Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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An apocalyptic war between Gog and Magog coming soon?

The hypotheses announced 3 years ago are slowly coming true:

This text


""Joel Rosenberg, whose books have been on the New York Times bestseller list, believes that the current nuclear showdown between Israel and Iran may represent the beginning of the fulfillment of the prophecy in the Book of Ezekiel (chapters 38 and 39) concerning the war of Gog and Magog.

According to Rosenberg, a former political adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the biblical prophecy refers to an attack on Israel by a coalition of nations, including Russia and Iran


At the same time, the author states: "I think we have to be careful with predictions. Although it must be said that we have never before witnessed such a situation".

Rosenberg points out that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is guided by Shiite end-time theology, according to which the coming of the Islamic messiah, the twelfth imam, can be hastened by the destruction of Israel.

A former political adviser to Benjamin Netanyahu points out that if Iran obtains nuclear weapons, "it will be able to do in six minutes what it took Hitler six years to do - kill six million Jews."

According to Rosenberg, the Israeli prime minister may want to attack Iran even before Vladimir Putin's presidential inauguration scheduled for May 7. As he states, it is not out of the question that the new Russian president will seek a defense agreement with Tehran

"Putin can say to the Israelis, 'If you attack Iran, it will be considered an attack on the Russian Federation.' It is hard to expect that Prime Minister Netanyahu will decide to expose himself to Russian retaliation," Rosenberg points out.

As he states, in the 38th chapter of the book of Ezekiel, he wrote that Gog - interpreted as a Russian dictator - would lead a coalition of nations in an attack on Israel, triggering God's supernatural intervention.

- It will be a day of great judgment. God will turn His supernatural wrath against Israel's enemies. It will also be a day of great spiritual awakening. When this dramatic prophecy is fulfilled, more Muslims and Jews will believe in Jesus as the Messiah, Rosenberg believes.

He emphasizes that Russia and Iran have never before in history been in such an alliance as they are today.

He also reminds that one of the signs of the end is the acceptance of Jesus by the Jews. He points to data according to which at the end of the 1960s only 2,000-2,000 Jews believed in Christ, while today the number varies between 250,000 and 300,000.

"Never in history have so many Muslims and Jews converted to Jesus," Joel Rosenberg pointed out.



That was all about Iran, but now we have the Syrian problem.

All indications are that we are on the threshold of a war from Ezekiel and Psalm 83

"The immediate event will be the war of Psalm 83 preceding the War of Gog and Magog described in the 38th and 39th chapters of the Book of Ezekiel containing the Russian and Iranian-led attack on Israel prior to the apocalyptic Tribulation period. These chapters set forth several conditions concerning Israel prior to this war. Among them is Israel within the boundaries of Genesis chapter 15: "To your offspring I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates: The Kenites, and the Kenizzites, and the Kadmonites, and the Chetites, and the Perizzites, and the Refaites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Girgazites, and the Jebusites."
<p>Other conditions include Israel's peace with its neighbors and the enormous wealth that some believe Israel will derive from its recently discovered oil reserves.
<p>Walker points out that for these conditions to be met, Israel would have to expand its borders. They would include all of Syria, Lebanon, most of Iraq, Jordan, northern Saudi Arabia and Sinai.
<p>- In my opinion, this cannot happen unless there is a war. So I think the war before the war that will fulfill these goals will be the confederation of 10 countries described in Psalm 83. The Bible says that this confederation will come against Israel and Israel will prevail. The rise of Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan and Saudi Arabia against Israel can only happen if their terrorist organizations launch attacks, not the governments themselves, Walker believes.
The theory of war from Psalm 83 causes controversy in recent years. It began with the publication of the book "Israelestine" by one of the experts - Bill Salus.Russia's role in the end times

Updated: 24 November 2015 — 20:00


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  1. Well, I don't understand. After all, the present Israel is a false Israel, right? Well, how can the prophecy from Ezekiel be fulfilled on him? Could someone translate this for me in layman's terms?

    1. Palnar so in peasant terms as you wrote:

      The territory of present-day Israel, the territory, the land, is the holy Earth God.

      and sacred location God

      There also is Zion, the city of David. 2 Samuel 5:7

      (6) After all, I have set myself a king on Zion, my holy mountain.

      Psalms 2:6

      And on the border of Israel and Syria is the famous Mount Hermon:

      In turn so far satanists could not do anything with this land because:

      1) The land was cleverly divided by God between the Palestinians and the present pseudo Israel.
      2. there are as many as 4 world religions within Israel, such as Islam, Catholicism, the Orthodox Church and Jews.

      Pseudo Israel has not even managed to move the capital from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
      It was all Allah who made the area of present-day Israel untouchable because of these conflicts of the ministries of the various religions.

      So the next attempt to attack not political Israel, but the Land of God will probably be the fulfillment of the prophecy from Ezekiel and this Psalm.
      If political Israel represented God, they would have had Jerusalem all to themselves long ago.

