Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

A pyramid the shape of the new Jerusalem? Truth or deception.

The text was translated by Jacek. Thank you and consider it as I sent it to Jacek for translation unsure of the following hypothesis. After all, I myself am betting that the mark of the beast will be a pyramid, which does not preclude Satan's plagiarism full steam ahead.
And one of the seven angels, which hold the seven bowls full of the seven final plagues, came and spoke to me thus: "Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb." And he lifted me up in awe to a great and lofty mountain, and showed me the Holy City Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, having the glory of God. The source of its light was like a precious stone, like jasper with the clarity of crystal: It had a great and high wall,
It had twelve gates, and on the gates were twelve angels, and written names, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel. On the east three gates, and on the north three gates, and on the south three gates, and on the west three gates. And the wall of the City has twelve layers of foundation,
And on them the twelve names of the twelve Apostles of the Lamb. And he that spoke with me had a golden reed as a measure, to measure the City, and its gates, and its wall. And the City is arranged in a quadrangle
And its length is as great as its breadth. And he measured the city with a reed through twelve thousand stadia: its length, its breadth, and its height are equal. And he measured the wall thereof an hundred and forty-four cubits: the measure of an angel is the measure of a man. And his wall is built of jasper,
and the City is pure gold to pure glass. And the layers of foundation under the City wall
are decorated with all kinds of precious stones. The first layer - jasper, the second - sapphire, the third - chalcedony, the fourth - emerald, the fifth - sardonyx, the sixth - yarrow, the seventh - chrysolite, the eighth - beryl, the ninth - topaz, the tenth - chrysoprase, the eleventh - hyacinth, the twelfth - amethyst. And the twelve gates were twelve pearls: each gate was of one pearl. And the marketplace of the city was pure gold like transparent glass. And I did not see a temple in it: for its temple is the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb. And the City does not need the sun or the moon to shine upon it,
For the glory of God has illuminated it, and its lamp is the Lamb. And in his light shall the nations walk,
And the kings of the earth shall bring their pomp into it. And in the daytime its gates shall not be shut:
For there shall be no more night there. And they shall bring into it the splendor and the treasures of the nations. And nothing unclean shall enter it, nor he that commits abomination and lies, but only those written in the Lamb's book of life." Revelation of John 21: 9-27




New Jerusalem is a crystal pyramid


In the Revelation of Jesus Christ, in chapter twenty-one we read: "And the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, I saw coming down out of heaven from God, adorned like a bride adorned with jewels for her husband." (v.2.), and that "The source of its light was like a precious stone, as though it were jasper with the clarity of CRYSTAL". (v.11.) From this description it is evident that the New Jerusalem is crystalline. This most beautiful of jewels needs neither sun nor moon - "And the City needs neither sun nor moon to shine upon it, for the glory of God has lighted it, and its lamp is the Lamb." (v. 23.) In other words, Jesus, the Lamb or Messiah of God literally lights up this city because He is the light of life (John 8:12). The light of Jesus from within the city in which He lives penetrates the walls of the city into the outside world and the worlds.


Again, it is written "And the layers of the foundation under the wall of the City are decorated with all kinds of precious stones. The first layer is jasper, the second is sapphire, the third is chalcedony, the fourth is emerald, the fifth is sardonyx, the sixth is yarrow, the seventh is chrysolite, the eighth is beryl, the ninth is topaz, the tenth is chrysoprase, the eleventh is hyacinth, the twelfth is amethyst. And the twelve gates were twelve pearls: each gate was of one pearl. And the marketplace of the city was pure gold, like a GLASS OF THINKING" (w. 19-21). Everything is transparent, translucent and beautiful, radiating God's light.


Indeed, even the streets are made of pure gold as if they were transparent glass (v. 21), and what is glass in nature if not crystal, it has that texture. I mean there is even a river of water flowing from the Throne of God, clear as CRYSTAL, while the Throne itself is described by Ezekiel in these words (1:26): "Above the vault that was over their heads was something, o it had the appearance of sapphire, and it had the shape of a throne, and on it was like the outline of the figure of a man.", so it seems easy to see that the New Jerusalem is a crystal, even if we stick to the recognized books of the Bible, without going to the Book of Henoch (r. 14) and beyond.


Consider, however, the shape of the New Jerusalem. Do you think it was a giant HEAVEN as John described it, measuring 12,000 furlongs high and 12,000 furlongs long (1 furlong equals 201 m-note.)? 12,000 furlongs equals 2 million 412,000 metres, quite a lot more than the height of Mount Everest, a peak only about 9.5 km above sea level. So did John see the dimensions of the base of the SIXTH CITY and the area it occupies in three dimensional space?


For we must remember that if [New Jerusalem] is crystal, then the natural crystal arrangement designed by their Creator, the Lord, as in the case of quartz crystals, is PIRAMID in shape. Besides, this pyramidal shape would be much more consistent with the vast number of Bible verses that depict the kingdom or house of God as a MOUNTAIN, which is also the reason why it is called "the mountain of the house of God."


