Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Poland - Croatia, or the Queen of Heaven versus Jesus.

A colleague sent me an interesting news item.


"- This is a miracle from Jesus. Thank you. We were lucky. I don't know what to say. Everything is possible - said Babić in the post-match conference"



Croatians thanked Jesus. Have the Poles put their trust in the so-called Mother of God?


Such are the consequences of entrusting one's destiny to the Queen of Heaven.

Now imagine what will happen after the celebrations of the 1050th anniversary of the Baptism of Poland, under the patronage of the Queen of Heaven? A massacre. I think we should construct a prayer as an antidote.

When we first entrusted the fate of our country to the so-called Mother of God, supposedly Mary, we lost our sovereignty for hundreds of years. I dread to think what will happen now.



I knew this game was important because of its stakes. I was thinking before the game whether I should pray for the Polish team. In my mind's eye I saw corporations, money, the idol of dispute, but on the other hand I identified myself with the team from the country where I live and where we mostly have common ancestors. Exactly... ancestors. I thought "well, this Croatia, these are our countrymen. Post-Slavic country, and even the language is similar. Finally, I left the result of the match to God, stating - let the better one win.

The next day, after the defeat of the Polish team, I was talking to a colleague about the match. He said that Polish handball players were "yesterday's players". I admit that watching a fragment of the match after one player I observed something like that.

So, I don't know what the Croatians were guided by, what kind of life they lead, but it was not, the above statement indicates faith in Jesus. Someone may argue that it is a system. Yes, but did we all at once know what the world was really like?

During the Great Tribulation, even some Catholics will oppose the anti-Christ.

There is one more point. Summing up the match, I said to a colleague that "the nicest part of the match was the Croatian president" 🙂


This is Kolindra Grabar












Ah those Slavs 🙂










Slavic women are the most beautiful women in the world.

Well, at this point I leave my aesthetic impressions.

I started poking around, to say the least in Zagreb :-), to get more acquainted with this object of beauty.



For part of her childhood, she lived and received her education in the United States. There, she graduated from Los Alamos High School in New Mexico and then entered the University of Zagreb, graduating in 1992. She continued her education, earned a master's degree in international relations and began doctoral studies.

It belonged to the Croatian Democratic Community, which supports the process of Croatia's accession to NATO and the European Union

From 2008 to 2011 Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic was the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Croatia to the United States. In 2011 she became one of the assistants (deputies) to the NATO Secretary General as the first woman in this position."


As you can see very strong ties to the US just like Ms. Szydło.

Of course, according to the Bible, Ms. Kolindra had to worship the Pope:

















App. 17


(1) And one of the seven angels having seven bowls came and spoke to me thus: Come, I will show you the judgment on the great whore, who has spread herself over many waters, (2) With whom the kings of the earth have practiced fornication, And the inhabitants of the land were drunk with the wine of her harlotry. (3) And he carried me away in the spirit into the desert. And I saw a woman sitting on an animal red as scarlet, full of blasphemous names, having seven heads and ten horns. (4) And the woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls; and she had in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and of the uncleanness of her fornication. (5) And on her forehead was written a name of mysterious significance: Great Babylon, the mother of whoredoms and abominations of the earth. (6) And I saw this woman drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I was greatly amazed. (7) And the angel said to me, Why are you astonished? I will explain to you the mystery of the woman and the beast that bears her and has seven heads and ten horns. (8) The beast which thou sawest was, and is no more, and shall come up again out of the abyss, and shall go into perdition. And the inhabitants of the earth, whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, shall be astonished when they see that this beast was, and that it is no more, and that it will be again. (9) This is where you need"


Let us have no illusions. In this day and age, no one who supports the US and the Vatican is sovereign.




Updated: 29 January 2016 — 13:53


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    there is nothing about marijuana, so I guess it's a good testimony, but it's about God and the Bible

    1. great testimony! Thanks

      1. the interesting thing is that I know the guy who wrote it, I have to ask him how he is with Jesus at the next opportunity:)

  2. And do you remember that video announcement of the championship in which Polish handball players performed and referred to the faith ... hmmm cultivating and, as you can tell from the recording, entrusting their performance to the queen of heaven, because it is her symbol of the rosary presented in this video ...

    1. ay thanks, this colleague also sent me this link and I forgot to post it

      1. Are there blessings and curses to be found in everything from a spiritual background?

        If Satan is the Lord of this world, then following this line of reasoning, one might as well assume that it is rather Poles praying to an idol ("Mother of God") who should win, because it is Satan who rules over sports business.

        If someone wants to be successful in sports, or any other field, should they pray to Jesus, and sanctify themselves? As far as I know, not all successful people have prayed to Jesus and sanctified themselves. On the contrary, some people, despite praying and believing, are poor, persecuted, and killed.

        A boxer who prays to Jesus is more likely to have a miracle in the sense of welding his opponent, damaging him, than if he did not pray to Jesus?

        What if two teams met at a game, and most of the players on both teams believed in Jesus, and prayed to him? Which team would win? The losing team would lose because it would be a lesson in humility from Jesus, and the winning team would win because Jesus blessed them this time, showed them grace?

