Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Tyson Fury thanks Jesus for beating Klitschko

The video of this statement by Tyson Fury was sent to me by Matthew, but I don't know if I jumped to conclusions because I wrote him that Jesus has nothing to do with beating and boxing money.

By the 22nd second he thanks Jesus


However, I took a look at Fury's statements on the Polish internet.

He said:

"- Jesus is my savior, and I am the heavyweight savior. Goliath was the champion, a monster that no one could win against. But David showed up, a kid who believed in God and defeated him. God gave him strength. I will be honest with you - Wladimir is a devil worshipper, and good always wins over evil - explained in his style."


et al:


"- Everyone portrays me as the outlaw, the bad guy, the villain. They want to make me feel like an idiot, but only my family knows what my real face is. The media is a toy for me. Very cool, but still just a toy.

Tyson also assures that a possible Saturday win won't change him. Money, fame - those are all low on his list of priorities.

- When we got engaged, he was still sleeping in the caravan in my parents' garden and I was home alone at the time. The son of travellers has it in his genes, now after marriage the caravan still accompanies us. He made a lot of mistakes in life, he has something to be ashamed of, but he really likes to help people and make their dreams come true - revealed his wife Paris Mullroy.

On Saturday, will he fulfill his?


He fulfilled. The question is, is it actually for the Glory of Jesus?

On the one hand he lives in Satan's financial system and on the other he Praises Jesus and has a low regard for the media.


I don't know, but in this case I wouldn't limit God. After all, he's not fighting to kill. It's a sport.

It's hard for me to judge such a person unequivocally

Here his other statement:


"Jesus tells me to love my fellow human beings," says Fury. But sometimes it doesn't seem that way. Not when he's comparing homosexuality to paedophilesor threatening to hurt a pesky journalist. Which is a shame, because the 'other' Tyson Fury is intelligent, engaging and actually quite likeable.




Updated: 29 November 2015 — 19:01


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  1. What a mess it's become...

  2. "Not everyone who says to Me: "Lord, Lord!" will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me on that day: "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied by the power of Your name, and cast out evil spirits by the power of Your name, and done many miracles by the power of Your name?" 23 Then I will declare to them: "I never knew you. Depart from Me, you who commit iniquity!"
    In my opinion a classic situation.Just because someone refers to Jesus does not mean they are really his disciple.The Catholic Church, the Great Harlot also refers to Jesus.
    "Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inside they are predatory wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruit. Do you gather grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles? 17 So every good tree bears good fruit, and an evil tree bears evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that beareth not good fruit shall be cut down, and cast into the fire. 20 So then: you shall know them by their fruit."
    Punching your neighbor in the face with all your might for money has nothing to do with Christianity, such sport breaks God's elementary law - you shall love your neighbor.Remember, Detective, how you wrote about the Catholic martial art "arma dei"? You yourself admitted that something like "Christian martial art" is an oxymoron.
    If Tyson truly believes Jesus, he should drop what he is doing as soon as possible.
    A few hours ago you gave a teaching video where the pastor says you can't drink from the cup of God and the cup of demons.You can't be in the middle.

    1. It is not for us to judge who will enter the Kingdom. The judgment belongs to God. God can make a miracle out of the worst cesspool. So we do not know what will happen to this man and what plans God has for him.
      Peter is not in the middle, well we all know that.

        1. Sorry about that:) You're right you can't be in the middle.

          1. but thank you for being willing to defend yourself 🙂

            By your protection I flee, comforter 😀

      1. "For Saturday's fight, Fury is expected to earn $5 million," he said.

        Let him do something very good with at least most of that money then I will believe that what he said was sincere. A true Christian doesn't need that much money, and there are millions of needy people.

