Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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"The Pagan Roots of Lent and Ash Wednesday"



Elisha Israel


"It should be known that the observance of Lent did not exist as long as the simple church kept its perfection intact." Cassian, 5th century A.D.


Lent is the "fortieth" day before Easter. It is celebrated in many Christian denominations. It is a six and a half week period from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. During Lent, Christians fast and deny themselves various pleasures. This is said to be in preparation for the commemoration of Christ's passion, death, and resurrection.


While Scripture does indeed establish a period of fasting to commemorate Christ, it was not the forty-day period known as Lent. In Leviticus 23:26,27 we read: "Further the Lord said to Moses, 'On the tenth day of the seventh month is the Day of Atonement. It will be a holy convocation for you. You shall fast and offer burnt offerings to the Lord ...'" Furthermore, Paul prophesied about the doctrine concerning unholy fasting in his first Epistle to Timothy. In 1 Tim 4:1-3 we read the following: "But the Spirit openly says that in the last times some will fall away from the faith, inclining to deceitful spirits and to the teachings of demons. [This will happen] through such as lie hypocritically, having their own conscience seared. They forbid intermarriage, [command] abstinence from foodwhich God created to be received with thanksgiving by believers and those who have come to know the truth."


Paul in particular prophesies about the rise of the Catholic faith. In Catholicism, which is the mother of all other Christian denominations, priests are forbidden to marry. Furthermore, they have instituted a spring fast attributed to the suffering of Christ. Such a fast with its rituals, however, has its roots not in Christ but in the ancient pagan cult that preceded Christianity.


The word "Lent" in English for Lent means "spring" and is derived from the Old English "Lencten". Spiritually speaking, all roads lead to Babylon and so does the forty-day spring fast. In one version of the Babylonian myth, Tammuz, a great hunter, was killed while hunting a boar. The faithful mourned him in mourning ceremonies for forty days. In Ezekiel's time, this ritual was performed even among the Israelites. Ezekiel writes: "And he said to me: 'You will see even worse abominations committed by them.' Then he led me into the vestibule of the gate of the temple of the Lord, which is on the north side, and, behold, there sat the women and mourned Tammuz." (Ez 8:13-14).



Tammuz - alabaster relief from Ashur, c. 1500 B.C.


Tammuz worshippers sobbed with his wife Ishtar believing that his rebirth would signify the regeneration of life in nature. Similar holidays can be found among ancient pagan peoples. For example, the Egyptians observed a forty-day fast in honor of Osiris.


The sign of the cross made with ashes is not only typical of Constantinian Christianity, as it can be found throughout the ancient world. It was used as an important symbol of pagan gods, e.g., "the Tau cross was painted on the foreheads of newly initiated into Mithraism". It is also worth noting that the act of simply sprinkling ashes on the head, also taking place on Ash Wednesday, was also done in honor of the pagan Norse god Odin. The marking of the forehead with ash always took place on Wednesday, a day named in honor of Odin.


A Roman Catholic priest sprinkling ashes on a practicing Catholic woman.


If it is true, as Cassian testifies, that "the observance of Lent did not exist, so long as the simple church kept its perfection intact." (John Cassian "Conferences with the Fathers"). Why is it observed today? We find no commandment in Scripture to observe such a feast. Undoubtedly, if we remove the Christian facade of Lent, we see what the ancient pagan fast reflects.


The above excerpt is from Elish Israel's book "The Pagan Roots of Christian Festivals."


Translated by Jacko. thank you in the name of Jesus Christ.





Updated: 20 February 2016 — 08:11


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  1. Thanks, Peter for this valuable text.I didn't know yet that Lent and Ash Wednesday have pagan origins.

    1. In fact, I checked before translating and found nothing about this on Truth Detective. However, it's hard to be much surprised that another Catholic tradition is a repurposed paganism.

      1. Easter also has pagan roots.

  2. Thank you for this article, I used to wonder about this, now I have the answer 🙂

    1. Praise the Lord that we live in a time where cognition is increasing and more and more people are learning that the Vatican is the Babylonian Whore whose teachings contradict the Bible.

  3. thank you also, more pagan roots in krk practices.

    1. " for explaining yet more pagan roots in krk practices" 🙂

  4. Priests can't marry, that's a fact, because celibacy is understood as "celibacy" and that's only so that the property of the "servant of the church" after his death will go to the church, of course. So they can use it at will on the side as long as they have no wives. I read all the articles on this blog and I am horrified by the amount of falsehood and lies we live in, or rather have lived in since we came to this website. I am a sinner living in a vile, filthy and sinful world. I have received the wages of my sinful life!!! Is it too late for me? Have I embarked on the right path?! Jesus, please be my guide, brother and shepherd because as a lost sheep I need Your help.

    1. It is never too late. God bestows His Grace of knowledge in His time, according to His will. May Jesus Christ guide you! Welcome to the blog 🙂 .

      1. I've been on this site for a while now but "enlightenment" has come or will come later and I'm not ashamed to say it - I am a sinner and I have received the wages of my sinful life!

    2. John 3.16 Matthew 11
      .25 - 30 Revelation of John 3.20 This is a prescription for you

  5. They pray in vain to false gods bringing a curse on their people and their country. Father God, if it is your will, break this curse upon us. Through your Son Jesus Christ we humbly ask you to do so.

