Then may come the "savior - antichrist" and people will adopt a new religion NWO -SATANIC. We may be chiped overtly or in a sneaky way . Then even awakened people with the help of " mind control " can change their views and believe the lie ... How to defend against this ?

    1. Now
      it's time not to be a foolish maiden,
      to pray and fast and be filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5.18-21) in order to have the courage and strength from God not to accept the chip

      clinging to God by filling yourself with HIS WORD.
      Then it will be too late.

    2. The very truth of what you write.
      "How do you defend against it ?"
      We have no chance to defend ourselves physically, the whole world is in one hand.
      All that was left was spiritual defense, works love and true faith.
      May we not be erased from the Book of Life.


  8. The end of a brave, murdered pastor's wife, mother of 7 children

    Interesting article, I don't know how true it is, but the Keshe foundation intrigues me personally.

  10. I recommend reading it, a very sobering look at the current political arena in the country,rzez-wolynska-a-zydowskie-korzenie-pis

  11. I live and work in England and I can honestly say that I am worried about my family because of everything that is happening in Europe and in my country, I pray to God to protect our country and those who live there.

  12. They are peeved at the East because they themselves know what the Land Lease or American aid in 1941 gave them.
    Here's what it was like
    American Aid to Stalin under Lend-Lease,amerkanska-pomoc-dla-stalina-w-ramach-lend-lease
    If not for this help they would have crossed over with their Nazi friends (yes, they had been friends since Rapallo in 1922) because they were already preparing a parade in Moscow.
    Now they're cracking too, and good. They thought that they will "absorb" Ukraine and the rest will admire this new pseudo-Hitler in the East. These are not the times of unnamed wanka.

    I liked very much some angry comment from the East that they know that on some Polish exercises simulated a nuclear attack from aircraft.

    Acquire nuclear weapons for the Polish military, legal weapons for defense in every home (e.g. long weapons that are difficult to hide outside)
    And soon you'll be able to sleep a little easier.
    Thank you, fellow Americans, for your help. A little late (71 years) but still.

    Greetings to the Soviet Protestants.

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