Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Will children also be captured during the kidnapping?

Today, while writing a completely different article, I came across in the Book of Numbers the answer to the above question that I receive from time to time in emails or comments.



Rev. Numbers 14

(22) All who have seen My glory and My signs that I acted in Egypt and in the wilderness, and have put Me to the test ten times already and did not listen to my voice, (23) these will not see the country I promised under oath to their fathers. None of those who have despised Me will see it. (24) Only to my servant Caleb, who, animated by another spirit, showed me full obedience, I will permit to enter the land which he has already traversed, and to his descendants I will give possession of it."


It speaks of the Promised Land, which is also a metaphor for the Kingdom of God in heaven.

Who will not make it into the kingdom of God?

One who did not listen to the voice of God.

The one who despised him.

One who did not obey God.


Now the central issue of this text. Quote from the Septuagint:


"For all these people, who though they have seen my glory and the wonderful signs done by me in Egypt and in the wilderness, have already put me to the test ten times, not listening to my voice, will not see this countrywhich I swore under oath to their fathers, but withOnly their children, who are here with me and do not yet know the difference between right and wrong, and each is in his adolescence, without full awareness yet, will see. To these I will give this country back."


In a moment someone will probably ask the question what is the limit of this youthful age?


At the age of thirteen, the boy reached physical maturity and was henceforth obligated to keep the provisions of the Law.



Updated: 13 January 2016 — 16:08


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  1. I heard that an Israelite man matured, or rather became a man, at about 30 years of age and was then able to marry and provide for his entire family. Where did you get this information about this age? And the question of whether this is about physical maturity or mental maturity, because physical maturity does not always mean awareness of the difference between good and evil.

    1. This matter belongs to God. Knowing his goodness, I think that the handicapped will also be included in this number. As for the age, I don't know if it wasn't somewhere in the priesthood when a boy became an adult and went to the temple. Then I'll look for it and I'll tell you because I'm cooking dinner and cleaning.

      1. ooo tj husband example. The wife is fine with you 🙂 .
        it's all blown over.
        As if someone would have read such a comment from 50 years ago, they might have had suspicions about the orientation 🙂

      2. aha mr thunder,
        Do you catch a meeting in Kielce? Friday evening for example?

        1. I took Friday night off. I texted you on Facebook...

  2. So what do you think, admin, that if a child is bad, etc., nowadays children of 13 years old already smoke and have sex, even some such person will enter the kingdom of God? Because a poor child and is unaware?

    1. Priest, I just found a certain quote. Now the question of establishing a biblical age of entry into consciousness.
      It is not what I believe, but what is written in God's Word.
      If you are 12 years old, you have nothing to be afraid of. You still have a year left to transform 🙂 .

      1. Ok. But where in the Bible is this age limit of 13 specified?

  3. In the Gospel it is written that the husband sanctifies the wife and the wife sanctifies the husband. So the faith of one parent is enough for the child to be holy to God, but if neither parent has faith, then the child is unclean. We don't understand a lot of things... This subject is difficult... God does not work in a schematic way and He is also merciful.

    1. Fortunately, we will not be the ones to judge

  4. I recommend an interesting video on rapture, it answers many questions.

    1. We've been through this dozens of times. Angelika will probably be happy because it's her favourite thing to catch after WU.

      I described this forum flick, so I'll quote myself:

      "I watched the end of that film of those messianic Jews again.

      They rely on the Corner, Noah, Lot that all the good ones have left.
      Yes, it makes sense, but after the 1000 year reign, because when will there be a harvest? Not during WU...

      As for the Great Tribulation, in my opinion, if even the rapture is not before the WU, what will happen is what happened in Egypt when the Israelites during God's Wrath (plagues) were protected by the blood of a lamb.

      Let us also remember that since the ascension of the Lord Jesus, it is His church, the people are the temple of the Holy Spirit, and so supernatural things can happen, such as this:

      App 12

      And she gave birth to a Son - a Man,
      Who shall feed all nations with a rod of iron.
      And her child was taken to God
      And to His throne.
      6 And the woman ran away into the wilderness,
      Where he has a place prepared by God,
      That she be fed there for one thousand two hundred and sixty days.

