Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Cult of the Holy Death - Queen of Heaven Exposed. Shock....

Thanks to the material below, I now know what is really behind the so-called Mother of God.

I came across the information today, learning that Pope Francis may encounter the Santa Muerte cult, during his visit to Mexico today.... Officially, the Roman church denies the cult, which incidentally Catholics Mexico. However, there is something contradictory about these declarations in some churches:






Santa Muerte, the cult of the Lady of Death, combines elements of Eastern European mortality with the image of the so-called Virgin Mary.

I did some research on the internet. Take a look for yourself:






Does this remind us of anything?




Now we can see who is really being paid homage to in Catholic countries.


These are not jokes, is a powerful demonic influenceWhich I think we underestimated.

What are the effects of this worship?






Poverty, humiliation, enslavement, misery.

"People place alcohol (tequila), sweets or flowers before her. They pray for love, money and health. Some parents ask for the health of their children.
I promised her that if she gave us a daughter in good health, I would come before her to baptize her," says one of St. Death's worshippers, 22-year-old Anguiano.
I promised Saint Death that if she brought my son's killers, I would carry her message as far as I could," says new Saint Death follower Enriqueta Vargas.</p>
In contrast, 74-year-old Felix Lugo believes that the Holy Death caused him to fall in his bathtub two years ago and suffer leg injuries. This was supposed to be a punishment for hoping that his neighbor would not succeed in building a temple in her honor. I am here to ask for forgiveness. I feel that I have offended her," he says.




It is not only the same figure, the arrangement of the hands for prayer and the cloak. It is also the same elements of worship: flowers, kneeling, thimbles, pilgrimages.









Most people after the new birth, when they become convinced of the idolatrous worship of the so-called Mother of God, (Queen of Heaven), throw away all devotional items, and then the demonic attacks immediately decrease.

The issue is much more serious than we thought when one sees the real "mother of God."


"It is estimated that the cult worldwide already has approx. 10 million followers, who are increasing every year. They can be found not only in Mexico, but also in other South American countries, the U.S. and even in Japan and Australia.",17162669,kat,1036543,title,Santa-Muerte-meksykanski-kult-smierci,galeria.html?ticaid=116793

There is an obvious correlation, between followers of the mother of god, and poverty.

"More and more Mexican residents are living in poverty. According to a government study, as many as 52 million people in this country can be considered poor. And 10 million of them as very poor."


Poverty is something worse than poverty. This is how Our Lady of Mortality rewards them.


Send your friends, warn them. The cult of death is the cult of Satan. God is love and eternal life and has nothing to do with death.

Notice that in Roman churches the Lord Jesus still hangs dead on the cross, when in Protestant churches only the cross itself hangs....

Harlotry = a derogatory church.

Deviant Church = Queen of Heaven


App 18

4 And I heard another voice from heaven saying:
"My people, come out of her,
that you may not share in her sins
And none of its plagues have they suffered:
5 For her sins have accrued - all the way to heaven,
and God mentioned her crimes.
6 Repay her as she has repaid,
And for her deeds render double:
In the cup in which she made wine, a double division for her!
7 How much fame and glamour she achieved,
so much torment and sorrow inflict upon her!
Because he speaks in his heart:
"I sit down as queen
and I'm not a widow,
and I will certainly not mourn."
8 Therefore in one day her plagues will come:
death And sadness, and hunger;
and shall be burned with fire,
For strong is the Lord God who judged her.


Queen of Heaven....


If you are not yet familiar with the origins of the cult of the so-called Mother of God, I recommend this evidence:


It is shown in black and white what is hidden with the Queen of Heaven.


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  1. No words. It is striking how a powerful demonic power has caused millions of the deceived to fall to their knees before her, thus rejecting the Son of God. And to think that on May 4, the Catholic servants of the devil are to sell our country "under her protection." These perfidious, heartless Roman deceivers want to worship an abomination that no longer even hides its ugly face. This is irrelevant, because these deplorable people will also worship the horrible skeleton, if this is what the purposed will of the god of this world dictates. Many of us look at the old ladies clutching rosaries in ecstasy with pity, maybe even laugh at their blindness, but these pictures work like sobering salts, bringing us upright like David Wilkerson's sermons. The problem of Marian devotion turns out to be literally deadly serious.