      1. look at the beginning of the famous kidnapping movie Lef Behind, but not the one with cag, just the non-commercial, older one:

        The first 15 minutes is just the Russian attack on Israel. This is the scene from the text you have just read. It brings a tear to my eye when I recall this scene... This is the beginning of the end.
        Israel as Holy Land versus as a political creation is different. Still different are the 12 tribes of Israel

        If this scenario comes to pass, we will have a probable kidnapping soon.

    2. I don't quite understand it either. It would be useful, Peter, to have a separate entry on this topic. Unless you have made one in earlier years? Then send a link, please.

      1. I would also like to join Klaudia's request. It would be very nice, Detective, if you would write a post about how it should look like, more or less, for those readers of your blog who have recently received a glimpse from God. I've been learning the truth since August of this year, and there's so much going on right now that if I sat on the internet all day and read the Bible, it would probably take me more than a month. And I can't afford to do that because I have 3 small children. I want to trust in God with all my heart, but a lot of information just messes with my head and there are moments when I doubt that I'll be a good Christian and that I'll read the signs correctly and won't be deceived 🙁 I'll also add that my husband doesn't believe in God, I've already shown him videos by Kent Hovind and after watching them he was intrigued, but after a few days he still says it's not logical. By the way, since he has been searching for the truth about God, many strange things have been happening in our house: my chain with Mary, which I had from communion, has broken one by one, we have been ill for two weeks, and a week and a half ago (just after watching Kent Hovind's films) my husband had an accident at work, and he is a professional truck driver. He came out of it very well, as only battered. Anyway, my whole life is intertwined with strange circumstances (e.g. two nuns told me that I am going to be a nun and there was a period of time when this thought crossed my mind; I met various people dealing with clairvoyance and numerology) I am getting ready to write my testimony, but something keeps disturbing me.

  2. "Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is guided by Shiite end-time theology," - Do you see how it works? It's a coupled thing, everything is connected, thanks to this "faith" and inspiration such a politician of Turkey and his entourage can contribute to God's plan, but the real one, although from his side he will be convinced otherwise, but it doesn't matter at all, what matters is the objective effect and God's word

    1. So that we don't soon find out that the Eiffel Tower is collapsing....

  3. Yeah, kidnapping into space already. Kidnapping only after the war is over.

    1. Nostradamus, you're right in space, up to 3 heavens and you're right after the attack on Israel.

  4. Or even after the first 3.5 years .

  5. Because it's about to collapse any day now.

  6. And maybe still today who knows .

  7. And when the thousand years are over,
    Satan will be released from his prison. And he will go out to deceive the nations of the four corners of the earth,Gog and Magog,
    to gather them for battle, and their number like the sand of the sea.
    They came up on the face of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city; and fire came down from God out of heaven
    And consumed them." Revelation20:7-9

    Gog or Magog in Scripture means the enemies of God and His people, not a specific nation. This war will take place 1000 after Jesus' second coming when He returns to Earth with the saved. It will be the final battle at Mount Armageddon - which means the place of assembly where the final conflict will take place, which we know from the Scriptures will end very quickly and badly for Satan's followers.

    Joel Rosenberg is either deceiving or has been deceived himself, which is immediately evident when someone separates Jesus' followers into Jews and non-Jews when interpreting the end times.

    1. But Bible scholars divide it into 2 wars of Gog and Magog, from Ezekiel and Revelation.

      1. That's right, in describing this war Ezekiel mentions among other things the prince of Russia (Rosh) as Gog, the leader of the coalition that will invade the land of Israel in the end times.Some translations mention only Mesech and Tubal and omit Russia
        and from this comes the misunderstanding or misinterpretation of this prophecy.(Ezek.Gen.38-39)

  8. Such interesting observations from everyday life. I enter allegro, in the place where always advertised electronics and clothes - weapons without a permit and handy windcheaters 🙂 Is it possible that the demand will increase? The second is that google earth has shaded a chunk of the earth. The blue ball was always blue with a glow around it. Maybe it's just a graphic correction to make it look nicer, but the Earth looks a bit like it's darker 🙂 .

  9. I for one am awaiting the coming of the Lord with all my heart, I have been following this blog, events, etc. closely. But the Holy Spirit has given me some warning. With the first coming of Jesus it was so that those who knew the scriptures, were familiar with the prophecies, what's more - personally talked with Jesus, and the prophecies were being fulfilled literally before their eyes - which is amazing - they DID NOT RECOGNIZE the Messiah. And the first thing Jesus said to His disciples in Matt.24 was "beware lest anyone deceive you". The conclusion of this is that we should be primarily focused on a relationship with Jesus in order to have that inner witness of the Holy Spirit concerning things that happen. This may sound like a cliché, because after all, everyone knows this! But maybe you know what I mean. "Those who seek the Lord understand all things" Pr. 28,5

    1. interesting that 2 days before New Year's...

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