        1. well, you see, I didn't know the amount.
          Now it actually remains to wait to see what he does with this

          1. The only question is whether this money has been earned fairly ? If a man can earn very little honestly, and he has earned five million in one night, even if he helps someone, he is doing it because of the Babylonian system - the Antichrist, who has created entertainment that deadens ignorant people, and people going to perdition pay for it themselves, so there is condemnation on that money. It does not matter now what he does with this money, he accepted it from Satan in pursuit of fame risking his own health.

            A Christian silently and humbly cries out and thanks the Lord, not tearfully beating someone in the face. (Sorry for saying that, but it's true)

            "Not everyone who says to me: Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but only he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven." Matthew 7:21

            1. I would withhold judgement until we have information about the use of these millions of dollars, although I opt, as I wrote in the introduction, that "Jesus has nothing to do with beating and boxing money".
              One thing that keeps me from making a final judgement is the Old Testament and the story of David specifically.
              I may be winded in this, but I also don't want to limit the Holy Spirit.
              Let's keep Tyson in mind

      2. This film shows that even atheists who have found some goodwill have been pulled out of the embrace of the devil
        As far as I am concerned it is obvious that this boxer deserves no condemnation!

    2. I subscribe to this. You cannot make two men drink from two cups.

  3. Well, yes, but isn't the message that God leads us to such successes as becoming a World Boxing Champion. The words themselves don't really mean anything, and are in this case such an illusion that going after fame, success and money is good because God helps us do it, which is not true. "18 If the world2 hates you, know that it hated me first. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its property. But because you are not of the world, for I have chosen you for myself from the world, therefore the world hates you."
    Only people who live "The World" come to such successes, so this is not good.

    As far as I'm concerned it's a deception "dressed up in pretty packaging and pretty words". This is what Satan is all about, to create the best possible lie,. It can confuse people because they think God is leading them to it, and when they get to the right door, they find they have to sell their souls. He doesn't convince me. He could at least call himself by a different name, not Fury (fury sudden great anger).
    It's a bit like the international arena with the U.S. portrayed as fighting for world peace while doing a lot of evil in this apparent fight for peace.

    1. I fully agree. Tyson seems to be deceived, but there was a video circulating on the internet of him and Klitschko shaking hands in a Masonic manner before the fight.

      1. It seems to me that the attack is going against Christians. They want to convince born-again Christians that fame, money is good and God expects them to do it, allows them to do it. It's all about deceiving Christians.

        1. Going to a concert or boxing or disco is nothing wrong with a new born-again Christian. They just want to convince Christians to live this world since other pseudo-Christians do too. You know what they mean.

          1. "Going to a concert or boxing or disco is not a bad thing for a born-again Christian."
            Eph 5:8-9
            8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord: walk as children of light! 9 For the fruit of the light is all righteousness and justice and truth.
            1 J 2 15-16
            15 Do not love the world3
            nor what is in the world!
            If he who loves the world,
            there is no love of the Father in him.
            16 For all that is in the world, viz:
            the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of this life4
            does not come from the Father, but from the world.

    1. Well, I was also wondering about the revival of the Ottoman Empire and the new statue of the colossus of Rhodes-Rodos is close to Turkey. It is supposed to be a symbol connecting 3 continents.
      And that throne of Satan in Turkey from Revelation also means something....
      Let him do the will of God, whatever should happen.

      1. Satan's throne was moved from Turkey to Germany.
        First he brought Hitler and his wars to the world. And now the European Union, led by Germany with its sick policies.

        1. This I know, but Revelation concerning the end times speaks of Turkey--I agree, a throne materially moved--but Revelation does not speak of a throne in Berlin.
          Was this information found in John's Revelation for no reason?
          Lately, Turkey has become very active and Erdogan is said to be the reincarnation of Suleiman.

        2. Interesting observation. It all adds up. The Zeus altar was reconstructed in Germany between 1911 and 1930

  4. just as my dad was watching tek boxing yesterday, this boxer was entering the ring and there was music playing in the background and words about Jesus

  5. I think God can use anyone if it pleases Him to do so.

    , "Then the Lord opened the mouth of the donkey, and she said to Bileam: What have I done to thee, that thou hast beaten me thus three times already?" (Genesis 22:28 - Warsaw Bible)

    (I only gave this passage as an example, I'm not saying the Boxers are donkeys or anything like that.)

