Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The Vatican on the Bible through the ages.

As you can see below, the Bible is a very dangerous book for this satanic organization that the apocalypse calls "harlotry."


Rome had for centuries forbidden the reading of the Bible and built its doctrine on Tradition, which often contradicted the Bible. To keep these things from coming to light, the Bible was locked away from the people. Here are examples:
- The so-called. Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085) declared to the King of Bohemia:
"It pleased the Lord God, and pleases him still today, that the Scriptures should remain
unknown, so that it does not lead people into error;
- Toulouse Cathedral In 1229, he issued the first ban on reading the Bible;
- The so-called. Pope Gregory IX (1227-1241) issued a ban on reading the Bible in general;
- In 1622, the so-called. Pope Gregory XV prohibits Catholics from reading the Bible.
Then the `Catholic Church' forbids its distribution;
- In 1634 Catholic synod in Warsaw issues a statement that the independent
Bible reading is inspired by Satan himself. This position
is approved by the so-called Pope;
- The so-called. Popes Innocent XI (1676-1689), Clement XI (1700-1721) i Clement
XIII (1750-1769) prohibited the people from reading the Bible;
- Gregory XVI (1831-1846) called Bible societies a universal plague;
- Pius IX called the Bible "poison";
- Leo XIII issued a list of prohibited books in 1897 (Index librorum
prohibitorUm) and it also includes the Bible, if it is translated into
native language;
- Council of Trent (1545-1563) does not recognize Scripture as the only and
the sufficient source of divine revelation and the supreme criterion of truth. To
The canon of the Bible adds 7 books, considered so far as apocryphal
(The Reformers rightly did not include them in the canon of the Bible)




Updated: 20 December 2015 — 18:17


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  1. For this reason, among others, I hope that soon the Vatican (Harlot) will be destroyed, and I hope that then many Catholics will see what Catholicism really is.

  2. Yes Palnar, let us hope so. Unfortunately, the result of the destruction of the "unbelievers" may be the complete departure of people from God.... Therefore, we must be active and loving Christians 🙂 .

    1. You talk to a Catholic and tell him that the Vatican is going to be destroyed, he answers that he will believe it only when he sees it with his own eyes and it is possible that many Catholics will see that KK is not the only true church but the opposite.

  3. Well something is going to happen, according to my knowledge from tomorrow very serious things will happen and 23-01.01.2016 in this range somehow a nuclear attack on the U.S., but this is not certain at 100%, so according to observations of the situation in the world palnar, but will it be at 100%? I think only God knows.

  4. Unfortunately, the bad reputation of the Catholic Church in people's minds is mostly transferred to ... God, an aversion to divine matters and spirituality in general is born,
    kk propaganda: kk is Jesus = as if to say PO= Poland, Poles

  5. Adi when could you translate these videos 3? One lasts 5 minutes your friend mark ; D and the other two also about the same.

  6. Every now and then in recent years flocks of extinct animals, birds, whales etc. are found and it is not just a matter of environmental pollution, it is also a sign

  7. Various devil worshippers want to destroy the children of God...To that end they have made elaborate plans that will be thwarted by the King of kings JESUS CHRIST.

  8. Paweł_Misiaszek_CCH

    It all adds up. Recently there was a thread about the Templars - I used to read a lot about another order - the Teutonic Order. My city (Chelmno on the Vistula river) was once considered the capital of the Teutonic state and in general this topic used to interest me a lot:

    "Scholars dealing with the history of the Order of the Teutonic Knights Hospitaller of the German House in Jerusalem agree that the Teutonic rule gave priority to worldly matters. The religious community was governed by laws designed to make its members disciplined and tough warriors rather than contemplative and ascetic monks.
    The spiritual life of Teutons was very poor. Religious duties were limited to saying "Our Father" several times a day. Knights did not read the breviary because they were illiterate and until the middle of the 15th century could not learn to read and write without special permission of the Grand Master. The intellectual and moral qualities of candidates to the order were never a concern for those receiving them. The new friars were supposed to learn the Our Father and I believe in God during the novitiate, which lasted six months, so apparently not all of them knew them. However, in the second half of the thirteenth century the obligation of the novitiate was abolished. Moreover, the Teutonic Knights, like the Knights Templar and the Order of Montjoye, had papal privileges that allowed them to admit to the order people punished by the Church for robbery, rape and other crimes. Teutonic priests could also grant absolution to brothers who, before taking their vows, had committed murder, attacked Christians, or even burned churches. Thus, the only criterion was, in practice, absolute submission to the orders of superiors and adoption of strict military discipline."___Andrzej Nowakowski, On the Troops of the Order of the Hospital of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the German House in Jerusalem, called the Teutonic Knights - pp. 32-33

    It is worth remembering that in the Teutonic Knights, as opposed to the Knights of St John or the Knights Templar, a knight could only be a noble born citizen of the German Empire.

  9. Babylonian Prostitute from the Biblical Book of Revelation-Vatican City,Catholic Church

  10. Has it happened yet?
    "Catholicism is not Christianity" - briefly about the Pope, priests, etc.

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