    We must persevere in prayer, asking God the Father in the name of Jesus in His Spirit that the entrusting of Poland to the Queen of Heaven will not happen and that the abomination of Marian devotion will become so annoyingly evident to Catholics that remorse will force them to leave the Roman Church and turn against it, as we have done. Open their eyes and ears and tear this satanic, catholic veil from their hearts, merciful Lord. We humbly ask You to do this. And give us the power and courage to speak the truth about this abhorrent satanic cult. May Babylonian Catholicism fall! May the idols crumble and the Marian shrines lie in ruins! In the name of Jesus Christ, may this happen!

    1. As usual Jack well written.

      I would add from myself that in this context, it seems more reasonable what the Lord Jesus said in Revelation

      "4 And I heard another voice from heaven saying:
      "My people, come out of her,
      that you may not share in her sins
      And none of its plagues have they suffered:
      5 for her sins have accrued - all the way to heaven,
      and God remembered her crimes.
      6 Repay her as she has repaid you,
      And for her deeds render double:
      In the cup in which she made wine, a double division for her!
      7 How much fame and splendor she attained,
      so much torment and sorrow inflict upon her!
      Because he speaks in his heart:
      "I sit down as queen
      and I'm not a widow,
      and I will certainly not mourn."
      8 therefore in one day its plagues will come:
      death And sadness, and hunger;
      and shall be burned with fire,
      For the Lord God is strong, who it judged.'

      The KRK is a harlot, the harlot is the krk.
      The harlot is the Queen of Heaven.

    2. Beautiful words, Jacek. May Poles abandon the stench of death that smells of Catholicism and embrace the vibrant life of living Christianity. In the name of Jesus Christ let it happen!

    3. "The problem of Marian devotion turns out to be literally deadly serious." Oh yes.

      Really scary.

      Yes, it's important to pray about this Jacus, thank you for reminding us and for putting this prayer together....
      May it be so in Jesus' name!

    4. What a cruel unsupported by any facts bullshit. I am a Roman Catholic and the doctrine of my church is, among other things, the immaculate conception of Mary (Mary if you like), besides, the above described cult is found only in Mexico / Central America and is only a manifestation of our pre-Christian rituals and symbolism used to explain the indigenous natives take on the Catholic / Christian philosophy, greetings uneducated bollocks, read the catechism if you do not know something ;P

      1. Read the catechism. I'd rather read the bible 🙂 .

      2. You are a Roman Catholic. You can clearly feel it.A Christian does not relate to the brethren the way you do. Even when they blaspheme.

        1. Exactly so. Before I was born again I gave just such fruits, treating the ignorant with superiority and contempt. Greetings techno- throw your catechism in the garbage, it's a human invention. Just like the immaculate conception of Mary. Read the Bible on your own praying only to Jesus to reveal Himself to you in the Word, and I'm sure that the Lord will open your eyes to the falsity of Catholicism too, and that you, like us, will turn against the deceptive Roman church. I know it is difficult and that your worldview will crumble, but it is inevitable. In Jesus' name, may it be so!

      3. And I advise you to read the Word of God instead of the catechism written by pedophiles, Vatican bankers who launder the drug money of the mafia, and those who go down into the vaults of churches at night to worship Lucifer. If you're an educated man, you might be interested to know why Benedict XVI stays out of the Vatican. Why there is a European arrest warrant out for him for participating in a black mass with a child sacrifice in Holland a dozen years ago. And remember, no one here is attacking you as a Roman Catholic. It's not your fault you're being duped.

