Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The false and true antichrist.

More and more everything from time to time ends up falling into place for me.

After watching the new part and Star Wars "The Force Awakens", I am almost 100% sure that first there will be a fake antichrist and then the real one.

The video shows the New World Order, what is currently on many truth-telling websites. Including a very well known site that deals with "exposing the NWO (New World Order) "world league". The world league wants to fight the NWO while at the same time having New Age mottoes.


Is my (not only) thesis supported by the Bible?


Of course in Matthew's little apocalypse, which I call chapter 24 of this gospel.


"'Behold, it is in the wilderness,' do not go there; 'Behold, inside the house,' do not believe! 27 For as the lightning flashes in the east and shines as far as the west, so shall it be with the coming of the Son of Man. 28 Where there is carrion, there also the vultures will gather."


There will be talk of Jesus and now it is too early for that.


The sequence, in my opinion, will be this: a crisis like the one during which Hitler came to power. Then some despot a la Hitler will appear.

First, in many sciene fiction movies there is the same scenario: a despot ruling the world (the false antichrist) and two words defining where the real antichrist will come from: "resistance movement". Do we know such a concept as "resistance"? There have already been revolutions, there was solidarity in Poland, and everything was staged according to the Hegelian dialectic: some argue with others being the same side of the coin in order to maintain the same system.

In Poland we had communists and solidarity in real socialism. After the "collapse" of real socialism, commonly called "communism", the Third Republic was created. The problem is that it was created by the same people as during real socialism, plus a supposed "opposition". They are all of known origin.




Walesa with Isis on his jacket lapel. At the back Michnik, Geremek.






Kaczynski, Walesa.


This time it will probably be the case that perhaps the false antichrist will come even from the right-wing circles a la Orban, Korwin Mikke. They first create the problem, which they later solve themselves.

Literally like in the days of Hitler. Now we have the same climate: PIS party promoting national socialism. A great foundation for the NWO of a country with 39 million inhabitants.


In the new part of Star Wars is shown someone a la furher. Even the symbols, the colors are identical. The speech of a tyrant like Hitler.




I did very well to copy the super vision of the apocalypse 2 years ago, which has already been removed from the source page:



Doesn't this look familiar?




According to it, the Third Reich will be reborn. The author is wrong about one thing. The ruler of the world will not be the true antichrist.




In the video below we have the same thing. They're showing us what's to come, and I'm pretty sure that's how the world will turn out.


In the video, they show how countries get along on a global level, like in the daniel's prophecy of 7 years of peace.

It is from the resistance that the real antichrist will come forth. If something starts, don't get caught up in any war. Into any resistance movement. It will be a controlled resistance movement.


This year I was at the cinema for a movie with a similar scenario:


Do we now understand why some pastors and "Christian" politicians are urging us to own guns and fight?

So that's already a minimum of 4 items relating to the dictator and the resistance.


The latest installment of Star Wars concludes with Luke Skywalker finding the last Jedi knight who can destroy the New Order.....

The question is, who will have this power after the false collapse of the NWO in reality? A new race of masters.

Updated: 19 December 2015 — 15:01


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  1. So now there will be a dictatorship and it will be overthrown by a "resistance movement" from which the Antichrist will emerge to create a "new and better world"?
    A little off topic, but while analyzing the Hymn of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth I came across something interesting:
    "He fell chopped into pieces.
    The heavens have worked a new miracle,
    For by his power the Heavenly Physician
    His quartered body
    The precocious have joined together again in one."
    The hymn refers to a certain Stanislaus of Szczepanów, but this story is identical to the Egyptian myth of Osiris, who was quartered by his brother Seth, who threw his remains into the Nile.Isis (ISIS), Osiris' wife, asked Sobek, the god of the waters, to put Osiris "back together" and resurrect him.Could it be that the authors of this hymn were based on this myth?

  2. On the subject of sightseeing:

    The material is only for believers with nerves of steel. To the newly awakened, not born again, it could seriously mess with your head. And my suspicion is that the ultimate goal is to make the masses believe that humans were created by "good aliens" (i.e. fallen ones) and the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ is an "evil alien" who is going to invade the earth, ergo we need to unite, form a world army and defend the planet together with these good ufols. OK, maybe I've drifted a little too far....