Again, wouldn't a pyramid be much more beautiful than a cube sitting on a circle of earth? Furthermore, it comes from the beautiful golden division, also known as the "divine proportion", or the "golden number fi". This proportion (1.618...) is incorporated into the side of a perfect pyramid, as in the case of the miniature model of the great pyramid at Giza. It represents a fake version (1/10000) of the New Jerusalem, using these sacred dimensions and proportions, since it is no coincidence that this pyramid is 241.4016 m long at its base, which corresponds to the 12746.00448 km diameter of the Earth (in the original 792 feet long base corresponding to 7920 miles in diameter of the Earth.). Nor is it a coincidence that its height of 154 m (in the original 504 feet.) (square root fi 1.272) correlates with Plato's sacred number of 1x2x3x4x5x6x7 or 5040. We will come to these correlations later, but suffice it to say that the beauty of divine proportion ensures that the New Jerusalem will not just be a crystal, but a CRYSTAL PIRAMID. For geometrically, a pyramid is a shape that unites static and living geometry, straight lines and curves, flat two-dimensional surfaces, and in space, three-dimensional ones. Pyramids are the link between the physical and spiritual dimensions, clearly being the ideal choice for our eternal home.


But on the other hand it is not only a beautiful place to live, but it also resonates like a crystal, because as we all know we could not use these computers now if it were not for the resonance, or memory properties of pyramidal crystals. This resonance allows the Lord to bring back to our memory everything that we need to know, and also allows us to display any information anywhere in the universe. Therefore, how much more appropriate that the Lord's headquarters should be so complex and shaped. Perhaps it is for this reason that artists depict the New Jerusalem as a pyramid, and therefore for reasons as mathematical, aesthetic, and functional, it must also be a CRYSTAL PIRAMID.


What a beautiful place to spend eternity, wouldn't you agree?


Satan uses the pyramid symbol because it sermons everything that belongs to God, especially His holy house in Heaven. And the only one who has an all-seeing eye is GOD, not Satan.


It is speculated that because the New Jerusalem is ten thousand times larger than the Great Pyramid at Giza, the New Earth may be ten thousand times larger than the current Earth to accommodate it (the sun is currently ten thousand times larger than the Earth).

Updated: 20 November 2015 — 17:17


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  1. Picture text: Christ is the cornerstone, and our husband and wife relationship is a reflection of the relationship between Christ and the church. We too have this relationship between our body and our head. All of this comes together in terms of what I believe the New Jerusalem will look like. As the church, we are the body of Christ, and He is its head. The New Jerusalem is therefore our dwelling place. Being adorned like a bride would make sense because we, being the bride, will be residing there with the Father and Christ.

  2. The author of this article says so: The shape of the New Jerusalem cannot be a cube as John saw in the vision, because the pyramid is more beautiful and resembles a precious stone hahaha what a Catholic trick again, the argument that something is more beautiful allows the author to any interpretation massacre

  3. The pyramid does not spoil for me the words that the new Jerusalem will be surrounded by a wall some meters high. The sides of the pyramid are beveled (?).
    Old age is no joy - I understand less and less... 🙂 .

    1. Danzig Bible quote:16 The city lies in a square, so its length is equal to its width. And he measured the city with a measuring rod into twelve thousand stadia; its length, its breadth, and its height are all equal. you have to be binary in geometry math to not understand the description . The cornerstone was never a triangle!!!!

      1. Rafał from Wrocław

        I don't know what the New Jerusalem will look like, but the description you gave doesn't disqualify the pyramid. Both the pyramid (pyramid) and the cube (prism) 'lie' on a square - their base is a square. A pyramid does not lie on a triangle.

  4. Computer animation of the appearance of New Jerusalem:

    1. and that's probably closer to me after all

      1. I think so too, although it is hard to imagine the beauty of this Holy City and its magnificence.
        I was still very moved by a piece like this yesterday:


        1. I mean, in my opinion it won't be as fake as in this video, but the things described in it will probably look more or less like this.

    1. Now anything is possible.

  5. Sun is not 10k times bigger than Earth. It has a diameter of less than 80 km max and is up to 4000km above us and no further the moon is similar it is very easy to calculate this yourself and the internet is full of evidence for this. Just the fact that no one is able to cross the firmament and when they return the "ships" are covered with glass. I don't believe that the sun is bigger than the moon and they are at a perfect distance from each other to overlap during an eclipse, it's not like that anywhere... (...) both above and below...

    1. These calculations are wrong, I checked. The error is that it doesn't take into account that a stick stuck at the tropic and a stick at the equator must be parallel to each other.

      here is a link to an overview picture I made for someone once:

      here is the simulator view of the curvature of the earth at the height of 18 km:

      There are a lot of lies they tell us, but the earth is a sphere

    2. I was curious about your comment: what does glass-covered ships mean?

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