      4. Greetings techno Roman Catholic. (Let's say that your catechism is right... and your church too. See here, when you get to heaven (maybe you'll get it for your years of service), see who will welcome you there:,92629.html

    5. Satanic and harmful worship of Mary in the church will not be defeated and will not be removed. The Great Apostle must be burned with fire together with all this satanic idolatry.

  2. I read somewhere that this glow with tongues of fire is the mitochondrion, which is the basic cell that breathes. Death placed inside means taking away the breath of life, i.e. death.

  3. Donald Trump is acting exactly like this and making the same moves as in the Simpsons of 2000.

    1. "dark powers" have some insight into the future, no wonder then where they got the so-called predictive programming and how they do it, they have their "oracles and channels, aliens etc"

      1. Or is it not a glimpse of the future, but rather the realization of a written script?

    2. The video has already been removed...Why am I not surprised?

  4. Heavy metal album cover without the need for alterations.
    the powerful deception of men--the claim of death to life.
    Blindness that does not protect against consequences.

  5. Me, I have those disgusting "Queen of Heaven" paintings all over my house except my room and I can't get rid of them 🙁

    1. It must be heavy. To be surrounded by inducing an almost uncontrollable vomit reflex. My sincere sympathies to you 🙁 .

      1. I cut something in, it was supposed to be- ... a vomiting reflex of idolatrous abominations and have my hands tied.

  6. "mortal mother of god"....

    1. Oho, another one! How many are there! It's almost "50 Faces of the Queen of Heaven"...

  7. I suggest that we pray that this trust will not come to pass and that this demon will be humiliated by God in front of many people (who will probably gather that day in large numbers).

    On top of that, you could start some kind of fast the week before with a common prayer, and the day before that, on May 3, a total fast of 24 hours

    What do you guys think?

    1. yes of course I'm thinking about it myself, but I don't know how to bite it.

      1. I was thinking about that too 🙂 It is imperative that we counter their "prayers" with our fasting and prayer to God. To quote a classic "we can do it".

        1. There is still a lot of time, but I think you also need to make time, fasting and prayer during the WYD period (25-31.07.). I have a strong feeling that this is very important. I also have a concept in mind, but I will talk about that in a bit.
          It may be worthwhile to roughly "try it on" - set aside time and some funds.
          What do you think?

      2. As before, 7 Fridays fasting and prayer?

    2. I have written about this several times before, that all Biblical Christianity in Poland needs to organize a prayer and fasting campaign to stop this nationwide idolatry.

      1. Just how?
        Write something like an open letter to all churches?
        Get addresses of what's on the web and distribute?
        That was the thought that came to me.

    3. I agreed with this recently too, after the first post that brought up the topic. I think a lot of people would join in.

      Rev 20:14
      And Death and the underworld(Abyss) were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

  8. Do not insult the White Lady. She is the only Justice in this world.

    1. And this is his name, which they shall call him: THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS" (Jeremiah 23:5,6).

      God is causality, not any man

    2. And who is this lady? I haven't read about anyone like that in the Bible.

    3. He said what he knew...
      White Lady...
      Don't watch any more "Snow Queen"-style fairy tales - Kaiu...

      1. And I'm reminded that in the drug argot, "white lady/ladies" is nothing more than amphetamine, but it's the first I've heard of there being any good in it, let alone justice.

    4. There is no justice in the world. Only Christ can do something about it, not some pagan white lady or Mary. Somewhere in the Bible it is written that in the end times people will cry out to their false idols, but they will be answered with silence < all this is already happening.

  9. Listen up fellow ( deceived/straying brothers ) Catholics. If you want to be damned, be my guest...Just don't say later that we didn't warn you.

  10. It's not enough that we're being mucked about by Babylon's socio-economic-cultural-religious system, but on top of that, something like this...It's a shame...

  11. Just because they took over some Catholic beliefs during the colonization period and mixed them with their own does not mean that a Catholic in europe praying to the mother goddess is praying to death.