      And when the Dragon saw that he was cast down to the earth,
      He began to pursue the woman who gave birth to the man.
      14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle,
      to fly to her place in the desert,
      Where it is nourished by time and times and half the time,
      Away from the Snake.
      15 And the serpent after the woman let out his throat
      water like a river,
      To be carried away by the river.
      16 But the earth came to the aid of the woman
      and the earth opened its throat,
      And swallowed up the river that the Dragon from his throat had released.
      17 And the dragon was angry with the woman,
      and left to start a fight with the rest of her brood,
      with those who keep the commandments of God
      And they have the testimony of Jesus.
      18 And he stood on the sand [by the shore] of the sea.

      Just as the Israelites were saved so will some Christians be saved. In my opinion, that remainder will be Catholics."

      a lot of nonsense, but it propnns it even wider and more professional teaching:

      1. I don't understand anything

        I am just trying to get caught up in Revelation, do you also have this view of the Woman? That the mention of one o applies to the Krk? I am reading from this link...

        1. I don't understand anything

          After reading this I just got confused, after all the pope is already officially deceived as is the whole krk, and I guess the author doesn't know that Jews are not Judeans. Please provide some links explaining who the Woman might be, because I'm confused.

        2. Hey,
 - do you see the Marian figure that goes into the tribulation here? (there is a similar picture in "pet goat") tiatyr - "her children I will kill etc", this represents the krk in light of this

  5. Hahahaha well unfortunately I have a lot more hehe . I would like to have 12 ! with god but interesting post I must say Mr Peter 🙂 .

  6. Raising children is very hard work. I don't know how it relates to rapture/salvation, but actually children are raised until they start to be teenagers, once they are teenagers we only reap the fruits of our hard work, so something age 12 is.
    Of course, afterwards you can talk to children, but do they listen....

  7. I have found.
    This is how our God speaks on this subject.
    Leviticus 27:1-8
    1 The LORD continued speaking to Moses: 2 "Speak to the Israelites and say to them, If anyone wants to fulfill a vow, according to your estimation of a person before the LORD, 3 you shall estimate it this way: if it is a man between the ages of twenty and sixty, it shall be estimated at fifty shekels of silver by weight from the tabernacle. 4 As for the woman, she shall be estimated at thirty shekels. 5 As for the youths between the ages of five and twenty, the boy shall be estimated at twenty shekels, and the girl at ten shekels. 6 As for children between the ages of one month and five years, a boy will be estimated at five shekels of silver, and a girl at three shekels of silver. 7 As for elderly people from sixty years of age and upward, a man will be estimated at fifteen shekels and a woman at ten shekels. 8 But if someone is so poor that he cannot pay according to your estimate, he shall place the person who has vowed before the priest, and the priest shall estimate it. According to the ability of the one who has vowed, the priest shall estimate it.

    So we become adults at age 20.

    Friday I would love to but I have a work day. I'll try to swap with someone tomorrow and I'll let you know by noon, but I'm sure I'll work something out.

  8. I have heard it said that saved persons, possessing the Holy Spirit, newly born, are children of God and belong to the Kingdom of God, but if they are not baptized with water baptism, did not want to be baptized despite being aware of this command, then they do not belong to the bride, and if there is a rapture, these persons will not be raptured. If I have not twisted anything, this is analogous to the situation in (Genesis 3:14 1-8). In short, the situation of a leper can be compared to a sinner. It was only after being cleansed in water that the leper could enter the camp, and there is an analogy here to a sinner who repents, and after baptism, joins the church/bride.

  9. Today America again unsuccessfully wanted to start a war they sent two boats to the Persian Gulf hoping that Iran will be dragged into the war unfortunately it did not work, thank you for your prayers that these devils did not succeed! I have just heard that sanctions will be lifted from Iran on Friday.

    1. I don't know if it's a matter of prayers because see.What if we prayed for peace all the time and God would listen to us? We would live in this horrible world indefinitely.Christians should rather pray for the coming of Christ as soon as possible.Besides, as we read in the Gospel, God has his time and only he knows about that time.
      In fact, the U.S. is constantly provoking Iran.

  10. You are not to keep on asking for grace and peace, and what God has in store for you is of no interest to you; leave to God what is divine, leave to God, and what is human, leave to men; you are to keep on living with all your might and smiling at people, for you are not alone, not to wait for Jesus to come and talk every day about how much there is left to the Tribulation and war, it's pointless to pray to God to have mercy on the world. 20,000 people are enough to prevent a war of 20,000 people!!!

  11. Speaking of children, more KRK dirt is coming out on the believers: And actually the term "filth: is too weak. These are monstrosities, this cruelty, this abomination.

  12. And I saw somewhere controversial information about a vision - that children from mothers' wombs disappeared too, aliens attacked etc.

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