    I've heard somewhere that Klitschko are entangled more specifically with the devil, I don't know how exactly, I have no evidence of their satanism. Adamek seems to have mentioned this. Interestingly, Adamek invoking Jesus also fought one of the Klitschko brothers, and didn't win. Maybe Tyson Fury's current victory over Klitschko was a symbolic victory for interpretation, a demonstration of what is coming?

    1. "Maybe Tyson Fury's current victory over Klitschko was a symbolic victory to interpret, a demonstration of what's coming?"

      good point.

      That's why I was curious about this Fury in the context of these times. He didn't have to tell HBO and the world who was his Lord and Savior

  6. On a different subject. Have you seen Unicef logo upside down? Write what you associate it with.

    1. haha, good one. I was looking at google recently, here is what I came across....

    2. United Nations (UN) - world divided into 33 sectors (33=number of illuminati). In addition, some see on their flag a model of a flat Earth, where Antarctica [replaced by a wreath] is the end of the world. Each of the two arms of the wreath consists of 13 leaves, which may be a reference to the 13 degrees in the York and Bavarian rites. The arms of the wreath are connected by crossed leaves. And yet the grid that divides the world into 33 sectors looks like a grating behind which society is held

      UN Specialized Organizations:

      International Maritime Organization (IMO) - the same as UN + two crossed anchors. I don't know what it means, similar symbol is on the Vatican flag (crossed keys)

      International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) - a bit of a stretch: an ear that looks like a person or a ghost stuck in flames

      Unicef also has a wreath of 2 x 13 leaves, and when viewed upside down it represents a skull with tibias 🙂

      You could probably play and have fun like that, I just glanced at some examples. It's fun, but maybe there's actually something to it 🙂 I think it's a good idea.

      1. Unicef upside down is a raised hand with a sickle ....

  7. You see, God is one, but faith seems to be different from person to person 😀 .

  8. Paweł_Misiaszek_CCH

    The problem is that it was this Fury, not Klitschko, who had a Goliath-style pep talk before the fight. I mean, he didn't blaspheme God, but he exalted himself over his opponent and generally did marketing before the boxing event - just like everyone else in the business. Besides, from what I have read: he comes from an Irish family, his father is Protestant, his mother is Catholic, Tyson goes to church every Sunday and sometimes reads the Bible... and he is convinced that God himself is standing in his corner.
    Michael_777 >> It's not like he's going to take the whole pot - after all, he has a staff, manager, etc.. He also has different requirements than we do, and yet many of us could lower our living standards considerably... 5k or 5m. - I do not see any difference. If he even donates a large sum of money to a good cause, we should not find out about it - then it will be talking about alms. Otherwise, it will be promoting himself. Aha - Fury bet on himself for 200 thousand pounds - so with the odds over 4 he earned additional half a million pounds...

    1. A Catholic mother and a Protestant father? Such divisions in a marriage 😀 😀

    2. Well I have also read "very positive information" about his Protestant father, among other things:

      His father John " Gypsy " Fury was a big fan of Mike Tyson, so he named his son after the famous American champion "Tyson"[5].

      John Fury, a former professional heavyweight fighter and Tyson's coach in the early stages of his career.
      In February 2011, he was sentenced to eleven years for his involvement in a 2010 street fight in which he deprived his "opponent" of an eye. He was released on February 11, 2014[6].

      Tyson Fury (23-0, 17 KOs) has a new motivational force. It's all about his father John, who will finally leave prison next month.

      Dad trained the current European heavyweight champion early in his professional career. In mid-2010, however, he got into a street fight in which he gouged out his "opponent's" eye. In February 2011, he was sentenced to eleven years, but now - after four - he will live to see an early exit.

