Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

If you're worried, go to God

He wrote the text on our Krzysztof (Blackberry from Szczecin :-))



For a long time, I have been thinking of quotes, proverbs that my grandmother and great-grandmother used to tell me and my brothers when I was a child, to this day my grandmother reminds me of these things, these thoughts for the past few days are a little insistent, apparently I have to write about it :) As you know, for a certain period of time, the Word of God was inaccessible, or accessible to not many who knew Latin, Greek, as you know, the Word of God in the early days was transmitted verbally among the poorest, because many people could not write or read, the Word of God was transmitted from mouth to mouth, through many generations, and now I would very much like to remind you of these proverbs and quotations, or phraseologies, that make me think,Namely, this is irrefutable proof that we are as a country a people one of the tribes of Israel, to this day they have tried to destroy all evidence, and they almost succeeded in doing so Paper can be easily destroyed, and all evidence, but no one in the world will succeed in destroying what is written in our hearts from long ago, and this is what my parents and grandparents told me, I guarantee you that you have encountered this in your homes because this was passed on to us even before 966. :)

-Without God, no way.
-As Cuba to God, so God to Cuba.
-when in trouble, go to God.
-he who gets up in the morning, the Lord gives to him.
-Man thinks God makes, though at home I used to say man plans God crucifies :)
-guest at home,-God at home.
-God is not harsh, but just.
-God keep watch.
-often in the army during the shooting when I want to shoot a five, I repeat, a soldier shoots, but God carries a bullet :)
-wam girls I'll tell you how many times you've heard from your family friends, may God reward you with children :) A woman who had no children was viewed a little differently in the old days, while one who had children, which meant a lot that God blessed her, was a wonderful mother.
For the young people studying I would say yes:
-Nothing to learn who does not seek God.
-the greedy one loses twice.
-curiosity is the first degree to hell.
-the devil is not so terrible as he is painted.
This has been a common occurrence at my house, and look, even though they don't read God's Word, these laws are written in their hearts in the form of oral proverbs. :) The meaning of these proverbs many of you know, and ask if this younger generation knows the meaning of what was said.

I found these things on the internet, at home they are rarely repeated, but what beautiful things they are :)
-Good wife,a pearl dear,given from God Himself (I have such a pearl,and I know that God intervened in our meeting,and to think that I once treated this pearl not as I should,I thank God today for this flower)
-He who honors his parents, God grants him happiness. (see if this is not synonymous with honor thy father and thy mother) :)
-How many times in your life have you heard, "Do not do unto others as you would have them do unto you?
- it's like God's in heaven
-the sudden is the devil.
-when one is in a hurry, the devil rejoices.
-or remember how Jesus said leave the dead to bury their dead,-and you've heard the proverb:
-God Gave,God Took- was to comfort someone or oneself after the death of a loved one.

If you are interested in the meaning and a number of proverbs and quotations, phraseological compounds, I refer to the pages from which I also drew a little because I have not heard all of these proverbs:, or przysł
on the internet you can find the meaning of these great proverbs and wise advice of our fathers, mothers, grandfathers :)

further proof of the law written on our hearts, i think it's thick proof of who we are, even though i am saddened because our idolatry has robbed us of many of God's blessings, even though God would pour them out upon us in abundance.

I wonder what you think about it? I think it would be a good idea to include in this post just such old proverbs heard from parents, grandparents and not the new ones that are invented by modern thinkers :)









Updated: 13 December 2015 — 21:04


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  1. Many of these proverbs were quite often repeated in the house of my grandparents and parents, it was also common once when leaving the house to say "stay with God, and the other side answered "go with God":)

  2. Guest in the house God in the house

  3. "Stay with God/Bozius" while ending each phone call.
    If someone sneezes, another wishes him, "God grant you health", and the sneezer, of course, replies: "God bless you" 🙂 My grandmother also often says: "he who is ashamed of his mother's father, the Lord God abhors".
    "Whom the Lord God loves, he smites" or "to him he crosses". And many of the above mentioned in the post, I heard often at home and still do 🙂 .
    Thank you Christopher for this post, I heartily smiled while reading it 🙂 I love my family very much.<3

    1. A man passing by those working in the fields would say: "God bless you" and in response he would hear "God bless you".
      People used to be closer to God and each other. Used, it's a shame to talk 🙁

      1. Exactly right. I remember that "happy birthday" too 🙂 .

  4. And if you're poor, it's off to the banker...Unfortunately, that's often the case....

  5. In the 1950s, 1960s, the ..,
    In simple, poor homes, the walls were decorated with moccasins - usually white cloths with embroidered
    handwritten proverbs, golden thoughts. A lot of these
    inscriptions had references to God, not all, but one such embroidered with patterned
    in letters I remember to this day:

    "Where love and joy reign,
    there happiness builds its nest"

    The Creator to every man, but to every man without exception wrote "such doodles" in the soul, in the heart,
    It's only up to you what you do with this record. And it got sentimental.
    and nostalgic, but at least with GOD!

  6. "The devil covered with his tail" - how something was lost.

    My grandfather used to say a poem like this:
    "Puer iuvenes amorem seized,
    puellam pulcheriam gave compliments.
    Vidit him pater, cepit him by the ear,
    ora et labora, don't fly by the nines."

  7. Let the will of heaven be done, we must always agree with it.

    1. i.e. in the park of miniatures

  8. I was very pleased to read you,but I was not mistaken in our homes since the dawn of time we have always been close to our beloved Father ☺ thank you for the beautiful examples,Klaudia thank you for the good word ☺ and Peter for adding the article to his blog,Peter JEżyna from Szczecin,I can even be a liliput from mazur ☺

    1. and you know why Jezyna from Szczecin?