  12. I don't understand anything

    How many are these false deities before which Catholics fall on their knees 🙁 Various Mary's, dead Pio, JPII, some relics and bleeding statues, miraculous images.... How much more beautiful it would be to look every day with joy at the mountains, the seas, the trees, the birds, to praise the Lord for creating such a beautiful world for us, and not to bow before all that.

  13. And do you remember chapels lined with only bones? I think there are 2 such chapels in Europe

    1. One is in Kudowa Zdrój

      1. Listen to exorcist Peter Glass and you'll change your mind...

  14. Countries and societies under the reign of this Black Madonna are strangely rotting and disintegrating...

  15. He showed a few pictures and a text of the apocalypse in which we do not really know what is going on and you all believed him?

    1. Oh you see, thanks to your Lukasz attention I realized that there are also beginners reading this blog and I forgot to put for them a very rich source of evidence:

      AND as for the harlot here you have a solid set of arguments:

  16. I am a Roman Catholic and in every profession of faith every Catholic declares his faith in, among other things, the immaculate conception of the Jewish woman who was Mary (if you prefer), greetings warmly

    1. "I am a Roman Catholic."

      that's what you see:

      "fucking raccoon"

      1. ahahahaha 😀 nothing smarter to write now ;P

      2. Don't be surprised that Catholics react so aggressively to such information. For them it is either a bunch of idiocies or, if someone has a more open mind, a knockout punch, a shock after which he may not get up. You have probably heard of such a thing as cognitive dissonance. Greetings.

    2. I don't understand anything

      Mary was not immaculately conceived. There is no such statement anywhere in the entire Bible. Christ was born without sin, not His earthly mother. She was a virgin until Jesus was born. "The Dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Latin: Immaculata Conceptio Beatæ Virginis Mariæ), a theological statement defining the special state of holiness that is the privilege of Mary of Nazareth, proclaimed in the Catholic Church on December 8, 1854 by Pius IX as a dogma of faith. This truth of faith is part of the broader issue of the consequences of the sin of our first parents Adam and Eve (original sin), to which all humanity was subjected. Catholic theological reflection accepts that the grace of the Immaculate Conception predisposed Mary to a permanent friendship with God, the ability to enter into authentic contact with Him very easily and enlightened her mind with the knowledge of the Divine that led her to always choose what is more perfect, better. The result of this grace was a living faith: Mary's most perfect fulfillment of the Decalogue and the greatest of all commandments, the commandment to love God and neighbor." This is dogma, created by men.

  17. I know a place (no secret, because everyone knows about it) where once a month Catholic exorcists (sic!) perform their rituals on possessed people, always on the same day quite a large parking lot is filled to the brim (registrations from different parts of Poland), which means that the problem really exists. not to mention Spanish-speaking countries, e.g., the demonic faces of Belmez or the story of the girl from Mexico who, possessed, performed a complicated operation on herself using ordinary household tools (horror!) Such strange events can be multiplied and multiplied... Moreover, in Mexico, in addition to the cult of Sante Muerte there is the cult of Jesús Malverde, the patron saint of smugglers.

    You know, for example, Windows overlays, if you don't like the look of it, you install the overlay and you have a different design, one that suits you. It is the same with Catholicism, it is an overlay on paganism, you don't like some pagan cult, you install an overlay and instead of the Queen of Heaven you have Mary and it is "ok". And it is the same with paganism and Catholicism, paganism is still paganism regardless of the overlay.

  18. Thank you for posting this article, it now explains more completely everything that is behind the cult of the so-called Queen of Heaven, and why in the history of our country there are so many manifestations of her effects: death, war, poverty and famine, and desolation.

  19. In Poland we can also see similar symbolism, for example in this tattoo of actress Roma Gąsiorowska:

  20. Disgusting. What will Jesus do to you for spitting on His mother

    1. AFTER all the evidence Peter, is that all you have to say?

      Mary, the handmaid of the Lord sleeps in the tomb waiting for the resurrection like the others.
      What flip-flops one must have on their eyes to not see how the church of Rome worships the queen of death. Even a statue of a skeleton in a church is not enough to understand the deception....

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