        1. Guzzik I understand that your as usual skeptical views stem more from exploration.

          "A boxer who prays to Jesus is more likely to have a miracle in the sense of welding his opponent, damaging him, than if he didn't pray to Jesus?"

          I don't know how it relates to boxers, but look at police officers or the military. The Lord Jesus did not deny these services, yet they do more or less the same thing as boxers. They often harm people.

          Pinch-hitting doesn't hurt anyone and it's just a normal competition. Guzzik, if someone coaches handball in junior high, does that mean they're in Satan's system?
          No exaggeration.
          Sports are good, I do them myself, but they can't be a god.

          By the way Guzzik, do you feel the blessings from God?
          Do you feel grace from God?
          Has your faith in Jesus made your life better?
          Or do you just have knowledge and nothing else?

          1. 14 The soldiers also asked him: "And we, what shall we do?" He answered them: "Do not mistreat anyone or oppress anyone, but be content with your pay." Luke 3

            let me remind you of a verse, in fact it can be considered in many ways.

          2. , "I don't know how it relates to boxers, but look at policemen or the military. The Lord Jesus did not deny these services, and yet they do more or less the same thing as boxers. They often harm people."

            A policeman, for example, may damage another person, but this is not an end in itself, it should be for a just purpose, to protect other people, to maintain order and bring about justice, so it is not just about damaging on commission, for money. A boxer, on the other hand, damages another person in order to gain satisfaction, money, fame, to unload, etc.

            , "Guzzik, if someone coaches middle school football does that mean they are in Satan's system? Come on."

            Coaching handball in a middle school rather does not approach the world of prestige, sports business discussed in this thread. We're talking about a higher level.

            , "Sport is good, I do it myself, but it cannot be a god."

            I think so too.

            , "By the way Guzzik, do you feel the blessings from God?
            Do you feel grace from God?
            Has your life become better because of your faith in Jesus?"

            Depends on what the background is. On some issues yes, on others no, but don't want to externalize on the forum.

            , "or do you just have knowledge and nothing else?"

            It's not crazy, but I wouldn't say "nothing special". At the moment I am not satisfied. We already wrote about the fruit, but I think that you shouldn't brag (even if there's not much to brag about), write about such things, so now I think it was unnecessary.

            1. And what do you think, Guzzik, was God not at that game? Or was he interested in all other events at that moment, but missed the handball championship?

              1. Admin: , "and what do you think Guzzik, was God not at that game? or was he interested in all kinds of other events at that point but missed the handball championship?"

                I am not saying that God is not omniscient, omnipresent, but does that necessarily mean that I interfere in everything? How do you look at it in terms of free will? I was just thinking about this today. Was the success of every person, even non-believers, dependent on God? For example, non-believers often say that what they have achieved, they have achieved by their own hard work and not through the help of God. To what extent is this statement correct?

                Admin: ,,I once had to watch the cartoon Winnie the Pooh and friends. In one episode Winnie the Pooh said this: "or maybe I wasn't born at all".

                I think these words perfectly reflect Guzzik's nature :-)"


                1. "How do you look at it in terms of free will? I was just thinking about this today. Was the success of every person, even a non-believer, dependent on God? "

                  yes of course.
                  I noticed long ago that atheists had a better life than Catholics. Less bad luck, less disease.
                  Even if I am wrong about this, the success of every human being has been independent of following the Law of God. You may not believe in gravity, but regardless of whether you believe it exists.

                2. Admin:

                  ,,,yes of course.
                  I noticed long ago that atheists had a better life than Catholics. Less bad luck, less disease."

                  If so, how can you claim that Catholics who are cursed, and from whom atheists are more blessed, will be saved?

                  1. Atheists will not be saved. Nowhere did I write this, but atheists unwittingly observe the prohibition of idolatry, and this is of colossal importance

                3. , "Atheists will not be saved. Nowhere did I write that."

                  Yes, I know, but what I meant was, how can someone who is cursed during his life for idolatry, continuing in it to the end of his life(even unknowingly), be saved after death? Cursed during life (persisting in idolatry to the end), blessed, saved after death?

                  1. and that's another matter. I have my own theory regarding Catholics. We've talked about not writing publicly about it.

                4. If we assume that there is a God-ordained Law that applies to everyone, even the ignorant, where, as an example, a person who practices idolatry (unknowingly) is cursed, or the descendants of that person are cursed (for the unknowing idolatry of their parents), then I think it's likely that the same applies to entering the Kingdom of Heaven, that is, there are certain conditions to enter the Covenant that must be met in order to get into the Kingdom of Heaven.

                  "Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived! Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor whoremongers, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor revilers will inherit the kingdom of God." (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)

                  For example, there are probably people who do not even know that they are committing fornication, adultery. There are cases, after all, where someone got married, divorced later (without meeting the conditions for divorce given by Jesus), and then married another person, and is not aware that he or she is committing adultery, even though he or she is supposedly married. That person is an adulterer even if he does not know it.

                  Idolatry is not doing the Father's will, it is the opposite of that, it is lawbreaking/illegal, and serious since people can be cursed by it, even if they do it unknowingly, and believe in Jesus.