      Tyson's father (both pictured) was also a heavyweight boxer. He finished his professional ring career with a record of 8-4-1, and fought his most important fight in October 1991, losing by a third-round knockout to then world champion Henry Akinwande.

      1. and Mike Tyson is a walking demon

      2. However, I am of the opinion that members of the elite here are laughing in our faces. As Detective pointed out there are a lot of contradictions here and they prove deception. Fury represents the very dirty world of boxing, people involved like Don King are referred to as "reptilians" (that's literally how Tyson referred to his former promoter, but Mike, incidentally Islamist Michael Abdul Aziz and thanked allah), boxing is about huge money and the horns gesture has been seen in the ring many times. If Tyson Fury was really a deep believer, he would have vacated the belt and started preaching the Word one way or another. And so there was only trash talk about Klitschko's satanism. Tomek "Góral" Adamek also assures about his deep Catholic faith, although he was running for the European Parliament, and he was even caught for driving a double gas. On such people shout "Don't judge!", and I remember Tyson in some interview during the training camp was happy that there are "Romanian whores" around.

        1. And yet his word about Christ reaches a group of people through this means that could not be reached any other way!

  9. Klitschko and fury shook hands with a masonic gesture ;x a typical handshake so it's clear that fury is mocking jesus ;c the material world does not belong to the savior.

    1. that's right...
      But what's interesting is this verbal declaration about Jesus.

      There are many contradictions in this , but I knowing God from the ST know that He chooses different people for Himself.

      The question is whether this gesture is conscious....

      There are many contradictions between Tyson's lifestyle and statement of faith

      1. And I see it as sort of symbolic saying.
        You want to be a world champion ? Jesus will help you.
        And it also translates to other industries at the same time, because Fury as the world boxing champion also represents fame and success in a broad sense. And a kid watching this will think, "oh then Jesus will help me to be so famous and have a lot of money, even 20 million, it will probably help me to become a Hollywood star like Chuck Norris or Sylvek Stallone, or have a career like Gaga or Rihanna. Fury has been making a career out of fighting for a long time and has become a "symbol of the world". So he gave a message "you want to have a career like mine, Jesus will help you.

    1. He seems to know that hands, in addition to being used to beat one's neighbor, are also used to arrange into occult gestures.

  10. Tyson was the best fighter in the history of HW, Klitschko was good too but he burned out, Fury is a clown, Fury and Klitschko exchanged a Masonic handshake.

  11. Maybe Tyson Fury is being used to promote the attitude of the militant Christian who pours on the the name of the Lord. It is about mentally preparing men for battle, for war supposedly in defense of the faith. After all, Mason Pike's letter is about bringing about a religious war. They must be slowly preparing cannon flesh 🙁 More lies ... and so on endlessly.

    1. a pertinent observation...
      and the drama...

    2. The guy can be sincere, but at the same time this fits into the politics of it,
      Kohelet - "Everything has its time,
      and there's an appointed time
      for all things under heaven...a time of war and a time of peace"

  12. The jokes are over 🙂 .

    1. is that from Sami Swoi?

      1. Being a world champion, he has to advertise many different organizations, he has to be the face of ads, he has to show his character, and before the fight he didn't want to preach Jesus to Klitschko, he just sang him a funeral song. A man born into the kingdom of God, escapes from the world, is a new man,
        And now for everyone's encouragement-
        Our Lord has prepared for you a happiness that is not limited to a time of especially fervent prayer, after which it will disappear when you return to your work and duties, which fill the greater part of your life. Oh, no! The Lord has provided for you a fortified place where you can spend your whole life, every moment, doing your work without losing constant fellowship with Him. This is what the Lord Jesus had in mind when He made His first call: "Come unto Me," He appended this second: "Dwell in Me!"-A . MURRAY

  13. And I don't even remember where I heard it, but I like it a lot 🙂 I do.

  14. Paweł_Misiaszek_CCH

    Crusaders of our time are beating up heathens in the name of "Jesus" who gives them Mercedes for it... Nothing but to put on gloves or grab a gun - Could it be another part of the 3 world wars plan? I eagerly await Fury's statement on Islam....

