Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Biblical Womanhood (roles in marriage , adorning the Christian woman) - Paul Washer

Note that the lecture is about women, not men and women, although it is hard not to mention the other gender in this situation. Paul is concerting on the neglect of women.


Paul Washer on feminism and women's distorted understanding of submission to men. This lecture shatters the notion that the Bible requires women to be inferior in relationships.

However, we are different from each other so that we each have different roles in a relationship that is one.

"If you haven't succeeded in being a good wife, you won't succeed in being a good mother."


"The man is to lead the children into the kingdom of heaven."

I, for example, read the Bible to my son several times a week and consider life situations. This year when he was with me in the mountains, at the seaside and in Masuria I showed him the work of God's creation, how much we do not appreciate it, how we want to get to know a famous singer, the creator of computer game videos, but no one wants to get to know the author of the sea, mountains, rivers, forests so desirable during vacations...


"'Why should children respect their father when their mother does not respect him. "

This is also the case with wives' in-laws, who disrespect their sons by setting an example for their wives.



"Even if a wife is very pious, she was not made for it.

It was created to grow with us under our guidance, taking our example. If we reject that, we are rejecting something very important."



Here the text about the role of husbands immediately comes to mind:

A man, must lead a family, live a godly life away from the world, If possible celebrate the Sabbath, read the Bible together. He cannot just teach outside, neglecting the family. A man is also to teach his wife.

Paul gives an example of decision making in the family. He says that he does not make decisions alone, but his most trusted advisor on decisions is his wife. I have to admit that, not yet knowing the Bible, I have consulted my wife on important matters.


I know that most wives have men who are not interested in biblical teaching, but in such a situation one should pray for wisdom for the husbands, for their conversion.


"You want your husband to be strong? Respect him.


Women should adorn themselves but in: good works, piety, a submissive spirit.



There is nothing more attractive than a woman whose appearance is characterized by wisdom, discretion, nobility and simplicity, modesty, her pure beauty.


There was a time when people dressed for beauty, now they dress to inspire desire. There used to be distinction, now we have trash.

Updated: 24 November 2015 — 22:25


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    I couldn't help myself - what titles, what humility from the "head of state" of a proud country. 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁

    1. In my opinion, this is a deliberate action to cause conflicts in people's homes. I don't think that the president and his entourage are such idiots that they would release such a text by accident.

      Today at work for 15 minutes I listened to the venomous hatred oozing out. They write such a bullshit, and people are so focused on fighting camps that soon they will be ready to cut each other's throats. Once a point for one camp, once for the other. Hence such actions to heat up the atmosphere. Divide and rule

      1. "Divide and rule" is an old principle functioning for a long time also in our country, in a visible way since 2005 - PiS and PO.
        I think something much bigger and more serious is at stake now. I don't think it's for show anymore.
        Looks like a fief tribute to me. 🙁

  2. ChristianStateOfPoland

    I am fresh from watching "Dating" - Paul Washer. In light of this, I have a question(s) for People in Relationships: Do you have "worldly" wives/husbands? Have you done without dating (with other people) and previous relationships? How and where do you look so you don't get tired later? Have you met after your conversion? Do you all have church weddings in KK rite? Question to those who started from the position of "Convert": How did you "get" your chosen women being deprived of ambitions to conquer this world... I mean, it seems to me that it is hard to find a Woman who does not desire security (especially material security)... Better and better car, bigger apartment, etc.. It is hard to start from the position of "to be" instead of "to have". Or e.g. is it possible to improve oneself physically, exercise etc., i.e. improve one's appearance? I'm not even talking about exuding physicality, but simple improvement... The kind that doesn't overshadow spirituality. I know that many people might have been lucky for example at the school stage... But what to do when this time passes, at university you didn't party and generally 30 years passed under the sign of "diversified education"? Anyway, looking from today's perspective, I think that spiritual people at the school stage (up to secondary school graduation) are a drop in the ocean... I knew maybe 2 such people, and I myself started to change after graduation.

    1. I am still attending school and I have about 1.5 years left, because I am in technical school.It is hard to preach the Gospel and it is very easy to get offended.The worst thing is if you are a social person, you can't stand it by yourself and you can get into the wrong company, although if such a person stands firm in Christ, he will discourage those friends or convert them.

      1. Every suffering here for Jesus is a point for us in the next life. I, for example, regret that I did not meet the Lord earlier, maybe He would have saved me from my youthful interests.

      2. Hah - lucky people!
        I'm only in my second year of middle school so I'll wait.

    2. A lot of these questions 🙂 Maybe it would be worthwhile to delve into what the Creator Himself says - the Scriptures, the NT for starters. Learning the truth and changing your whole lifestyle is a longer process. I think it is worth listening to some of Paul Washer's other lectures. Both my husband and I were Catholics, the process of our conversion is still ongoing and at different stages. Everything can be done and everything can be changed, but only through Christ!

  3. Beautiful lecture I highly recommend 🙂

    Yesterday's Google graphic. I think promoting evolution can be compared to taming star visitors.