  6. Futile grievances and vain effort, your Catholic (pagan) superstitions, our God does not want.

  7. The belief system of Babylon the Great promotes all the worst, all kinds of degeneracy, perversion and deviation....

    1. That's true, but it doesn't set anyone free. Jesus frees from everything. Who will go in. His name to free the prisoners of religion? In the power and love of God? Without the spirit of criticism?

  8. Most people want to live in peace and prosperity, and not to expose themselves in the name of some idea they do not understand-the Gospel of Christ...Finally there come those for whom it is no problem to intimidate such an ideless mass-the Luciferians, ready for anything....

    1. And in this spiritual parochialism they miss the battle for truth, the most important battle in history, which they do not even want to hear about. And as ignorant as they are, one day they will want to sink to the ground when they finally realize that they have rejected the very God who created them and who has come back for his worshippers and to judge the rest. Horror.

  9. Is the fourth kingdom from the Book of Daniel (7.23)
    is the Vatican and the ten horns represent the 10 kings or 10 popes since the Vatican was founded . Bergoglio is the 10th pope. The next part of the vision is very interesting. They will be followed by another one different from the previous ones and will overthrow the three kings.

  10. The spiritual-material life of Babylon the Great is the worship of death and destruction, indirect and direct, mental and bodily, etc.

    1. Some people are really screwed, crushed by the troubles of everyday life caused by random events or mean people....

  11. In defense, they have this:

    And every kat(olik) is applauding. What do you think of that?

    1. How many times have I heard similar arguments.... so many times that I've already become immune to them 🙂

      What kind of argument is this - Charitable actions, volunteers are carried out in this world, of which we know who is the master not from today. We know in whom true love and thus good fruits are born. Or what is this argument that inquisitions did take place but they were not so brutal etc.?

      The apostle Paul wrote something like this:
      "And though I give away all my possessions for food for the poor, and though I spend my body to be burned, and have not charity, I profit nothing" - 1 Corinthians 13:3

      And the Lord Jesus said:
      "2 When therefore you give alms, do not trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that people may praise them. Truly, I say to you, these have already received their reward. 3 But when you give alms, let not your left hand know what your right hand does, 4 that your alms may remain hidden. And your Father, who sees in secret, will give back to you. " Matthew 6:2-4

      1. Beautiful passage from Corinthians, I read it today and was very moved, thank you 🙂

  12. How good to read your comments 🙂 How good to know you are!

    1. And how fortunate that you are Madzia 🙂 I'm so happy for you.

  13. Ez 9.4-6, 4 The LORD said to him: "Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and draw this SIGN OF TAW on the HEADS of the men who sigh and wail over all the abominations committed in it. 5 And to the others he said, so that I heard: "Follow him through the city and kill him! Let your eyes know no compassion nor mercy! 6 Old man, young man, maiden, babe, and woman, smite them to death! But do not touch any man on whom this mark is. Start with my temple!" And so they began with the old men who stood before the temple

    IN THE BIBLE WE ALSO HAVE A SIGN ON THE FACE, as you can see, and in the Book of Revelation.

    1. is the mark of the forehead in the apocalypse as the seal of God and as the mark of the beast

    2. The forehead is an important place in the human being, our "crown" is there

  14. Andrzej Luber The spiritual condition of modern man

  15. For most of the supposedly believing people in Poland, Catholicism is a very convenient religion, because it does not rely on true, Bible-based faith in God, and the fulfillment of rituals and sacraments that have no confirmation in it, and not questioning the position of the clergy, much less challenging...

    1. As for the rest, the prevailing religion in Poland is the cult of Mary, which is destroying our country, mixed with the pursuit of money/authority/body, even after dead bodies and perverse delight in teasing others (emigration is no better), not any Christianity...

      1. How many evangelical/biblical Christians are there in Poland and in emigration? A few thousand? The rest are more or lessoganized people...Let us ask ourselves: Am I a disciple/disciple of Christ?

        1. Where the spiritual atmosphere is barren, there will be no good...

  16. Except that the letter to Timothy (according to scholars) is an addition by a scribe many years after Paul's death. Paul ate non-kosher meat for which he was reproached by "the Lord's brother" James.

    1. The dietary rules (and others as well) contained in the Bible were introduced by God not to spite people, but so that people would be less ill (produce reasonably healthy offspring) by avoiding unhealthy foods (risky behaviors).

      1. The dietary laws were given by God to Israel and not to the Gentiles, but we can use them without condemning anyone, for the law cannot save us but Christ. Hebrews 7.12 kos

        1. Colossians 2.16-17

    2. xio 🙂

      Where did the information come from that Paul ate non-kosher meat ?
      Frankly it seems unlikely. Paul - a Pharisee (before being called by Jesus Christ), well versed in the Scriptures, observing the Torah... I honestly don't think that a deviation from what God instructed (in Paul's case) could take place.
      If I were you, I wouldn't rely so much on the opinion of "scientists", because they tell people a lot of false information (mostly invented by their sick minds), passing on their visions and inventions as revealed truth.
      Greetings 🙂 I'd like to thank you.

  17. Pagan roots also have anti-Semitism, a negative view of the chosen people, considering themselves the chosen people in place of the Jews... This also comes from Catholicism and Protestants have adopted this falsehood.

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