                  , "Not everyone who says to me: Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven; but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name cast out demons, and in your name perform many miracles? And then I will say to them, I never knew you. Go away from me, you who do lawlessness." (Matthew 7:21-23)

                  As you wrote: "You may not believe in gravity, but regardless of whether you believe it exists."

                  Admin: , "I have my own theory regarding Catholics. We've talked about not writing publicly about it."

                  If you would like, you can write something about it on email.

                5. @Guzzik

                  "He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and He sends rain on the just and on the unjust." (Mt5)

                  "For those who without the Law have sinned, without the Law they also will perish; and those who in the Law have sinned, by the Law they will be judged. For not those who listen to the reading of the Law are righteous before God, but those who fulfill the Law will be justified. For when Gentiles who do not have the Law follow nature and do what the Law requires, even though they do not have the Law, they are the Law for themselves. They show that the content of the Law is written in their hearts, when at the same time their conscience stands as a witness, namely, their thoughts alternately accusing or acquitting them. [This will be revealed] on the day when God will judge through Jesus Christ the hidden deeds of men according to my gospel." (Rom2)

              2. Regarding the topic raised above:

                A.W TOZER - THE RADICAL CROSS, page 6,7 (Chapter 3. The Utilitarian Christ):


            2. I once had to watch the cartoon Winnie the Pooh and friends. In one episode Winnie the Pooh said this: "or maybe I wasn't born at all".

              I think these words perfectly reflect Guzzik's nature 🙂 .

    2. Polish handball players and appealed to faith?
      Only I can see the red background of the film and the faces of the handball players as having a heavy atmosphere. The background is red, the music is demonic, the faces of the handball players seem to be fighting, but in fact they are filled with anger and the worst things. As if a demon possessed them, or rather showed its face.

      1. so they appealed to faith, but...demonic

    3. This film terrified me. One thing puzzles me, namely whether the athletes appearing in the film were used and abused like marionettes, that is, without awareness of what they are participating in, or whether they consciously entered into the roles assigned to them.

      1. I think they're unaware, but who knows, nothing will surprise me anymore

        1. If not consciously, this is an example of how far and how easily human emotions can be manipulated, and thus attitudes towards other people. Actually, I won't be surprised if Catholics "in defense of the only right faith and homeland" attack Muslims and start cutting off their heads. Massacre.

    4. rosary and a Marian amulet - we are supposedly one of the most Marian nations, a kind of Mexico of Europe.

      NEVER does the Word of God recommend having Mary as part of the Christian armor or anything like that....

      1. PS google transaltor interestingly translates "saved" (saved) - also to "saved",
        The record makes sense because it refers to the "book of life."
        kind regards to all

  3. Good suggestion with this special prayer against spiritual adultery, against the leading millions astray by the supremacy of the Queen of Heaven aka Mary. Let us curse her in the name of Jesus Christ. In practically every prayer I ask the Lord to free Poles from the yoke of Catholicism, to expose its filth.

    1. What an exemplary positive doggedness. Relentlessness

  4. We need to organize a mass prayer action against the Queen of Heaven, probably other Christians have already come up with this, so let's pray fervently that God will stop this and that He will show all the worshippers of the Queen of Heaven - demon, Isis, Ishtar that all idols are nothing compared to the One God YHWH and His Son Jesus Christ!

  5. Sport is to be played, not watched. Without sweat during physical activity there is no health, just as without the heat of prayer (evangelism) during spiritual activity there is no salvation.

    1. That's exactly my approach. I prefer to cultivate. Now are the times that 99% is watching and that's while eating chips, alcohol, etc.

  6. Janusz Korwin-Mikke: we are threatened with a world war at any moment!

  7. "We, Zadrużni" - Goreją Wici, no. 1, 1944.

    1. Poles, paralyzed by Catholicism, have complexes towards the West, which no longer exists, because it died poisoned by leftist (Luciferian) ideas.

  8. It's just a shame that our Lord didn't help Croatia in the match against Muslim Germany....

    1. As far as I know, the entire German government as well as Merkel are German.
      Besides, the patroness of Poland is a certain Queen of Heaven (Mother of God).
      You shall have no other gods before me

    "There was a time when the pope was given almost divine veneration. Cardinal Josef Ratzinger, in one of his theological works, quotes a 17th-century text that was submitted to converts to Catholicism in Hungary. "We confess that the Most Holy Pope should be venerated by all with divine honor, with a greater kneeling than that due to Christ himself." Elsewhere in the text were these words: "We confess that the Roman Pontiff has the power to make changes in the Sacred Scriptures, at his will he may enlarge or reduce them."

  10. Continuation? Germany are beating the Spaniards hard now 21:13 52nd minute of play. I take it this is a reward for accepting refugees and having a good heart? Who would have expected Germany to beat the Spanish so easily.

  11. And what if this match was supposed to be a warning from God to the Poles: the handball players entrusted Poland to Mary and lost, if you entrust Poland to her again at the youth congress, you will also lose!

    1. Exactly, he just has a text ready about it

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