  5. Very wise lecture .Not only this one but all other lectures of Paul Washer .Wonderful .I recommend .I come back to them often .
    Well ... now women like to paint their nails black . Tragedy .

  6. "The male embryo becomes a human being after 40 days, the female embryo after 80. Girls are formed from damaged sperm or as a result of moist winds." (St. Thomas Aquinas)

    "Women are designed primarily to satisfy the lusts of men." (John Chrysostom, 349-407, Gr.)

    "Woman is an intermediate being who was not created in the image and likeness of God. It is the natural order of things that woman should serve man." (St. Augustine 354-430 - one of the most eminent fathers of the Church)

    "The value of a woman lies in her reproductive abilities and her ability to be used for domestic work" (St. Thomas Aquinas, sage of the Church, 1225-1275)

    "A woman should veil her face, for it was not made in the image of God." (Ambrose, sage of the Church, 339-397)

    "When you see a woman, remember, she's the devil! She is a kind of hell!" (Pope Pius II, 1405-1464)

    "Women by their very nature are destined for common pleasures." (Capocrates, founder of the monastery)

    "Women are a mistake of nature...with their excess of moisture and their body temperature indicative of bodily and spiritual impairment...they are a kind of crippled, misguided, unsuccessful man...The full realization of the human race is man." (St. Thomas Aquinas)

    "Girls who wear miniskirts will go to hell." (Wild, SJ, 20th century)

    "Only a mourning robe befits a woman. As soon as she has crossed the threshold of mature age, she should veil her bitter countenance, lest she lose her eternal happiness." (Tertullian, Christian writer)

    "In a woman the very consciousness of her existence should cause shame." (Clemens Alexandrinus, 215)

    "Women are not allowed to write or receive letters in their own name" (Synod of Evira, 4th century A.D.)

    "The entire female sex is weak and reckless. It is sanctified only through motherhood." (St. John Chrysostom, 349-407)

    1. Immediately a man (what am I writing! a woman!) morale drops....
      Disgusting in every way!

    2. ChristianStateOfPoland

      @Jakub Berlin
      This all stems from the over-interpretation of the "scribes". Based on the fact that it was Eve who picked the fruit, tasted it and gave it to Adam, they introduce a gradation of guilt/sin. What they fail to note is that almost everywhere they speak of Adam's sin being taken away, e.g., "And yet death spread from Adam to Moses even over those who had not sinned in trespasses like Adam. It is also not insignificant that women as the weak sex (physically) have been dominated by "men"...Interestingly, in the Qur'an the case is somewhat different. - It does not say that Eve induced her husband to commit sin. Eve did not persuade or lead Adam to commit sin. One can conclude that Adam is the first responsible... However, by the beginning of the seventh century, the positions of both sexes were so well established that there was no turning back... Nevertheless, this is a very interesting difference between the Bible and the Qur'an. The division of roles is most welcome, while exploitation from a position of strength and dominance is deplorable and unbecoming of a servant of the Lord. As for the quotes given: "Girls who wear mini-skirts will go to hell." - surely they, and their parents, are not on the right track... The rest of the "wisdom" in the trash 🙂

  7. I don't understand this article?

    what topics are discussed here?
    I think someone just licked the subject superficially.
    If we believe in Christ, we are safe wherever we are. Unfortunately, we make choices out of fear - for our material well-being, for our future. Millions of women are in toxic relationships (even though they are given in the Catholic Church).
    And a woman has to stay in such a relationship? How long can you forgive. And does everyone have to have children? If they haven't found the right partner (a Christian), do they have to throw themselves away and let anyone impregnate them just to please their parents and their friends?
    Can't anyone answer this sensibly?

  8. Children can be obedient and submissive to their parents because they are not mature enough to make responsible decisions for themselves. That is why parents have to make sure that they do not hurt themselves with unwise decisions until they are mature. NO ADULT person in a NORMAL relationship can be subordinate to another! Be it a woman or a man. An adult woman has the same right to decide for herself and be responsible for herself as a man. Following this line of thinking, women should be forbidden to go to school! Why should they study if they will never work anyway and should not think for themselves! Let there be cooking and cleaning schools for girls. They don't need reading either. Their husbands can read to them as they see fit. The right to vote should be taken away from them, since they can't decide for themselves and every married man should have his vote doubled for him and his wife.

  9. Children can be obedient and submissive to their parents because they are not mature enough to make responsible decisions for themselves. That is why parents have to make sure that they do not hurt themselves with unwise decisions until they are mature. NO ADULT person in a NORMAL relationship can be subordinate to another! Be it a woman or a man. An adult woman has the same right to decide for herself and be responsible for herself as a man. Following this line of thinking, women should be forbidden to go to school! Why should they study if they will never work anyway and should not think for themselves! Let there be cooking and cleaning schools for girls. They don't need reading either. Their husbands can read to them as they see fit. The right to vote should be taken away from them, since they can't decide for themselves and every married man should have his vote doubled for him and his wife.

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