  9. I fear that such sayings are disappearing from the language and dramatically fast. Most young people have an increasingly impoverished vocabulary. Recently I was surprised how middle school students were unfamiliar with the phrase "in other words" and said it sounded silly. Diana's poem probably none of them would have understood. The sayings in this post sound archaic to them. And are 18- to 20-year-old parents brought up on Eska TV and youtubers able to convey them?

    1. This is all a result of the Americanization of popular culture and collective life....

  10. I read Krzysztof's text first and then your comments and I came to the conclusion that we were also deprived of this by going with the word current of the world, or rather the sewage, eliminating embarrassing sayings with God in the background.

    Thank you Krzysi for bringing up the topic.

    So I propose to reintroduce these sayings into our vocabulary and let this be our nationwide action.
    This is also a subtle way of marking our faith without falling into the image of jehovahs. Let us fight with the weapon of harlotry - tradition!!!
    Because it's been said for a long time....

  11. 'God gave,God took-it was to comfort someone or oneself after the death of a loved one.'

    by the way, my grandmother has it written on her tombstone

  12. I remember those poppies that celery wrote about, there were some in my family home and my grandparents. Actually most of them were talking about God.
    When we left for school we would say to our parents: stay with God, our parents would reply: go with God. There were many such sayings, no one was ashamed of their faith, of God himself.
    Today it is very difficult to talk about God, we (the converts) who are the salt of the earth, we should proclaim God at all costs, but do we always have the courage to do it?
    Thanks Christopher for raising this issue.
    With God Dear . xx

  13. Okay come on Peter what does blackberry from szczecin mean ☺ think about what you want to write because I know where you live you sent me a book ☺ ha ha ha,thanks everyone for the good word I didn't know you guys would like it so much,☺ the initiative to speak like you used to with these proverbs I think is fantastic ☺

    1. "think about what you want to write because I know where you live you sent me a book"

      Christopher I run 5km twice a week. You wouldn't even catch me 🙂 .

      You've got Christopher the vegetable:

  14. Relax I won't chase you, I know about traps I'll wait masked where you run, before that I'll check the route you run and how often you change it to another ☺ hahaha how about that? ☺ just kidding thanks for the video.

    1. I'll be in disguise as this gentleman, then:


  15. Undoubtedly, we are being subtly Americanized (although this is more of an abbreviation to describe foreign cultural influences in general), and the young generation does not see any danger in it, unreflectively neutering Polish speech while imitating the worst of it. It is enough to listen to the youth slang - it is a linguistic trash. I was once amazed to read about how many expressions from the prison dialect had infiltrated it. Someone who tries not to speak like that, or swear, and still use "God's" phraseology must sound strange and old-fashioned to them. And the Bible clearly says that what comes out of the mouth defiles a person. I am of the opinion that it is relatively easy to see from such rotten fruit, from such language, which tree we are dealing with. After all, does someone who uses the filthy argot of criminals and "k..." as a comma without thinking bear good fruit? For such people the "ordinary" greeting "God bless you" is a laughable, sanctimonious text good for "mohairs" and such reasoning is inherited by the next generation, which simply does not have a chance to hear certain expressions from their parents. And of course I do not mean only the so-called pathological families. How good that His second coming is getting closer to put an end to this degeneration!

  16. Now I remember how one of the cabarets ridiculed the name Bo¿ydar as archaic. Such names are beautiful - Bożydar, Bogumiła, Boguchwała

  17. In our country the greeting to those working in the fields was "God help you" and the response was "God bless you" or in a shortened version "God help you", "God bless you".

    1. We are lost somewhere, now it is a disgrace to use sayings, proverbs with God in the background

  18. There is no doubt that the families as they are unfortunately called by the seed of the serpent "Slavic" from the English slave are the Biblical Israel which is not only the truth slowly and laboriously because of the destruction of evidence already discovered today but the norm which itself fits like a perfect puzzle into the history of the world since Adam ....neither their appearance, nor the qualities they do not have, nor even their defects are described in the Bible when it comes to the Israelites... however, the biblical description of the Israelites fits perfectly in every detail to the description of the Caucasian and mostly Eastern European nations... let us not call ourselves Slavs because it is really an insult...We are Israelites... one of the twelve tribes... why the European Union appears as the Tower of Babel on a poster with twelve stars around... because the brood of vipers wants to destroy us all, if not physically then spiritually... it's plain to see...No one cares about the Jews...they are just a Khazar people who from the very beginning of their existence have been engaged in usury and robbery, so they cannot be mentioned in the Bible...they are unworthy of mention and that is why they stole our identity down to the smallest what if they corrupted the what if they bought the traitorous won't do them any good because according to God and the Bible there is no place for them in the next world unless they repent because everyone can benefit...when I look at them as a person spiritually connected to God and Christ it is very always looks to me like a black man who, in order to imitate a Pole, sprinkles flour on himself and tries to drink vodka...he coughs and coughs...there is a lot of dust from this flour which is already turning into dough from tears...a comical my brothers and sisters fear nothing and no one but God the Father...He will come for His people and the rest will be destroyed always listen to the laws engraved in your hearts as this article mentions...peace to you and grace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ

    1. The Slavs are descended from Japheth.
      All of your comments Rob, are unbiblical.
      I'm guessing you haven't read the Bible at all, or in the so-called skimming because you wrote:

      "it doesn't matter that someone out there believes that the Bible describes the Jews because this pseudo nation doesn't fit into a single Bible verse...a"

      Read the book of Chronicles. The deviation itself, the worship of Astarte. Who? Israel.

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