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"Dove's Father's Day soap commercial features two homosexual dads kissing"

Geoffrey Grider

Soap company Dove released an "uplifting" Father's Day commercial Monday that shows two gay dads kissing and rocking a baby to sleep.

"Therefore God gave them over to shameful passions, for even their women exchanged natural intercourse for that contrary to nature. Men also, having forsaken natural intercourse with women, became inflamed in their lust one toward another, man against man, committing shameful acts and bearing upon themselves the due reward of their error." (Romans 1:26-27, UBG)

The one-minute commercial, titled "Care Makes My Dad My Hero," is a montage of uplifting snapshots showing the relationship between father and daughter and father and son recorded on camera. Various messages to describe dads appear on screen. "Those who do more than their share" - one caption proclaims, while another reads: "The one who makes dreams come true."


"When you care about someone, you will always be a hero to that person." - proclaims the video's description. "This Father's Day, show your dad what a hero he is to you. Caring makes a man stronger. Show us how your dad shows #Ptruly Strength."

The ad is part of a marketing campaign by Unilever, the parent company behind the Dove Men+Care brand, to market its line of men's care products and promote fatherhood. A year ago Dove released a Father's Day ad featuring two fathers-to-be. This commercial also featured a gay couple.

This year's ad is designed to show the "evolution" of fatherhood

"As a brand, we are focused on the evolution of masculinity and highlighting the caring side of fathers," said Jennifer Bremner, Unilever marketing manager, in a press release.

"Definitions of heroism have traditionally been based on physical strength, but this Father's Day Dove Men+Care will celebrate how heroes gain strength from moments when they show care, which elevates them to hero status in the eyes of others," Bremner said.

It's worth noting that the Dove ad showing two fathers was released just two days after the worst mass shooting in U.S. history took place at a gay nightclub.

Bremner did not comment on the time the commercial aired, so it appears to have been pure coincidence (per


Translated Jacko. He gives thanks in the name of Jesus.

Updated: 17 June 2016 — 11:04


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  1. By some strange coincidence, the English noun "dove" means "dove, dove, dove of peace." Hm, who did the dove represent in the Gospels? Could this be a deliberate mockery of the Holy Spirit?

    1. interesting clue...

      1. Using the above quotation from the letter to the Romans (quoted above) as an example, you can see who and why the apostle Paul stands "at the throat" so that they want to "spit" and "spite" him. In addition to giving advice on how to follow the Savior he was exposing the times in which we live. Times that point to the imminent coming of the KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS 🙂 .

  2. This fallen world is descending into ever-increasing, maddening insanity....

    1. The next step is tolerance, or rather acceptance, of zoophilia and eventually incest and the beloved perversion of people in power, pedophilia.

      1. Karol Szulawiak

        Exactly, about pedophilia, am I the only one who wonders why there is so much of it among priests?
        Celibacy? No, that's not it. After all, if he can't stand it, there are many other ways, from masturbation to prostitution.
        It must be something deeper.

        1. I think for Catholic priests it may be a way of gaining the powers offered by the fallen....

          1. Respect for such knowledge of the unholy practices of the Krk.

        2. Pedophilia reveals another aspect of Luciferian doctrine. People who indulge in pedophilia destroy the characters of young people by crippling them psychologically and making them incapable of starting a family. Thus depopulation is again being realized.

          Another aspect is to reward the servants of Satan with energy, depriving young boys of part of their vital force. During the act of sodomy the most beautiful years of their lives are stolen from them and the pedophile gathers this energy for himself and they feel an increase in their own energy and vitality. This procedure is not fully understood and documented for understandable reasons. It is currently a theory. In order to make pedophilia legal, a gradual lowering of the age at which it is legal to have sex is used. Pedophilia is the most common Luciferian sin. Cults along with the KRK at the top of the list are targeting it.


            1. Well, that's right, one deviation leads to another - worse and worse.

  3. The Lord is coming, very soon. Marana tha!

  4. The ad itself is a great idea, because parenting these days is centered around the mother. Fathers deserve something too !!! 🙂 And people will grab it. It's just a shame that they will let themselves be manipulated into thinking that homosexuality is ok 🙁 .

    1. That's right. This pro-homosexual throwback to such a message is like a nasty steaming dog poop in the middle of the sidewalk of a representative city street.

      1. Jacques, I love your style ?

        1. Hihi, and it somehow comes out that way, spontaneous 🙂 But thanks Moniu for such a kind word! 🙂

  5. A sharp and probably accurate critique of the PiS Zionists:

    Not a bad way for the feminist Wednesday to put it: She goes even further, calling PiS a "pagan party."

    - Perhaps true Christians cannot be involved in politics. They would be ineffective," he reflects.

    She also points out divorces among members of the right wing. In her opinion, there are more of them on this side of the political scene than on the left.

    'More hypocrisy: I use but condemn, I cheat but go to Church, I hate others but preach love'."

  6. I have no way to unwind, so I'll just write that this commercial is debilitating, plus there's this music coming on, not normally it's debilitating.

  7. On the one hand, the West, infected with Luciferian bullshit, and on the other, the stench of death from the Krk and related Babylonian cults...

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