Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Alieni and the Zywiec commercial.

The ¯ywiec group has created a commercial with an alien in the lead role. It is supposed to convince Americans of the

Or just for beer?



Updated: 8 January 2016 — 09:37


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  1. This is the portrayal of the fallen as friendly beings to us....

    1. He may or may not have been a product/figure of the secret service. Such a safety valve to regulate the level of social pressure. One can see similarities with Zirinowski/Walesa in him.

  2. They blocked that ad, I think.

  3. This is my little statement. To be a recognized and influential person in the world one must unfortunately be a devil worshipper....

    1. In the anti-cancer commercial where Stuhr appears there are such words "do not bow before pain"
      pain - pain in the movie hellraiser representing legion, bull - bull, devil, etc (see this video at my place about Pleiades symbolism)
      NO bowing 😀

  4. Detmold is right, UFOpropaganda continues at its best. Somewhere in the middle of last year there was even a statement by a papal priest-astronomer that he would gladly "baptize a representative of an alien civilization if asked. Personally, I am inclined to believe that fallen ones ("aliens") will play an important role in the final deception. Like many militant atheists, they believe in the non-existence of the Lord Jesus, and in the existence of alien life forms that evolved on some distant planet, possibly a parallel universe, billions of years after the Big Bang. Many have come to believe that, oh, the ufols dropped by on earth, played gods and left us to die, but promised to return someday. And Jesuit astronomers are rubbing their hands with glee that Erich von Daeniken's theories are held in much higher regard than the teachings of Jesus Christ.

    And it seems that Zywiec should also be boycotted, right? I don't mind, but their white wheat beer is really good. I think it's worth supporting a regional brewery rather than big corporations. There was even a regional brewery, I think it was Ciechan or Bojan, which was targeted by homosexuals, but I don't remember what it was about.

    Oh, and by the way, I was once again amused by an article about drinking alcohol thrown in recently by ChristianNews (to me, it's actually already a more parodic site given what they publish): - these reasons caused quite a stir on Facebook as well. I may leave this article without comment 🙂 ...

    1. Atheists have many gaps which they try to plug with evolution or aliens

    2. "ufo" seems to me to be hidden in the Bible under the term "chariots", will show this in the next video

  5. and this text from Revelation "as if frogs "

    Revelation 16:13

    "(13) And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet;

    (14) And these are the miracle-working spirits of demons who go to the kings of the whole world to gather them for war on that great day of God Almighty."

    Ufolk and their standard depiction reminds me of a frog

    1. They remind me more of owls with their big black eyes and round heads. And right here in Bohemian Grove, the Freemasons worship the great owl...

      1. Type into google , "grey aliens".
        In my opinion, after going through many materials about them, I found that they are interdimensional beings. They are able to materialize, pass through walls, etc. Lord Jesus was also able to pass through walls and eat a piece of fish with his apostles after his resurrection. I think that the so called gray aliens are these unclean spirits, children of Nephilim or even fallen angels, although I would be more inclined to think that they are simply demons. Very often you also hear about the so-called Reptilians or creatures with a human stature but with strong reptilian elements. Some time ago I watched a video in which a guy talked about how a few people took a particular drug used by some people in South America to contact with "Gods". And in fact after taking this drug most of them saw unimaginable things! They described that they saw snake-like creatures and also these gray "aliens".
        They were terrified, the serpentine creature screamed that they would never leave. After a while, it all went away.

        1. Nowhere is it written that Jesus ate fish. He was probably a vegetarian, just like Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Henoch!

          1. (41) But when they were still unbelieving with joy and full of wonder, he said to them: Have you anything to eat here? (42) They gave him a piece of roasted fish. (43) He took it and ate in the presence of them.

            St. Luke 24

            1. It is quite remarkable that this is emphasized in this way in this passage. But something doesn't add up. I am not questioning the Gospel in any way, nor have I ever been a vegetarian, nor am I trying to push any theory; but it can be said without a doubt that there are people today as well as in the past who may have wanted to falsify and add to certain passages... Why was the fish promoted as a symbol of the first Christians? I have reason to believe that God's first covenant with mankind was to forbid the killing of any living thing, eating, and this is supported by the Bible! Do you know anything about this? Wait 2 or 3 days and I will send you all the material I have on this subject. It's a matter worth investigating. By the way, can I know if you personally eat meat?

              1. "That God's first covenant with mankind was precisely to forbid the killing of any living thing, eating, and this is a thesis supported by the content of the Bible!"

                This was destroyed by man's sin and will not return until after the millennial kingdom, when judgment will take place and death will be wiped out completely in the lake of fire and all old things will pass away.

                "By the way, can we know if you personally eat meat yourself?"

                I eat but only if I hunt it myself 😉

                1. Glory to Allah, then! Since man broke the vegetarian covenant and death arose, it means that the forbidden fruit eaten in Eden was an animal! The Lord God has always been an enemy of death, so He probably never demanded blood sacrifices from His people. When He left the Ark, He immediately sacrificed blood animals after He had saved them. It is possible that someone messed up here. as I promised, I will send you something interesting, just stop the cycle of work 🙂 Godspeed!

  6. This all-encompassing pursuit of matter, which is supposed to cover and fill the spiritual void, is in fact directed against humanity... The enemies of mankind have a lot of fun when the human race fights each other for the latest technological wonders or other fillers of inner deadness... This magma (not even a group of individuals) will gladly accept the son of perdition...

  7. Andrew lepper was very uncomfortable because he had the right to rule and had documents that could destroy the elite of the Second Republic and they had to stop him. Interestingly, in his house there was an open window, although he had air conditioning and scaffolding just ended at his window.

    1. Priest, have you seen the movie "Special Services"? It shows how Lepper could die - a WSI colonel made him commit suicide, and what's interesting, later the colonel converts to Catholicism (he was an atheist), so from one swamp to another... I recommend watching this movie to see who really rules Poland and they are not politicians from the front pages of newspapers

  8. Palnar provide a link to this video in its entirety .

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