    1. Exactly, isn't it preparing the stage for, say, the first crusade of the new century according to the Masonic plan? Judging by the level of hatred towards the followers of allah, which spills out from the comments on every one of the internet sites, the formation of an army of pissed off nationalists led by Jesuits does not seem to be something particularly unrealistic. After all, the Catholic Church sometimes talks about Jesus. And the heavyweight boxing champion of the world admires and listens to the world, so maybe they make him mention Jesus to shape the attitude of the young angry ones.

      1. However, I would like to add that, as Klaudia rightly pointed out in her comment posted on Facebook, we cannot definitely exclude the possibility that Fury is being touched by the Spirit of God, that he is opening his eyes and ears to the truth. I can actually believe that the Klitschkos are devil worshippers. The question is who Tyson really worships.

  15. If you think Tyson Fury is a fraud because a true Christian must be poor and humble and lowly, then all European kings were satanists. Doctors are satanists because they take a lot of money for treating the sick and suffering, and therefore very often the poor. In the parable of the prodigal son, the father of the prodigal son was a rich man, yet Jesus did not condemn him. Job was a rich man and God did not condemn him. How about the parable of the talents? There too, God gave one man 10 talents and another man only 1 talent. And in the end the one with one talent was condemned because instead of investing and multiplying his talent, he buried it into the ground. People If Christians were so humble and innocent and peaceful then Europe would be an Islamic continent today. A rich man does not have to serve Satan. Tyson Fury didn't make his money from the misfortune of people like doctors, lawyers or bankers, he made his money from hard and laborious work.

  16. Great post I agree 100%, boxing is the same form of work as other professions, in fact real professional fighters treat each other with respect outside of the fight and treat boxing as a living wage like doctors or other workers, however I think the picture of fury with horns and the masonic handshake does not look accidental

  17. Therefore do not judge and you will not be judged. God uses everyone in His Plan, for doesn't Satan operate under the rules allowed by God? Everyone must have a chance to hear the gospel and accept or reject it before Judgment takes place. Even the NCC works and speaks of Christ throughout the world. Even though it doesn't tell the whole truth, it gives people a chance to want to come closer to it. Unfortunately for most, a short sermon is enough and they don't think about reading the Bible themselves, but they got the chance. Now those who watch boxing on TV get a chance and let them decide what they will do with the name of Jesus. It doesn't matter who Fury is, he is a tool in the hands of God, what he does with it is his business, but through his mouth some people were reminded of the name of Christ. They may have been given one last chance to study the scriptures and relate to what is to come. God will judge all, but first He must give them a chance to know the Truth to be righteous in judgment. What would a pygmy say in a rump on a calm ocean, where no Christians with Bibles would go, if he were to be judged for cannibalism and did not know otherwise? But when he is given a choice and rejects the goodness of the Creator then he is already guilty himself. God commits no sin and will not commit a sin of omission against even the least of these.

    I later found the 2015
    In the Netherlands, there is an association called MARTIJN that seeks to "remove legal barriers" that prohibit adults from having sexual relations with children. The organization, commonly called a pedophile club, wants to be legal. The Dutch Supreme Court rejected the request, so now the pedophiles have gone to the European Court of Human Rights.
    I of2014
    Italy is legalizing pedophilia and introducing criminal penalties of up to four years in prison for "pedophobes" for discriminating against pedophiles, Italian media reported. In addition to "enemies of pedophiles," prison now threatens "enemies of sodomites," "enemies of necrophiles" and "enemies of other genders" in Italy. The law lists a total of 13 types of "genderphobes". Some gender opponents also face a fine of 20,000 euros.
    I know it's not Christian, but I'm just boiling with anger from everything I've found and read.

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