    1. Well no, they have twisted everything to suit their needs and yet they rely on the apocryphal gospels.

      " That Jesus may have had a wife was reported in the apocryphal gospels 1500 years before Dan Brown. However, a translation of one of the Old Pentateuchal writings found by Van den Broek presents a slightly higher level of absurdity. It implies that Jesus may have been a shape-shifting being." An even higher level of deception if you can call it that :-/

      There are already channeling messages from a being who claims to be Jesus....

      It's not going in the right direction. But things are slowly coming together.

      1. You know I think the problem with people uploading such material to their site or blog is purely that they don't believe in the inspiration and (for lack of a better term) extraterrestrial Source of its content and thus it's harder to take a little naughty kid's lollipop than it is to deceive them. They are as vulnerable to wolves as infants and don't even suspect it. They have no compass. They are blind and deaf and thus pitiable in their ignorance. If only Jesus Christ had revealed to them that He, not men, is the author of the Bible... It would therefore be a truism to say that this Other Medium is a deceptive site. Just in case, however, I write this as a warning. Similarly obvious is the observation that these kinds of pathetic revelations supposedly about Jesus are appearing with increasing frequency. Sure, the real - in the sense that the greatest - deception is yet to come, but it is already apparent that the ground for the ultimate demonic heresy is so fertile that the elite and especially their principals could begin as early as this writing. As you wrote, all the pieces of the puzzle are jumping into place at a truly intimidating pace, which was mainly made clear to me by barely a few months of reading The Truth Detective. Probably according to God the Father's will, this is not the time. Not yet. Stay tuned...

  3. But it's all confusing...May God lend us the gift of discernment.

    1. It is clear that this is all about the Jews (the tribe of vipers), that they are the "master race". The Bible itself confirms this, as do the protocols and the interview with H.W. Rosethal.

    2. I also think it's all getting more and more confusing. I think that soon something will happen that will turn the world upside down. Only God knows what it will be.

  4. Such are the times of the end, widespread disinformation, leading more and more new revelations, variants, information noise in order to arouse in people more and more confusion, so that they no longer discern where the truth lies. Then it is easier for deception.

    1. I am of the opinion Aldona that "variants" is the key word in your comment. People cannot imagine that in the matter of faith and, above all, salvation there are no variants. For them it is "intolerance," because even such a pope organizes ecumenical meetings, giving the example that many roads lead to God, that there are thousands of variants. And here suddenly some anonymous person on the street dares to claim that the Pope is lying and that there is only one Way. The fact that it is very clearly written in the Bible either does not matter to them or is an insufficient argument.

  5. The 7-year peace or 5th Era will begin in a year or two at the most.

    1. About the step you mean 23.12?

    What do you guys think of this site?
    There, too, much is written about the end times.

    1. you know brother, no one is going to read the whole site.

      Please summarize what it excels at.

  7. We Christians are often accused of disliking or even denying the world. But how can we not feel disgust for it knowing the truth about it?

    1. Exactly, Detmold- what you have seen, you cannot "unsee", and what you have understood, you have understood once and for all. It's hard then to put on a brave face and fool yourself that even though things are bad in the world, the corruption in my street/neighbourhood/city is still not that bad. Such enclaves (probably) don't exist, so how not to feel resentment towards the world which has been in the clutches of Satan for thousands of years?

    2. Christians are hated by everyone for trying to be faithful to God the Father and Jesus Christ. We are the worst enemy to this world.

      1. The enemy is probably the greatest for those who are spiritually more aware (occultists, new age), because for the unaware majority I think we are just a bunch of naive people who believe in some invisible world...

        1. It's just that this uninformed majority is under their influence....

          1. For people who live in this world, people without money and power are (delete as appropriate) to be mocked, ridiculed, reviled...

  8. Faith in God brings life, while religion puts man to death.

    1. religion is a word-drawer which, like the Nazi stickers on Jews, is used by atheists to deny God's truths in a general way

  9. National Bank of Poland Despair and human tragedies This is what Satan's system looks like....

    1. detmold, I wrote you an email.

  10. The man who wrote this article must have been shitless for months

    1. This is the height of your intellectual powers?

      maybe some more fruit from watching YTubers

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